Friday 30 November 2012

No Mercy 2004

- October, December and May PPVs generally suck so far 95% of the PPVs my sisters chosen for me to review have been from these months, will this be a good one?

- October 3rd, East Rutherford, New Jersey
- Buys - 183,000
- Attendance - 10,000

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Luther Reigns (w/ Mark Jindrak)
-Reigns and Jindrak are Kurt Angles lackeys
 Clothesline by Reigns and Eddie responds with a thumb to the eye. Gorilla Press Slam gets Reigns 2. Eddie gets a side headlock but Reigns suplexes out of it. Backbreaker into a submission by Reigns then a hard powerslam gets 2. Nice bit where Reigns has Eddie in a reverse DDT position so Eddie climbs the ropes to flip out of it, now Eddie starts a comeback. Eddie steals a baton from a officer/security and hides it in his boot. Eddie misses a Fogsplash then hits Reigns with the baton, Frogsplash ends it. *1/2 Long and boring, Eddie stealing the baton was good and i'm glad Eddie won.

Cruiserweight Title - Spike Dudley (c) (w/ Dudleyz) Vs. Nunzio
 They roll on the mat. Couple of hiptosses by Nunzio, Spike gets a hammerlock but Nunzio uses momentum to throw him to outside which he follows up with a dive over the top. Full nelson by Spike but Nunzio fights out. Mid air dropkick gets Spike 2. Sicilian Slice by Nunzio but Spikes foot is on the rope. Bubba sneak attacks Nunzio and Spike wins. *1/2 A whole lot of nothing, crowd were deader than me at a dr.who convention.

Billy Kidman Vs. Paul London
- Kidman, I think legitimately, injured Chavo Guerrero with a SSP (Shooting Star Press) so he stopped doing it. London/Kidman were tag champions but they lost the belts and one week Kidman cracked London with a chair.
 Billy comes to the ring in a ridiculous jacket, he's heel. Quick start to he match. London gets 2 off a heel kick. Kidman's on the outside so London spingboards to the second rope and moonsaults over the top, that was good. Billy throws him ribs first into the turnbuckle and starts to work the mid-section. Gutbuster gets 2 then he goes back to working the ribs. London mounts a comeback and gets 2 off an enziguri, Paul goes for a powerbomb but Kidman counters to a BK Bomb, Tazzs call. London gets another 2 off a hurricanrana. Billy gets a dropkick when London runs the ropes he then goes up for a SSP but stops himself. London's all i'll show you how and does one himself but Kidman gets his knees up, which enables Kidman to finally hit his own SSP. Post Match - London is bleeding out of the mouth so when he's strapped onto a backboard and defenceless Kidman hits another SSP. ***1/2 I enjoyed the match, not much more to say really, Kidman was a good heel here Vs. London.

WWE Tag Titles - Rene Dupree/Kenzo Suzuki (c) Vs. Rey/RVD
 Pre-Match Kenzo "sings" Born In The USA. RVD, Rene trade counters to start. Rey gets 2 on Rene off a dropkick. RVD, Rey do stereo somersault planchas onto the champions. RVD is worked over by the champions until he manages to get a kick on Kenzo and tags Rey who beats on the aforementioned Kenzo but Rene stops Rey hitting 619. Rolling Thunder by RVD. Rey hits 619 but when he goes for the springboard Rene pushes him off and Kenzo gets the 3 by using the ropes. ** - Was okay, they had a better match two months later at Armageddon.

Kurt Angle Vs. Big Show
- Angle shot Show with a tranquilizer then shaved him bald and if that doesn't make you angry nothing will.
 Show overpowers Angle who escapes to ringside. Suplex by Show then a gorilla press slam, Angle leaves through the crowd and lets the ref count him out but Theodore Long restarts the match telling Angle that if he doesn't wrestle he is fired, Angle trips on his way to the ring to add suspence, what a pro. Headbutt by Show followed by slaps to Angles chest, Angle gets a chair but Show punches it in his face. Angle counters Chokeslam into an Ankle Lock with a grapevine. REF BUMP!! as Show kicks Angle off him, chair shot to Shows knee, leg lock by Angle who then uses a type of spinning toe hold to continue working over Shows knee/lrg. Angleslam gets 2, Kurt gets the tranquilizer gun but Show snaps it. Facefirst powerbomb by Show and a Chokeslam with Angle on the top rope ends it. *** Enjoyable for a Big Show match, better than I thought it'd be. May of been more effective had Show squashed Angle ala Backlash 2000, not a complaint an observation.

Best Of 5 - US Title - Booker-T (C) Vs. John Cena
-The score is 2-2 so this is a decider. Cena brown noses by wearing old school Nets jersey, this is when Cena was a tolerable midcarder.
 Drop toe hold by Booker but Cena responds with a clothesline over the top rope. Spinebuster gets the Bookman 2, as does a trhust kick and a suplex. Fisherman-esque suplex by Cena but Booker responds with a flapjack. Cena starts a comeback, 5 Knuckle Shuffle then he pumps his reeboks but gets Bookendede. FU and the fat lady just sang on Bookers title reign. *1/2 I found it boring. Cena signs the jersey and thropws in the crowd.

Dudleyz/Dawn Marie Vs. Charlie Haas/Rico/Miss Jackie
- Wow Haas career went down after Team Angle.
 D'von sneak attacks Haas who then gets two armdrags and a dropkick. Jackie beats on Dawn. Rico kisses Bubba so he leaves but comes back to crotch Rico. DDT by Rico. Haas beats on Dudleyz, Rico blind tags in and gets a crossbody to D'von for 2. Dudleyz goes for Waasssup but Rico acts like he wants it so D'von refuses to do it. Moonsault by Rico ends it. ** That's a * better than I thought it'd be.

WWE Title - Last Ride Match - JBL (c) Vs. Undertaker
- An ambulance, casket match with a hearse. This is a re-match from SummerSlam, I can't remember it but I doubt 'Taker put JBL over so it was either a stipulation match or a DQ ending, note that this is a stip match.
 Taker beats on JBL, he beats on him some more then goes Old School. JBL gets a shot in but it's no sold and Taker continues the beatdown. My god JBL gets some offence but then is Chokeslammed. Apron leg drop by Taker and Cole says the crowd is stunned, commentator talk to cover a dead crowd. Hold the phone, JBL is getting continued offence in. Shoulderblock off the top by JBL, Taker locks in a triangle choke. JBL is backdropped on the outside. Tombstone on the step and JBL is cut. Chairshot to Undertaker but JBL is again Chokeslammed, this time through a table. Heidenreich comes out the hearse and uses ether on Undertaker but he sits up in the hearse but a Clothesline From Hell finishes him off. Post match - Heidenreich drives a car into the hearse an we get a TV movie type explosion.* The beating JBL took was almost on bar with one a babyface would take before a big comeback. Taker can't even lose clean when he doesn't even need to be pinned, very boring, crowd were dead. Cowboy + Poetry Reading Nutjob beats Zombie. Post match Heidenreich drives a car into the hearse an we get a TV movie type explosion.

16.5 / 40 - Kidman/London and Angle/Show were good but two good matches don't make a PPV thumbsupable. Poor/Average PPV, yet again.