Thursday 13 December 2012

Survivor Series 2004

- November 14th, Cleveland, Ohio
- Buys - 325,000
- Attendance - 7,500

Cruiserweight Title - Spike Dudley (c) Vs. Rey Mysterio Vs. Billy Kidman Vs. Chavo Guerrero
 Rey/Spike and Billy/Chavo pair off fighting to start. Spike, Billy work together until Billy dropkicks him. Hurricanrana to Chavo then an armdrag by Rey. Rey hurricanrans Kidman off the apron, nice, nice. Spike jumps over the top but Rey and Chavo just move aside so Spike hits the floor. Tower Of Doom spot as Chavo superplexes Spike whilst Kidman electric chairs Chavo. 619 to Spike but Kidman stops the springboard part, then Chavo Gory Bombs Spike but Kidman breaks the pin with a springboard legdrop and Spike pins Chavo. **1/2 - Nothing much of note happened at first really but it did pick up nearer the end, more style over substance as they squeezed a long match into a short one.

Intercontinental Title - Christian (w/ Tomko) Vs. Shelton Benjamin (c)
 Waistlock takedown by Benjamin. Christian calls for a lock up but instead kicks Benjamin, he knocks him down but Benjamin kips up. Christian slaps Benjamin so he slams Christians head against the mat, take that bi-yatch. Monkey flip but Benjamin lands on his feet. Tomko distracts Benjamin so Christian can sneak attack him but it fails. Christian now has the advantage, Benjamin does get a crossbody but Christian is back in contol straight after. Tomko cheapshots Benjamin, then Christian gets 2 off a tornado DDT. Benjamin starts a comeback and gets 2 off a russian leg sweep then a Tully Blanchard-esque slingshot suplex gets another 2 but he misses a splash and gets DDTd. Tomko sneaks in but his boot only gets 2. Benjamin counters Unprettier and a T-Bone ends it. ***1/2 - Fun match. Benjamins athleticism is out of this world and Christians a great veteran for Benjamin tio work with.

Kurt Angle/Carlito/ Luther Reigns/Mark JIndrak Vs. Big Show/John Cena/RVD/Eddie

Spoiler but who cares.
 Cena beats on Jesus, Carlitos homie, and goes after Carlito backstage and Carlito jacks a car and drives away, is that the first ever pre-match elimination. Show throws Jindrak in the ring and the bell sounds. Weird psychology start as the faces are up 4-3. Rolling thunder to Jindrak gets 2. Eddie does a headscissors and armdrag combo to Reigns and Jindrak. The heels beat on Eddie. Angle belly-to-bellys Eddie who has been singled out for a while now but Jindrak, Reigns offence is a bit boring. Eddie hurricanranas Jindrak and tags RVD who beats on Angle but Angle sneaks a roll up on RVD and eliminates him (3-3). Straight after RVD goes Eddie pins Jindrak (2-3). Chokeslam and it's goodnight Reigns (1-3). Angle counters a chokeslam to an Anklelock. Angle tries to leave but RVD cuts him off. FU and FrogSplash spell Au Revouir for Angle. (0-3). **1/2 - I think the eliminations came to quick for my liking, Jindrak, Reigns offence was boring aswell. 

Heidenreich Vs. Undertaker
- At No Mercy ( ether and driving a car into a hearse didn't put away 'Taker as Heidenreich is just someone else for 'Taker to bury as he had nothing else to do.
 Staredown to start then 'Taker fires off punches. 'Taker tries to go old school but Heidenreich low blows him as heyman distracts the ref.  'Reich gets some punches in outside the ring but 'Taker throws him into the ringsteps and is back in control then hits his apron legdrop spot. This time Taker hits oldschool but he misses a boot in the corner and 'Reich gets some offence, my god Heidenreich has some sustained offence then he misses an elbow. Snake eyes, big boot by Deadman. Bossman Slam gets Heidenreich 2. Taker hits a Last Ride as 'Reich does some corner punches but a rope break stops the pin. Chokeslam, Tombstone however ends it. Post Match Undertaker stares at 'Reich as if shocked at the fight he put up that's also probably the most Undertaker was willing to put him over. *1/2 Long, boring, dragging. The feud continued as they had a casket match at Royal Rumble 2005, yes that's right another speciality match where 'Taker can avoid jobbing.

Womens Title - Trish Stratus (c) Vs. Lita
 Lita walks up to Trish and just punches her, oh it's on. Lita punches and kicks Trish then drop toe holds her into a chair and hits her with it causing a DQ. URA - Cant rate a match that lasted a minute or so, but heel trish would get 5 *s, bro.

WWE Title - JBL (c) Vs. Booker-T
- JBL was a comic book heel so I wouldn't be surprised if there was a slight racism feel to the build up for cheap heat also this is the PPVs main title match as the WHC isn't on the line later.
 Even start but Booker soon gets the advantage. JBL gets a foot in the match by attacking Booka as he enters the ring, crowd is dead bar say 4 people chanting for Booker. Orlando Jordan sneak atatcks Booker which allows JBL to take control. JBL heads up top but Booker stops him and hits a superplex. Booker beats on Jordan then Bookends JBL on the outside. Missile dropkick gets Booker 2. Orlando Jordan stops Bookers Scissor Kick Ref Bump! Orlando gets a chair but Josh Matthews makes the save. Scissor Kick connects but Orlando pulls the 2nd ref out. JBL hits Booker with the title and gets 3. ** - I thought it was boring, better than JBLs series with Undertaker but that's not saying much. Booker wouldn't win a major title until his King Booker gimmick in 2006.

Orton/Benoit/Jericho/Maven Vs. HHH/Batista/Snitsky/Edge (w/ Flair)
- Winners get control of RAW, for 1 week each. HHH is WHC also Maven was taken out earlier by Snitsky.
 Benoit gets the better of Edge to start. Orton beats on HHH until he hits the high knee. Powerlsma by Batista gets 2. Benoit beats on the heels, multiple germans to HHH, he suplexes Edge on HHH then hits a double diving headbutt. Pedigree to Benoit ends his night (2-4). HHH/Snitsky argue over who tagged in. Flair stops Jericho hitting the Lionsault and is ejected. Spinebuster by Batista to Jericho but Orton hits
him with the WHC and an enziguri finishes him (2-3). Edge, HHH beat on Orton outside the ring. Maven appears making it 3-3 and beats on Snitsky, HHH and Edge until Snitsky cracks Maven with a chair for a DQ (3-2) before he goes he attacks Jericho and Orton, reminded me of Judgment Day 2000 when HHH sacrificed a fall via DQ to weaken Rock, HHH pins Maven (2-2). Jericho backdrops put of a Pedigree but is Speared for 3. (1-2), seemed mis-timed as Edge ran the ropes twice. Edge, HHH have the numbers advantage and beat on Orton, Edge gets some slaps in and a HHH DDT gets 2. Orton manages to weather the storm by powerslamming Edge, he gets 2 off a roll up but HHH spinebusters him. Heel miscommunication as Edge Spears HHH and gets RKOd for 3. (1-1). HHH lowblows out of an RKO of his own but Orton RKOs out of a Pedigree and gets 3. **** - I like multi man tag matches and this was no exception, even though the crowd weren't into it, was better when there was less people left.

16 / 30 - Didn't rate Lita/Trish. An okay Survivor Series due to RAW as the main event and Benjamin/Christian were the best things here. Taker/'Reich turned out as expected which isn't good. Thumbs in the middle for this show as where RAW side of things were good SMACKDOWN! things dragged it down.