Thursday 28 March 2013

Survivor Series 2002

November 17th, NYC, New York.
Ateendance: 17,930
Buys: 340,000

Opening video is Brock/Show then Bischoff narrates about the Chamber.

Tables Match - Bubba/Spike/Jeff Hardy Vs. 3 Minute Warning/Rico
 3 Minute Warning was Rosey (pre Superhero) and Jamal (AKA Umaga - RIP). Faces clear the ring, Spike hurricanranas Jamal then does the Waaaasup then Jeff does a leg drop variation to Rico. Rosey spears himself through a table then fails to catch Jeff on a crossbody when I think he was meant to (the fact Jeff bounces off them hilariously and the crowd shout You Fu**ed up point to that). Spike goes for the Acid Drop/Dudley Dog but 3MW catch him and slingshot him through a table (2-3). Bubba and Jeff fight back but the numbers advantage soon has the heels in control. Jeff uses the Royal Rumble 2000 Tables finish (Stop! Cheap Plug Time - to eliminate Rosey (2-2). Jeff goes for his barricade run but Jamal throws a table at him, then does a splash from the top to the outside to eliminate Jeff, who may be flattened in a Wile E. Coyote way (1-2). Bubba's sat up top so Jamal goes to hurricanrana him but is instead Powerbombed (1-1). Rosey reappears and belly to bellies Bubba who's beaten on 3-on-1 until D'Von makes the save, 3D finishes Rico at 13:53. *** - Surprisingly enjoyable opener here, D-vons appearance was significant as Dudleyz were split up in the draft of '02, also they're using the opposite the hard camera entrance. (ie the best though I believe it is no longer there after an MSG makeover) 

Saliva sing a song from WWE: New York as I fast foward.

CruiserWeight Title - Jamie Noble (w/ Nidia) (c) Vs. Billy Kidman
 Billy The Kid debuts a new theme. Kidman goes for quick pins so Noble bails ringside. Neckbreaker gets Noble 2, he's in top so far but Kidman starts a comeback including a DVD style neckbreaker for 2 but Nidia pulls Noble out to avoid the SSP. Noble runs into Nidia then a CK Bomb, like D-Los Sky High, gets 2. Noble rolls through a backslide and hits a Tiger Bomb for 2, he hits a sick DDT like Ortons off the top for 2 but Kidman doesnt give it the selling it deserves and soon knocks Noble off the top and finishes with Shooting Star Press at 7:28. **1/2 - It was alright, I really liked Nobles DDT near the end. (That was a wicked DDT that shouldn't of been brushed off by Billy Cena)

Angle says if Billy freakin' Kidman can win gold so can he and Benoit.

Womens Title - Hardcore Rules - Trish Stratus (c) Vs. Victoria
 Victoria attacks Trish as she takes her coat off. Trish dodges broom shots then monkey flips Victoria with it but she flips back and chokes her. Victoria is on top so far including whipping Trish into a trashcanm, speaking of trashcans Victoria puts one between the ropes but Trish slingshots her underneath it. Kendo stick shots to Victoria but she more or less shrugs them off, she heads up top but a trashcan lid sends her ringside. They seem to blow a bulldog spot, then a fire extinguisher fails to go off the first time but when it does Victoria hits a snap suplex for 3 at 7:02. **1/2 - Good llittle hardcore match but that bulldog was bad, I thought Trish would win.

Heyman says he's nervous about Brocks chances tonight.

WWE Championship - Brock Lesnar (c) Vs. Big Show
 Shows hand is in a cast and Lesnars ribs are taped. 'Lets Go Lesnar' chant. Show tosses Lesnar like a doll but is then speared. They go ringside where Brock is rammed into the post, back in Lesnar hits a german then a overhead release belly to belly after a Ref Bump! Chairshot followed by a super F5 which brings MSG to it's feet and gets a pop but Heyman pulls the ref out, Swerve!! Lesnar chases Heyman but is soon Chokeslammed on a chair by Show for 3 at 5:01. ** - Short but sweet, I digged the F5 very much. (Forgot to note the ref very plainly bumps Heyman when running in as if to signal i'm here it's time to pull the swerve, it could of been an accidental bump, you know what refs are like for not seeing things/people but didn't look it)

WWE Tag Team Titles - Edge/Rey (c) Vs. Benoit/Angle Vs. Los Guerreros
 This people is the SMACKDOWN! 6, also it's elimination rules. Guerreros rile the other teams up then leave them to fight it out, I liked that (Oh character building whatever happened to you). Hurricanrana, flapjack then legdrop by Rey to Benoit. Chavo kips up but Edge dropkicks him down again. Eddy beats on Rey but then is monkeyflipped so Angle tags in. Woah, Angle throws Rey to the top but he loses his balance and falls almost landing on his head, that obviously could've been really bad. Belly to belly suplex gets Kurt 2, he tries for an AngleSlam but Rey armdrags him. Benoit/Angle have isolated Rey, he eventually tags Eddy after he flips out of a german and heel kicks Angle. Edge is Ankle Locked and Crossfaced until Rey makes the save. Variation of the tower of doom as Eddy sunset flips Benoit who germans Edge. Frogsplash to Edge but a diving headbutt breaks the pin. Chavo hits Benoit with a tag belt and makes it look like Angle did it, a Spear eliminates Angle/Benoit at 13:07. Los Guerreros isolate Edge using frequent tags, this lasts awhile until Edge hits a double flapjack and tags Rey, now the champions dominate, a top rope hurricanrana to Eddie almost ends it. Chavo hits Rey as he goes for the springboard part of the 619 so Eddy locks in Laso From El Paso for the submission at 19:25. ***1/2 - Good match but not great. I maybe would of given it **** were it not for the cheap eliminations via belt shots.

Scott Steiner debuts by beating up Matt Hardy and Chris Nowinski. (oh how quickly the fans would turn on Steiner and rightfully so given his performances) 

WHC - Elimination Chamber - Jericho Vs. HBK Vs. Kane Vs. Booker-T Vs. HHH (c) Vs. RVD
 First ever Elimination Chamber, I wont describe the layout as you should know by now. Bischoff explains the rules as he lightly taps the 'bulletproof' glass. Saliva play Jericho to the ring, it'd be remiss not to mention HBKs attire he has Crap like brown pants and a ridiculous bobbed cut, 90s HBK would be shaking his head. HHH Vs. RVD to start. RVD avoids an early Pedigree by backdropping HHH onto the steel then he repeatedly throws him into the steel cutting HHH. Rolling Thunder over the ropes onto the steel, he heads onto Jerichos pod but Jericho pullshis foot through the top, speaking of Jericho he enters at 5:00, he goes after RVD as HHH rests, RVD jumps at Jericho but he moves so Rob lands on the steel wall ala Spiderman. Harley Race knee to RVD now Y2J/HHH have an alliance, RVD's fighting back until HHH DDTs him. Booker's in at around 10:00 he clears the ring so Spinaroonis, RVD gets 2 off a heel kick. Scissor kick to HHH then RVD 5 Star Frog Splashes him off the chamber pod, we found out later that this injured HHHs Larynx and he had trouble breathing. Missile dropkick by Booker eliminates RVD a 13:37, well that's lame. Bulldog to Booker but the Lionsault is avoided and Jericho is alabama slammed. Kane is in at about 15:10, he's dominant and throughs Jericho through a pod. Chokeslam to Booker then a Lionsault eliminates him at 17:40, Y2J is busted from the pod. Not much noteworthy is happening. HBK in at 20:22 he backdrosp Jericho but Kane clotheslines him down. Chokeslams for HHH, HBK and Jericho, Kane goes to Tombstone HHH but is hit by Sweet Chin Music which he sits up from but a Pedigree and a Lionsault finishes him at 22:52. HBK is beaten down as fans chant for him, HHH cuts him by grinding him into the steel. HBK kips up but is bulldogged however the Lionsault only gets 2, HBK almost gets 3 from a moonsault. HHH stops Jericho pinning HBK he tries for a Pedigree but it's countered to the Walls Of Jericho but he is hit by Sweet Chin Music and eliminated at 30:42. Spinebuster gets HHH 2 then Michaels is slingshotted through a chamber pod. Elbow off the chamber connects but SCM is blocked and a Pedigree gets 2, another Pedigree is attempted but countered and Boom Sweet Chin Music gets 3 at 39:20 earning HBK his last World Title Reign. ***1/2 - Was going to give it **** but it lasted a bit long and was slow in places, crowd popped for Michaels. (If I rewatched this I may be tempted to go ****)

17 / 30 - That's about right around 50%. I would recommend the PPV though as WWE Tag Titles and WHC are good and nothing on the card is actually bad, average yes but not bad. Thumbs up from P-Dawg.