Tuesday 4 June 2013

No Mercy 1999

File:No mercy 1999.jpg* Ladder match review is weird as the computer ballsed up.
- October 15th, 1999.  Cleveland, Ohio
- Ateendance: 18,742
- Buyrate: 0.80.

- Opening video is all about HHH being a bad mamma-jamma.

Godfather Vs. Mideon (w/ Viscera)
 Godfather beat Mideon on SMACKDOWN! and now fans have to pay to watch the rematch. Powerslam by Godfather who starts the match better. He halts the Ho Train as Viscera is with the hos. Cheapshot by the future Big Daddy V alloes Mideon to take control, well a sleeper and a clothesline. Crowd are dead but so would I be if I was in Cleveland, Pat 1 - Ohio 0. Viscera gets more cheapshots, about 10 people boo Viscera, his biggest heat. Godfather's fighting back scoopslam and legdrop gets 2. Mideon blocks a VaderBomb. Ho Train wakes the crowd up and a roll up gets 3 at 7:30. Tim White is dancing with the Hos. * - Boring, sat through that for a roll up. On Ohio scale i'd call this The Browns.

We see a HHH interview from Heat and it's a 99 special. Long and uhhh ramblin uhhhh.

Womens Title - Fabulous Moolah (w/ Mae Young) Vs. Ivory (c)
 People moan about todays matches well look at this. Dropkick by Ivory. Moolah gets 2 off a snapmare then misses a middlerope splash. Ivory decks Mae Young then hits a suicide dive on Moolah. Title shot to Mae Young then Moolah rolls Ivory up for 3 at 2:54. * - I very rarely give 1/2 out but at least it was short so i'll give it *. Ohio scale = Cavaliers. (Done during James Miami sojourn and not since Cavs/GSW made it the Now Boring Association)  

We see Vince on Heat making HHH/Stone Cold a No DQ match.

New Age Outlaws Vs. Hollys
 Pretty stupid here as Hollys made Outlaws lose the Tag Titles to Rock 'n' Sock on SMACKDOWN! yet they would've had a Tag Title match here (Hardore IS from Alabama so you know). Fans are pumped for Outlaws (hardyz and co. had not yet made them old hat but it wasn't far off). Fighting before the bell rings. Billy elbows Crash for 2, now Dogg does his dancing punches and knee drop. Hardcore's in and gets 2 off a delayed vertical. Hollys are using quick tags to keep Dogg isolated, a sound strategy. Crash hits Billy so he cant tag in as the Road Dogg beatdown continues. Shoulderblock by Dogg but he's then dropkicked. Hollys beat Dogg behind the refs back. Superplex by Road Dogg, hot tag to Billy, jackhammer to Crash, it's Gunnberg!!! Hardcore slides a chair in as Billy FameAssers Crash onto it and Hollys get the DQ victory at 10:11. **1/2 - Hollys used tag strategy not seen since The Brainbusters. Good tag match these 2 worked well together here. This would be Indians on Ohio scale as they have a winning record so far, not as good as Detroit though.

Good Housekeeping Match - IC Title - Jeff Jarrett (w/ Miss Kitty) Vs. Chyna.
 This match is part of the reason TNA exists as Jeffs WWF contract was up and he was on his way to Dubya-Cee-Dubya, so he demanded a pay off for this match. Jeff was going through a sexist phase here attacking women, so why he's facing Chyna I dont know. Will Jeff drop his belt before he leaves unlike a certain Canadian. Clothesline, atomic drop, suplex and trash can shots by Chyna. Jeff gets sausaged! Banana and cream soon follows as does a trash can lid shot. Chyna sets a table, Jeff should've applauded that, but she misses an elbow and goes through it allowing Jeff some shots. Jeff and Kitty start making an omlette but Chyna dumps it on Kittys head. Tongs to Jeffs nuts, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Pies to the head, she's hit him with everything but the kitch.... no there's the kitchen sink. Ref Bump! Jeff hits Chyna with the IC Belt for 3 but a belt isn't a household item and the match is restarted, Chyna hits Jeff with a guitar for 3 at 9:55. Les Dennis - Name a household item, Contestant:..... Guitar? Uh-Uh. ** Meh, like playing the old N64 or PS1 games with the big STOP signs etc. Chyna is first woman, allegedly, to win non-womans belt.

British Bulldog Vs. The Rock
 Had Rock insulted someone backstage, as this is on the back of a Billy Gunn feud. Bulldog flips the bird like a true brit. Cleveland digs Rock, he's 1/2 of the Tag Team Champions but doesn't have his belt. Rock wins a punch off. Chairshot by Bulldog, amazing refereeing there. Bulldog does a kind of Flair Corner Flip, I say kind of as he almost bounces back on his head. Vertical gets Bulldog 2 then a chinlock is applied. Jesus, I think Rock was going for a samoan drop but Bulldog took a backk body drop bump, this match is U-G-L-Y and it aint got no alibi. DDT gets Rock 2 as does a Powerslam for Bulldog. Rock avoids another Powerslam and a Rock Bottom, People's Elbow ends it at 6:20. *1/2 - Basically a squash. Surprised Bulldog left in one piece. Soon after this he'd have Mean Street Posse as lackeys. (Ohio Bobcats level)

Ladder Match - Hardyz (W/ Gangrel) Vs. Edge/Christian
 Hardyz were the New Brood. This is the final of the Terri Invitational Tournament, you see it's T.I.T oh how we laughed. I've always thought Terri was useless and well she was. $100,000 hanging above the ring for the winner. When did Edge/Christian downgrade from brothers to best friends. Gangrel gets a ladder but is sent to the back. Matt clotheslines Edge on the outside but Christian wipes him out. Edge misses a spalsh and hits a ladder. Jeff heads up a ladder but is  reverse DDTd down, Matt suplexes Christian off a ladder, Edge powerbombs Matt down then Jeff dropkicks him. Jeff debuts the leapfrog legdrop over a ladder spot, which gets a pop. Edge almost has the money until Matt throws a ladder. Retaliation time as Edge/Christian ram a ladder in Matts nuts then dropkick it, Matt doesn't have kids does he well that's why. Twist Of Fate has Christian down. Edge gets Jeff off a ladder with a downward spiral, I believe that used to be his finisher. Matt neckbreakers Edge off a ladder. Jeff seesaws a ladder into Matt and Christian, that's the move that ballsed up Joey Mercurys face 7 years later. All 4 fall off ladders then Edge, Matt are fighting on one then Jeff comes on ti after Matt is kocked off, he drops Edge and grabs the money at 16:27. Standing ovation from the crowd.  ****1/2 - Good spotfest, really is the definition of one. The extra 1/2 is due to historical significance as this is the precursor to TLC, as is the Tables match from Rumble 2000 (reviewed elsewhere on the blog), also this was a name making match. On RAW both team beat down Gangrel.

The Rock comes out to challenge the WWF Champion at Survivor Series, HHH attacks him with a Sledgehammer as he's leaving. This may have gone longer than Rocks match.

Mankind Vs. Val Venis
 I remember Val burning Foleys book and also putting Rocko down his pants but not sure if that was a feud starter or just a part of it. Part of Micks elevate Snow and Venis plans (The Radicalz would come in and take them mid card places in early 2000). Before he comes out Foley is checking on Rock, Mankind brings his Tag Team Title with him. Fighting pre-bell. Val avoids Micks running corner knee. Mick is wearing his Cactus top underneath, I always wanted that. He tries to get Rocko from Vals trunks. Ringside Val suplexes Mankind on a chair, are the referees blind here, is it still the Unforgiven scab refs? Val breaks the Mandible Claw by ramming Mankiind into the ringpost. Teddy Long gets a chair off Val, bad continuity. Val avoids a Double Arm DDT, psychology now as he targets the back of Micks head which he bounced off the ringpost. Clothesline and bulldog has Mankind down but Money Shot misses. Double Arm DDT gets Mick 2. Socko's here as Val gets out Rocko, Mandible Claw by Mankind as Val does the testicular claw and gets 3 when Mankind falls down at 9:29. *** - Surprisingly good match, no disrespect meant there but Mankind was broken up. Crowd was  quiet at times but you could attribute that to the Ladder match prior.

Faarooq Vs. Bradshaw Vs. X-Pac Vs. Kane
 Elimination rules also it's 4 corners rules so not tornado. I never cared for Acolytes but I liked X-Pac/Kane, I bought a twin pack from Woolworths once. Kane enziguris Faarooq. X-Pac and Kane are in together but soon it's Faarooq and Bradshaw who are in. APA explode!! Shouldeerblock by Faarooq who then tags X-Pac in. Bradshaw goes for a fallaway slam on Pax but Kane boots him. Now my interest is waning as Faarooq applies a chinlock. X-Pac has been beaten on by both Acolytes but gets a breather after he hits a tornado DDT ala Chavo Guerrero. Kane tags himself in and beats on Acolytes, Chokeslam eliminates Bradshaw at 8:28 then about 10 seconds later Kane is gone via a spinning heel kick. Faarooq Vs. X-Pac now and a Spinebuster stops Bronco Buster. The finish looks ridiculous as Faarooq casually falls from the 2nd rope into an X-Factor, at least make it look like your jumping to do a move and he also landed knees first, at 10:16. ** - Average which equals ** in my book. A regular fatal four way would've been better or at least Kane Vs. X-Pac as the final 2, though I suppose they were saving that.

WWF Title - No DQ - Triple-H (c) Vs. Stone Cold
 HHH took Austin out at SummerSlam, where Austin decided he didn;t want to job to HHH, now Austin's back for some in-ring action. Surprised HHH was allowed to come out last, he has a sledgehammer with him but Vince removes it. Fighting at the entrance way to start, this lasts a while. Bin to HHHs noggin. Fighting through crowd, crutch to HHH, I was at a BWP show on May 26th and a one of the Blackpool Blondes used a fans shoe as a weapon. The main security guy looks like an inflated Buff Bagwell. Suplex and clothesline in the aisle by Austin. Not sure HHH has had any offence yet in the opening 5. HHH counters a piledriver with a backdrop but he is soon slingshotted and takes Mike Chioda out over the barricade. 7:29 and they've finally entered the ring. Stunner but the ref is out, he appears on the apron but is knocked into the barricade. Earl/Dave Hebner counts 2 on a Pedigree. Thesz press then an elbow gets 2 for Stone Cold. HHH is cut as they fight at announce table. Ring bell shot by HHH then he preceeds to suplex Austin onto the table. Some psychology now as HHH attacks the knee, he injured it at SummerSlam. We had an Austin type match with the brawling now it's changing into a HHH style match. HHH is caught up top and superplexed, imagine if Stone Cold had busted out a top rope hurricanrana, then he knocks HHH from Cleveland to Phoenix with  a chair shot and hits him some more ala 'Manai 17. Hey, hey Rock's here with a sledgehammer but he misses HHH and cracks Austin. HHH gets 3 at 21:53. ***1/2 - Was good but also lacking that certain something that made Dude Love/Austin from OTE very good. I preferred the 2nd half when they were in the ring too the entrance brawling that got us started. May of been Austins last match for a year, cant remember if he had a match on RAW or SMACKDOWN! before Survivor Series but I doubt he did.

21 / 45 - Just under .500. If the first two matches were cut it'd of been 19 / 35.  I normally bad mouth 1999 PPVs and October PPVs in general (May, December aswell) but this PPV was pretty good. First post Russo I believe. Slightly recommended but fast foward the 1st half hour or so.