Monday 10 March 2014

IYH 26: Rock Bottom

- December 13th, 1998.  Vancouver, B.C
- Attendance: 20,042.
- Buyrate: 0.78

- Michael Cole is on commentary as JR suffered a Bells Palsy attack the preceding week at WWF Capital Carnage.

Val Venis/Godfather Vs. Mark Henry/D-Lo Brown
Godfather gives his hoes to Val for the night. When stables breakup sometimes a team remains from it well D-Lo/Henry are that from Nation, Godfather was also a Nation member of course. Val spinebusters D-Lo. Vancouver dont like D-Lo. Ho Train hits Henry who responds with a powerslam. Sky High to Val but Godfather beaks the pin. PMS came out with D-Lo and now they're arguing with Hoes as Henry is double suplexed. Jacqueline pulls Vals trunks down allowing Henry 3 from a clothesline and splash at 5:56. ** - Average and also short so no time to build to much but what they did do wasn't bad.

We see Mankind attacking Rock on HeAt as if Rock cant compete tonight then Mankind will be given the WWF Title, smart tactic for a heel except Rock was the heel. This did irritate me as a guy like Mankind wouldn't revert to shortcuts as a face and why would a face try to win a title via forfeit add in the fact that a heel is going to be overcoming an injury to make and finish the match and you have backwards booking.

Headbangers Vs. Oddities (w/ Luna and Giant Silva)
Jesus. Kurrgan and Golga (John Tenta) are representing Oddities. This is a match saved for UK PPVs usually. Kurrgan no sells some slaps then misses a slow motion splash. According to Cole Kurrgan is 'methodically taking this match over' (Editors Note - that may be the greatest exaggeration since the Moon Landings).  Corner splash by Golga to both Headbangers. Double suplex by Headbangers after Kurrgan misses a middle rope splash, they also do a double team move that I think Team Angle used. The commentary isn't overdubbed but it sounds to me like it's from a game. Mosh splashes a standing Golga for 3 at 6:50. Postmatch The Headbangers argue with a fan, not in a heel way but it seems as if they really do want him ejected. *1/2 - At least they (or at least Kurrgan) tried a match. (They were useless but I did find the Oddities likeable)

Owen Hart Vs. Steve Blackman
Owen gets a Canadian pop. Owen attacks as Steve enters. Spinning kick by Blackman. For me Owen had the most trouble adjusting to the Attitude Era. Snap suplex then what I think is a bow and arrow by Steve. Owen hits his patented enziguri, as he was going for it you could tell Owen was telling Steve he was grabbing the wrong foot. 'US Sucks' chant. Owen goes ringside for a breather but gets baseball slided. Spinning heel kick and a top rope elbow both get Owen 2. Hart exposes a turnbuckle but is himself hit into it allowing Blackman to take control. Owen applies a dragon suplex but Steve knees out of it. Steve applies a Sharpshooter, he must've stored up 2 WWF logos. Owen walks off so Blackman wins at 10:28.** - Perfectly acceptable midcard match, at least bar the ending.

Vince enters Mankinds office which is a boiler room.

J.O.B Squad Vs. The Brood
JS is Al Snow, Bob Holly and Scorpio. I had a titantron that played about 12 WWF Themes but mine never played The Broods (I tweeted this and Road Dogg replied that it should've, yes the D-O-double G follows me, 14 mins of fame left) . Holly Falcon Arrows Edge. Inverted electric chair by Edge. Christian is double underhook slammed by Holly then beaten on by Scorpio who busts out a 360' leg drop. Wheelbarrow suplex by Snow to Gangrel. Brood now beat on Al, chinlock by Edge as mine and Vancouvers interest is waning. It ends when Snow hits Christian with Head allowing Scorpio to hit a kind of backflip leg drop, I had to rewind that post match but Christian hits Unprettiered for 3 at 8:50 ish. ** - Meh, I liked Scorpos move though.

Striptease Match - Jeff Jarrett (w/ Debra) Vs. Goldust
 If Goldust wins then Debra strips, if Jeff wins then Goldust strips. Counter each other but soon Goldust gets upper hand. Goldust rolls through a crossbody for 2 and Jeff gets 2 of his own off a neckbreaker. Fans chant Goldust. Curtain Call connects but the ref is distracted. The ref is distarcted again soon as Goldust hits Shattered Dreams to a pop. Debra hits Goldust with the Guitar leaving him easy prey for The Stroke at 8:00ish, Jarrett wins. But Commissioner Michaels is here and he reverses the decision to a DQ. As Debra strips he gives her money but The Blue Blazer comes out to cover her up, Jeff Jarrett had gone backstage after the 3 count as he assumed he'd won. **1/2 - Match was just okay, from these two perhaps it should've been better.

Production botch as Vince leaves Mankinds 'office' but wait there's Mankind and hated rival The Rock talking in the background .... Kayfabe is DEAD!!!!

WWF Tag Titles - NAO (c) Vs. Shamrock/Bossman
 Commissioner Michaels made NAO face Acolytes on HeAt. Ken is IC Champion. Pretty even match for a while, Ken goes the Ankle Lock on Dogg but Billy Gunn breaks it up. Fame Asser connects but not seen as a big deal, was it not his finished here then? Road Dogg is doing the usual NAO match routine as he plays face-in-peril. HBK, who is ringside for Corporation, trashtalks Dogg then kisses his head. Cant fault the tag psychology here due to Dogg being isolated. Dogg does fight back but then he's booted down. Gunn tags in but the ref didn't see it as the half hour beatdown of Road Dogg continues. Gunn tags in now and cleans house, he powerbombs Gunn to counter a dropkick but HBK pulls the ref out. It ends at 17:00 when Gunn goes to suplex Shamrock but HBK pulls his foot however Gunn rolls through for the 3 count, that didn't look smooth. *1/2 - I found it boring, 15mins of it was Dogg getting beaten up and Shamrock/Bossmans offence wasn't really fascinating. Why were all NAO matches seemingly 20 mins long?

Recap of Survivor Series where Rock was against Corporation in has quest for the WWF Title but really they were together all along and Mankind got screwed.  

WWF Title - The Rock (c) Vs. Mankind 
 Mankind tells Vince to tell the fans he never quit at Survivor Series, they rehashed Montreal. Rock sneak attacks Mankind but he's soon on top. Doesn't last long as now Rock is on top, 'Rocky Sucks' chants. Vince tells Mankind he'll be DQd if he does anything illegal. Mankind goes to jump off turnbuckle but Shane stops him allowing Rock to throw Foley off, soon Rock does his joining commentary spot but Mankind bounces him off announce table. DDT on a chair by Rock and Corporate Elbow gets 2. Clothesline and leg drop both get 2 for Mankind. Rock Bottom but there's no ref as mankind piledrivered him, Shane McMahon hits Rock with the belt by accident, that would be the reason Rock left Corporation at Backlash '99. They both get 2s from their DDT variations. Socko's here and Mandible Claw's applied .... Rock's out as Earl Hebner declares Mankind the winner but Vince McMahon says that whilst Mankind won the match he isn't Champion as Rock never said I Quit or tapped out. Mandible Claw to Vince. **1/2 - Match was fairly decent but I hate the ending to it. I didn't know Dusty Rhodes had booked this PPV. Mankind would win the WWF Title eventually on the RAW is WAR that aired January 4th.

 Buried Alive - Stone Cold Vs. Undertaker
 I bought this VHS as a kid due to a Buried Alive match. If Austin wins here tonight he's in the 99 Rumble. Fighting in the aisle way then the ring where Austin does his Thesz Press. Taker backdrops Austin to avoid a piledriver then they fight down to the grave which is by the entrance way. Wreath to the noggin! They go back to the ring now as there's lots of punching and walking. Chairshot and Chokeslam by Deadman as they're now headed to the grave again. Austin is in the grave but manages to recover as Taker is shoveling slowly. Stunner sends Taker into the grave but Austin walks off, Taker climbs out and hides from Austin but the grave explodes and here's .... Kane he Tombstones a shocked Deadman and puts him into the grave as Autin comes out in a digger and Taker is buried alive!! Match went 21:30. Earl Hebner and Austin drink a beer. **- They were hindered by the match type as you cant have dramatic near falls. Match was mainly punches etc. Dont think Kanes interference led to much as Takers next feud was opposite Vince McMahons Corporation though really they were together all along as Vince was revealed to be Takers Higher Power but i'm getting ahead of myself there. (Just noticed that that follows a similar thread to the Rock/Corporation stuff)

 16 / 40 - Most of the PPV was average whilst Headbangers/Oddities was bad and the Tag Titles match was boring. Mankind/Rock was okay until the finish so on that basis this PPV comes unrecommended.