Monday 17 August 2015

Survivor Series 2005

November 27th from Detroit, Michigan
Attendance: 15,000
Buyrate: 400,000

Normally I type reviews into a book then do a shorter more cohesive review on Blogger however this one is being done straight onto a laptop, although I was a fan at the time I didn't watch this at the time, also Family Guy is on TV but its Season 1 and I don't care much for the older ones as I prefer the 'newer' Stewie. I don't really care for 2005 WWE nor Survivor Series itself that much so not really expecting much, though that could help the PPV as it has low expectations to overcome. I've had this for awhile on DVD but disc is scratched to hell and i've never been able to watch it but saw it yesterday for £2 so re-brought it. Survivor Series 2004 was a 50-50 show as RAWs positives were negated by the SMACKDOWN side of thing and 2006 was possibly the dullest PPV ever so how will 2005 hold up?

Opening video focuses on the three main matches mostly and the return of Undertaker who'd be gone one whole month!!

Best Of 7 - Match 1 - Booker-T (w/ Sharmell) Vs. Chris Benoit 
 Winner of the best of seven wins US Title. Pop for Benoit. Title held up after a double pin. Nothing of note to start. Booker beats on Booker in the corner then knocks him to ringside. Benoit has Booker down on the mat so he goes ringside. Side Kick by Book-A as he is taking control until Benoit blocks a suplex and hits his own, he gets some offence but Booker blocks a corner charge and has Benoit down with an armbar. Tazz is going on about Thanksgiving Food rather than calling the match. 'Lets Go Benoit' chant as he's in an abdominal stretch which he hip tosses out of Heel kick gets a 2 count. Just realised that I don't remember these Benoit tights. Nearly got a double pin finish again. Benoit avoids a suplex and hits a german but Booker avoids any more and hits a heel kick for another 2 count. Booker gets  2 after he counters a Sharpshooter. Benoit hits his three germans as crowd cheer, Benoit gets up first but Sharmell stops him hitting the diving headbutt allowing Booker to go up top but Benoit knocks him down but misses the subsequent Diving Headbutt, Booker rolls up a dazed Benoit as Sharmell helps Booker for the 3 count. Booker leads 1-0. If I remember right Match 7 featured Randy Orton as one of the participants, I'm guessing Booker, was injured. ** Disappointing, maybe they didn't want to have a blow away match so as not to upstage the six that would precede it, could've still done a decent match though, disappointing start. 

Vince McMahon wishes Eric Bischoff good luck after he says he did the same to Teddy, Eric says RAW will sweep SMACKDOWN! tonight and says he'll screw Cena tonight then Cena makes a gay
and says the N-Word to John Cena but as WWE recently said in relation to the Hogan incident, this was was okay as it was in character, idiots.

Womens Title - Melina (w/ MnM) Vs. Trish Stratus (c) (w/ Mickie James)
 Joey Styles and Tazz are calling this to add to the interpromotional feel to the match. Trish dives onto Melina and MnM at ringside. Handstand into a headscissors as Trish is on top until Melina gets a shot in in the corner allowing her some offence. Melina goes to the eyes after Trish chokes her, Mickie and Melina fight ringside then MnM attempt to Snapshot Trish but the ref stops them and sends them to the back, why not a DQ for Mickie James? Melina is still on top and has a surfboard style move applied. Stratusfaction is avoided. Trish does her handstand hurricanrana thing to Melina out of the corner then gets 2 off a spinebuster, Stratusfaction is again avoided but Trish goes all Rick Steiner hitting a bulldog, kind of, off the top for the 3 count. ** - Eh. RAW goes 1 up.

Last Man Standing - Triple-H Vs. Ric Flair
 Their match at Taboo Tuesday was easily the best of that show, earning Ric the name Mr. Taboo Tuesday as his Orton match in 2004 stole that show too. Good lord HHH has permitted Flair to come out last. Naitch is IC Champion but that's not on the line here. HHH attacks in the aisle, that explains the entrance. HHH undoes Flairs robe for him, every bad guy has a heart. HHH has a chair but naitch strikes first with a kendo stick as now they're in the crowd until Ric is backdropped back to ringside. HHH suplexes Flair into the ring then hits some elbows. Ringside Flair is bounced off the ringpost and busted open then HHH digs a screwdriver into the cut, Naitch is wearing a crimson mask, Onita would approve of HHHs actions. If I was drunk I'd be unsure of whether I was watching HHH or Greg Valentine. HHH has been on top for a bit now as Flair has only been to fire off a few chops, HHH is whipped into the steps making the last sentence irrelevant, but he can't capitalise due to exhaustion/blood loss. HHH tells Ric to stay down so Ric applies the testicular claw so HHH hits him with the mic. Pedigree on a table is countered as Ric backdrops HHH through a SAT table, there's three tables to choose from and they still destroy the work place of Hugo and crew, HHH beats the count. Back in ring HHH hits his facebuster.  Flair goes low to avoid Pedigree then hits HHH with a chair then bites him. Corner chops, punches and low blow by Flair as he's fighting back now with a nether regions based assault which to be fair is a good strategy in LMS match, I'd be down for 10,000. Naitch gets some shots in on HHHs leg which against HHH is a good strategy, Figure Four is applied and HHH taps but match obviously continues. HHH clotheslines Ric when he goes for a chop block then hits him with the ring steps but a second attempt is countered with a drop toe hold but HHH is up at 8. Pedigree has Naitch down for 8 then another Pedigree has Ric down for another 8 count,  Naitch flips the double bird and is Pedigreed for the third time but that doesn't get the job done so HHH hits him in the back with a Sledgehammer and Naitch is finally down for the count. *** - I dont always get into LMS matches as the counts can break up the flow of a match and I didn't like this as much as I hoped I would, wrestling needs to live in a realistic world within 
itself, suspension of disbelief, but Ric surviving three Pedigrees kind of seemed ridiculous to me, or at least book a young mid-carder who is on the ascension to survive three Pedigrees. I'm unsure what to give it but at this time *** seems fair based on expectations, maybe on another viewing I'll update it but for now ***.

Bret Harts DVD is plugged, have it, like it, not reviewed it. Move along.

Team SMACKDOWN! are talking backstage, Orton bigs down Batista who is injured and brings up his own recent Survivor Series history. JBL brown nosing Orton then dogging him in made me life.

Edge and Lita are here, Edge announces that soon we will see the debut of The Cutting Edge they note that Dmitri Young of the Detroit Tigers is in attendance, he says Tigers have no chance of winning the World Series and asks if it's a lack of talent or steroids, that must be an inside joke right? He insults the Pistons and i'm mad now. This is just a chance for Edge to get cheap heat on the city of Detroit a city I've never been but would love to as I support Pistons and am a casual Red Wings and Tigers fan (Now i'm a more than casual Red Wings fan and essentially a casual Pistons fan as my love of NBA has diminished and my love of NHL has grown so much it's my #1 sport, I still love my Tigers but man they're bad with little to no optimism where as the Wings aren't great but there's hope especially now Stevie Y is GM). Dmitri says Edge has no balls and bigs up Detroits Sports teams and points to all the Red Wings banners. Don't normally care for cheap heat segments like that but as Detroit were bigged up I loved it.

WWE Championship - S/Ref - Daivari - John Cena (c) Vs. Kurt Angle
 Daivari is associated with Angle. Cena's been Champion since WrestleMania 21. I was a fan of Cena early in his career, more in 2003/4 than here, as I was also in a White Guy acts Black phase, I would regularly blast out G-Unit for now it's more Art Garfunkel as I like Cena have outgrown that. Angle works the leg from the off. Loud duelling Lets Go Cena/Angle chant. Daivari stops Cena going ringside after Angle. Amazing how sloppy Cena is here, Daivari refuses to count Angles shoulders down then gets ready to ring the bell when Angle applies the Ankle Lock then when Cena reaches the rope Daivari kicks his hand away. Cena hits Daivari and goes to call for a DQ but Angle tells him not to. Cena knocks Angle into Daivari KOing the ref, belly-to-belly on the outside by Angle, a new ref is here. Crossnbody gets Cena a 2 count. Seems to be a Cena Sucks chant as Angle is on top of Cena, he has him in a variation of an STF. Cena does one of his no fatigue comebacks and DDTs Kurt, Cena hits 5 Knuckle shuffle after a slam then pumps up his Reeboks, thankfully he doesn't do that anymore, Angle takes out the ref and low blows Cena, Angle Slam gets 2 as a new ref is here. The challenger hits a superplex for another 2, a follow up moonsault misses but Cena cant hit the FU as Angle grabs the ref he then KOs him and brings Daivari back in, Charles Robinson comes down as Cena DDTs Daivari, Cena hits the FU and Charles Robinson, a SMACKDOWN! ref counts the 3 count. ** - The seemingly endless ref shenanigans derailed this match for me as anytime they would build momentum they'd do a ref bump, disappointing for an Angle match also Cena was sloppy and annoying with the inconsistent selling at times.

Eric Bischoff Vs. Teddy Long
 I met Bischoff in April. GM Vs. GM. Cole and Coach on commentary where Cole owns Coach. Teddy is jukin and jivin while avoiding Erics kicks but then Eric chokes Teddy when refs are distracted. Bischoff has Teddy down
with a sleeper but he hits Erc with his shoe to break it. Bischoff Spike to Teddy as Boogeymans music plays so Eric sends the ref up the aisle but Boogey's behind him and hits a Pumphandle Slam allowing Teddy to get 3.

Batista/Rey/Orton/JBL/Lashley Vs. HBK/Carlito/Masters/Show/Kane
 On the way to the ring they guys walk through wrestlers from their respective shows. This is the build that should've been used for Bragging Rights. Batista is WHC and Kane/Show are Tag Champions. I really like the way they built up to this match and showed that when thpught was put into it an brand rivalry could be done well. Eddie chant during Reys entrance. Carlito may have the shortest ever ring theme as it loops by the time he's on the apron. Tazz is going off on one especially during Masters entrance, has Tazz snapped? Orton slaps HBK who slaps him back. Even start with HBK/Orton, Masters in but Orton goes for his eyes. Lashley no sells a shoulder block then powerslams Lashley. Masterlock is avoided then Masters tags in Carlito he is soon Powerslammed which gets Lashley 2.  HBK is now in but Lashley dominates him to, Kane Chokeslams Lashley as he goes to hit a Dominator on HBK for 3 (4-5). Masters bench press gorilla slams Rey, he tags in Kane but Rey gets the better of him at least until he runs into a big boot. The announcers bickering is distracting from the match now. Kane is wearing Rey down with a bearhug, Rey bites free and tags in Batista. Kane hits Batistas taped ribs then knocks SMACKDOWN! off the apron, Spinebeuster gets 3 on Kane after Rey hits 619. (4-4) Show Chokeslams Batista but it only gets 2.  A double Chokeslam does get the 3 count though as the World Champion is gone early (3-4). Show takes out Orton and Rey but can't avoid Clothesline From Hell, 619 and then RKO and another Clothesline From Hell a seated senton from Rey does get 3 (3-3), I liked that they had to do all that to get him out. JBL hits a fallaway slam on the outside to HBK. The three Champions are now gone. JBL blind tags in and Clothesline From Hell eliminates Carlito, I liked the way they did that (3-2). HBK is still down from the fallaway slam so it's 3-on-1 for now. 619 to Masters then a springboard legdrop gets 3, the legdrop didn't hit smooth on Masters (3-1). This is like 2003s Survivor Series w/ HBK being down 3 to 1 and having Orton against him. Shawn does epic oversell on 610 then goes Epic again by Sweet Chin Musicing a springboarding Rey (2-1), Clothesline From Hell is avoided and Sweet Chin Music eliminates JBL (1-1). 2003 ended with Batista taking out HBK for Orton will that happen again? The commentator bickering has seemingly stopped did Vince interject on commentary? Shawn avoids RKO and Randy avoids Sweet Chin Music. We Want Taker chant, forearm, kip up by HBK, he fires off some moves and heads up top and hits the elbow. JBL is still ringside and distracts HBK and Orton gets 3 from RKO (1-0) as Orton keeps up his sole survivor run, the SMACKDOWN! crew come out to celebrate with Orton but he panics when Druids bring out a casket which is hit by lightening and Deadman comes out of the flaming casket which is fitting as at No Mercy the Ortons beat Taker in a Casket Match and set it a flame. Undertaker pounds the SMACKDOWN! guys in the ring and Tombstones Regal, I read that Matt Hardy slipped away before he got his beating by Deadman and thus was stiffed by JBL at Armageddon a month later as Taker felt dissed, hmm dissed maybe my white guy thinking he's black phase isn't over. ***1/2 - I do love multi-man tag matches and this was a pretty good one, I must again praise the build as my made RAW Vs. SMACKDOWN! seem compelling as they got the our show Vs. yours theme across well in the build up, did the match build anyone up? No which was a missed opportunity, say have Masters or Carlito get a big elimination or something but it was enjoyable in it's own right.

 12.5 / 25 - Bang on .500 but that's only thanks to the main and the LMS, the other three matches were pretty boring and not worth your time. The LMS was okay is slightly disappointing, I'm sure I really enjoyed their match at Taboo Tuesday which is why I had hopes for this one, I did enjoy the main but it doesn't really save the show from mediocrity as the show left no lasting impression on the WWE following this PPV.
Thumbs in the middle due to LMS/Main Event.

SummerSlam 2013

August 18th from LA, California.
Attendance: 14,166
Buys: 298,000

SummerSlam is my fave PPV and this one has potential as I have high hopes that Brock will bring the goods and tell a good story Vs. Punk and Bryan/Cena should be good.

Miz is put as we have a cold open then Fandango and Summer Rae come out and tango then we go to the opening video, will they get a PPV Pay Cheque for that?

National Anthem is sung by someone from Total Divas, JoJo I think?

Ring Of Fire- Kane Vs. Bray Wyatt
 I had two ideas coming in either they'd be eating vindaloos or throwing Johnny Cash records at each other turns out it's an Inferno Match where pinfalls and submissions count, rendering the stip moot. Wyatt's theme is like an acoustic Nirvana. Kane blocks a suplex then hits one of his own. Bray does hit a corner splash but is then clothesline and slid slammed as Kane is on top. Harper has a kendo stick but can't get it to Bray due to flames. Kane hits three Chokeslams then Harper and Rowan use a fire blanket on the fire and attack Kane then Bray hits Sister Abigail for the 3 count. *1/2
- The stip was rendered pointless by the ending kind of how cage matches are done to stop interference but nearly always have some, bad opening to the show.

Josh Matthews, Booker-T, Vickie Guerrero and Shawn Michaels are the superstar panel.

Damien Sandow Vs. Cody Rhodes 
 Damien is MITB, he won that by turning on Cody which makes him the bad guy even though they're every man for himself matches. As of writing he cashed that in about a fortnight ago and lost, unsure as to whether this'll lead to a face chase or nothing (turned out nothing). Front suplex gets Cody an early 2. Sandow is now on top and blocks Cross Rhodes, locks in a nice sharpshooter variation. Cody uses the Muscle Buster of all things then does a punch ala Goldust. Cody gets 2s by blocking a sunset flip then another from a disaster kick but does go one better getting the 3 count off of a Cross Rhodes, why do MITB winners seem to go on losing streaks surely they should be built up. *** - A sound and solid undercard match but it did seem shorter than I expected.

A video plays of Christians career.

World Heavyweight Title - Alberto Del Rio (c) Vs. Christian
 Christians title shot seems random hasn't he been injured since about 2011? I doth not dig title shots out of nowhere as they devalue the championship. ADR has a black eye which he got in a bar fight. ADR makes Lilian introduce him in Spanish. Even start until Christian gets the upperhand. Del Rio attacks as he has Christian in the tree-of-woe. ADR is working the arm/shoulder, I like when they do things like that which make sense due to ADRs Cross Arm Breaker finisher. Christian hits a splash to outside then back in hits 10 corner punches and gets 2 off a crossbody. Kill Switch is avoided and ADR hits a backstabber. Christian registers another 2 count off a top rope hurricanrana. ADR avoids a Spear with a dropkick but then is hit with a Spear but nice touch as Christian can't capitalize and Del Rio gets the win via his Cross Armbreaker. ***1/2 - Solid WHC match that drew the fans in, just two pros doing there thing.

Miz chats to Maria Menounos. Fandango and Summer Raw dance again.

Brie Bella Vs. Natalya
 Not much of note until Brie Bella and Eva Marie pull away the apron so Natalya takes a hard looking fall. Sharpshooter is countered. Calgary Slam leads to another Sharpshooter as Natalya wins. *1/2 - Too short to mean anything really, if Divas aren't given time then what can they do?

Ryback bullies some guy in the back, nothing screams heel more than pouring soup on a kitchen guy.

No DQ - Brock Lesnar (w/ Paul Heyman) Vs. CM Punk
 We see clips of Heyman and Punk bigging each other up, looks like it's from Punks DVD. Maybe it's the NCAA/UFC history or just his size alone but no-one brings intensity and the feeling that something good's going to go down than Brock Lesnar. The power advantage is used by Brock from the off. Punk has Lesnar down with kicks, he goes to follow up with steps shots but Brock just runs at him. Punk has Heyman until Lesnar makes the save. Brock just throws Punk over the announce table, I'm loving this so far. Lesnar does a double stomp which I imagine is akin to Mario stomping a Goombah. Brock has been on top 95% of the time and that continues as he catches Punk on a crossbody and hits a fallaway slam. Punk channels his inner Tyson and bites Lesnar, Punk hits some corner knees but Lesnar avoids a third however he can't hit the F5. Punk hits his top rope elbow, GTS and F5 are both avoided. Lesnar counters the GTS to a Kimura but Punk counters it to a triangle but Brock breaks that with a powerbomb, i'm so drawn into this one that I was worried that Brock was going to tap out, can't remember the last time that happened. Punk hits a Foley elbow, with a chair, onto Brock for a 2 count. Brock attempts an F5 but Punk grabs Heyman so Brock can't do it. GTS is hit but Heyman breaks the pin. F5 is countered with a DDT onto a chair but it only gets 2, Anaconda Vice is applied then soon after Punk has it locked in on Heyman so Brock whacks him with a chair then an F5 onto a chair gets Lesnar the 3 count, Lesnar wins!! ****1/2 - 
Not enjoyed a match this much in a long time, I knew I was drawn in when I was worried Lesnar was going to lose. Fun seeing Lesnar just toss Punk around like a rag doll. Brilliant.

Ziggler/Kaitlyn Vs. AJ Lee/Big E
 AJ is Divas Champion. Big belly-to-belly by Big E. Abdominal stretch is applied, wait quick I must dust off my old joke, no one's tapped out to that move since 1961. AJ gets 2 as Kaitlyn strolls into a heel kick. Couple of neckbreakers by AJ then she skips around. Ziggler in and he's all over Big E, like how all NFL teams not named Tennessee are all over Jacksonville. Big E almost snaps Dolph in half with a corner charge. AJ is speared on the outside then Big E goes for the Big Ending but gets Zig Zagged for the 3 count. **1/2 - Good little match where nothing was bad.

Fandango dances around Miz again so he drops him. We go to the Superstar panel where Daniel Bryan is picked as the winner, wasn't the Rumble ending once changed when the winner was rightly predicted on TV or radio or something? HBK thanks Brock/Punk for their match.

WWE Title - Special Ref/ HHH - John Cena (c) Vs. Daniel Bryan 
 That Champ Is Here is one of the worst I've ever laid eyes on. Cenas left elbow is taped and there's the obligatory 'You Can't Wrestle' chant. Cena has Bryan on the mat but he monkey flips free. They trade pinning predicaments. Bryan avoids the AA but is knocked into announce table then suplexed off the ring steps. Cena hits a powerbomb as JBL says Cena said 'let's forget wrestling and fight' who the hell busts out a powerbomb in a fight? Bryan fires off some of his kicks but Cena ducks the last one and springs up hitting some of his moves of doom, part of the reason I dislike Cena. Bryan now aims kicks at the elbow, which makes sense. Bryan gets 2 off a bridged german. Bryan locks in his
Yes Lock/Crippler Crossface but of course Cena breaks it. The AA gets the Champion 2. Superplex by D-Bry but he stays on the ropes and hits the Diving Headbutt for a 2 count. Cena blocks a top rope hurricanrana then seems to spike Bryan off the top, that was dangerous. STFU is countered to Yes Lock. Bryan wins a slap off then a Running Knee gets Bryan a 3 count and the WWE Championship. **** - Don't get me wrong it was very good but I wasn't feeling it like I was the Brock/Punk match from start to finish, but still it was good though don't get me wrong, arguably SummerSlams top main event. 

Second SummerSlam HHH has called down the middle, he does Yes signals as well, then Ortons music hits HHH Pedigrees Bryan and Orton cashes in his MITB to become the new Champion as The Corporation 2.0 is born.

20.5 / 35 - My favourite SummerSlam may be 1998 or 2000 but this is arguably the best ever ringwise. Lesnar/Punk was absolutely fantastic, and the best I've seen in awhile, the WWE Championship is a very rewarding match as well and the World Heavyweight Title match was a solid and good match as well to round things off, rest was okay bar the opener. Go back to the 2 hour IYH PPVs and remove the opener and Diva match from the card and we get a score of 17.5 / 25 which would've pushed this to best ever rating category.
Thumbs way up for the best non-WrestleMania in a while.

Friday 14 August 2015

SummerSlam 1999

 Mankind returns to PPV for the first time since May thanks to Stone Cold. Taker is trying to unleash Big Shows killer instinct whilst trying to earn Tag Gold on the way and Billy Gunn's heel run comes to a stuttering finish so by jove it must be SummerSlam 1999. This is the last 1999 review for me in terms of what I own as I don't have SVDM, Backlash or Survivor Series. Opening video is about special refs.

Jesse Ventura tells HHH the rules but he says he'll break them anyway.

European/IC Title - Jeff Jarrett (w/ Debra) Vs. D'Lo Brown (c)
 Debra leaves pre-match at Jarretts orders but D'Lo brings her back. D'Lo has both belts making him the first Eurocontinental Champion I believe (Jarrett and Angle are the only two I can think of that also did this). Hiptoss, forearm and powerslam as D'Lo is dominant. D'Lo Sky Highs a leaping D'Lo for a 2 count. Jarrett is now getting some offence at least until he is snake eyed when doing corner punches. D'Lo hits a running powerbomb, tilt-a-whirl slam and leg drop for a 2 count. Mark Henry comes out and disarms a guitar wielding Jarrett but swerves on D'Lo hitting him with the guitar and the ref counts 3 whilst conveniently ignoring the debris in the ring. On RAW the next night Jeff gave Mark Henry the European Title for his help here. (And he'd drop it back to D'Lo at Unforgiven)
**1/2 - It was okay, which is to be expected from these two, but could've done with more time.

Tag Team Turmoil - No.1 Contendership
Edge/Christian Vs. Hardyz (w/Gangrel)
 Hardyz are known as New Brood, props for imagination. Christian hits a splash poetry in motion on Matt then E&C hit a double hiptoss. Springboard moonsault gets Jeff 2 as Christian is being isolated. Swanton connects but Edge breaks the pin. Double reverse DDT allows Christian to tag Edge. Nice bit as Jeff runs the barricade so Edge runs the opposite one and Spears him mid-air. Christian elbows Matt for 3.
Edge/Christian Vs. Mideon/Viscera
 Not much happens then heel miscommunication leads to Edge Spearing Mideon for the 3 count.
Edge/Christian Vs. Droz/Albert
 Albert hits a nice torture rack neckbreaker. Downward Spiral gets 3 on Albert.
Edge/Christian Vs. Acolytes
 Bradshaw gets 2 off a powerbomb out of the corner. Edge has been isolated and pounded for awhile now. Spinebuster gets 2 with an arrogant cover. Edge hits a DDT and finally tags out. Clothesline From Hell to Christian ends E&Cs night.
Acolytes Vs. Holly's
 Crash is dominated. Holly's push each other then Hardcore is double shoulderblocked. Holly's soon fight again then Faarooq hits a Spinebuster for the 3 count and a Tag Title shot, I for some reason neglected to note which Holly got pinned though I assume Crash.
** - I did individual ratings for the matches and got 9 / 25 so I feel **'s fair overall though largely due to Hardyz/Edge & Christian as the rest weren't much cop.

Road Dogg comes out to challenge the winner of Snow/Bossman but he's interrupted by Jericho, thus making his debut appearance on PPV. Y2J rambles on
for what feels like a good half hour, Road Doggs response is simple and to the point 'Shut Up Bitch'

Hardcore Title - Al Snow Vs. Bossman
 Al Snow hides atop the entranceway and crossbodys Bossman. Road Dogg takes a mic and does commentary on the move, a novel concept. Usual Hardcore match stuff, Bossman uses a dog carrier as we're meant to believe Als dog Pepper was in there. Snow avoid the vending machine of doo. They go outside, be cool if KG shows up, they fight over the road outside a cafe. A man gets in the way as Teddy Long shouts get out of the way, of course Teddy Long of the 00s would've booked him as a Tag Partner of one of the participants. They're in a bar and get a Head chant. Soap to Bossmans eyes, then Snow smashes a bottle over Bossman. Snow moonsaults off the bar putting Bossman through a table. In a pool hall now where Road Dogg hits Bossman with his nightstick, Snow uses snookerballs into Bossmans own for the 3 count. ** - Generic 
WWF Hardcore match though I did love these as a kid now I don't really care for them as much as I did.

Ventura tells Mankind he can do what he wants but the pinfall must happen in the ring then Mankind asks Jesse a politics question.

Womens Title - Ivory (c) Vs. Tori
 Tori runs to the ring and a powerslam gets an early 2. Spinning elbow gets Ivory 2. Tori registers another 2 after a couple of suplexes and a dropkick. Powerbomb style german or something by Tori, that was nice whatever it was. Sunset flip by Tori then they do it again but this time Ivory sits on Tori for 3, something doesn't seem right to me.
*1/2 - The move by Tori but that was about it.

Rock decides to interview Michael Cole then himself. Now we see Billy Gunn with someone under a cover.

Lions Den - Steve Blackman Vs. Ken Shamrock
 I would call Ken Mr. SummerSlam gimmick after this and last year but I can't remember SummerSlam 1997, was he in the dog food match with Bulldog? Lions Den is akin
to the UFC Octagon but with weapons scattered around the top. Blackman has nunchaku in his pants, not a euphemism, and gets a couple shots on Ken. Blackman is soon thrown into the cage and a kick to the head has him down. Nice as Ken jumps onto the cage and hits a shoulderblock, then a back suplex. Steve does fire back with a DDT but he is powerslammed. Nagasaki assault by Steve, people who don't know older british wrestling may not get that word play to be fair. Ken ducks a kick then hits a belly-to-belly and gets in some kendo shots the last of which KOs Steve allowing Ken to climb out of the cage and get the W. ** - I wonder if Ken would fit into today's wrestling with his MMA style, or at least a younger than today's Ken Ken, I could picture him in say ROH. I read an interview recently where Ken said he'd come back but HHH doesn't want him there. I think I am right in my 
thinking that this is Kens last WWF PPV appearance, I can't picture him when I think of Unforgiven and certainly none after that.

No DQ - Love Her Or Leave Her - Shane McMahon Vs. Test
 Test was dating Stephanie but Shane didn't dig that so here we are. If Test wins then Shane accepts their relationship and gets over it whilst if Shane wins then Test/Steph must
split up. Shane did have a crew, the Mean Street Posse, but Test took them out one-by-one in the lead up, they're sat in the front row on a sofa tonight, going by Posse attire they
should be christened Greenwich 5-0. Shane is 2-0 on PPV in 99 so far, Test is 1-1?, I've got WrestleMania and I assume he was in Union/Ministry match at OTE unless he had night off.
Test tries to throw Shane into the corner but puts him short. Fighting in the crowd until Shane clotheslines Test back ringside. Shane is thrown into the Posse then Test KOs the three
of them so they attack him. Mailbox to the bonce. A picture of Shane, Posee is smashed over Tests head for a 2 count. Shane misses a corkscrew. Test gets a 2 count off a Powerbomb.
Ref bump as Chioda is booted, his head snaps off the bottom rope I'll be surprised if he's not hurt, why a ref bump in No DQ I cannot fathom. Shane debuts his elbow through announce
table bit. Heel Miscommunication as Pete hits Shane with a sign then The Stooges, Patterson and Brsico, come out to a pop and beat up Pete and Rodney, Joey Abs gets a chair
booted in his face. Pump Handle Slam and Big Elbow get Test the 3 count. ***1/2 - Overbooked to the hilt but that helped with a non-worker and relatively inexperienced Test, at least 
in a high card position. They worked their tails off and made this better than it had any right to be. Test's biggest year was 99 but was also wasted by the end as the Test/HHH/Steph was 
put aside and Vince placed in Tests place which is fair enough if at least done later, for me Test/HHH should've been the Armageddon match as you could of had the same ending and 
the sympathy for Test after Steph turned on him could have put him in a upper-mid card position for 2000 but that's fantasy booking. RIP Test.

WWF Tag Titles - X-Pac/Kane (c) Vs. Undertaker/Big Show (w/ Bearer)
 Kane and X-Pac were a fave tag team of mine, their two-pack is one of the first wrestling figures I purchased from Woolworths, RIP Woolys. Undertaker was trying to unlock
Shows killer instinct whist in the other corner X-Pac had made Kane 'human' with feelings. I feel I should note that around this time we were subjected to one of the worst RAW
promos ever when Undertaker goes on about him and Show going to the desert to unlock his killer instinct, was awful. Okay, okay the Kane/X-Pac theme mash up works now let
me remove my producer hat and put my review one back on. X-Pac crossbodys Taker for an early 2. Kane pummels his brother and X-Pac gets some digs in. Ha ha Taker tries to
chokeslam X-Pac on the outside but Kane lifts him out of his hand. Big Show comes in after Kane is DDTd and chokes Kane, aaahhhh KOTR 99 flashbacks quick pour water into
my eyes!!!! Powerslam gets Show 2. X-Pac and Taker are in now and one of them gets 2 off a heel kick, quick guess which one. Show gets shots in on X-Pac at ringside then throws
him back in over the top. In the ring X-Pac bites Show to break a bearhug so Show slams him. Kane beats on the challengers, Bronco Buster to Show but he responds with a
Chokeslam which only gets 2 due to a nonchalant pin attempt which annoys Deadman who tags himself in and Tombstones X-Pac for the 3 count and the belt. *** - I enjoyed it, loud 
crowd at times which helps. Surprisingly Undertaker had his working boots on tonight which undoubtedly helped the match. At the next PPV NAO were tag champions but I don't 
remember them beating UT/Show so there was I assume a real short reign for someone in between part of me thinks it was Acolytes but part of me thinks Rock & Sock due to the tag 
team buried alive or whatever it was, on SMACKDOWN! as Taker would shortly be gone from the WWF till May or 2004 if you ignore the American Badass era. 

Kiss My Ass Match - The Rock Vs. Billy Gunn
 Billy brings out an overweight lady and says Rock will kiss her ass after he loses tonight. Gunn attacks Rock as he enters, 'Rocky' chant. Rock has the upperhand as they fight by the
entrance way but back ringside he is whipped into the steps. By announce table Rock places Kings crown on Gunns head and hits him but Gunn responds with a ring bell shot and is
in control as they re-enter the ring. Corner splash by Gunn then Rock explodes out of the corner with a clothesline, Floatover DDT. Rock Bottom is avoided and Gunn hits a FameAsser,
Gunn calls the woman into the ring but it backfires as Rock rubs his face in her ass, Rock Bottom and Peoples Elbow get Rock 3 and sends Gunn back to the Tag Division. You know
I can't remember the reason given on TV for the sudden Outlaw reunion. **1/2 - It was okay for what it was and what it was was a Billy Gunn match. This was the end, or mercy killing, 
of the attempted heel push of Gunn stemming from the DX/Outlaw split going back at least May as I remember Gunn/Dogg at OTE. 

WWF Title - S/Ref Jesse Ventura - Stone Cold (c) Vs. HHH Vs. Mankind
 Okay deep breath - Chyna beat HHH and Taker in a triple threat to earn a WWF Title shot here then she successfully defended that shot Vs. HHH however she then lost to Mankind
who was making his return since being out since May. Shane McMahon made HHH/Mankind but that ended in a draw. by double pin. Jesse is special ref as the event is in Minn, he
also reffed at Summerslam 1988. Big pop for Austin, he has that stupid smoking skull belt. Early teamwork by Austin, Mankind but it ends when Mankind hugs then goes for a handshake so Austin punches him. Fighting in the aisle way, Chyna throws Mankind into the ringpost. HHH uses a chair on Austins knee then Jesse asks the crowd if HHH used a chair. Chyna is ejected after she breaks a Mandible Claw on HHH. Unlikely team up now as HHH and Mankind stomp Austin then HHH applies a spinning toe hold as Mankind leg drops him. We get the fighting in the crowd which I think was written into every performers contract in 99 as a requirement. Austin slingshots HHH into Mankind to avoid a Pedigree. Stunner to Mankind but HHH breaks the pin with a chair then hits Mankind with it but Jesse refuses to count the pin as a chair was used, kind of call back to earlier in the show. Shane McMahon comes out but is Stunnered and Ventura throws him out of the ring 'that's for your old man you little bastard'. Sockos here, you know i'm surprised Mick never dressed him in sports gear as Mick loved a cheap pop, double Mandible Claw. Challengers are noggin knockered, Stunner to HHH, Mankind is thrown into turnbuckle. Austin gets Pedigreed but Mankind hits HHH and Double Arm DDTs Austin for the 3, yes people Austin lost clean!!!! Post match HHH attacks Austins knee with a chair and he didn't wrestle again until No Mercy if I remember right. On the RAW following this PPV HHH won the WWF Title, you see Austin refused to put over HHH but didn't mind Mankind getting a caretaker reign of one day, what a guy, this may be a rumour but I firmly believe it. ****- Enjoyed this more than I remembered for the first time around, I think in 2000 on VHS. 

23 / 45 - This is actually a pretty solid SummerSlam and one that I think flies under the radar. It's remembered as a one match show generally, the Test/Shane match, but for me the 
main event and the tag title match are good rewarding matches as well, the rest ranged from fair to poor but overall I'd say give this shot and like a PPV should it gets better as it 
goes up the card and peaks at the finish. 
Thumbs Up.