Thursday 26 November 2020

Survivor Series 2020

 - Is Undertaker gone now for good, for real, fo' shizzle? I have never been a big Undertaker fan bar the 98/99 Deadman, the pre 1996 era was woeful, the 2000-08 ranged from bottom of the barrel to okay and 2008-2010 was good yes but since Wrestlemania 30 what's the point?

 I haven't really been keeping up with WWE too much but I have a gist of the matches and hear Roman has been killing it.

November 22nd, 2020 from Orlando, Florida (I think)

AJ Styles/Riddle/Keith Lee/Strowman/Sheamus Vs. Jey Uso/Owens/Otis/King Corbin/Rollins
 - AJs lot are RAW and Jeys lot are SMACKDOWN! 
- It's quite amazing how bland the themes are now. 
- I don't normally like hippie types but I like Matt Riddle, now Riddle just Riddle, bro. 
- Strowman and Corbin are two people I would gladly pay to never see wrestle again. 
 Foot psychology as Owens attacks Riddles bare feet. Rollins says for the greater good then lets Sheamus Brogue Kick him for 3 (5-4) wait will they project Rollins into the match later like Ben Kenobi and tell Uso where to hit Strowman? We get a hoss battle between Otis and Lee. Stunners for most of the RAW team but a Styles Phenomenal Forearm eliminates Owens (5-3). Riddle hits a corkscrew on Corbin for the 3 count (5-2). Sheamus Brogue Kicks Jey but it only gets a 2. Otis cleans RAWs clocks until he's left with Strowman. Caterpillar to Strowman but Otis is caught up top and a Powerslam ends Otis' night (5-1). Uso dives on to Team RAW. Phenomenal Forearm is avoided as Lee blind tags in and a Spirit Bomb gives RAW the clean sweep. **1/2 It was okay but pales compared with previous survivor tag matches. As noted it wasn't bad but it wasn't really interesting in an engaging stories way.

The New Day Vs. Street Profits 
- This is Champions Vs. Champions. 
- Wait is Big E back officially with New Day already?
- Good heavens above the Profits are annoying. 
- It's funny with The New Day as if you watch the promo where they formed they're now exactly what Xavier moaned about in the promo.
 Even start between the teams but now New Day have Profits down at ringside. New Day are working over Ford. Dawkins makes the tag and cleans maison. A nice kind of double underhook neckbreaker on Xavier for 2. Midnight Hour gets 2 on Ford, nice little kayfabe but off of commentary as they wonder if it was only 2 due to no longer being done with the power of Big E. Dawkins blind tags in and a Doomsday Blockbuster gets 3 on Woods. **1/2

Bobby Lashley (w/ Hurt Business) Vs. Sami Zayn
- They are US and IC Champions respectively
 Bobby is in control with the strength advantage. It's been pretty much all Bobby so far, Bobby Boy Smith with a delayed vertical. Sami and the Hurt Business exchange words at ringside. Sami tries to remove a turnbuckle pad but Shelton Benjamin stops him. Sami tries to claim MVP tripped him for a DQ but the match soon ends with Lashley winning with a Full Nelson. * Match worked well for their characters but on the entertainment scale not at all.

Reigns says if you can't get people to respect you then you can't be at the table and tells Jey to get his brother and leave the arena.

Asuka Vs. Sasha Banks
- Sasha as a face is hilarious, she's the most conceited face there is, basically a female Miz where she just doesn't have the feel of look of a face at all.
 I'm not a fan of stupid coloured hair, any bar brunette/dark, blonde or ginger is ridiculous as far as I'm concerned, so this match is making me 'cray-cray'. Back Stabber gets Sasha 2. Asuka hits some strikes then gets 2 off a knee. GTS style move gets Asuka 2 again. There is stuff happening but nothing I can be bothered recapping bar the nearfalls, that's been a theme all night really as it's been a flat show so far. Sasha comes off the barricade into a Codebreaker. Back in a Back Stabber gets Sasha 2. A codebreaker gets Asuka 2, what's with the double knee offence in this match. They trade 2a during a pinball reversal sequence. Sasha gets a roll up out of nowhere for the 3 count. ***

---- I stopped at this point as the show was boring me to tears and in the interim on November 25th we lost a hero of mine, Rest In Paradise Diego Maradona----

Miz won a pre-show battle royal and Gobbelddy Gooker won the 24/7 title but now R-Truth has won it back.

Nia Jax/Shayna Baszler/Lacey Evans/Payton Royce/Lana Vs. Bayley/Bianca Belair/Ruby Riott/Liv Morgan/Natalya
- Natalya seems so out of place nowadays, she's not old but she's like a relic from yesteryear. 
- Nia and Shayna are tag champions who don't get along as some Russo tropes still love
- Lana is the underdog and unwanted by her team due to being useless.
 Hand spring moonsault gets Belair 2 on Royce. People seem to dye their hair now to be 'alternative' or whatever but it's that common now that aren't they just being the exact opposite? No eliminations so far showing how far women's wrestling in WWE has changed since the mid '00s-early '10s. Lana is told to stand on the ringsteps so as not to tag in. Everyone bar Lana takes turns coming in and all end up outside where Bagley is superplexed onto everyone. I thought we might get the Survivor Series 1991 finish where all bar Flair were counted out for the win. Royce beats Bayley (5-4). Natalya Sharpshooters Royce for the tap out (4-4). Evans misses a moonsault but hits The Woman's Right on Natalya for 3 (4-3). Belair Glam Slams Evans but is caught up top and brought down with the Spanish Fly but the pin is broken up. Baszler is unconscious from a choke and is pinned by Baszler, that was a notable finish to be fair (4-2). Crucifix by Morgan on Evans for 3 (3-2). Samoan Drop eliminates Morgan (3-1), Baszler pulled Belair off the apron so she couldn't break the pin, tag psychology. Belair handsprings in to Baszlers choke hold but she breaks it with a ropebreak but Baszler doesn't break the hold and is DQ'd (2-1). Nia is counted out but so is Belair giving Lana the win via countout (1-0). **1/2 Honestly it wasn't bad just a bit boring with the odd bit of tag match psychology I liked. They built Lana up in the weeks prior as the underdog who her own team didn't want, then had her win via fluke.

Roman Reigns (w/ Paul Heyman) Vs. Drew McIntyre
- Roman is the Universal Champion and Drew is WWE Champion, keeping up with recent tradition Drew regained the title just before Survivor Series from Orton to change the main event.
 Good golly miss Molly Miz is the MITB holder, he's getting close to Ziggler territory where I can't help but wonder 'why is he still on the books?'. Roman takes a powder after a shoulderblock. Nothing else of any real note as no one gets the advantage and there's bits of 'dramatic' stalling but it's just dramatically lowering my interest. Snap suplex after some knees get a Roman 2. Drew fires off clotheslines and a release overhead belly-to-belly. Future Shock DDT is avoided. Superman Punch is avoided with a spinebuster into a jacknife cover for 2. Future Shock DDT gets 2. Claymore is countered with a Superman Punch but a follow up guillotine is countered. Spear is countered to Kimora, I think it is anyway as it looks like the one Brock used in WWE. Drew is Speared through the barricade but upon returning to the ring it only gets 2. Spear also gets 2, I shouldn't be annoyed still as its happened for seemingly years now but finishers not finishing is really annoying and this style of match needs to be phased out. Claymore but Roman is knocked on to the ref. Jey Uso is here Superkick to Drew and a Superman Punch and guillotine follow as a new ref appears, wouldn't he have seen the interference backstage and DQ Roman? Drew is out so the ref ends it.*** 'Twas like Undertaker/HHH at Mania 27, that's not a compliment, where they just seemed to do big moves and not much else of interest. Not a big fan of these match types.

Undertakers retirement ceremony now. 
 Shane McMahon, Big Show, JBL, Jeff Hardy (with UT related face paint), Mick Foley, Godfather, the Godwins, with a Bone Street Krew mention marking surely the first official mention on TV also Mideon is now bald, Savio Vega or at least Tazz cosplaying as him, Rikishi, Kevin Nash as Graves corrects Cole about the Mania featuring Diesel/UT but Cole was right it was Mania 12, Booker-T, Shawn Michaels; the He's Bald Kid, Ric Flair, HHH and Kane come out.

 A video plays of Undertakers career.

Back to the ring as everyone is gone making that first part pointless as Vince is there and introduces Undertaker who makes his entrance and talks, there was a nice touch at the end as Taker posed they beamed in a Paul Bearer image and soundbite.

13.5 / 30 - One of the most non-descript shows I can ever remember. It wasn't a bad one by any means just boring and although it sounds weird, a boring show is worse than a bad one as bad ones can be entertaining in their unique ways and boring ones are well, they're boring.
 The Undertaker thing was perplexing too in it's execution, they couldn't have the guys spaced out at ringside at least?, but that didn't affect the shows rating.

Friday 12 June 2020

December To Dismember

December 3rd, 2006 from Augusta, Georgia.

 Why when I haven't the money do sales happen? I intend to own jerseys of all NHL teams, I have my Wings, Canadiens, Capitals, Senators, and a VGK Neal jersey is £27 right now! I would have it, depending on shipping, had I not purchased a stickless Larry Murphy bobblehead, I didn't know a part was missing until arrival, the description didn't mention it but I didn't notice it in the pics at the time either. So rather than looking like he's playing hockey, Larry looks like he's riding the Hair Bear Bunch invisible bike; at least Tyler Bertuzzis arrived fine, anyway....

 This show is quite famous for -
- Being naff
- Drawing what may of been, pre-Network, a modern low in buys
- Seeing Heyman out of WWE.

MNM (w/ Melina) Vs. Hardy Boys
 On a RAW prior to this it was either hinted or stated that this MNM reunion was a one time thing, Mercury probably wishes it was given Armageddon. Jeff is the IC Champion. I'm pretty sure Joey Mercury worked in latter day ECW. The Hardyz are working over Joeys arm early. Given he's Johnny Nitro I'm surprised Vince didn't book him as a jobber to show WWE > WCW. Outsider Edge into a sit out powerbomb gets Matt 2 on Nitro. MNM have taken over with Matt playing the role of face-in-peril. A double suplex is countered to a double neckbreaker but MNM take out Jeff so Matt can't tag out. Poetry in motion to Matt. Jeff in and he cleans condo. Jeff misses a post Twist of Fate Swanton Bomb as Nitro pulls Mercury out. After a brief speeding up of proceedings Jeff is now playing F-I-P. It's hardly interesting offence but there is a 'Hardy' chant. Jeff hits Whisper in the Wind and gets the tag to Matt, lukewarm tag at best. I've just noticed the Side Effect is essentially a sit out Rock Bottom. Nitro dropkicks Melina by accident and Jeff gets 2 off a roll up. Snapshot to Jeff but Matt breaks the pin. Top rope Snapshot is broken up by Matt and we get a double Twist of Fate of sorts and a Swanton to both MNM gets 3 on Nitro. **1/2 - An okay tag match but whenever it felt like it was going to pick up and be something memorable it slowed down and kind of lost steam.

Matt Striker Vs. Balls Mahoney
 Striker cuts a prematch, during which he changes the rules of the match to a n early 90s WCW match with no top rope moves, would that effect a Balls match? Surprisingly it's not Ballz, at least someone from the late 90s/early 00s didn't go from s to z. A Styles joke about Strikers attire cracks Tazz up. Balls applies an armlock but Matt gets a ropebreak. Balls charges into the ringpost leading to some arm work from Matt. A Regal style neckbreaker gets Matt 2. Balls does sell the arm to be fair, Matt applies an armbar but Balls makes the ropes. Sky High out of nowhere gets Balls the 3 count. ** Very much a TV level match but they did both keep up the arm work and I appreciate psychology so have a boost.

Sabu is KOd backstage. What could someone do to Sabu to get him stretchered? Crowd chants 'Bulls--t'.

Elijah Burke/Sylvester Terkay Vs. FBI (w/ Trinity)
 Burke was one of the few, if not the only, that became bigger in TNA, as the Pope, than they were in New York. FBI is Guido and Mamaluke. Brief wrestling to start between Elijah and Guido. Terkay uses the power advantage to get the better of the FBI. Guido is your F-I-P. FBI take Terkay down with stereo knew dropkicks. The Stroke gets Elijah 3 on Mamaluke. *1/2 Boring TV style match, after the match there was a slight 'TNA' chant as Terkay hit a Muscle Buster.

Sabu is loaded into an ambulance.

Tommy Dreamer Vs. Daivari (w/ The Great Khali)
 Crikey, no wonder Sabu willingly left in an ambulance. Wait sorry I thought Khaki was wrestling, I mean it's *still* a Dreamer match but may be a bit more bearable. Daivari takes a powder after a hiptoss. Dreamer suplexes Daivari but Khali lowbridges him and is ejected. Nothing of note going on. Daivari whiffs on a crossbody but Daivari counters a DDT with a tights assisted roll up for the 3 count. *1/2 - Barely a TV level match, and I mean ECW TV at that.

Paul Heyman gives Hardcore Holly Sabus spot in the Chamber.

Mike Knox/Kelly Kelly Vs. Kevin Thorn/Ariel
 you may remember Knox in TNA as an Aces & Eights member or as that carnival guy or for being eliminated by HBK at Survivor Series. Thorn and Ariel seem to be a modern, at least in 2006, Gangrel and Luna. Knox kind of resembles Charlie Haas, which is all that's notable so far. A lariat has Thorn down. Pump Kick gets 2 on Thorn, weird bit as I think Knox goes for a snapmare but then doesn't flip so Knox has a weird chinlock applied. The ladies tag in and Ariel has the advantage. Knox walks off when Kelly goes for a tag, Kelly had shown interest in CM Punk apparently. A legsweep style slam gets Ariel 3. * - Boring and basic.

Sandman is here and canes Thorn. There's an EC-Dub chant and sadly they weren't having a laugh.

Paul Herman is here, the main event is coming up 1hr 32mins into the show. Big Show is ECWs future apparently to which one can says he's going to retire next year, and I think he did leave wrestling for a bit.

Extreme Elimination Chamber - Big Show (c) Vs. CM Punk Vs. Test Vs. Bobby Lashley Vs.  Hardcore Holly Vs. RVD
 I barely cared about WWECW at the time so can't remember the angles now but going by the video Test, Holly and Show are goons of Heyman. the latter two start. The Chamber is extreme as the pods have weapons in them - a chair, a crowbar, a table and a barbed wire bat, welcome to extreme Cluedo. RVD missed a crossbody but lands on the Chamber wall but hotshots himself in the top rope when he tries another. We get the stupid bit where someone comes off the top into a boot, Hardcore came off the top vertically he wouldn't of even hit a move, god I hate that. A suplex gets Hardcore 2. Entrant #3 is CM Punk, the fans like that. Punk throws a chair at Van Dam so he throws it back in Punks face. Punk counters a legsweep with a legdrop. RVD is cut, I don't remember Van Dam bleeding much in his career. Hardcore is in charge at the moment so interest isn't exactly at a high. Fans are behind RVD now. #4 entrant is Test. RVD uses the chair on all, hitting Punk with his corner dropkick, a follow up Five Star gets 3 on Punk, some boo that decision. Test accidentally boots Holly and there's a weird bit when the ref stops counting but Holly didn't kick out. Big Show grabs RVD from his pod allowing Test to throw him down and hit a chair assisted big elbow for the 3 count. Wait Holly has been eliminated apparently, fans about bulls--t about RVDs elimination. Entrant #5 is Bobby. The pod is locked by people in riot gear. Lashley breaks the top of his pod with the table and leaves it, super strong table or weak pod? Test is thrown around a bit. Extreme rock -paper-scissors as crowbar beats chair and then a Spear beats Test. Big Show is getting words from Heyman as there's still a minute till his pod opens. Show's out and is soon thrown through a pod. Chokeslam is countered with a DDT. Lashley avoids a powetslam and gets a Spear for 3. *1/2 - This Lashley thing was the usual Vince pigheadedness where he decided that Lashley was getting the title despite people not caring and that was that. Speaking of Vince he would be the one to end Lashleys title reign, which is a bigger joke than this match but maybe not the PPV.

10 / 30 - Not much to say really, the opener was okay if too long, the rest were boring to various degrees with the mixed tag falling towards bad territory but Kelly Kelly, the weakest of four pretty weak links, hadn't really been around too long so couldn't really expect too much. 

 The main sort of had a story with Bobby overcoming Heymans goons but the ECW crowd weren't into Lashley, he has the charisma of an oven mitt and when the goons are a broken down Big Show, a 6 years too late Test push and Sparky Plugg well; suddenly Rocksteady and Bebop look like the best henchmen going. 

Thumbs down.  

Tuesday 20 November 2018

Survivor Series 1987

We set the clock back to 1987 for this the inaugural Survivor Series and whilst I'm not expecting much in the ring in terms of technical prowess the old shows do have a fun quality to them.

26th Novemeber, 1987 from Richfield, O--o

Crowd is hot to start as Jesse Ventura and Gorilla Monsoon are Introduced. I think this is actually taking place on Thanksgiving. 

Honky Tonk Man/Harley Race/Hercules/Ron Bass/Danny Davis  Vs. Macho Man/Steamboat/Beefcake/Jake Roberts/Duggan
Harley is during his King phase. Honky and Macho are the respective captains. Bobby Heenan and Jimmy Hart are ringside for Team Honky and Elizabeth is with Team Macho. It's quite amazing how quickly Savage adapted to the face side of things and was embraced by the fans after his great heel run. Big pop for Savage and Elizabeth. Beefcake has hiptosses for all bar Harley and Honky. Danny Davis is being discombobulated until he manages to tag Harley in who tries to throw Ricky out a couple times but he skins the cat both times. Hacksaw in, Harley won the title of King from Hacksaw so they have history, they brawl ringside for a double count out (4-4). Macho has the better of Bass until he goes for Honky and is clotheslined. Brutus with the blind tag and a high knee eliminates Bass (3-4). Beefcake is your Future-Man-With-No-Name-Even-Though-That-Is-Surely-His-Name-In-Peril. Beefcake fights back but doesn't go for a tag and is hit with the Shake Rattle 'n' Roll, a swinging neckbreaker, for 3 (3-3). Jake in, he goes for a DDT but Honky avoids it. Woah, woah, woah is that Jack Duckworth as the ref? If Vera shows up in the womens match then it must be, was this Coronation Streets way of building an american following? Sounds like a big 'DDT' chant. Jake hits said DDT to Danny Davis for 3 (2-3). Hercules attacks Jake straight away to get an advantage. Jake, Randy and Steamboat would be a cracking mix for a wrestler - great promo, great babyface and God. Jake has been isolated since he eliminated Danny. Hot tag to Ricky who chops Honky and mocks him with his dance. Chop off the top for Hercules then Savage soon ends his night with the Big Elbow (1-3). The faces have their way with Honky who bails after a Macho atomic drop and takes the count out loss 23:42. *** Heat at points was off the charts, Honky taking the countout loss fitted with his gimmick.      

We hear from Team Andre. 

Judy Martin/Lelani Kai/Dawn Marie/Donna Christianello/Sherri Vs. Velvet McIntyre/Rockin Robin/Jumping Bomb Angels/Fabulous Moolah
Sherri is Ladies Champion and Judy/Lelani are Ladies Tag Champions. Ventura plugs The Running Man a film I have yet to see though intend to or am I thinking of the other Arnie film I get it mixed up with the name if which escapes me. Velvet victory rolls Donna for 3. (4-5). Hurricanrana and a dropkick to Lelani. If I remember right Robin is Jake Roberta sister. Robin is your Potential-Jake-Roberts-Sibling-In-Peril but she does pin Dawn with a crossbody (3-5). One of the JBA does Eddie Guerreros style of armdrag without the running up top. Suplex by Sherri eliminates Robin (3-4). Lelani avoids a dropkick from one of the JBA. One of the JBAs is legal but Moolah is dragged in by Lelani or Judy and that makes her legal. A clothesline eliminates Moolah (3-3). McIntyre has Martin in a Boston crab then a bow and arrow type move but there's a rope break. I have just remembered the other Arnie film and funnily enough it's Total Recall. Double underhook slam to one of the JBA doesn't get 3 but the bell rings anyway however the ref cancels it out. McIntyre with a giant swing to Sherri and pins her with a victory roll  (2-3) as Ventura believes that should make her the no.1 contender. Double underhook suplex to Martin gets 2 for one of the JBA. Velvet goes for a victory toll on Judy but she counters by falling backwards for 3 (2-2), I cant remember if that's the electric chair or if that's the one where you drop them forwards. Lelani misses a splash from the top and is pinned by a JBA with a crossbody (1-2). Jimmy Hart is on the apron but is dropkicked to a pop and a clothesline off the top eliminates Judy and ends it @ 20:15.  **1/2 - Did kind of drag at times but McIntyre and the Jumping Bomb Angels in particular looked impressive.

We hear from Hart Foundations team.

Demolition/Greg Valentine/Dino Bravo/Haku/Tama/Hart Foundation/Zhukov/Volkoff Vs. Bulldogs/Paul Roma/Jim Powers/Rougeau Brothers/Killer Bees/Rick Martel/Tito Santana
And breathe. Hart Foundation are the captain's of their team, despite entering to Demolitions music, not that I mind one bit and Strike Force (Martel and Santana) are the captain's of their team and are the Tag Team Champions. I hope it has the one fall eliminates the Tag team formula. Volkoff and Martel start. Some fans at ringside not be able to see due to all the people on the apron. Zhukov is gone via a Santana forearm (8-10). Haku and Dynamite Kid trade blows. The future Horseman Paul Roma is in but he is soon in trouble, I guess Naitxh didn't watch this tape for scouting. Ax pins Jacques Rougeau after he misses a crossbody (8-8). Neidhart holds Powers up for Haku to drop a chop on him but it only gets 2, I thought the Stallions were done then. Dynamite gets 2 on Smash after a clothesline. Demolition are DQd when one pushes a ref (6-8). Bret piledrives Dynamite Kid for a 2 count however he soon misses a corner charge. Tama misses a vader splash on Powers. Santana hits his forearm on Neidhart but Bret breaks the pin and Santana is pinned (6-6). There has been stuff going on all match but if I noted it all this would be like Homers Odyssey. Roma Vs. Bret which of course is Horseman Vs. nWo. Dynamite now in with Bret who does his corner chest bump. Davey Boy in with Haku and he headbutts him. Davey with a press slam on Bret for 2. Powerslam to Haku but it doesn't get 3. Dynamite with a Swan Dive to Haku but the Bulldogs are soon done as Haku pins Davey with a thrust kick (6-4). Jesse guesses that the Killer Bees will do a Honky if the Young Stallions get eliminated next. We've now settled down to a regular tag formula now as Powers is being isolated. Valentine goes to Figure Four Powers but doesn't see him tag out and Roma comes off the top with a sunset flip for 3, that was nicely done but then you'd expect quality from a future Horseman (4-4). Bret with a back suplex on Roma for 2. Roma is your Future-Horseman-In-Peril. Bret is pinned by Brunzell of the Killer Bees (2-4). Big 'Weasel' chant. Tama must be related to Rikishi, shocking I know, as he looks like him. Haku has Brunzell in trouble with a double, yes double, Vulcan death grip. Brunzell almost ends it with a sunset flip but it only gets 2. Roma powerslams Haku but Tama breaks the pin. Brunzell with a noggin knocker to the Islanders. B. Brian Blair, who now has a Rey Mysterio style mask on, sunset flips Tama for 3 @ 37:15, why the ref didn't question why one suddenly had a mask on when the legal man didn't is beyond me. ***1/2 Did kind of almost drag at points as we got a lot of the same, one man comes throws a punch or two then tag out and repeat but there was always something going on and constant movement can help a matches watchability. Got better the more the teams were narrowed down and we got more of a normal tag match. 

We get a lengthy Ted DiBiase promo interspersed with clips of him making a woman bark and kicking away a basketball before a kid can dribble it 15 times, wasn't Rob Van Dam used for one of these type of things once.

Jesse and Gorilla discuss the night's events so far. Jesse rocks a pilgrim hat at Gorillas request.

Honky and Jimmy Hart are interviewed. Honky says he'll face Hogan anytime with both belts at stake.

Andre The Giant/King Kong Bundy/Rick Rude/One Man Gang/Butch Reed Vs. Hulk Hogan/Paul Orndorff/Bam Bam/Don Muraco/Ken Patera
Slick and The Brain are ringside for Andres team. They claim it's Ken Patera but I'm not convinced it isn't Leo Sayer. Oliver Humperdink is in the corner for Team Hogan. Kind of weird seeing Hogan and Orndorff together. Muraco is filling in for Superstar Billy Graham. Hogan of course is over huge. Rude doesn't get off to the bets start for his team as the faces take turns beating on him, you don't get crowds like this anymore. Butch in but he fares no better. Hogan and Orndorff clothesline Butch and the Legdrop of Doom ends his night (4-5). We almost get Andre and Hogan but we don't. One Man Gang blocks an Orndorff corner charge and tags in Rude but like earlier he's soon on the defensive. Patera gets a crossbody for 2 on Gang but he's soon caught in the heel corner as the ref is distracted. Sounds like an 'Andre Sucks' chant but I can't make it out fully. One Man Gang takes down Patera with a clothesline of sorts for 3 (4-4). Bam Bam and Hogan with a double big boot to OMG. It's funny seeing how over Bam Bam was in 87 as the Bam Bam I grew up with was the Jersey Triad one in 1999. Rude rolls up Orndorff for 3 (4-3). HH goes all HHH with a high knee. Rude is powerslamed by Muraco for 3 (3-3). Andre headbutts Muraco and OMG gets a splash for 3 (3-2). Bam Bam with a sunset flip but OMG sits on him. Bam Bam is your Future-WCW-Tag-Team-  Champion-Using-The-Freebird-Rule-In-Peril. Hot tag to Hogan as we get Hogan/Andre, they trade chops. Bundy drags Hogan out if the ring where OMG and Bundy keep him occupied long wnough ti be counted out (3-1), that ruling is booed out of the building. Bam Bam headbutts Bundy for 2. Bundy misses a corner charge and Bam Bam slingshots onto him for 3 (2-1). OMG is up top but misses and Bam Bam gets 3 (1-1). Bam Bam rolls around to avoid Andre then misses a corner charge and is hip tossed for 3 @ 24:24. Hogan runs in agter and attacks Andre with the title belt then poses for the fans. ***1/2 - Man the crowd were into this, puts today's pops to shame. It was a good match which didn't have any standout moments, think HBKs performance at the 2003 event, but was a fun match nonetheless.

Gene Okerlund is with Bobby and Andre, Bobby says Hogan can have Andre but he has to sign a contract for it. 

12.5 / 20 - A good show top to bottom with no bad matches. Maybe the crowd is part of it but shows from this time are always watchable even if you don't get technical master classes like Flair/Steamboat. Thumbs up for the inaugural Survivor Series. 

Sunday 18 November 2018

Survivor Series 2018

November 18th, Los Angeles, California.

My interest in the current WWE is pretty, pretty low though I do keep up via 411Mania recaps/reviews. Bryan won the WWE Title in the SMACKDOWN! go home show and faces Lesnar tonight in a Champion Vs. Chamoion match which some hilariously say is a punishment of some sort, granted Brock may end Bryans career, is a man with neck history really the best to be put in there, but I doubt it's been done for that reason. Also the one match that seemed to have garnered any interest is off the cards as Nia Jax injured Becky Lynch and she's been pulled from the Rousey match.

Carmella/Naomi/Mandy Rose/Sonya Deville/Asuka Vs. Mickie James/Tamina/Nia Jax/Bayley/Sasha Banks (w/Alexa Bliss)
R-Truth is with Carmella. Naomi is SMACKDOWN! captain and Alexa is the RAW Captain though can't competedue to concussion issues I think. I nearly fell off my chair when I found out Tamina still has a job and I'm not even in  a chair it's that shocking. Cole says a fight on the pre-show between Natalya and Ruby Riott has seen Alexa replace them with the latter two. We get a pier-six less than a minute in. Tamina superkicks Naomi for 3 (4-5) but Carmella rolls up Tamina for 3 (4-4) then we have a dance break. Carmella tries to roll up Nia but can't get her over. Mickie neckbreakers Mandy for a 2 count. Asuka is still popular it seems which is a testament to wither her personality or respect as her booking has been pretty bad since the Rumble. Bayley tags herself in much to Mickie's chagrin. Sonya hits a running knee and Mandy gets the pin on Mickie (4-3) as she'd tagged herself in. Carmella with a moonwalk DDT to Bayley. Bayley-to-Belly eliminates Carmella (3-3). Bank Statement eliminates Mandy (2-3). Sonya looks a little like an alternate universe evil version of Bayley. Spinebuster to Bayley but Nia breaks it to heat then Asuka attacks her ringside to cheers. Bayley and Sonya tumble to ringside and they're both counted out (1-2). Asuka hits Sasha with a hiptoss style Go2Sleep and a wicked german. Corey says Asuka is essentially in a handicap match, well yes she is there's nothing 'essentially' about it. Nia pushes Sasha into the Asuka Lock (1-1). Nia leg drops Asuka three times, thankfully it wasn't Hogan doing the Leg Drops or Asuka would be a goner. Samoan drop ends it @ 20:08ish (0-1) as Nia survives. **1/2 They gave them time and they didn't have the annoying quick eliminations thing. There wasn't anything real interesting within the match itself in terms of stories for me but it was good. 

There's a bit backstage with Baron/Stephanie and Shane/Paige about who's better and a LeBron cheap heat bit from Baron.

Seth Rollins Vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
Seth is IC Champion and Shin is the US Champion. A wrestling start finishes with a rope break leading to a Come Onnnnnnn from Shin. Seth gets a 2 off a roll up after ducking a kick. Duelling Nakamura and Burn It Down chants. Seth hits a guillotine leg drop which sends Shin ringside then Seth skins the cat and goes to follow with a suicide dive but Shin hits a knee/kick. Shin goes anti-Beach Boys with some bad vibrations. Seth with a downward spiral sending Skin into the middle turnbuckle. Slingblade then soon after Seth hits three suicide dives. Shin hits a backstabber but has no effect really as Seth fires back with a superkick. Shin gets a triangle but Seth breaks it with a Buckle Bomb. Superplex into a Falcon Arrow gets Seth a 2 count, they had me there to be fair as I was ready to stop my stopclock. Shin unleashes a combo of strikes and hits an inverted exploder. Seth misses a frog splash allowing Shin to hit the Kinshasa but it only gets 2 as god help us if a finisher actually finished a match in 2018. Shin misses a Kinshasa allowing Seth to get 3 from a Stomp @ 21:26. ***1/2 Yeah it was good and enjoyable with a couple good false finishes but there's just no psychology in matches like these they're just essentially late 90s/early 00 spotfests but with more talent and less high risk moves which is an oberservation not a complaint re the high risk bit. 

Team RAW are backstage with Drew and Braun not getting on then Baron is here so Braun pushes Lio Rush into him and R-Truth shows up thinking he's on RAW.

The Bar (w/ Big Show) Vs. AOP (w/ Drake Maverick)
Bar are SMACKDOWN! Tag Champions and AOP are RAW Tag Champions. The Bar are going to next months WCC but I'm not as just wasn't feeling it. Drake Maverick is *the* most Indy name I think I've ever heard, for those who watched TNA he is the artist formerly known as Rockstar Spud.  Razar(?) is on the defensive but the tables have been turned when Ceasro goes to giant swing Akom(?) but it'sbroken up and AOP take over. Ceasro is your-swiss-in-peril. Ceasro manages a some uppercut but he's soon down again. The crowd is silent, you1 could hear a pin drop in Oklahoma. Sheamus does his clubbing blows bit which gets the crowd involved. Brogue Kick to Razar but Drake puts his foot on the rope. Big Show chokes Dallas who wets himself, classic brummie. Nice suplex/sit out powerbomb combo to Sheamus gets AOP the win @ 9:03. ** I wasn't too drawn in but they had the tag psychology bit where Cesaro was isolated and that's always appreciated by me.  

Shane bigs up the SMACKDOWN! team with Miz repeating Shane's last words. R-Truth comes to Shane for a job but Shane tells him he's already on SMACKDOWN! Miz promises the team signed copies of Marine 6 of they win.

Cruiserweight Title - Buddy Murphy (c) Vs. Mustafa Ali
Buddy, an Aussie, won the title at Super Show-Down which was in Australia, we'll see tonight if he gets an actual reign or if that was done just for the home crowd. WWE promote and ask for donations to help the firemen fighting the fires in California. Years ago there used to be a company who toured as a WWF tribute show pretending to be The Rock etc. well Ali looks like he'd make a good fake Seth Rollins. Yowzers Murphy sends Ali flying backwards off the top into the barricade. Network is playing up a bit, it slows down whilst never freezing then goes quick to catch up to the live action. Murphy is taking Ali apart as he has been discombobulated since being thrown off the top. Ali dodges a corner charge and hits a kick but is soon dumped over the top and Murphy follows with a somersault senton over the top. Back in Ali with a couple of superkicks and an inverted hurricanrana for 2, sounds like a faint 'you f'd up' chant over something. Ali spins into a draping DDT for 2. Ali is again dumped off thetop to the outside, you'd think he'd learn but he is from Chicago. Ali with a Spanish Fly off an announce table, I hope the spanish one, and we get a '205' chant. Ali goes up but is caught, shocker,  as Murphy bends him and hits a superkick them two powerbombs for 2, I thought that was it. A kind of pump handle death valley driver ends it as Murphy gets 3 @ 12:11. ***1/2 I found myself liking this one which is a testament to the match as I wasn't familiar with these guys going in. I don't watch 205 but if they do matches like this I may have too as it could be the best main stream cruiserweight stuff since prime WCW. 

Lashley/Finn/Ziggler/McIntyre/Strowman Vs. Rey/Miz/Jeff Hardy/Samoa Joe/Shane McMahon
Lashley team is representing RAW and are accompanied by Baron and Lio Rush whilst the others are representing SMACKDOWN!. Strowman is in the match in exchange for a title shot Vs. Brock and a match with Baron as long as he doesn't attack him here, Renee wonders if that counts post match. I keep thinking Ryder is on the team as Miz for some reason has taken to looking like him. Drew tags himself in straight away and avoids the Coquinha(?) Clutch and hits the Claymore eliminating Samoa Joe (5-4). Shane's in Vs. Dolph, Shane recently beat Dolph for title of Best In The World, don't ask. Fameasser gets 2 on Shane. Zig Zag hits when Shane goes for a spinning elbow but Miz breaks the pin. Braun tags in but Drew tags himself in and they start fighting, are they setting the table for a Braun/Drew WWE Title feud? SMACKDOWN! attack Braun and Rey gets the 619, the crowd likes Braun but they cheered for the 619. Shane clears the announce table as Cole wonders what they have planned, seeing as Shane has done an elbow for 19 years through it I think I know. Sure enough Shane hits the elbow, i'll take wrestling spots Stevie Wonder could see coming for $200 please Alex. Finn catches Mix with a kick up top, Finn gets 2 when he rolls through Skull Crushing Finale. Finn gets 2 on Rey with a move I think Big Show used to call The Final Cut. Coup De Grace misses and Rey dials up 619 and eliminates Finn (4-4). Rey goes to 619 Drew but Bobby blind tags in and cancels Reys call with a big boot. 0800 B-I-G B-O-O-T. Bobby Boy Smith with a delayed vertical but Rey rolls out of it, that never happened to Bulldog. Jeff hits his leg drop to the groin and Cole calls it classic Jeff Hardy as I can't help but wonder what happened to 'vintage'. Jeff hits Twist of Fate,  with Doloh landing Stunner style, but Dolph uses his knees to block the Swanton. Has Shane gone home to watch Sunday Night Football? Oh wait here he is, I guess the game's a dud. Shane Terminator hits on Dolph for 3 (3-4). Is Braun still out from the elbow? I mean the guy was thrown into the back of a garbage truck and was okay but an elbow takes him out. Shane Terminator to Lashley is attempted but Braun clotheslines him out of the air. Braun counters Twist of Fate with a Powerslam to eliminate Jeff (3-3). Rey dials up again but Braun puts down the reciever via a Powerslam to eliminate Rey (3-2). Powerslam to Miz for 3 (3-1). Powerslam ends the match @ 23:57. Post match Corbin cheapshots Strowman and leaves with Lasgley and McIntyre.  **** - Was struggling between ***1/2 and **** but I am a sucker for a multi-man tag match so i'll go for the ****. Match was fun even though like the women's match of the same nature it didn't really have stories within itself bar Drew and Braun fighting. Enjoyable though dont get me wrong. They booked Braun to look strong again but there's only so long he can be kept strong without putting him on the top.

Just went for a toilet break and comeback to find there's been an error, I haven't missed a match but may of missed something.

Ronda Rousey Vs. Charlotte Flair
Ronda is RAW Women's Champion and Charlotte is replacing the SMACKDOWN! Women's Champion Becky Lynch who was injured by new super heel Nia Jax. You know on Twitter people treat Charlotte like the best thing since sliced bread but I've never been blown away by what I've see, don't get me wrong she's good and certainly miles ahead of what I witnessed throughout the early/mid 2000s-early 2010s . I have been Impressed with Ronda when you consider her lack of experience. This was being touted as a potential Mania 35 top liner. Charlotte avoids an armbar and Ronda avoids the Figure Eight. Even start until Ronda is thrown into the bottom turnbuckle. Charlotte is working the leg as Ronda has been cut seemingly by a Flair elbow. Ronda with an armbar in the ropes which much like Tajiri's Tarantula forces a rope break by default. Ronda gets an armbar out of the corner but Charlotte rolls it into a pinning predicament and now has the Walls of Charlotte applied. Natural Selection is countered as Ronda grabs the arm but Charlotte avoids the armbar. Moonsault is blocked as Ronda gets her feet up. Spear gets Charlotte 2. Charlotte rolls through an armbar into a Figure Four but it's countered and they roll ringside where Charlotte is thrown into the barricade. Ronda tees off on Charlotte but she counters with chops, rock-paper-jabs-chops. Charlotte goes ringside and when Ronda charges her she hits her with a kendo stick for the DQ @ 14:10. The kendo assault continues post match then takes out some refs and Pillmanises Rondas neck, maybe they will meet at Mania after all. Ronda should of done a stretcher job but leaves under her own power. The crowd turned on Ronda. ***1/2 My only issue is that the match had the same thing pretty much throughout as Ronda kept trying for the armbar and never got it, matches with that though usually end with the wrestler hitting/applying the move and winning with it but this didn't have that.

Daniel Bryan Vs. Brock Lesnar (w/ Paul Heyman)
Bryan is the WWE Champion, winning on the last SMACKDOWN! and Brock is the Universal Champion after beating Braun at the Crown Jewel show. Thought we were going to have Brock jump Bryan as he didn't come out straight away. Bryan taunts Brock pre match and I mean come on the guy's from Washington State the birth of grunge music so don't expect any smart moves. Bryan jogs around ringside then when Brock follows Bryan goes in the ring and poses. Bryan tries for a kick but it's blocked and he is clubbed down. Brock hits release german numero uno then numero dos and I hope there's only one more as my Spanish counting is spent beyond tries and I'm  not sure that's even right. Brock switches it up with some release overhead belly to belly suplexes. Brock dials the clock back to 1957 as he applies a bearhug then brings us back to 2018 with a slam. There's german numero tres, sounds like a 'same old s--t' chant which could also be aimed at Hollywood too. F-5 but Brock himself breaks the count despite saying 'goodnight everybody'. Bryan hits some kicks then a low blow after the ref is knocked down as Brock hits him with Bryan during an attempted F-5, running knee gets 2. Brock is being kicked repeatedly. Bryan lowbridges Brock sending him ringside then posts him and hits a knee off the apron. Back in Bryan hits the running knee but again it's only for 2. Bryan wraps Brocks leg around the post then a missile dropkick connects. Brock catches Bryan going for a knee but his knee gives out on an FT attempt and Bryan gets the Yes Lock but Brock manages to work it so he's in a triangle then powers from that into an F5 for 3 @ 18:40ish. **** First part was okay when Brock was nearing SummerSlam 2014 territory but then when Bryan started a comeback, something I did find a tad silly after the early beating, the crowd got into it and it became a proper match nearing SummerSlam 2013 territory though not quite reaching them heights, though that was a sparkling match to be fair. Fun to see Brock have an actual match as well. 

23.5 / 35 - Ratings wise that is a cracking showing from WWE. There was no bad matches on the card and I was throwing stars out like Genji. I only remembered this was on ten minutes before air time and i'm glad I did. Cracking show.

Thumbs up.  

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Rebellion 1999

On the 1999 home straight now as this, the original No Mercy and Backlash are the only remaining ones for me to do, the latter of which I have on DVD but have yet to watch. This was during a pretty good PPV run for the WWF with Fully Loaded, SummerSlam, Unforgiven and No Mercy all being pretty good, of course that run is book ended by an awful show, KOTR, and one of the most boring shows I've ever seen, Survivor Series. This took place between Unforgiven and No Mercy. A friend of mine had this on VHS but I never borrowed it from him for reasons I dont know, possibly due to the stigma of UK shows.

October 1999, Birmingham, England.

The latter part of the opening is TV show style like a RAW intro.

IC Title - Jeff Jarrett (c) (w/ Miss Kitty) Vs. D'Lo Brown
Jeff insults the women of the UK. D'Lo is European Champion but Jarretts title is on the line. Jeff gets a lady from the audience to clean up a spillage in the ring with a hoover, he precedes to put her in the Figure Four but Chyna comes down to stop him. Michael Hayes is on commentary with JR. Unsure if they were around then but if they were Chyna should of hit him with a Henrietta Hoover. D'Lo is billed from Birmingham. Quick 2 off a powerslam for D'Lo. Jeff takes a walk with his title but he's caught in the aisle by D'Lo. Jarrett applies a sleeper putting D'Lo out like me watching Birmingham FC. D'Lo manages to break it and hits a delayed vertical but when he tries to follow up off the top he is dropkicked. D'Lo hits a sitout powerbomb, this being around the time Droz was paralyzed when a running one went wrong. D'Lo annoys me by coming off the top in a whacky position so they can do the jump into a boot bit, there must be a less silly set up for that. D'Lo is distracted by Miss Kitty and Jeff hits D'Lo with a hoover, quite like how seemingly every team hoovered up Aston Villa in their last awful premier league season, man they were bad then. **1/2 - Solid if unspectacular opener.

Jarrett challenges Chyna to a match for later.

Godfather Vs. Gangrel
You can tell this is a UK PPV. Godfather has British hos with him they join Hayes and JR. Hayes is having more enjoyment than West Brom fans are this season, need to win about four games with ten or so remaining and they've won I think three all season. Gangrel wants a ho but Godfather says the people want to see him kick Gangrels ass instead. Godfather bounces Gangrel off the four corners but is soon DDTd but its a regular one not an implant one which was Gangrels finish at the time. What was that thing with Gangrels name as whenever it was in print there was always a small print bit about trademark, who owned the Gangrel name? Ho Trian connects and Pimp Drop, Death Valley Driver, ends it. *1/2 Short and inoffensive. The Hos celebrate with Tim White.

Chyna officially accepts Jeff Jarretts challenge. Bulldog interrupts saying the people didn't come to see him Vs. X-Pac they want him in the title match so he's going to find Vince.

Val Venis Vs. Mark Henry
This was a team waiting to happen really. Venis compares himself to rugby in his pre match bit. Henry's been announced for this year's HoF. The as yet unnamed Insurrextion is plugged for next May. Henry goes over the top and Val follows him with a rounders slide, I once got a home run in rounders at school when the guy on first base missed the ball when thrown to him and I had to then keep on going to home which irritated me as getting to first alone warranted a rest in my book. Val can't get Henry up for a slam and is dropped on the barricade. Back in Henry misses a corner charge and is hit with a Russian leg sweep, weird seeing Val do that without the knees from a whip preceding it. Val grounds Henry with a shot to the legs and a Money Shot soon ends it. *1/2  To short to mean anything, would of been UNR but just clocked in over 3 mins.

Davey demands a title shot and throws a bin across the room when he doesn't get one and Stephanie is KOd off screen. This led to the amnesia angle, I read somewhere that was done due to WWF not knowing where Russo was going with it all, he left for WCW over this weekend I believe when this show took place in the UK as he was in the US still. At least Steph can go to the hospital for free as this happened in Birmingham UK and not Alabama.

Women's Title - Ivory (c) Vs. Tori Vs. Jacqueline Vs. Luna
Tori suplexes Ivory as the others stand around then break the pin. Ivory cuts a deal with Jacqueline to take out the other two then she bails but Jacqueline beats on them anyway. Ivory too is going in the HoF, did they read this card then throw darts to see who'd be inducted? There's a sleeper train going on which Jacqueline breaks with a triple jaw breaker. Ivory clocks Jacqueline with the title and gets 3. *1/2 same as the last match in that was almost UNR but Wikipedia and JD Dunn have it over 3 mins so needs a rating.

Road Dogg Vs. Chris Jericho (w/ Curtis Hughes)
Road Dogg is one half of the tag team champions. Kind of shocked the Tag Title isn't on the line maybe Russo was too preoccupied with the WCW deal to book that. Road Dogg attacks in the aisle. They go in the crowd and Road Dogg comes off the barricade with an axe handle. There's a sign which reads Dyer which is pronounced dire which is what West Broms season has been so far. Road Dogg nails Jericho with some kicks to the bonce, if West Brom had kicked the ball into the net more they wouldn't be bottom of the league. Jericho sends Dogg ringside with his dropkick to the apron, a suplex back in gets 1 via the cocky pin. Slingshot splash gets 2 as Dogg gets a rope break. 'Road Dogg' chant,  springboard bulldog as Jericho has taken control of the match now. Jericho heads up top but is crotched and superplexed down. Jericho hits a spinebuster of sorts and almost turns it into a Walls but Dogg breaks it. Lionsault misses allowing Dogg to hit his trademark punches but Jericho ducks the final one KOing the ref, a Hughes chairshot gets 2, I thought that was it. Jericho gets 3 off a lowblow after Dogg hits Hughes. **1/2 A good little mid card match, fans were into Road Dogg which gave it an atmosphere. Jericho faced Dogg here and Unforgiven had a Y2J/X-Pac match then he wound up with Chyna a month or so later, this could've been a good lead in to a HHH feud.

Chyna Vs. Jeff Jarrett (w/ Miss Kitty)
  Tony Chimel doesn't bill it as a title match, does that give us an ending where Chyna wins but then Jeff says the gold wasnt on the line? Jarrett comes off the top into a lowblow but Tim Whites all no biggie I guess. A pedigree is countered with a slingshot, didnt HHH tell her to never do it facing the turnbuckle? Or by the ropes for that matter as that always leads to a back drop to the outside. Bulldog runs in for the DQ and Poweslams Chyna. Jarrett figure fours Chyna in the aftermath. *1/2
The Rock and Big Show were at a Virgin record store, they're no longer going I believe. No doubt the ques were huge this being 1999 WWF.

No DQ - Big Show Vs. Kane
The No DQ stip gives me hope that this'll top their KOTR encounter. Man I love this Kane, when the attire changed at SummerSlam 2000 was when my care-o-meter dipped. Big Show dropkicks Kane out but he lands on his feet. A clothesline and a dropkick staggers Show but he can't slam him. Show hits a backbreaker into a bow and arrow. Kane takes a Bret bump in the corner and is hit with a reverse DDT on the rebound, walls of Show applied but Show lets go, Michael Hayes points out Show should've kept it on as even a rope break wouldn't matter as its No DQ. Kaneziguri connects as does a DDT, Kanes clothesline off the top hits but Show blocks a Chokeslam follow up. Show gets a chair but Kane boots it back in his boat race and gets 3 from a scoop slam, thought he was going to Tombstone him then. ** Better than their KOTR match, though that was a contender for worst MOTY. I wish they'd of had more of a No DQ style brawl. Not bad though by any means.
HHH says he doesnt care about Jarrett, Chyna or Bulldog right now just his title. He insults England too for heat but I've gotta pop for that, had he insulted Wales though I'd of had to build a time machine and travel to Birmingham myself. Hunter also insults the teeth of British people, where do americans get this infatuation with our teeth? Hugh Grant is the USs go to brit and he had a damn fine set of gnashers. 

X-Pac Vs. British Bulldog
Bulldog starts better due to power advantage, he catches a heel kick and counters to a pump handle slam style move. Hayes says Test may be on a flight over right now after what happened to Steph, well I hope he's watching in Canada then, don't think this aired in US. Bulldog hits his delayed vertical but slows it down now with a chinlock. JR notes Steph will stay at a local medical facility, who says I'm going to the local medical facility? Bronco Buster but then Bulldog crutches X-Pac with a pressslam then ends it via a Powerslam. ** Too short to mean much and was essentially an extended squash of X-Pac which was kind of surprising.

Crash explains to Hardcore how pounds are money over here.

Acolytes Vs. Edge/Christian Vs. Crash/Hardcore
Edge and Hardcore to start. The ropes seems really loose. Faarooq goes for a Dominator early but Hardcore hits a poor back suplex. Bradshaw hits a back suplex off the top on Crash then pins him after a Clothesline From Hell. Double shoulderblock to Bradshaw, wait I think Faarooq has changed corner. Edge counters a powerbomb, let's rank these based on their World Title reigns I have it from 4-1 - Faarooq, Bradshaw, Christian, Edge. Sure Christians was shorter than Bradshaws but his matches with Orton surpassed anything from JBLs reign. Spinebuster on Christian for 2 as he has assumed the Canadian-In-Peril role. Dominator is countered with a DDT. Tag to Edge as Canadians go all Rock 'n' Roll with a double dropkick. Tornado DDT gets 3 on Bradshaw. **1/2. Okay tag match, always fun to see Acolytes actually lose. Acolytes were usually pushed strong around this time but didnt mean much as characters then when they hit on their APA schtick they didnt get a tag reign if I remember right which was funny as thats when they were most over.

Long video plays for Rock/HHH, going by the video you'd think it was a triple threat as Bulldog is featured heavily.

WWF Title - Steel Cage - Triple-H (c) Vs. The Rock
It's the old WWF style cage but it's black rather than blue because this is the attitude era dammit. We get a recap of Bulldogs actions through the night. I suppose the long video was to set up the cage. Escape the cage rules. People throw confetti or something over Rock just like Wolves fans will throw confetti on their way to the Premier League, had to get one positive football bit in there and Wolves are flying high. Rock cuts a pre match on the cage in his turnbuckle pose. Rock points out some jabroni in the crowd who gave him a thumbs down and has a HHH sign he asks what the sign says but 'It Doesnt Matter' soon follows. Weird camera for the start of Triple Aych's entrance as its directly under him. Winged eagle seems to be most popular design but this is my fave WWF/E Title, though The Big Gold belt is my numero uno overall. 'Asshole' chant but I think it may just be 2018 West Brom fans chanting that that loud at Pardew that it was hearable in 1999. JR says Rock is 27 which kind of depresses 28 yr old me though Rock was never RWF Champion so I have that in my favour, though if Rock will work for a snickers and a Muller rice he can gladly face me do the RWF Title, i'll even let him go over. Nothing of real note until Rock tries to escape but comes off the top rope into a gut punch, I cant remember anytime Rock went up top. HHH telegraphs a backdrop and is hit with a neckbreaker. Rock goes to leave but is dropped onto the turnbuckle and does his Stunner sell. Hayes says if you break your nose your eyes water to which JR quips that HHH will never stop then, can we give him an honorary knighthood for that? JR calls a Samoan drop a Samoan slam, let's ditch that knighthood after all, he does it twice so definitely ditch the knighthood and ban him too from UK, he went to call it a fall away slam at first so I can forgive that but not the second. HHH almost escapes but is slammed off the top. Rock is over but HH drags him back and both end up crotched in the top rope. Hunter comes off the top right into a Rock Bottom, I cant remember HHH ever going up top either but then why do something you don't need too. There has been stuff happening but its not been notable really. Rock Bottom is avoided with an elbow and a Pedigree follows but Rock stops him leaving via the door but Hunter does manage to get a chair which Hebner hrabs so HHH KOs him, Rock leaves the cage but the ref is out. They fight into the crowd, nothing sums up the attitude era than a cage match going in the crowd. I think the dad from Frasier, RIP, is working security. Rock gets on the Mic and calls Hebner a jabroni then hits HHH with a chair then joins commentary as HHH is cut, I should note that Rock pronounces Birmingham properly as he doesn't emphasize the ham part. Rock jumps off the side of the cage onto HHH but the table doesn't break. They go back in the cage now as HHH is bounced off the sides as JR notes they dont taste like fish and chips,  you know what reinstate that knighthood. Rock goes to leave but Bulldog stops him, Shane McMahon is here attacking Bulldog for Steph but he gets Powerslammed. The Stooges are here but Bulldog takes care of them too. Rock Bottom but Chyna slams the door on rocks noggin,  must of been watching SummerSlam 1997 backstage. Two of the interference runners are no longer with us. Chyna and Bulldog halt Rock from stopping HHH and he drops down to retain the gold. PM - Vince McMahon locks Bulldog in the cage, seemingly saying 'F--- You' to Bulldog. Rock Bottom and People's Elbow soon follow. *** Quite enjoyable if almost limited by the cage stip as they did slow climb bits which are always slightly irritating. May of been better as a attitude era style brawl all over the arena, not bad though by any means as HHH/Rock worked well together about 93% if the time, the 7% I don't care for are their two Fully Loaded matches.

20.5 / 50 - The score suffers due to the two matches just over three minutes long. The opener, Jericho/Dogg and the main were okay the rest were missable and kind of there if not necessarily bad.  The thing that does stand out though is that this is a UK PPV that actually mattered in WWF canon as usually they kind of exist outside of the main continuity but this had the start of Stephs amnesia sCHtick which led to the whole HHH/Steph marriage. Thumbs in the middle overall but was one of the stronger UK efforts for sure.

Thursday 19 January 2017

IYH 19: D-Generation-X

- December 7th, 1997 from Springfield, Massachusetts.
- Buyrate - 0.45
- Attendance - 6,358

 The opening video looks like an advert for the PPV, did they just recycle that for this? I know December PPVs are usually inconsequential and poor but come on give them a hand at least, don't just let them fail on their own, won't somebody think of the PPVs!!!!

Light-Heavyweught Title - TAKA Michinoku Vs. Brian Christopher
 For those who don't know Brian Christopher is Grand Master Sexay minus the goggles and the overness. To get here Brian had beaten Flash Flanagan and Scott Taylor aka Scotty 2 Hotty and TAKA had got the better of Devan Stoem and Aguila, Sasuke not signing for the WWF helped as well. Brian's music would be recycled for Droz. Throughout the match JR makes references to Brian being Lawler's son but he denys it. Brian starts the match better then there's a 'Jerry's Kid' chant. B-E-Autiful springboard plancha by TAKA to the outside. Brian soon busts his own mouth on the guardrail, bleeds quite a bit for a mouth cut as well. Tornado DDT gets TAKA the first 2. Brian is sent ringside where Lawler goes to check on him. Sitout powerbomb by Brian but TAKA counters the pin for 2. Brian's been on top for a bit now, leg drop and a pin in a leg drop position gets a 2 count. Tennessee Jam/Hip Hop Drop misses and Michinoku Driver gets TAKA the 3 count @ 12:02. Post Match Japanese Press take pics of TAKA with the belt, Patterson, Brisco and Tony Garea. *** - I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Not on the level of WCW's Crusiers obviously as WWF guys wrestle(d) a more heavyweight style.

Kevin Kelly chats to The Jackal, thought it was Bret Hart trying to sneak back for a moment there.

Los Boriquas Vs. DoA
 DoA for this match could mean Dead on Arrival, high-five come on! Los Boriquas, are akin to a Cuban Run-DMC, though one resembles Uri Geller, now there's a gimmick for someone a telekinetic wrestler. DoA are popular here tonight. DoA on top, Miguel gets a 'shave your back' chant. I'm pretty convinced Miguel is Tommy Dreamer moonlighting and trying to blend in and make it to the big time. Los Boriquas are on top after 8-Ball is cheapshotted. Miguel seems to injure himself coming off the top but there's no medical team out to see him as he goes ringside, EMT's racist much? Savio Vega tries to take his place but the ref won't allow it, geez Tim White racist much? Chains DVD's Jose but Miguel comes in and hits a somersault leg drop and Chains is pinned @ 7:57, geez Miguel Fakist much? - ** - Crowd digged it, or at least DoA, gotta say Miguel had me fooled at first.

Dok Hendrix, Michael Hayes, chats to Butterbean then Michael Cole chats with Sable until Marc Mero interrupts.

Toughman Fight - Butterbean Vs. Marc Mero
 It's basically three rounds of Mero being punched by Butterbean, there's four two-minute rounds, then we get Mero hitting a cheapshot between rounds. In Round 4 Mero uses a lowblow and a stool for the DQ so Butterbean is the winner. 'Bean would be back for WrestleMania 15 where he KOd Bart Gunn that hard he flew out of the Federation. - UNR

Kevin Kelly chats w/ Dude Love who's using AOL Online.

TAFKA Goldust and Luna come out, he reads some Dr. Seuss then she leads him off on a chain.

Cole confabs w/ LoD then we see NAO, I don't think they had that name yet though, winning the Tag Titles from the LoD.

Tag Team Titles - LoD Vs. Road Dog/Billy Gunn
 Dog has one G and Bad has one D showing that this is early in the NAO life. LoD go after the Champions and they had to back for more stretching, they try to leave again but Brisco, Patterson and Garea block their path. What the dickens!!!! they're using the opposite corners to a normal tag match, I think i'm going to faint my eyes can't take it. Hawk hits a double clothesline off the apron, seems weird that Dog has short hair and no braids. Dog is your Champion in peril, he tries to leapfrog Animal but is powerbombed. Gunn goes to help Dog but is dropped onto the steps, it's been 100% LoD so far. Hawk is finally down from a cooler shot, that must be his Kryptonite then Gunn hits him with it again proving my previous point. Hawk plays Road Warrior-In-Peril, tag to Animal and he cleans apartment. The Doomsday Device is attempted by Henry Godwinn hits Animal with a Slop bucket then Hawk uses it in front of the ref for the lame DQ @ 10:33. - *1/2 - Guess LoD still had power to avoid pin losses, this feud was woeful as there was another stinker at the Rumble. 

Advert plays for WWF The Music Vol. 2, we see Taker banging cymbals.

Cole chats to Hunter and Chyna, Hunter seemingly fresh off a tanning bed, I did laugh when he called the cameraman an idiot as I think he meant it.

Boot Camp Match - Triple-H (W/ Chyna) Vs. Sgt. Slaughter
 No DQ, No Countouts. Slaughter cuts a pre-match w/ Cornette. Slaughter has the music used for The Patriot and Kurt Angle. Slaughter is in control using a riding whip. Hunter is being Slaughtered so far. Cobra Clutch is avoided then Slaughter goes over the top from a irish whip into the corner, hard landing. Hunter has been on top since he avoided the Cobra Clutch, he takes out Mark Yeaton as he wouldn't give him it to him, the bell is Yeaton as the Ring is to Gollum. HHH gets 2 off a fist drop with a chain. As Yeaton is helped to the back, Lawler 'He got his bell rung' JR 'Literally'. It's amazing how uninteresting HHH was for the first two years or so in the Federation, he's lucky a) He had the Clique and b) they had patience in them days, if people nowadays got as little a reaction as him they'd be either sent to NXT or packing. Hunter ramps up the tension with a .... sleeper, they do the three arm drops bit, is that still done now or has that slowly been phased out? Chyna breaks up the Cobra Clutch then hits the ref. Slaughter powders Chyna then Cobra Clutches HHH, he's like them annoying people on wrestling games who only use one maneouver, Chyna breaks it up with a kick not unlike Green Bays Vs. Dallas in the Divisional Championship. Pedigree onto a chair ends it @ 17:38. *1/2 - Really rather boring to be honest, neither had the moveset to cover a near 18 minute match. The whole DX/Slaughter thing would've worked better had people actually cared for Slaughter.

An advert plays for the Rumble.

Cole chats to Jarrett, he's dressed like Kiss but with a different colour scheme.

Jeff Jarrett Vs. Undertaker
 Is this not the most wackiest match-up ever I mean it's hilarious. Jarrett's attire here isn't even his worse, he'd somehow sink lower in 1998, at least prior to the post SummerSlam season anyway. UT no sells Jarrett's punches then pummels him. Taker goes Mid-School then Tim White goes ringside to avoid Taker after he breaks up a corner choke. Not much happens as Jarrett works the knee but UT doesn't sell it ruling it null and void then the lights go out and .... it's Sab .... no sorry this is WWF it's Kane with Paul Bearer in tow, JR calls him a hideous one eyed monster, was it claimed Kane one-eyed in the original run? Jarrett gets Chokeslammed by Kane and wins via DQ @ 6:55. Man I love Kane's original music, didn't love this match though. Post match UT Chokeslams Jarrett. *1/2 - Nothing much to the match, we had brief psychology on Jeffs part but it wasn't reciprocated which would of made it a bit more worthwhile.

Cole catches up with Mark Henry.

Hendrix/Hayes shoots the poo with Rock.

IC Title - Stone Cold (c) Vs. The Rock (w/ Nation)
 'Rocky Sucks' chant, he was the Eddie/y of the WWF, Rock has the belt as he stole it on RAW is WAR. Stone Cold drives his pick-up to ringside. Nation attack before the bell, D-Lo is backdropped onto the windshield then Stunered on the roof. Faarooq is wiped out by Kama with a chair then Austin dumps him into the side of the car. Peoples Elbow minus pad removal and any real jazz gets 2. '3:16' chant. Peoples Elbow, w/ added trash talk and pad removal .... misses. Austin stuns the ref thinking it's Rock then Stunners Rocky for 3 @ 5:31, Vince on RAW would overturn that decision. ** -  There wasn't much to the match itself, Austin was still fragile from the SummerSlam injury, but man watching 96/97 Austin is exhilarating.

Kevin Kelly and Jackal plug the WWF line.

Video plays about Shamrock then Cornette chats to him and we follow Ken to the ring.

WWF Title - Shawn Michaels (c) (w/ HHH, Chyna) Vs. Ken Shamrock
 Think I read somewhere Shawn was worried that Ken, a friend of Bret's would shoot on him. HBK uses his pace to avoid shots but then runs into a kick. Nothing much of note happens as Ken's on top, JR gets the line of the note though when HBK and HHH are nogging knockered, 'I think Hunter's nose may of penetrated Michaels' forehead'. HBK lands horizontal on the turnbuckle then a kick sends hi mabout 40ft in the air and he gets crotched. Ringside Chyna rams Ken into the ringpost after he drops HHH. Michaels hits a splash off the apron, I don't recall ever seeing that. Champion's on top but it's not very interesting, HHH's influence or the Champion just dogging it tonight? Michaels applies a chinlock, I guess that answers the previous question. Now he applies a sleeper. Ken thankfully picks up the pace and gets 2 off a powerslam. Something goes wrong when Ken is whipped into the ropes, he avoids a hurricanrana with a powerbomb. Sweet Chin Music is avoided with a belly-to-belly then the Ankle Lock is applied but HHH and Chyna make the save for the woeful DQ ending @ 18:28. PM - Owen Hart returns and sends HBK through the announce table and busts his nose then leaves through the crowd. Despite the fact Owen/HBK would've been a money match at the Rumble this led instead to Owen repeatedly laying down for HHH, given what happened at the Rumble HBK probably wishes he had faced Owen.  ** - HBK didn't seem to really care and that finish, yeeeesh. This doesn't do much to rebuild customer goodwill post Montreal.

13.5 / 35 - Started off well enough then fell off the proverbial cliff and never really recovered. Tag Titles and Boor Camp were boring, Jarrett/UT wasn't much cop either, Austin couldn't do much and HBK wasn't trying.
Thumbs way down here folks.

Friday 2 September 2016

SummerSlam 1991

New York City, New York (from good old MSG)
Attendance: 20,000
Buys: 405,000

Lord Alfred Hayes is with Randy Savage

Ricky Steamboat/Bulldog/Kerry Von Erich Vs. Warlord/Roma/Hercules
 Heenan, Monsoon and Piper on commentary, I should note here how Heenan and Piper were pretty much on fire all show. Hercules looks like an out of shape Jake Roberts. The crowd were into it and that for me is due to Steamboat who did a great job of playing face-in-peril, Naitch did call him best babyface of all-time for a reason, it was on Naitchs DVD I think. The faces got some nearfalls towards the end - Discus Punch on Warlord and Powerslam on Roma, which was broken up. The ending was botched in the sense that the ref didn't seem to remember who was legal as he counted Steamboat's pin on Roma from a crossbody despite the fact Bulldog was the legal man. *** - I am a sucker for a multi-man tag match, as in 6-man and over though I do like regular tag matches as well. Loved Steamboats work in building the hot tag though the ending did make me go Hang On! but not enough to dock a point or anything. 

Henning says that Hart is excellent but he isn't perfect.

Intercontinental Title - Mr. Perfect (c) (w/ Coach) Vs. Bret Hart 
 Henning's back was shot going into this. Bret gets an early 2 from a crucifix. Heenan says he heard a rumour Piper's parents ran away from home, that nearly had me in tears. Crossbody and sunset flip both get Bret a 2 count. Henning makes to leave but Bret catches him in the aisle and rips his singlet. Heenan says Stu and Helen Hart are concerned as they snick in. Hart is on the defensive now, we get his going off the apron spot but rather than a table like at Survivor Series 95 he lands on a photographer. They both fight atop the top rope then fall into the ring, going by the delay I don't think it went as planned. Bret does his corner chest bump. Good nearfall as the Perfect-Plex only gets a 2 count. Bret fights back and gets 2 off a suplex and a small package. Bret goes for the leg, Henning almost lands on his head bumping around. Sharpshooter follows for the Submission and we have a new champion. ****1/2  - Very good match, possibly my second fave Bret match with the Mania 13 match being #1. Bret would use the IC as a launching pad to the WWF Title. Perfects last truly great match.

Bushwhackers (w/ Andre The Giant) Vs. The Natural Disasters (w/ Jimmy Hart)
 From one extreme to the other, Typhoon had turned on the Whackers, can you blame him?, and by doing so earned enough Exp. points to evolve from a Tugboat to a Typhoon. One of the whackers reminds me of Eric Cantona, am I high? The Whackers kick some heavy duty booty to start but soon it turns into an Orange in the favour of the disasters, Quake flattens a whacker for the 3 count. Post match the Disasters go after Andre but LoD make the save, most notable thing about the match was Heenan leaving the announce desk when he hears Hogan is in his dressing room.*1/2

Heenan is backstage and knocks on Hogans door and challenges him to a match on behalf of the real World Champion Ric Flair, Heenan has Big Gold with him, but Hogan slams the door shut.

Sean Mooney is with Ted Dibiase and Sherri,

Million Dollar Title - Ted Dibiase (c) (w/ Sherri) Vs. Virgil
 Is that confirmed that Virgil was named as a shot at Dusty Rhodes or rumour? Virgil attacks as Ted poses. Virgil starts well but misses a dive to the outside and Ted takes over for essentially the whole match. Remember in Mortal Kombat when Goro decimates Art Lean, it's akin to that, not that Ted resembles Goro. Two Dollar Dream to Dibiase but Sherri hits Virgil for the DQ .... but Earl decides to restart the match, as Virgil wouldn't be champion via DQ, and bans Sherri from ringside. Ref bump as Virgil is whipped into him, Ted jaw jacks with Roddy, he'd told Vigil to stand up for himself or something, then he obliterates Virgil, yes obliterates him, he exposes a turnbuckle but Virgil bounces him off it and crawls for the 3 count and the MD Title. *** - Average match that was enhanced by the crowd and the booking. I never get why some matches are restarted, it happens at the 94 Rumble I'm currently reviewing, shouldn't this happen in all matches? You can't pick and choose refs damn you!

Mean Gene is with The Mountie who is ranting, one of the cops struggles to keep a straight face.

Jailhouse Match - The Mountie (w/ Jimmy Hart) Vs. Bossman
 Loser spends night in jail. Bossman is dominant, Heenan says he'll get Bossman some cigarettes to bribe the screws with. Mountie goes to the eye but is soon spinebustered. Hart distracts Bossman allowing Mountie to hit him into the ring steps, Heenan 'He should get used to sleeping on the floor'. Monsoon gets in on the action by claiming Hart is the best advert for birth control, buuuuurn! Mountie hits a piledriver and tries to use a cattle prod but Bossman moves. Bossman Slam gets .... 2? Thought that was it, my lord is Mountie entering Paul Roma mode?? Nope as Cobb County Slam gets 3. *1/2 - Pretty boring basic match.

Mountie is immediately handcuffed and taken away in a paddy wagon.

Mean Gene is with an angry Ted and Sherri.

Sean Mooney is with Bret Hart.

Mean Gene is now with Natural Disasters, they threaten Legion of Doom.

Sean Mooney is with the Bossman.

Mountie is dragged into the station shouting do you know who I am?

Sean Mooney is now with Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart, did I press skip and miss a match?

Mountie is tricked into having his mugshot taken.

Mean Gene is with LoD.

Mountie is fingerprinted.

Mooney is with Slaughter, Mustafa and Adnan.

Mean Gene is with Sid Justice.

WWF Tag Titles - LoD Vs. Nasty Boys (w/ Jimmy Hart)
 The champions are pummeled from the outset. Sags sprays something in Hawks eyes and the champions now have a foothold in the match. Heenan wouldn't be surprised if Nastys beat LoD then go bust Mountie out of jail. Hawk is your Warrior-In-Peril as Nastys have cut the ring in half. Animal in and he cleans house. Heel miscommunication is avoided as Sags almost hits Knobs with bike helmet. Doomsday Device soon ends it. ** - LoD become the ONLY team to ever hold the AWA, NWA and now WWF tag titles. 

 Mountie is placed in a cell.

IRS Vs. Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine
 Hammer has always looked about 70 years old even here. I know heels are meant to lie but Heenan saying this'll be a good match is going to far in my mind. Nothing of note, was there in any IRS match ever? Greg works the leg prior to the end but is small packed and IRS wins, at one point Hammer double crossed himself as he signaled a Figure Four and went for an elbow. *

Mean Gene is with Hogan and Warrior.

Match Made In Hell - Sgt. Slaughter/Mustafa/Adnan Vs. Warrior/Hogan
 Special ref is Sid Justice, Sid Vicious or Psycho Sid for those wondering. I don't know my army ranks at all but I think Sgt. Slaughter, who is presented as the leader, is outranked by his allies or at least one of them. Hogan is WWF Champion. Whole lot of stalling. Slaughter takes a Bret style corner bump as Hogan and Warrior are on top. Finally Slaughter gets a shot in when Sid breaks up Hogan and Sid in the corner. Hogan is in the heel corner. Warrior breaks up a camel clutch. Hogan is whipped into Sid, they make to fight despite it being Sarge's fault. Slaughter heads up top (!!) but Warrior pushes him off. Warrior gets the lukewarm tag, blocks a Mustafa suplex then does one of his own. Hogan in, big boot to Slaughter, Warrior chases the other two to the back then Hogan uses powder on Slaughter, why?, and Leg Drop finishes it. *1/2 - Why in the Hay-ell would Hogan need powder and the ref to do a fast count to beat Slaughter? Real poor main event tag match but I doubt that's news to anyone. As Hogan and Justice pose Heenan 'I take it this is the match made in heaven right'. 

We see Mountie with his cell mates.

We see Macho proposing to Liz, I love her 'Ohh Yeah' and his jacket.

They play a tribute to Savage/Liz, which given they've both passed is pretty hard to watch for me. They used this song again for Test/Stephanie, in fact I think they had it sung in the arena. Savage and Liz get married in WWE canon, I am against marriage but if I ever did get married it'd be dressed like Savage was for his. We are whisked to the wedding reception, Gene Okerlund delivers a toast. Doth I see J.J Dillon there? I'd of loved a Savage/IV Horsemen feud in 80s NWA, Savage/Windham alone could be insane or would they negate each other maybe 80s Flair would bounce off Savage better, god darn I need a time machine to be built for this purpose and so I can relive SM:TV live, in fact i'd do a Bill & Ted style thang with wrestlers instead of historical figures and do dream matches even if I was the only one in attendance. Wait what was I doing? They eat cake and open presents Savage shouting 'Got a blender Yeaahhhh!' would've had me spitting out coffee if it'd been drinking some at the time instead a hearty chuckle had to suffice. One of the gifts is a snake from who else .... King Kong Bu.... oops no sorry it was Jake Roberts then Taker hits Savage with an urn but Sid and a chair see off Snake and Deadman, this would lead to the Savage/Roberts feud.

18 / 40 - Man some matches really dragged this down, I mean there was a ****1/2 and two ***'s and it still didn't break .500. Make no mistake though I approve this PPV, the IC is awesome the opener and Virgil/Ted were good viewing as well, sure the main sucks but I think Mountie's antics and the Savage/Liz wedding and stuff more than make up for it's shortcomings.

Thumbs Up for SummerSlam 1991.