Tuesday 27 March 2018

Rebellion 1999

On the 1999 home straight now as this, the original No Mercy and Backlash are the only remaining ones for me to do, the latter of which I have on DVD but have yet to watch. This was during a pretty good PPV run for the WWF with Fully Loaded, SummerSlam, Unforgiven and No Mercy all being pretty good, of course that run is book ended by an awful show, KOTR, and one of the most boring shows I've ever seen, Survivor Series. This took place between Unforgiven and No Mercy. A friend of mine had this on VHS but I never borrowed it from him for reasons I dont know, possibly due to the stigma of UK shows.

October 1999, Birmingham, England.

The latter part of the opening is TV show style like a RAW intro.

IC Title - Jeff Jarrett (c) (w/ Miss Kitty) Vs. D'Lo Brown
Jeff insults the women of the UK. D'Lo is European Champion but Jarretts title is on the line. Jeff gets a lady from the audience to clean up a spillage in the ring with a hoover, he precedes to put her in the Figure Four but Chyna comes down to stop him. Michael Hayes is on commentary with JR. Unsure if they were around then but if they were Chyna should of hit him with a Henrietta Hoover. D'Lo is billed from Birmingham. Quick 2 off a powerslam for D'Lo. Jeff takes a walk with his title but he's caught in the aisle by D'Lo. Jarrett applies a sleeper putting D'Lo out like me watching Birmingham FC. D'Lo manages to break it and hits a delayed vertical but when he tries to follow up off the top he is dropkicked. D'Lo hits a sitout powerbomb, this being around the time Droz was paralyzed when a running one went wrong. D'Lo annoys me by coming off the top in a whacky position so they can do the jump into a boot bit, there must be a less silly set up for that. D'Lo is distracted by Miss Kitty and Jeff hits D'Lo with a hoover, quite like how seemingly every team hoovered up Aston Villa in their last awful premier league season, man they were bad then. **1/2 - Solid if unspectacular opener.

Jarrett challenges Chyna to a match for later.

Godfather Vs. Gangrel
You can tell this is a UK PPV. Godfather has British hos with him they join Hayes and JR. Hayes is having more enjoyment than West Brom fans are this season, need to win about four games with ten or so remaining and they've won I think three all season. Gangrel wants a ho but Godfather says the people want to see him kick Gangrels ass instead. Godfather bounces Gangrel off the four corners but is soon DDTd but its a regular one not an implant one which was Gangrels finish at the time. What was that thing with Gangrels name as whenever it was in print there was always a small print bit about trademark, who owned the Gangrel name? Ho Trian connects and Pimp Drop, Death Valley Driver, ends it. *1/2 Short and inoffensive. The Hos celebrate with Tim White.

Chyna officially accepts Jeff Jarretts challenge. Bulldog interrupts saying the people didn't come to see him Vs. X-Pac they want him in the title match so he's going to find Vince.

Val Venis Vs. Mark Henry
This was a team waiting to happen really. Venis compares himself to rugby in his pre match bit. Henry's been announced for this year's HoF. The as yet unnamed Insurrextion is plugged for next May. Henry goes over the top and Val follows him with a rounders slide, I once got a home run in rounders at school when the guy on first base missed the ball when thrown to him and I had to then keep on going to home which irritated me as getting to first alone warranted a rest in my book. Val can't get Henry up for a slam and is dropped on the barricade. Back in Henry misses a corner charge and is hit with a Russian leg sweep, weird seeing Val do that without the knees from a whip preceding it. Val grounds Henry with a shot to the legs and a Money Shot soon ends it. *1/2  To short to mean anything, would of been UNR but just clocked in over 3 mins.

Davey demands a title shot and throws a bin across the room when he doesn't get one and Stephanie is KOd off screen. This led to the amnesia angle, I read somewhere that was done due to WWF not knowing where Russo was going with it all, he left for WCW over this weekend I believe when this show took place in the UK as he was in the US still. At least Steph can go to the hospital for free as this happened in Birmingham UK and not Alabama.

Women's Title - Ivory (c) Vs. Tori Vs. Jacqueline Vs. Luna
Tori suplexes Ivory as the others stand around then break the pin. Ivory cuts a deal with Jacqueline to take out the other two then she bails but Jacqueline beats on them anyway. Ivory too is going in the HoF, did they read this card then throw darts to see who'd be inducted? There's a sleeper train going on which Jacqueline breaks with a triple jaw breaker. Ivory clocks Jacqueline with the title and gets 3. *1/2 same as the last match in that was almost UNR but Wikipedia and JD Dunn have it over 3 mins so needs a rating.

Road Dogg Vs. Chris Jericho (w/ Curtis Hughes)
Road Dogg is one half of the tag team champions. Kind of shocked the Tag Title isn't on the line maybe Russo was too preoccupied with the WCW deal to book that. Road Dogg attacks in the aisle. They go in the crowd and Road Dogg comes off the barricade with an axe handle. There's a sign which reads Dyer which is pronounced dire which is what West Broms season has been so far. Road Dogg nails Jericho with some kicks to the bonce, if West Brom had kicked the ball into the net more they wouldn't be bottom of the league. Jericho sends Dogg ringside with his dropkick to the apron, a suplex back in gets 1 via the cocky pin. Slingshot splash gets 2 as Dogg gets a rope break. 'Road Dogg' chant,  springboard bulldog as Jericho has taken control of the match now. Jericho heads up top but is crotched and superplexed down. Jericho hits a spinebuster of sorts and almost turns it into a Walls but Dogg breaks it. Lionsault misses allowing Dogg to hit his trademark punches but Jericho ducks the final one KOing the ref, a Hughes chairshot gets 2, I thought that was it. Jericho gets 3 off a lowblow after Dogg hits Hughes. **1/2 A good little mid card match, fans were into Road Dogg which gave it an atmosphere. Jericho faced Dogg here and Unforgiven had a Y2J/X-Pac match then he wound up with Chyna a month or so later, this could've been a good lead in to a HHH feud.

Chyna Vs. Jeff Jarrett (w/ Miss Kitty)
  Tony Chimel doesn't bill it as a title match, does that give us an ending where Chyna wins but then Jeff says the gold wasnt on the line? Jarrett comes off the top into a lowblow but Tim Whites all no biggie I guess. A pedigree is countered with a slingshot, didnt HHH tell her to never do it facing the turnbuckle? Or by the ropes for that matter as that always leads to a back drop to the outside. Bulldog runs in for the DQ and Poweslams Chyna. Jarrett figure fours Chyna in the aftermath. *1/2
The Rock and Big Show were at a Virgin record store, they're no longer going I believe. No doubt the ques were huge this being 1999 WWF.

No DQ - Big Show Vs. Kane
The No DQ stip gives me hope that this'll top their KOTR encounter. Man I love this Kane, when the attire changed at SummerSlam 2000 was when my care-o-meter dipped. Big Show dropkicks Kane out but he lands on his feet. A clothesline and a dropkick staggers Show but he can't slam him. Show hits a backbreaker into a bow and arrow. Kane takes a Bret bump in the corner and is hit with a reverse DDT on the rebound, walls of Show applied but Show lets go, Michael Hayes points out Show should've kept it on as even a rope break wouldn't matter as its No DQ. Kaneziguri connects as does a DDT, Kanes clothesline off the top hits but Show blocks a Chokeslam follow up. Show gets a chair but Kane boots it back in his boat race and gets 3 from a scoop slam, thought he was going to Tombstone him then. ** Better than their KOTR match, though that was a contender for worst MOTY. I wish they'd of had more of a No DQ style brawl. Not bad though by any means.
HHH says he doesnt care about Jarrett, Chyna or Bulldog right now just his title. He insults England too for heat but I've gotta pop for that, had he insulted Wales though I'd of had to build a time machine and travel to Birmingham myself. Hunter also insults the teeth of British people, where do americans get this infatuation with our teeth? Hugh Grant is the USs go to brit and he had a damn fine set of gnashers. 

X-Pac Vs. British Bulldog
Bulldog starts better due to power advantage, he catches a heel kick and counters to a pump handle slam style move. Hayes says Test may be on a flight over right now after what happened to Steph, well I hope he's watching in Canada then, don't think this aired in US. Bulldog hits his delayed vertical but slows it down now with a chinlock. JR notes Steph will stay at a local medical facility, who says I'm going to the local medical facility? Bronco Buster but then Bulldog crutches X-Pac with a pressslam then ends it via a Powerslam. ** Too short to mean much and was essentially an extended squash of X-Pac which was kind of surprising.

Crash explains to Hardcore how pounds are money over here.

Acolytes Vs. Edge/Christian Vs. Crash/Hardcore
Edge and Hardcore to start. The ropes seems really loose. Faarooq goes for a Dominator early but Hardcore hits a poor back suplex. Bradshaw hits a back suplex off the top on Crash then pins him after a Clothesline From Hell. Double shoulderblock to Bradshaw, wait I think Faarooq has changed corner. Edge counters a powerbomb, let's rank these based on their World Title reigns I have it from 4-1 - Faarooq, Bradshaw, Christian, Edge. Sure Christians was shorter than Bradshaws but his matches with Orton surpassed anything from JBLs reign. Spinebuster on Christian for 2 as he has assumed the Canadian-In-Peril role. Dominator is countered with a DDT. Tag to Edge as Canadians go all Rock 'n' Roll with a double dropkick. Tornado DDT gets 3 on Bradshaw. **1/2. Okay tag match, always fun to see Acolytes actually lose. Acolytes were usually pushed strong around this time but didnt mean much as characters then when they hit on their APA schtick they didnt get a tag reign if I remember right which was funny as thats when they were most over.

Long video plays for Rock/HHH, going by the video you'd think it was a triple threat as Bulldog is featured heavily.

WWF Title - Steel Cage - Triple-H (c) Vs. The Rock
It's the old WWF style cage but it's black rather than blue because this is the attitude era dammit. We get a recap of Bulldogs actions through the night. I suppose the long video was to set up the cage. Escape the cage rules. People throw confetti or something over Rock just like Wolves fans will throw confetti on their way to the Premier League, had to get one positive football bit in there and Wolves are flying high. Rock cuts a pre match on the cage in his turnbuckle pose. Rock points out some jabroni in the crowd who gave him a thumbs down and has a HHH sign he asks what the sign says but 'It Doesnt Matter' soon follows. Weird camera for the start of Triple Aych's entrance as its directly under him. Winged eagle seems to be most popular design but this is my fave WWF/E Title, though The Big Gold belt is my numero uno overall. 'Asshole' chant but I think it may just be 2018 West Brom fans chanting that that loud at Pardew that it was hearable in 1999. JR says Rock is 27 which kind of depresses 28 yr old me though Rock was never RWF Champion so I have that in my favour, though if Rock will work for a snickers and a Muller rice he can gladly face me do the RWF Title, i'll even let him go over. Nothing of real note until Rock tries to escape but comes off the top rope into a gut punch, I cant remember anytime Rock went up top. HHH telegraphs a backdrop and is hit with a neckbreaker. Rock goes to leave but is dropped onto the turnbuckle and does his Stunner sell. Hayes says if you break your nose your eyes water to which JR quips that HHH will never stop then, can we give him an honorary knighthood for that? JR calls a Samoan drop a Samoan slam, let's ditch that knighthood after all, he does it twice so definitely ditch the knighthood and ban him too from UK, he went to call it a fall away slam at first so I can forgive that but not the second. HHH almost escapes but is slammed off the top. Rock is over but HH drags him back and both end up crotched in the top rope. Hunter comes off the top right into a Rock Bottom, I cant remember HHH ever going up top either but then why do something you don't need too. There has been stuff happening but its not been notable really. Rock Bottom is avoided with an elbow and a Pedigree follows but Rock stops him leaving via the door but Hunter does manage to get a chair which Hebner hrabs so HHH KOs him, Rock leaves the cage but the ref is out. They fight into the crowd, nothing sums up the attitude era than a cage match going in the crowd. I think the dad from Frasier, RIP, is working security. Rock gets on the Mic and calls Hebner a jabroni then hits HHH with a chair then joins commentary as HHH is cut, I should note that Rock pronounces Birmingham properly as he doesn't emphasize the ham part. Rock jumps off the side of the cage onto HHH but the table doesn't break. They go back in the cage now as HHH is bounced off the sides as JR notes they dont taste like fish and chips,  you know what reinstate that knighthood. Rock goes to leave but Bulldog stops him, Shane McMahon is here attacking Bulldog for Steph but he gets Powerslammed. The Stooges are here but Bulldog takes care of them too. Rock Bottom but Chyna slams the door on rocks noggin,  must of been watching SummerSlam 1997 backstage. Two of the interference runners are no longer with us. Chyna and Bulldog halt Rock from stopping HHH and he drops down to retain the gold. PM - Vince McMahon locks Bulldog in the cage, seemingly saying 'F--- You' to Bulldog. Rock Bottom and People's Elbow soon follow. *** Quite enjoyable if almost limited by the cage stip as they did slow climb bits which are always slightly irritating. May of been better as a attitude era style brawl all over the arena, not bad though by any means as HHH/Rock worked well together about 93% if the time, the 7% I don't care for are their two Fully Loaded matches.

20.5 / 50 - The score suffers due to the two matches just over three minutes long. The opener, Jericho/Dogg and the main were okay the rest were missable and kind of there if not necessarily bad.  The thing that does stand out though is that this is a UK PPV that actually mattered in WWF canon as usually they kind of exist outside of the main continuity but this had the start of Stephs amnesia sCHtick which led to the whole HHH/Steph marriage. Thumbs in the middle overall but was one of the stronger UK efforts for sure.

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