Tuesday 9 April 2013

Cyber Sunday 2008

- October 26th, Phoenix, Arizona
Attendance: 7,981
Buyrate: 0.255 (102,000 buys - It was shown free in UK though)

- CM Punk's on the DVD but not the card, go figure.

No Holds Barred - Rey Mysterio Vs. Kane
 Todd Grisham is announcing the vote results. Falls count anywhere and 2 out of 3 falls were the other options. Lawler, on commentary with Cole, says the stips help Kane but surely they help Rey as he can use weapons now. Rey lowbridges Kane over then hits his knee with a kendo stick. Kane uses a cable to bend Rey around the post, he is using his power advantage to now control the match., Kane uppercuts Reys head from Phoenix to Texas, baby. Poke in the eye and now Rey is getting a foot in the match bulldog, enziguri but he is clotheslined going for the 619. 7 mins in and Kane gets a chair from ringside. Rey avoids a Chokeslam and drop toe holds Kane into ring steps, which are now in the ring, seated senton gets 2, multiple chairshots follow but Kane avoids 619 however Rey does hit his 3rd attempted one then a apringboard splash gets 3 at 10:21. ** - Wish they'd used the No Holds Barred stips more, felt like a TV match.

Jericho tries to get Legacy to attack Batista like they did CM Punk at Unforgiven.

ECW Title - Matt Hardy (c) Vs. Evan Bourne
 Teddy Long comes out busting his wedding dance moves. Oh jesus Grisham and Striker are on comentary. Finlay and Mark Henry were the other challengers options. Matt gets a couple of shoulderblocks but is then dropkicked. Legsweep, standing moonsault by Bourne, nice, nice. Evan heads up top so Matt goes ringside where he manages to take control, back in he gets a couple of scoopslams followed by an elbow for 2. Matts main target has been Evans ribs. Razors Edge is countered to a hurricanrana by Evan but a Side Effect gets Matt 2, then another connects but gets the same result. Evan heel kicks Matt out of the air but cant capitalise due to his ribs. The momentum is with Evan but when he goes up top Matt meets him, Matt's knocked off but Evans Shooting Star Press misses, Twist Of Fate countered to a backslide for 2 but Boom Twist Of Fate does connect for 3 at 11:04. *** - Good match, the fans got into the match as it progressed and Evan looked good even in defeat.

Miz/Morrison Vs. Cryme Tyme  
 Other tag match options were Punk/Kofi Vs. Legacy or Mickie James/Jamie Noble Vs. Layla/William Regal. These teams were feuding on WWE.com or something via The Dirt Sheet and Word Up. Crowd chants 'Money, money, Yeah, Yeah' JTG gets the better of Morrison and then Miz. Shad inverted Alabama Slams JTG onto Miz, then soon presses JTG over onto Miz/JoMo. Shad gets caught in the heel corner as Miz works over his knee, JoMo applies a single leg boston crab. JTG in, he hits a nice sort of neckbreaker on Miz. Double gutbuster to Miz who is isolated now. Match has slowed down now. Shad in and he cleans house, JoMo tries to get a roll up with  his feet on the ropes but JTG stops it. JoMo pins Shad at 10:22 with something Cole called the Midnight Ride, it was like Cross Rhodes. **1/2 - Good match, formulaic but sometimes less is more. The crowd digged Cryme Tyme, why weren't they given a title run?

Jericho tries to coerce Khali into helping him.

Santino Marella Vs. Honky Tonk Man
 Goldust, Roddy Piper were the options to face Santino. Not sure if IC belt is on the line but it doesn't matter as it ends at 1:05 as Beth Phoenix trips Honky for the DQ. Best bit is postmatch when Honky slips on Goldust wig earning this a *.

Last Man Standing - Undertaker Vs. Big Show
 Taker was KOd by Show at Unforgiven, maybe 'cause of that ridiculous desert promo in August '99, hell I wanted to Ko him for it. Other stips available were KO match or I Quit. JR, Tazz on commentary. Show looks confident. Taker uses Shows head as a punch bag early, couple of corner splashes by Deadman but when he runs the ropes he is clotheslined, Show gets a 7 count of a leg drop. Taker puts a chair to Shows throat and rams him to the post, guillitine leg drop follows as do punches which Show stops via a clothesline to regain control. Big DDT by Deadman but Show's up at 9. Show removes a turnbuckle pad. Taker misees a charging boot in the corner and falls ringside., TV moitor to the noggin. Show gets a chair but Taker punches it into his face. Chokeslam through the announce table but Deadman's up at 9 via the barricade, Show rolls him into the ring where they trade punches, DDT by Deadman but Old School is countered with a ChokeSlam which gets another 9 count, but Taker gets straight up into a KO Punch, he sits up but a chairshot knocks him down again, playing possum as Boom Hells Gate is locked in, Show looks like he's out and Taker stands up for the W at 19:22. **** - Really enjoyable. I liked the ending, as it progressed I was wondering what Deadman would have to do to keep Show down, I never thought about choking him out. I thought Show had won with the KO Punch and chairshot, fantastic match that I enjoyed much more than I thought I would.

Throughout the PPV we've seen the divas in halloween costumes asking to be voted the winner. Tazz reveals Mickie, as Tomb Raider, has won and this sparks a brawl.

WWE Title - Jeff Hardy Vs. HHH (c)
 Vs. Kozlov or a triple threat were the other options. Was there any doubt Jeff would win the vote, not that I mind though. Jeff almost won the gold at No Mercy. They trade counters, quick start here. Twist Of Fate and Pedigree are both attempted early. Jeff is pushed off the top when he goes up. Back in HHH throws Jeff into the ringpost twice. Front suplex gets Jeff a 2 count, HHH gets his own 2 off a spinebuster out of the corner. Crossface is applied near the middle of the ring but Jeff counters to a pinning prediciment for 2. Whisper In The Wind, twice, gets Jeff a 2 count, he gets another 2 when he counters Pedigree to a jacknife pin. Twist Of F ate connects but again he only gets 2, Swanton connects, he goes for another but HHH gets his knees up. Pedigree is countered again. Jeff goes up top but HHH hits him then pulls him down into a Pedigree for 3 at 15:38. ***1/2 - A good match, if I remember rightly their No Mercy match may of been slightly better, part of me thinks Jeff should've been permitted to kick out of Pedigree but still it was a good match.

World HeavyWeight Title - Special Ref/ Stone Cold - Chris Jericho (c) Vs. Batista
 I've never thought Jericho was a good World Champion, in 08 I did like his persona where he would kind of talk down to people, I really liked his feud with HBK through 2008 but their good work was undone post No Mercy. Challenger and Referee come out after the Champion, I hate that but we have to bow down for Stone Cold dont we. HBK and orton were the other options to be Special Referee, HBK I understand but why were Orton and Austin other options? Jericho argues with Austin, slaps Batista then bails but Austin says if he is counted out or DQd he will lose the belt. Batista is all over Jericho, a suplex gets 2. Jericho tries his second rope dropkick but is slapped down but Batistas leg is soon twisted in the ropes allowing Jericho to get some shots in, he targets the left knee. Batista Bomb countered to a roll up for 2. Powerslam by Batista then a Baista Bomb is again countered, this time to the Walls Of Jericho. Bossman Slam gets Batista 2. Jericho uses the rope to avoid a Batista Bomb but when he heads up top he is clotheslined, he does avoid a spear though sending Batista into the turnbuckle. Top rope shoulderblock by Batista, is that his first top rope move? Ref Bump! Codebreaker but there's no ref, Austin's selling something!!!!!!!! HBK runs down but does a s....l......o.....w count, pump fake SCM allows Jericho to get Speared but JBL pulls HBK out. Orton runs down and hits Austin. Title shot to Batista gets 2. Stunner to Orton, Jericho is Spinebustered, Batista Bomb gets 3 at 17:05. ** - It was **1/2 at6 best but all the over booking near the end knocks 1/2 off, also I just wasn't feeling the match.

18 / 35 - Probably the best Taboo Tuesday/ Cyber Sunday PPV but that's not saying much, it's akin to claiming to be the best ever Charlotte Bobcat. I would recommend this PPV overall, Taker/Show was much better than I anticipated, HHH/Jeff was good as was Evan/Matt.

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