Monday 15 July 2013

WWF Capital Carnage

- December 6th, 1998. London, England.
- Attendance: 10,441.

- This was a UK only PPV, also took place 2 days after my 9th birthday.

Gangrel Vs. Al Snow
 Wristlocks and wristlocks by the pair, wahey almost a carbon copy of my fave botch as Snow is almost lowblowed on a leapfrog, Windham, Dr. Death being the original. Gangrel backdrops Snow onto the apron and he nearly slips, sloppy start here. Northern lights gets Snow a 2 count. Mo0onsault misses allowing Gangrel to get a 2 count from a double underhook suplex. Snow hits an unsmooth DDT but is missile dropkicked by Edge allowing Gangrel to pick up the win at 5:50. *1/2 - Short and sloppy kind of like Gangrel himself then, Har, Har, Har!!

Mankind talks about the Fatal 4 Way mainevent.

LOD (Animal and Droz) Vs. Headbangers
 Hawk attempted to kill himself or something by coming off the titantron so Droz is in with Animal tonight. Leapfrog exhibition by Droz. Leapfrog buttsplash by the 'Bangers. Animal's in with a double clothesline to the 'Bangers. Droz pushes Animal out of the ring when he's down but is himself rolled up for 3 at 3:18. Animal and Droz fight postmatch. *1/2 - Not much happened in the limited time they had, you can tell this is a UK only PPV, why are we always screwed?

Michael Cole interviews Undertaker, part of me hoped he'd put on a cockney accent, probably be better than Dick Van Dykes.

Val Venis Vs. Goldust
 Val made a 'movie' with Goldusts wife. Val attacks as Goldust takes his robe off. Rinside Val is bounced off the steps, back in Goldie hits a slingshot back suplex as he goes almost Tully Blanchard on us. Val does his midsection knees, side russian legsweep bit, then he busts out the grind. Bulldog gets Goldust a 2 count but Val then gets a couple of 2s off a spinebuster then a Fishermans Suplex. Shattered Dreams is set up but Val puts the ref in the way and rolls up Goldust for 3 at 5:30ish. Postmatch Goldust does hit Shattered Dreams, fans liked that move. **1/2 - Perfectly acceptable midcard match, I wouldn't of minded them having more time.

We see Vince giving a talk at Oxford, is that where he said they were thinking of giving Undertaker a wife? Then back live The Stooges, Shane and Vince cut a long promo. Patterson says HHH will face Jarrett not Rock as X-Pac is getting a WWF Title match. Shane says Vinnie jones may be a 'hard man' as he's Geroge Michaels boyfriend possibly. Vince says us Brits wish we were American, well I certainly do Vincent.

Edge Vs. Tiger Ali Singh
 This's Tigers 1st PPV appearance, (No, no I think he may of appeared at One Night Only in September 1997) I've seen most of the next few years PPVs and the only appearance I remember is in a segment on Survivor Series 2000 where he and Lo Down were refused entry. Edge basically dominates the match, the only offence I remember of Singhs prior to the ending is a thumb to the eye, JR more or less say Tigers dad was good but he sucks, Tiger powerslams Edge and gets a rope assisted 3 at 2:50. * - Edge was on top for 2:46 of that match, why did Tiger win?

Michael Cole chats in-ring with Vinnie Jones, haven't him and Stone Cold done a film together.

Christian/Sable vs. Marc Mero/Jacqueline
 Meros last WWF match but it's better known for another reason. This took place at SummerSlam with Edge not Christian. For me Christian was the oddjob member of The Brood. Mero tags out after he's dropkicked. Christian pulls Meros shorts down allowing Sable to get some shots in. Jackie refuses to tag in. SableBomb to Mero, now Sable's beating on Jackie, TKO gets 3 at 4:49. Postmatch - Jacqueline is on Tim Whites shoulders and Sable pulls her top off leaving Jackie fully exposed and topless for real as Lawler almost faints. ** - Short but what they did wasn't bad per se.

IC Title - Ken Shamrock (c) (w/ Bossman) Vs. Steve Blackman
 Just in his face Blackman reminds me of Saturn. Ken is in control but his offence is boring and I normally like Ken. Steve starts fighting back until he is heelkicked. A front facelock by Ken seemingly lasts 10 minutes. Spinebuster into a jacknife cover by Blackman for 2. Steve attacks the Bossman who responds by hitting his ankle with a nightstick, Ankle Lock gets the Submission victory for Ken at 6:49. *1/2 - I  found it boring to be honest, Blackman wouldn't find his niche until 2000 when he entered the Hardcore Division. 

Michael Cole chats to The Corporate Champion who does Hogan, Austin, Flair and Bret Hart lines.

Jeff Jarrett (w/ Debra) Vs. Triple-H (w/ Chyna)
 Hunters first match since his SummerSlam encounter with Rock. Crowd like HHH. Shoulderblock, side headlock takedown by HHH and a spinebuster gets 2. Jeff is in control of the match now, Chyna goes over to stop Debra interfering. Harley Race knee as HHH is fighting back, Jeff avoids a Pedigree Facebuster, clothesline over the top by Hunter then he tells Debra to suck it and finishes Jeff with a Pedigree at 6:54ish. *1/2 - Maybe HHH had ringrust but either way they didn't have chemistry these two, Jeffs offence wasn't exactly edge of your seat stuff.

Austin talks to Cole then we see D-Lo in London.

WWF Tag Titles - NAO (c) Vs. D-Lo/Mark Henry
 Dogg shake, rattle 'n' rolls D-Lo so he bails, he bails again after Gunn presslams him. Henry calls for a test of strength but Gunn kicks him, now Henry has him in a bearhug. Double dropkick and hiptoss by the Outlaws. Road Dogg is Sky Highed then legdropped and spalshed by Henry so Gunn drags him to the corner so he can tag in. Henry powerslams Gunn as the former Nation members are on top, as I wrote that D-Lo got Fameassered. Piledriver gets 3 on D-Lo as Henry just looks on at 10:00. ** - What they did wasn't bad but was a bit boring but as I say not bad from a sloppy perspective ala the opener.

WWF Title - The Rock (c) Vs. X-Pac
 Rock won the WWF Title at Survivor Series after secretly working with the McMahons all along screwing Mankind in the final. X-Pac is European Champion, I always wanted that NFL style DX jersey. X-Pac almost beat Rock 2 weeks earlier until HBK became the 'Corporate' Commissioner. JR gets a shot in at WCW using older guys. X-Pac hits multiple kicks and tells Rock to suck it so he bails and goes to leave but HHH and Chyna scare him back to the ring. Bronco buster misses allowing Rock to get some kicks in. X-Pac is bounced off the announce table as they fight ringside, chinlock by Rock but it makes sense given Pacs neck history. Blatant lowblow by Rock as ref is distracted. A sign in the cowd just says 'Mo Chatra' he's a contributer to Powerslam. Corporate Elbow, complete with DX mocking suck its, hits on Pac. Rock blocks an X-Factor, tries for a Rock Bottom but gets lowblowed by Chyna. Ref Bump! as Earl is sandwiched by X-Pac. HHH hits Rock with the European Belt which gets X-Pac a 2 count. The fans are believing in X-Pac. Rock pushes Chyna at ringside so HHH attacks him drawing a lame DQ, crappy ending at 12:30ish. ***1/2 - I enjoyed it and I've boosted it aswell as they drew the fans in making them think X-Pac could've become the WWF Champion.

No DQ - Stone Cold Vs. Mankind Vs. Undertaker Vs. Kane
 Shane McMahon is guest ring announcer, Briscoe is special ref, Patterson is keeping time and Vince McMahon is special commentator. Bossman was set to be enforcer but Vinnie Jones comes down and pushes him out of the ring earning a red card from Gerry. Mankind and Kane fight before the other two enter. Taker Chokeslams Mankind, throws Kane out and goes for Austin in the aisle as Taker is attacking all 3 opponents. Paul Bearer hits Austin with his shoe. Mankind is now being choked by Undertaker with a cord but Kane chokes Taker and Austin chokes him, a choking conga. Old School is stopped by Kane who is now ping ponged between Mankind and Austin after which Mankind offers Steve a handshake but is flipped off instead. Brothers Of Destruction stomp as Austin as Socko makes his UK debut. Mankind stops Kane Tombstoning Austin on a chair leading to Kane being Stunnered but Briscoe asks Patterson if there's time left in the match so Austin drops him. Taker Chokeslams Austin then Kane. The finish comes when Stone Cold avoids a Tombstone and Stunners Kane as Earl Hebner counts the 3 at 16:09. Bossman gets Stunnered so Earl Hebner kicks him and drinks beers with Vinnie and Austin, talk about biased officiating, sheesh. *** - A pretty enjoyable fun Fatal 4 Way, I wanted more weapons or whatever as it was No DQ.

20 / 50 - Undercard was bad, hell 3 matches were *1/2 and one was *, mainly due to wrestlers not clicking or the matches simply being boring. Last 2 matches were pretty good. Watching it as a standalone show I kind of enjoyed it but that's probably nostalgia speaking. For a UK show it did feel important as you had DX Vs. Corporation which was the next thing for them after Nation feud. Thumbs down if you're not nostalgic for this PPV.

Saturday 13 July 2013

Armageddon 2000

- December 10th, 2000. Birmingham, Alabama.
- Attendance: 14,920.
- Buyrate: 1.15

- My first VHS review as I've 'borrowed' my sisters TV/Video combo whilst she's in school. Had to use a make shift stand though consisting of Comics, Star Wars Monopoly and a guitar. Not seen this PPV in awhile so cant remember the undercard quality though as 5 big names are in the main event then the undercard may be a little meh tonight.

We see Foley on HeAt saying that if anyone is seriously injured tonight then he'll resign.

Hardyz/Lita Vs. Eddy Guerrero/Perry Saturn/Dean Malenko
 Dean won a date with Lita by beating her but when they moved to the bedroom the Hardyz attacked, are they the faces? Elimination rules here folks and continuing the Survivor Series trend my match times will be out maybe by a second or 4 as I've broken my screen. Hardyz doubleteam Perry then Eddy. Crowd dont like Eduardo it must be said, then again this is Birmingham. Speaking of Eddy he's back suplexed by Matt then Swanton Bombed by Jeff for 3, (3-2). Poetry in motion to Dean but Perry blocks one on him and Death Valley Drivers Jeff out of the match (2-2). Terri grabs Matts foot allowing him to get Superkicked but a Twist Of Fate eliminatesSaturn (2-1). Lita spears Terri but Dean rolls up Matt for 3 (1-1). Tilt-a-whirl headscissors by Lita is followed by a moonsault for 2 but she is soon caught up top and superplexed, Dean gets the W with Texas Cloverleaf at 8:07ish. ** - Rushed but the crowd were into it and it wasn't necessarily a bad match to be fair.

Kurt Angle says he's beaten Bulgarians, Czechaslavakians and Turks so he's not worried about an eyebrow, a nose, a badass, a fatass and a redneck. Took him about a half hour to get to that.

European Title - William Regal (c) Vs. Hardcore Holly
 Willie Regal actually dropped the Euro Title to Hardcores cousin Crash 8 days earlier at Rebellion but won it back on RAW. Heel pre match promo is interrupted by Holly who gets a homestate pop. Holly gets 2 off a back suplex and Regal gets a 2 off a superplex. Lawler 'What's Alabamas slogan, 4 million people and 15 last names?'. Type of double underhook suplex, a dropkick then a top rope legdrop gets Holly another 2 count. Forearm shot by Holly, he has a metal plate in it but here's Raven and he DDTs Holly allowing Regal 3 at 4:59. *1/2 - Only 5 mins long and was inoffensive.

Chyna Vs. Val Venis (w/ Ivory)
 Gimmick pornography star Vs. real one here folks. Fighting in the aisle where Val is thrown into the ring steps. In ring Chyna does a corner beatdown then a DDT. Val fires back with his knees to the midsection leading to a russian leg sweep spot. Ivory gets cheapshots in at ringside, double underhook suplex gets Val 2. Chyna's fighting back with forearms, a clotheslien gets 2. Chyna runs into a powerslam but Val misses the Money Shot, but he gets 3 with a Fisherman Suplex after Ivory tripped Chyna at 5:00ish. *1/2 - Same as Regal/Holly to short to mean anything but was inoffensive.

Clips play of cactus setting the 2-by-4 on fire at No Way Out 2000.

We see Kevin Kelly earlier interviewing Deadman inside the Cell, this is intersepted with clips of Shawn Michaels and Maninds HIACs with Deadman. One mistake though as Taker gets the order of Foleys bumps mixed up.

Vinnie and the Stooges come out to waste more time, in the intro I mentioned how the undercard may suffer due to a 6 man main event well I was right as they're using more time on segments than matches, here he tells the fans to help him stop the Cell match happening tonight.

main image
Kane was hugging people years before he met Bryan.
Last Man Standing - Chris Jericho Vs. Kane
 Kane won at Survivor Series so the coffee feud rolls on, is that as bad or worse than Edge/Bookers shampoo feud of '02? Match starts in the aisle then they go backstage but there's no camera guy following them so we only see the crowd. When we do rejoin the action we see a truck, wonder if we'll ever see that again? hey there's Mideon, can he claim for a PPV bonus based on that 2 second appearance. Back ringside where Jericho is powerslammed on the outside but is up at 5. Kane's been in control for a while but his offence isn't exactly aweinspiring, Jericho is compared to HBK by JR thus angering me. Jericho is hit with a top rope clothesline but is up at 6. Jesus that was a forceful one armed Chokeslam by Kane, maybe the absudity of the angle has just reached him, Jericho is up at 9 though I think the ref simply stopped counting so the match wouldn't end. Chairshots by Kane he attempts a Tombstone but is lowblowed. Missile dropkick, bulldog and a chair assisted Lionsault has Kane down for a 8 count. They're fighting down the entrance set where Jericho pushes some barrels onto Knae trapping him for the 10 count at 16:40ish. ** - Better than their Survivor Series match but that's not saying much at all really. These guys just didn't click together.

Coach talks to Commish Foley who says the match will go ahead, well I wish it'd hurry up as i'm sick of segments tonight.

Shawn Michaels gets an entrance at WWF New York, JR chats to him about Hell In A Cell, then another highlight is played as Mankind is Chokeslammed onto thumbtacks.

WWF Tag Titles - RTC (c) Vs. Dudleyz Vs. Edge & Christian Vs. RoadDogg/K-Kwik
 You know in sitcoms when they change an actor who plays a character and it's obvious it's another person but people in the show act as if nothings happened well that's how I feel about Billy Gunn and K-Kwik. RTC beat down D-Von. Dudleyz may of just used Total Elimination but I cant tell due to the camera angle. Road Dogg and Bubba Ray do dancing punched to Edge & Christian then punch each other. Thinking of a name for Road Dogg and K-Kwik, I thought of K-Dawg, isn't that Konnans nickname well that's funny as them 3 formed 3 Live Kru in TNA. Big 'we want tables' chant. K-Kwik has been beaten on by multiple people, is that a conspiracy or what? they've been working over his shoulder. Bubba's in and he cleans E&Cs clock but soon everybody's fighting. RTC, Kwik/Dogg are down at ringside. Doomsday Device to Edge, 3-Ds to RTC and Waaaaaaasup Drop to Christian as Dudleyz are on Fiy-ah until D-Von is DDTd by Stevie Richards on the outside and Bubba is Unprettiered for 3 by Christian at 10:00. *** - Fans have bumped the score for me, finally RTCs reign of lame is over, Woo-Hoo!

Hunter tells Steph that he will be WWF Champion, even if he did supposedly get crushed a few weeks earlier at Survivor Series. HHH is Wolverine!!

Intercontinental Title - 'The One' Billy Gunn (c) vs. Chris Benoit
 Armdrags by Gunn but soon he's in trouble as benoit is targeting his knee. JR, King keep going on about Billy Gunns earrings, will we see ear ring psychology by Benoit? The knee work is continued by Benoit leading to a Figure Four. Gunn goes for a corner splash, while he was limping so at least he's selling it, but he misses and is hit with rolling germans. Presslam, 'jackhammer', and FameAsser I guess the leg is healed then. Benoit gets the crossface but we have a ropebreak. Tilt-a-whirl goes wrong as JR tries to cover it with Gunns knee being hurt. Back suplex gets Benoit 2 but the Crossface does get the job done at 10:01. **1/2 - Almost a Flawless Victory to use MK talk. More enjoyable than you'd think given it's a Billy Gunn match, the obvious botch hurt the rating.

JR is shown speaking to Austin earlier in the day because this PPV needs more non in-ring stuff.

Womens Title - Ivory (c) Vs. Molly Holly Vs. Trish Stratus
 Ivory lets Molly beat down Trish. Double dropkick by Molly but her opponents respond with a double suplex. Sitout powerbomb by Molly but Ivory throws her out and pins Trish at 2:10ish. * - Meh, but I must say it's amazing how much Trish would improve over the next few years.

We're shown Mankind being thrown off the Cell then Kevin Kelly interviews Rocky.

How can a Cell hold these six?

WWF Title - Hell In A Cell - Angle (c) Vs. Rock Vs. HHH Vs. 'Taker Vs. Austin Vs. Rikishi
 Rikishi and HHH ran down Austin at Survivor Series 99 so at Survivor Series 2000 Austin dropped Hunter 3oft in a car, just a month ago yet HHH's here, Rikishi blamed Rock and Taker lost to Angle at the Survivor Series last month, did you keep up with that? Rikishi is the Paul Roma of this match, as he doesn't fit in here like Paul didn't fit Horsemen. Angle refuses to enter the Cell, Austin is out last, of course and fakes going in then grabs Kurt. They pair off as HHH/Austin, Rock/'Kishi and Taker/Angle then take turns fighting in the ring whilst the other 4 fight ringide. JR says 'Lloyds Of London are pretty stupid at times' Is that a shot at them insuring a certain wrestler? HHH is grated into the Cell cutting him then Austin drags him around all 4 walls. AngleSlam to Rock, Stunner to Angle and Chokeslam to Steve. Vince and The Stooges come to ringside with a truck thus stopping the match really for about 10 minutes as cameras focus on them and not in-ringstuff. The Cell door is pulled off but then Foley comes down attacks Stooges and scares away Vince. Everyone fights in and around the entrance set, which is primarily a load of cars but it's not really interesting, Austin is cut by going through a window and Rock is cut by a Pediggree on a car. HHH and Austin are the first up top, as Taker is cut by a Angle chair shot. Most of them are up top now, timekeeper throws a chair to Taker but the important part is when Taker throws/pushes Rikishi off the top onto the truck Vince brought out, seemingly this also deplteted Takers health bar as he doesn't appear again now. Rock, Austin start fighting in ring as a glimpse of Austin/Rock II at 'Mania. Rockbottom to Angle for 2, then Rock is Stunnered but HHH stops Austin pinning him allowing Angle to take the cheap win at 32:10ish. ***1/2 - The Vince stuff really broke he flow and to be honest it wasn't great anyway. It was appealing as you had 5 big names in there, but the Champion looked weakest as I cant rememeber him doing anything really. Not as good as some say but going by the recent Cell matches this is a good one. Lacked that certain something that made HBK/Taker great, sometimes Less Is More.

17 / 40 - Big hit ratingswise was Womens, European and Chyna/Val which was only cause they were short they weren't necessarily bad matches, that is the one flaw to my ratings plan and can be misleading. This PPV lives or dies by the Cell and i'd say it's a worth a look. Thumbs in the middle for this PPV as nothing is really bad but nothing is really, really good either.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Survivor Series 2000

- November 19th, 2000. Tampa Florida
- Attendance - 18,602
- Buyrate - 1.0
- First review in my new house, I'm surrounded by peanut M&Ms, me 2 cats and some cheap cola.

Test, Albert, Trish Vs. Steve Blackman, Crash Holly, Molly Holly
 JR says the last 6 Survivor PPVs have ended with a new champion, interesting stat, of course 1997 also gets a mention. Even start until Blackman sweeps the future Tensai. Trish accidentally lowblows Albert. Crash hurricanranas Test but he responds with a Big boot. Teddy Long is the ref and I guess Survivor Series with all the tags is his favorite PPV. You know it's amazing how much Trish iproved over the years. Men are fighting outside as Trish bulldogs Molly for 2 but Molly gets 3 with a sunset flip at 5:00ish, Stop Watch issues in that I cant see the whole time as phone is f'cked. ** - Feel generous as at least there was something always happening no rest holds.

 Angle plans a post PPV celebration with Edge & Christian though they look skeptical about his chances opposite Mark Callaway.

Road Dogg, K-Kwik, Chyna, Billy Gunn Vs. Radicalz
 A kind of  DX reunion and also a glimpse into the future as some of 3 Live Kru from TNA is here, Billy Gunn may of even joined that actually when I think about it. I remember around this time hearing on HeAt that Gunn had won IC strap and I was happy as I was an NAO fan. If you didn't know then K-Kwik is now R-Truth. Gunn and Chyna suplex Perry Saturn, then a powerslam gets Chyna 2. Everyone is fighting so Eddie sneaks in and hits Chyna with the IC Belt for 3 at 2:20ish (3-4). Dogg starts his punch sequence until Eddie dropkicks his knee. Billy Gunn's in now but is soon being beaten in the heel corner at least until he fights them off, a neckbreaker type move eliminates Eddie at 6:00ish (3-3). Something isn't right there as Dean Malenko took a bump different to what K-Kwik was doing. Kwik does some fancy stuff but is dumped at 7:10ish via a bridged german (2-3). Bridged belly to belly by Saturn eliminated Road Dogg at the 8:40(ish) mark (1-3). Stuff going on but it's largely uninteresting. Fameasser dumps Dean at around 10:50 (1-2). Benoits Diving Headbutt on Gunn gets 2, Gunn suplexes Benoit but Saturn holds his feet and Benoit gets 3 at 12:40. ** - Average, uninteresting for the most part. Never understood how holding someones foot stops them moving a shoulder and kicking out.

Kane Vs. Chris Jericho
 This is the coffee angle feud. Mismatch syle wise as we have a slow monster Vs. a monster(ly) overrated guy. I keep getting this PPV mixed with Armageddon as I thought this was the Last Man Standing match earlier I expected the Hardyz/Lita Vs. Radicalz from A'ddon. Duck and punches by Jericho to start, Kane is dropkicked outside but when Jericho planchas over his foot gets stuck in the ropes, he could've landed on his head there. Springboard dropkick is followed by dropkicking the steps into Kane. Powerslam by Kane after he blocks a crossbody. Some people are chanting 'boring'. Kane's been in control for a while now as he undoes a turnbuckle. There's not a lot of point to Kanes offence if you know what I mean, I appreciate psychology which is why I liked Lex  Vs. Flair from Starrcade '88. Missile dropkick gets Jericho 2. Kane is hit into the exposed turnbuckle allowing Jericho to get 2. Walls is applied but Kane gets a ropebreak. Bulldog but the Lionsault is countered as Kane grabs him and Chokeslams him for 3 at 12:33(ish). *1/2 - Didn't click, felt like it lasted an hour.

European Title - William Regal (c) Vs. Hardcore Holly
 Regals promo is about elections. JR' What does he know about elections?' How does JR think us Brits pick a PrimeMinister, even if we do pick the wrong one at times. Holly is recently back from a broken arm at the hands of Angle. Hollys arm is bounced off the ringpost, kicks, knees to the arm soon follow as does a cross armbreaker. Regals hair is like action mans. Crossbody gets Holly 2. Hooly's wincing with his arm which is good what isn't good however is the ending as Holly hits Regal with the belt for a DQ at 5:40ish. Did Holly refuse to job? ** - You know what I appreciate psychology so I'll go **.

The Rock Vs. Rikishi
 The 'Kish ran down Austin a year ago, wouldn't you if you teamed with Viscera around that time, but he blamed Rock when HHH was his accompliss so now we have this. Kish hit Rock with a sledgehammer on the RAW prior. Rock sprints to the ring, at least the crowd are awake now Rocky's here. Tim White stops Rock using a chair allowing 'Kish to hit a superkick. Shots to the sternum by Kish, Rock does fight back until he is sideslammed. They go ringside where Kish is still in control. The ref is knocked White out, *cymbal clash*. Rock Bottom to avoid a sledgehammer shot but it only gets 2. Rock starts hsi punch sequence but is headbutted. Samoan drop then Kish sits on Rock for 2. Running corner butt bump leads to the stinkface. Kish is knocked about 1080' by a clothesline. Rock ducks a superkick and hits a spinebuster and Peoples Elbow for 3 at 11:18(ish). Post match Kish attacks Rock and does some Banzai Drops. *** - Fair dos to Rock as he sold like a trooper. First good match of the night here, maybe 'Kish could've done with going over though.

Foley tells HHH his match with Austin is No DQ, but he's all no biggie.

Womens Title - Ivory (c) Vs. Lita
 Ivory is in RTC. Ivory busts Lita harway with a punch and she's busted by her eye. Jesus Lita does a headscissors and lands Ivory on her bonce. It ends when Ivory puts the belt up as Lita does a moonsault at 4:50ish. * - Meh.


WWF Title - Kurt Angle (c) Vs. Undertaker
 Will this be better than there Fully Loaded match/squash (*)? Kurt won the belt a month earlier from Rock. 10 years since Deadman debuted, 9 since he won WWF Title and a year since Angle debuted. Judging by the sudden change in camera i'm guessing something is cut just before Angle talks. What the hell is Undertaker wearing? was he going through a midlife crisis? Angle refuses to enter so Taker tosses him a chair which Angle does use pre-bell. They trade punches leading to Taker getting a legdrop for 2. 'Old School' shouts Taker and it connects. Kurt hits a german after ducking a punch. Taker misses a boot in the corner so Kurt attacks the knee. Armbar is applied by Taker and Angle does tap but Edge & Christian have the ref distracted. I think Edge is shouting I'll see you in about 8 years Mark but i'm not sure. Taker beats on E&C then Chokeslams Angle for 2. Kurt attacks the knee some more and Figure Four is applied. Powerslam gets Taker 2. Kurt decides he's had enough and crawls under the ring but Tker brings 'himh' back out and Last Ride gets 2 as Earl Hebner stops counting TAMPA SCREWJOB!!!! oh no wait it's not Kurt that's why he stopped counting then the real Kurt Angle appears and rolls up Taker for 3 at 16:00(ish). *1/2 - Better than Fully Loaded but I've docked some for the ending, also needing E&C to distract the ref made Angle look weak. For a much better Angle/Taker outing watch No Way Out 2006.

Edge/Christian/RTC Vs. Dudleyz/Hardyz
 RTC have the Tag Belts (Goodfather, Bull Buchanan). Much respect to Buh Buh for getting himself in shape these days. 'We Want Tables' chants, Buchanan boots D-Von and tags Goodfather but D-Von hits a Curtain Call. Matt Hardy in now and he beats on E&C until he is hotshotted and Edge-a-Maticed out of the match (4-3). Christian blind tags in but D-Von cltheslines him and Edge. Unprettier eliminates D-Von (4-2). Bull presslams Jeff but misses a splash allowing Buh Buh to tag in, he cleans house then Edge accidentally Spears Bull eliminating him (3-2). Edge is Buh Buh Bombed, accidentally splashed by Christian then elbowed by Buh Buh for 3 (2-2). Goodfather, eventually, Pimp Drops Buh Buh for 3 (2-1), did he still call it Pimp Drop in RTC days. Swanton eliminates Christian making it sudden death. Ho Train misses then Val collides with Goodfather on the apron and Jeff gets 3. Post match Val and Steven Richards is tableised, ** - Rushed match and the offence wasn't particularly interesting though but nothing was offensivly bad.

No DQ - Stone Cold V s. Triple-H
 A year ago Austin was mowed down then we found out it was Rikishi under orders from HHH. Austin starts better with multiple shots to Hunters lower back. Facebuster by HHH but Austin fires off a Thesz Press. Fighting down the aisle now where Austin gets suplexed. They're back ringside as HHH is whipped into the steps and stomped by the timekeepers area, a TV monitor to the bonce bust him open. Some beer violence follows. HHH neckbreakers out of a Stunner, not sure i've seen that counter before. Spinebuster but Austin misses the elbowdrop. HHH goes for a Pedigree, or piledriver if you're JR, on the steps but is backdropped through the announce table. Back in Austin hits a Stunner but doesn't go for the pin instead he places a chair around Hunters neck but he manages to roll to safety. Punches are traded as they go to the back where The Radicalz attack Steve as HHH goes to the parking lot and enters a car. HHH, Benoit have a convo as Austin has disappeared, then Hunters car is grabbed by a crane thing and hoisted in the air, we see Austin is driving it then he drops 30feet or whatever as HHH shouts Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit and Benoit sings the Eastenders theme. Is HHH dead you ask? Well he was in the following months Main Event, only in wrestling folks. No ending as Austin just walks off. **1/2 - Okay brawl, typical Austin post 1997. Docked marks for the ending though.

17.5 / 45 - Very average PPV, wouldn't say it was bad but certainly average. Rock/Kishi was the high point but it wasn't exactly a must see.  Thumbs in the middle as it's okay but definately dont go out of your way to find it.