Monday 15 July 2013

WWF Capital Carnage

- December 6th, 1998. London, England.
- Attendance: 10,441.

- This was a UK only PPV, also took place 2 days after my 9th birthday.

Gangrel Vs. Al Snow
 Wristlocks and wristlocks by the pair, wahey almost a carbon copy of my fave botch as Snow is almost lowblowed on a leapfrog, Windham, Dr. Death being the original. Gangrel backdrops Snow onto the apron and he nearly slips, sloppy start here. Northern lights gets Snow a 2 count. Mo0onsault misses allowing Gangrel to get a 2 count from a double underhook suplex. Snow hits an unsmooth DDT but is missile dropkicked by Edge allowing Gangrel to pick up the win at 5:50. *1/2 - Short and sloppy kind of like Gangrel himself then, Har, Har, Har!!

Mankind talks about the Fatal 4 Way mainevent.

LOD (Animal and Droz) Vs. Headbangers
 Hawk attempted to kill himself or something by coming off the titantron so Droz is in with Animal tonight. Leapfrog exhibition by Droz. Leapfrog buttsplash by the 'Bangers. Animal's in with a double clothesline to the 'Bangers. Droz pushes Animal out of the ring when he's down but is himself rolled up for 3 at 3:18. Animal and Droz fight postmatch. *1/2 - Not much happened in the limited time they had, you can tell this is a UK only PPV, why are we always screwed?

Michael Cole interviews Undertaker, part of me hoped he'd put on a cockney accent, probably be better than Dick Van Dykes.

Val Venis Vs. Goldust
 Val made a 'movie' with Goldusts wife. Val attacks as Goldust takes his robe off. Rinside Val is bounced off the steps, back in Goldie hits a slingshot back suplex as he goes almost Tully Blanchard on us. Val does his midsection knees, side russian legsweep bit, then he busts out the grind. Bulldog gets Goldust a 2 count but Val then gets a couple of 2s off a spinebuster then a Fishermans Suplex. Shattered Dreams is set up but Val puts the ref in the way and rolls up Goldust for 3 at 5:30ish. Postmatch Goldust does hit Shattered Dreams, fans liked that move. **1/2 - Perfectly acceptable midcard match, I wouldn't of minded them having more time.

We see Vince giving a talk at Oxford, is that where he said they were thinking of giving Undertaker a wife? Then back live The Stooges, Shane and Vince cut a long promo. Patterson says HHH will face Jarrett not Rock as X-Pac is getting a WWF Title match. Shane says Vinnie jones may be a 'hard man' as he's Geroge Michaels boyfriend possibly. Vince says us Brits wish we were American, well I certainly do Vincent.

Edge Vs. Tiger Ali Singh
 This's Tigers 1st PPV appearance, (No, no I think he may of appeared at One Night Only in September 1997) I've seen most of the next few years PPVs and the only appearance I remember is in a segment on Survivor Series 2000 where he and Lo Down were refused entry. Edge basically dominates the match, the only offence I remember of Singhs prior to the ending is a thumb to the eye, JR more or less say Tigers dad was good but he sucks, Tiger powerslams Edge and gets a rope assisted 3 at 2:50. * - Edge was on top for 2:46 of that match, why did Tiger win?

Michael Cole chats in-ring with Vinnie Jones, haven't him and Stone Cold done a film together.

Christian/Sable vs. Marc Mero/Jacqueline
 Meros last WWF match but it's better known for another reason. This took place at SummerSlam with Edge not Christian. For me Christian was the oddjob member of The Brood. Mero tags out after he's dropkicked. Christian pulls Meros shorts down allowing Sable to get some shots in. Jackie refuses to tag in. SableBomb to Mero, now Sable's beating on Jackie, TKO gets 3 at 4:49. Postmatch - Jacqueline is on Tim Whites shoulders and Sable pulls her top off leaving Jackie fully exposed and topless for real as Lawler almost faints. ** - Short but what they did wasn't bad per se.

IC Title - Ken Shamrock (c) (w/ Bossman) Vs. Steve Blackman
 Just in his face Blackman reminds me of Saturn. Ken is in control but his offence is boring and I normally like Ken. Steve starts fighting back until he is heelkicked. A front facelock by Ken seemingly lasts 10 minutes. Spinebuster into a jacknife cover by Blackman for 2. Steve attacks the Bossman who responds by hitting his ankle with a nightstick, Ankle Lock gets the Submission victory for Ken at 6:49. *1/2 - I  found it boring to be honest, Blackman wouldn't find his niche until 2000 when he entered the Hardcore Division. 

Michael Cole chats to The Corporate Champion who does Hogan, Austin, Flair and Bret Hart lines.

Jeff Jarrett (w/ Debra) Vs. Triple-H (w/ Chyna)
 Hunters first match since his SummerSlam encounter with Rock. Crowd like HHH. Shoulderblock, side headlock takedown by HHH and a spinebuster gets 2. Jeff is in control of the match now, Chyna goes over to stop Debra interfering. Harley Race knee as HHH is fighting back, Jeff avoids a Pedigree Facebuster, clothesline over the top by Hunter then he tells Debra to suck it and finishes Jeff with a Pedigree at 6:54ish. *1/2 - Maybe HHH had ringrust but either way they didn't have chemistry these two, Jeffs offence wasn't exactly edge of your seat stuff.

Austin talks to Cole then we see D-Lo in London.

WWF Tag Titles - NAO (c) Vs. D-Lo/Mark Henry
 Dogg shake, rattle 'n' rolls D-Lo so he bails, he bails again after Gunn presslams him. Henry calls for a test of strength but Gunn kicks him, now Henry has him in a bearhug. Double dropkick and hiptoss by the Outlaws. Road Dogg is Sky Highed then legdropped and spalshed by Henry so Gunn drags him to the corner so he can tag in. Henry powerslams Gunn as the former Nation members are on top, as I wrote that D-Lo got Fameassered. Piledriver gets 3 on D-Lo as Henry just looks on at 10:00. ** - What they did wasn't bad but was a bit boring but as I say not bad from a sloppy perspective ala the opener.

WWF Title - The Rock (c) Vs. X-Pac
 Rock won the WWF Title at Survivor Series after secretly working with the McMahons all along screwing Mankind in the final. X-Pac is European Champion, I always wanted that NFL style DX jersey. X-Pac almost beat Rock 2 weeks earlier until HBK became the 'Corporate' Commissioner. JR gets a shot in at WCW using older guys. X-Pac hits multiple kicks and tells Rock to suck it so he bails and goes to leave but HHH and Chyna scare him back to the ring. Bronco buster misses allowing Rock to get some kicks in. X-Pac is bounced off the announce table as they fight ringside, chinlock by Rock but it makes sense given Pacs neck history. Blatant lowblow by Rock as ref is distracted. A sign in the cowd just says 'Mo Chatra' he's a contributer to Powerslam. Corporate Elbow, complete with DX mocking suck its, hits on Pac. Rock blocks an X-Factor, tries for a Rock Bottom but gets lowblowed by Chyna. Ref Bump! as Earl is sandwiched by X-Pac. HHH hits Rock with the European Belt which gets X-Pac a 2 count. The fans are believing in X-Pac. Rock pushes Chyna at ringside so HHH attacks him drawing a lame DQ, crappy ending at 12:30ish. ***1/2 - I enjoyed it and I've boosted it aswell as they drew the fans in making them think X-Pac could've become the WWF Champion.

No DQ - Stone Cold Vs. Mankind Vs. Undertaker Vs. Kane
 Shane McMahon is guest ring announcer, Briscoe is special ref, Patterson is keeping time and Vince McMahon is special commentator. Bossman was set to be enforcer but Vinnie Jones comes down and pushes him out of the ring earning a red card from Gerry. Mankind and Kane fight before the other two enter. Taker Chokeslams Mankind, throws Kane out and goes for Austin in the aisle as Taker is attacking all 3 opponents. Paul Bearer hits Austin with his shoe. Mankind is now being choked by Undertaker with a cord but Kane chokes Taker and Austin chokes him, a choking conga. Old School is stopped by Kane who is now ping ponged between Mankind and Austin after which Mankind offers Steve a handshake but is flipped off instead. Brothers Of Destruction stomp as Austin as Socko makes his UK debut. Mankind stops Kane Tombstoning Austin on a chair leading to Kane being Stunnered but Briscoe asks Patterson if there's time left in the match so Austin drops him. Taker Chokeslams Austin then Kane. The finish comes when Stone Cold avoids a Tombstone and Stunners Kane as Earl Hebner counts the 3 at 16:09. Bossman gets Stunnered so Earl Hebner kicks him and drinks beers with Vinnie and Austin, talk about biased officiating, sheesh. *** - A pretty enjoyable fun Fatal 4 Way, I wanted more weapons or whatever as it was No DQ.

20 / 50 - Undercard was bad, hell 3 matches were *1/2 and one was *, mainly due to wrestlers not clicking or the matches simply being boring. Last 2 matches were pretty good. Watching it as a standalone show I kind of enjoyed it but that's probably nostalgia speaking. For a UK show it did feel important as you had DX Vs. Corporation which was the next thing for them after Nation feud. Thumbs down if you're not nostalgic for this PPV.

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