Thursday 22 October 2015

SummerSlam 2000

August 27th, Raleigh, North Carolina
Attendance: 18,124
Buys: 570,000

I like the opera style opening video which focuses on the brilliant love triangle angle.

Right To Censor (Goodfather/Bull Buchanan/Stevie Richards) Vs. Too Cool
 Rikishi is accompanied by two ladies, I think they were some of Goodfather's Ho's, one of them is Victoria/Tara. Scotty has the better of Bull to start then combines Shawn Michaels and Michael Jackson, by doing a kip up and moonwalk also Michael Michaels would be an awesome name. Goodfather throws down the ladies, 'save the hoes' chant. Stevie powerbombs Sexay for 2 but he is soon crotched up top and superplexed. Rikishi in, to the crowds approval, and cleans house. II Cool each do a running corner butt bash but Bull hits a Scissors Kick before 'Kish can do the Stink Face. Scotty sets up for The Worm with a bulldog but during the Worm Stevie Superkicks him for the 3 count at 5:11. ** - Short but the crowd liked it so ** seems fair. 

Shane O'Mac is interviewed then runs when Steve Blackman appears. (Like me when a Blackman match comes on *cue laughter with thigh slapping* but I jest as I don't mind Blackman)

Road Dogg Vs. X-Pac 
My review starts with DX explodes until 2006 but I think they had another short run around Survivor Series time ( I may be getting mixed up with 1999 there because the only one I remember around SS 2000 time was Road Dogg being w/ K-Kwik), some reviews are ones I wrote a while ago but am only just typing up. X-Pac takes Road Dogg then spins on him but he responds by kicking X-Pac in the booty sending Pac ringside. X-Pac avoids a corner splash bu Dogg avoids the Bronco Buster. Pac gets 2 off a heel kick then they both hit signature moves as Pac hits Bronco Buster and Dogg does his dancing punches. X-Pac avoids Pump Handle Slam with a low blow and an X-Factor gets the 3 count at 4:40. Post match Road Dogg does an R Rated Pump Handle Slam. *1/2 - Not much time to do much which they didn't. Time frame of this review can be traced as it was done two days after X-Pac suffered his Bronco Buster injury.

IC Title - Eddie Guerrero/Chyna Vs. Val Venis (c)/Trish Stratus
 Title on the line in a tag match, why take a bad WCW concept? Val is IC Champion but if Trish loses the fall he loses the title. Val gets an early 2 on Eduardo. Chyna in and they hit Val with a double flapjack. Trish cheap shots Chyna allowing Val some offence until he misses an elbow and is DDTd. Eddie in with a 2 count off a springboard hurricanrana. Trish tags in with kicks on a downed Eddie but he catches her foot and tags in Chyna. Trish and Val go for a double clothesline on Chyna but Eddie pulls Val out of the ring and a military press slam to Trish gets Chyna the 3 count and Vals IC Title at 7:13. ** - Average as yet another match gets little time, i'd rather have less matches with more time than more matches with less time, I don't get why Val of all people was protected in this fashion.

Jerry Lawler Vs. Tazz
 Tazz was beating up jerkers and jobbers and now commentators, he's a baaaaaad man. Jerry is defending the honour of good ol' JR here, Tazz put JR in a car and smashed the window in thus injuring JRs eye. Tazz is out with a cowboy hat and stick like a blind man so Jerry pops him one. Scoop slam then fist drop by Jerry but Tazz responds with punches and kicks whilst  bad mouthing JR. Tazz heads up top?! but misses a swanton type move and is piledriven but no sells it, ridiculous even more than usual given a man with Tazz's neck, Ref Bump! Tazzmission is applied but JR gets up from his desk to a pop and hits Tazz with a jar of sweets or something and King gets the 3 count at 4:23. *1/2 - Yet another short match am I watching a RAW is WAR disguised as Summer Slam.

 Shane is again interviewed and again runs when Blackman appears.

Hardcore Title - Shane McMahon (c) Vs. Steve Blackman
 Steve was a no charisma karate dude but did find his niche in the Hardcore Division. Steve throws Shane a kendo stick but he throws it back. The chase is on as Shane bails, they fight in the crowd. Pump Kick off the barricade by Steve then some trashcan lid shots. Shane is placed in a trash can then Steve enters Tommy/Marky/Ringo mode and hits the can like drums. We get a bit like Judgment Day now as Test & Albert help Shane which gives him the advantage now it's 3-on-1 (Well as Albert's one it's still just kind of 2-on-1 *cymbal clash*). They fight to the entrance where Steve fights off T&A as Shane climbs the titantron which leads to one of my favorite falls as Shane is knocked off the top of the structure and falls like a dead weight through some equipment and Steve puts an exclamation point on it by hitting an elbow from halfway off the structure for the 3 count. *** - Boosted for the fall, my mate at the time had SummerSlam recorded off Sky Sports or whatever and to explain the fall to me he threw a wrestling figure down some stairs, that reminds me I once threw a BBB figure onto his roof, maybe WCW had annoyed me at the time, I wonder if it's still there? Another figure related story, I had a Konnan figure and he no longer figured in my plans so I 'killed him off' by having him take a Shawn Michaels Badd Blood style fall off a hamster cage.

2-Out Of-3 Falls - Chris Benoit Vs. Chris Jericho
 Did Benoit face anyone in 2000 or 2001 not named Chris or Kurt? Benoit is rocking the black tights as he means business. The 3 C's all fall through the ropes, Benoit and Chioda may of landed on their heads. Benoit hits a shoulder breaker, I thought he was going for the Tombstone for a moment. Jericho taps out to the Crossface at 3:14 (1-0), yes Benoit did a shoulder breaker so you could say he built to the Crossface but a Submission in 3:14 is weird. Benoit targets Jericho's shoulder. Germans are hit but Jericho rolls through one into the Walls Of Jericho and Benoit taps at 8:37 (1-1). They both get 2 counts, Benoit's coming off a full nelson suplex, is that ever seen outside of Japan? Top rope hurricanrana gets Jericho a 2 count. Benoit counters a roll up and gets a rope assisted 3 count at 13:19. *** - Booking held this one back, a 3 fall match going 13:19 is ridiculous, I didn't like the quick submissions or the cheap ending. Booking is meant to help not hinder talent, yet another thing taken from WCW tonight. (*** seems a tad tight, I shall watch again soon as these guys could do *** in their sleep)

WWF Tag Team Titles - TLC - Edge/Christian (c) Vs. Dudleyz Vs. Hardyz
 The first official TLC in WWE history as WM 16 was billed as Triangle Ladder. I shall list the big bumps in order as not much else happens. Hardyz powerbomb Bubba off a ladder. Christian is Bubba Bombed off a ladder, Jeff falls off a ladder that see-saws into Matt, a ting like that smashed Joey Mercury's face in 2006. Waaassssup off a ladder, 3D tough a table to Christian as Dudleyz are standing tall, they stack four tables ringside but when they re-enter the ring Edge beats them with a chair. Hardyz beat on Edge including Jeff doing his leapfrog over a ladder legdrop. Jeff ascends a bigger ladder at ringside, it seems level with the titles and it's at ringside, then Swantons himself through two tables as Bubba moves. Bubba goes up the ladder then straight back down as Edge and Christian tip the ladder sending Bubba flying through the four tables at ringside, I loved that when I was younger. E&C have a clear path to the titles until Lita comes out and tips them over. Matt heads up but is tipped off backwards through a table ringside, I personally wouldn't be able to that. Edge takes out Lita with a Spear ringside, she either does or very nearly bangs her head on a ladder. Jeff and D-Von are hanging from the belts then both come down, that was like the old show Gladiators. Edge and Christian climb the ladder and retain the Championships at 14:48. ****1/2 I am aghast at that time, they sure crammed a lot in. Entertaining car wreck, though I must say I do feel bad for enjoying this match what with the damage their bodies took. I think I prefer this to the Mania 17 effort. 

Stinkface Match - The Kat (w/ Al Snow) Vs. Terri Runnels (w/ Perry Saturn)
 This match is to let fans have a breather. Kat wins after she uses Head.

Acolytes are in WWF NY, better than them being in Raleigh.

Undertaker Vs. Kane
 Kane Chokeslammed Taker through the ring because he's a monster! Is this the first one on one between Biker Taker and Kane? Kane debuts new attire here, he may be a monster but he knows to change fashion with the times. This is less a wrestling match, ha, and more a fight as Deadman is going for Kanes mask. Taker attacks down the aisle, uses a chair then manages to tear the mask as part of it is hanging. Kane misses a shot with the steps so Taker throws them at him thus busting Kane. Punches by Kane but Taker spears him and goes for the mask again, he throws him down then shows he has the mask in his hands as Kane retreats up the aisle covering his face, he almost fell over Takers bike, it went 6:32. JR says there was no bell but there was, no countout result is made so I guess a no contest is official. When I was 10 I wore out the pause button on my VCR trying to see Kane's face. Call it **.

WWF Championship - The Rock (c) Vs. Triple-H V. Kurt Angle 
 HHH-Kurt-Stephanie were in a love triangle. Kurt says he gave Stephanie passion HHH never could. HHH beats on Angle and there's been no bell yet Rock hasn't come out. You know the older Don't Try This At Home stuff where it shows HHH and Angle on a table that breaks well this is where it happens and Angle is knocked loopy, here's Rocky. I wonder if Rock and HHH have to improvise for a bit or if Angle was to be KOd for a bit anyway. HHH hotshots Rock and punches Angle on the stretcher until Rock gets Hunter, he slingshots him into the SummerSlam set. Stephanie checks on Kurt then soon she accidentally hits HHH with the WWF Title, Rock grabs her but gets lowblowed. HHH gets his Sledgehammer and hits Rock in the ribs. Facebuster gets HHH 2 after he'd worked he midsection for a bit, HHH has been on top for a while but when he heads up top he is superplexed. Backstage Kurt tells Steph he'll help Hunter. Belly-to-belly gets Rock a 2 count. Kurt's here and gets Rock Pedigreed but he stops HHH's pin and goes for his own, Kurt may think he's back in Atlanta. Rock Bottom gets 2 as HHH pulls Rock out. Kurt gets the sledgehammer after Stephanie brings it in, HHH punches Stephanie and Angle hits him with the sledgehammer. People's Elbow to HHH gets Rock the 3 count at 20:10, not including the pre-bell stuff. *** - It was okay but there wasn't much to it maybe if Angle hadn't be hurt it would've been better. (WWF were lucky Rock/HHH were so used to each other, that could of been a disaster)

22.5 / 45 - Score is low due to the booking I think more than anything as the first bunch of matches were let down with the time allocation, an improvement could've been say take out King/Tazz and split the time between two matches or tape it onto the Jericho/Benoit match which would've no doubt made that better. I do like it though overall as it's a PPV I could easily watch in one go, maybe I'm a tiny bit biased as it's 2000 and I used to watch this on a loop as a kid but to be fair nothing was actively bad just as I say the timing of some matches. It has a good homestretch though from the Hardcore match to the end. Thumbs Up.

My review method - I write them in a book then type onto computer w/ a cup of coffee and Happy Days.

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