Monday 22 October 2012

Armageddon 2004

December PPVs generally are bad, will this be any different?

- December 12th, 2004, Atlanta, Georgia
-Buys - 230,000
- Attendance - 5,000

WWE Tag Team Titles - RVD/Rey Vs. Rene Dupree/Kenzo Suzuki
 Double legdrop to Kenzo. 'USA!' chant when Rene's in the ring. Headscissors to Rene but Kenzo stops Rey hitting 619. Van Dam kicks Kenzo off the apron into a Rey powerbomb, RVD then hits his guradrail leg drop spot. Back in the ring and RVD monkeyflips Rene then Rey dropkicks him in the face. Rene returns the favor by dropkicking RVD in the face. Nice double team where Rene catches Rey and Kenzo hotshots him then Rene just throws him across the ring, Rey's been workd over for abit now but Rene stops RVD tagging in by cheapshotting him. Rene does some dance as Tazz sings 'i'm a French tickler'. Hot tag to RVD who cleans house. Rolling Thunder as Rey does a slingshot legdrop to Rene, a 619 and 5 Star Frogsplash end it. *** Good opener, enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I dont remember RVD/Rey as tag champions though.

- Kurt Angle beats on Santa Claus

Daniel Puder Vs. Mike Mizanin
- 3, 1 minute rounds of boxing. I believe this is shoot and not predetermined.
 Not reviewing it as it's not a wrestling match but I will say that I think Mike Mizanin earned peoples respect by surviving the fight as people expected Puder to annihilate him. Not sure where Puder is now but Mizanin would later become The Miz.

- Eddie, booker talk backstage about teaming up in the Fatal 4 Way tonight when Undertaker appears.

Basham Brothers Vs. Hardcore Holly/Charlie Haas
- Cole says this a bonus match, I thought bonuses where meant to be good things??
 Hardcore gets 2 off a rollup. Armdrags into an armbar by Doug. Mutliple elbows by The Bashams to Haas. T-Bone suplex by Haas, lukewarm tag to Hardcore, standing dropkick to a Basham. Hardcore boots a Basham in the nuts but they switch and other Basham gets a small package for 3. * Not a very good bonus WWE.

US Title - Falls Count Anywhere - John Cena (c) Vs. Jesus (w/ Carlito)
- The main feud here is Cena Vs. Carlito, Carlito has his arm in a sling. Jesus is pronounced Hey Zeus.
 Cena beats on Jesus. Kendo shot to Cenas kidney is no sold then Cena kendos Jesus. Jesus gets busted by punches to the bonce. They fight through the crowd. Sign is dented over Jesus head and an FU ends it.
*1/2 Extended squash, Carlito tries to steal Cenas chain but gets KOd.

Spinning US Title Belt .... even worse than WWE one from 2005 onwards.
Special Ref/ Charlie Hass - Dawn Marie Vs. Miss Jackie  Both roll over Haas. Dawn Marie pulls the tights and gets the 3. * Haas who was engaged to Jackie but having an affair with Dawn leaves both women post match.

Big Show Vs. Kurt Angle/Luther Reigns and Mark Jindrak
 Show slams down Jindrak, he dominates Jindrak then overpowers Angle. Jindrak/Reigns double team Show to get him down. Double suplex gets 2 on Show. Powerbomb/Flapjack to Jindrak, Angle Angleslams Show but Big Show wins it by F-5ing Jindrak. * All i'll say is I was surprised when Show did the F-5.

Cruiserweight Championship - Spike Dudley (c) Vs. Funaki
 Mat wrestling to start as Funaki gets 3 quick nearfalls. Dropkick to Spikes face gets another 2. Funaki is thrown off the top to the outside, kind of like a front suplex. Gutbuster gets Spike 2. Abdominal stretch by Spike, last time that forced a submission was about 1965. Spike is placed in the tree of woe and Funaki hits a double chest stomp which pops the crowd, think I even heard a round of applause. Funaki counters Spikes pin attempt into his own for the 3, the Title and a pop ** Okay match considering Funakis in it, crowd didn't care tho at least until the double chest stomp.

WWE Championship - JBL (c) Vs. Undertaker Vs Eddie Guerrero Vs. Booker-T
Did Eddies Frog Splash do the job?
 JBL gets pinballed between his 3 opponents. Eddie and Booker beat on Taker with Eddie targeting Takers knee, then they work over JBL. Taker starts to dominate, he backdrops out of a JBL powerbomb on the outside, back in the ring he sends Eddie up high on a back body drop for 2. Taker chokes Eddie in the ropes, how is that not a rope break? Taker then goes old schol on Booker. Eddie is chucked over the top, a DQ in early 1990s WCW. JBL reappears from nowhere and clotheslines Taker. Booker heel kicks all 3 opponents and a Scissor Kick to Eddie gets a nearfall. JBL goes to powerbomb Booker through announcers table but it doesn't break so he elbow drops him through, I think Booker gets tangled in wire during the p'bomb so doesn't have enough force to break the table. JBL gets last rided through a table. Chokeslam to Eddie. Taker goes for Last Ride but Eddie clocks him with the WWE title and then a cracking near fall when Taker kicks out of two Frogsplashes. Frogsplash off a ladder but JBL pulls the ref out. Scissor Kick to JBL but Taker breaks the fall. Heidenreich attacks Taker and a Clothesline From Hell finishes Booker. *** The ending with Heidenreich agitated me, but the 2nd half of the match I enjoyed.

11.5 / 35 - December has bad PPVs generally and this was no different, wouldn't reccomend it at all. Best matches are the Tag Title and WWE title but that's not saying much. WWE 'Arma-Gedd-On My Money Back'

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