Wednesday 24 October 2012

Armageddon 2008

The last review I did Armageddon 2004 ( continued the trend of poor December PPVs will '08 fair any better?
- Decmeber 14th, 2008, Buffalo, New York
- Buys - 193,000
- Attendance - 12,500

Matt Hardy Vs. Vladimir Kozlov
- Hardy is ECW Champion but this is non-title, does that telegraph the outcome?
 Pretty boring match as Kozlovs offence while sound from a psychology standpoint was also quite boring when he worked over Matt's arm, Matt didn't get much offence and it ended when Matt cracked his head on the ringpost and Kozlov hit the battering ram followed by a sort of chokeslam. *1/2 Extended squash to a n extent, Matt is ECW Champion so if Kozlov just moves straight on after this then WWE have buried the ECW championship aswell, not that it meant anything anyway but booking like that wouldn't help.

Intercontinental Title, no.1 Contendership  Rey Mysterio Vs. CM Punk 
- This could be good.
 Some mat wrestling by the pair during an even start. They exchange near falls then Punk avoids 619 but Rey manages to avoid GTS. Punk gets 2 off a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker but Rey responds with a 2 of his own off a moonsault. They trade submission attempts, Rey gets 2 off a crossbody and Punk does from his Corner Knee/Bulldog combo. Nice sequence where Rey hurricanranas out of a GTS hits 619 but Punk avoids Springboard splash. Rey springboards onto Punks shoulders but Punk turns it into a GTS, looks like he busted Reys nose that must've hurt, for 3.  ***1/2 Good match, did seem to me almost as if they were slightly holding a little back (Holding something back and still got ***1/2 that doesn't seem right looking back)

- JBL and HBK in ring promo, I wont recap what was said as it was nothing of consequence but I shall recap the angle. HBK was broke due to stock market crash so worked for JBL. In a way it's like a modern day Ted Dibiase and Virgil but without the slight possible racism undertones.

Belfast Brawl - Finlay Vs. Mark Henry (w/ Tony Atlas)
 Nothing much of note happens beyond strikes. Tony Atlas hits Finlay with a trash can lid and he's all Piss Off and kicks Atlas in the head, Henry gets in control via a trash can lid shot. Kendo shots followed with a DDT by Henry. Finlay grabs a Shillelagh but Henry boots him and snaps it, then he snaps a Kendo stick. Hornswoggle gives Finlay a Shillelagh he cracks Henry without and it's goodnight Irene. ** Okay match when you consider Henrys in it. Hardcore rules possibly helped as they didn't need to wrestle and could just cover with weapons. (The old smoke and mirrors method)

Randy Orton (w/ Manu & Cody Rhodes) Vs. Batista
 They do a few lockups to start, Manu and Coody get ejected. Orton starts working over Batistas arm. Clotheslines and a powerslam by Batista but he fails to get the Batista Bmob as Orton neckbreakers him. Orton is tossed to outside but manages to get 2 off a draping DDT on the way back in he then stomps various parts of Batista. Chinlock Of Doom!! and now Chinlock From Hell!!, a chinlock with a bodyscissors. Superplex by Orton gets 2, Batista gets 2 of his own off a spinebuster. Bossman Slam by Batista, Orton gets 2 off his backbreaker variation. Batista Bomb ends it. *** 3 *s as it did pick up near the end with the nearfalls and Ortons chinlocks seemed minimilized compared to usual thank god.

Mickie James/Kelly Kelly/McCool/Maria Vs. Victoria/Jillian/Natalya/Maryse
 Wasn't paying attention as on my pen and paper i've put Maurice. Michelle won with the Styles Clash, all 6 announcers worked the match and they were more entertaining. Afterwards Khali does his kiss cam and kisses Mae Young. * For the match.

World HeavyWeight Championship - John Cena Vs. Chris Jericho

 Jericho targets Cenas surgically repaired neck early, then Cena throws ridiculous looking punches. Y2J DDTs out of an FU. In a spot I don't think i've seen before Cena gets bulldogged off the apron into the ring steps. FU countered into the Walls Of Jericho but Cena gets out. They trade 2 counts Jericho's off  aLionsault and Cenas off top rope leg drop. FU but Y2J lands on his feet, hits the Codebreaker but only gets 2 and Y2J cant believe it. FU gets 2. Jericho locks in the walls but obviously SuperCena doesn't tap, STFU gets locked in and Y2J taps straight away. **1/2 Some people did but I didn't really care much for it. Cena perhaps could've sold his neck a bit also he recovered to quick from some moves, it was okay towards the end.

WWE Championship - Edge (c) Vs. HHH Vs. Jeff Hardy
- Edge - heel, Jeff - face, HHH - ?, it was HHH v Kozlov v Jeff at Survivor Series but Jeff was assaulted Edge took his place and won the title.
 Jeff beats on HHH and Edge at the start. HHH knocks Jeff down outside the ring to get a foothold in the match. In ring know as HHH goes to Pedigree Edge but Jeff hits Whisper In The Wind. Edge is on HHHs shoulders and Jeff hits Whisper In The Wind, so a Doomsday Device variation. Twist Of Fate and Swanton to HHH but Edge pulls the ref out before he can count 3. On the announce table know as Jeff goes to put HHH through one but he gets off the table and out of the way as Edge Spears Jeff through another announce table, so it's 1-on-1 for a bit. Edge gets pedigreed but Kozlov pulls HHH out of the ring and attacks him, Jeff goes up top for a Swanton but Kozlov pushes him off, Matt Hardy runs down to take care of Kozlov. Edge brings a chair in but Jeff cracks him with it,  Pedigree to Edge but Jeff Swantons them both and pins Edge for the win and his 1st WWE Title. ***1/2 I might've give it more had Kozlov not interfered. In ring wise it was ok, not a complaint but an observation but why didn't they just give Jeff the title at Survivor Series a supposed big 4 event.

17 / 35 - Seems low but considering Hardy/Kozlov, Belfast Brawl and Divas brought it down, the other matches were good. It was a nice easy watch overall like Survivor Series 2009 was. For Jeff Hardy fans this is a must buy. (So thumbs in the middle I guess for non Jeff Hardy fans)

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