Saturday 20 October 2012

SummerSlam 2007

- Recently got the DVD for £4 this is a first time viewing also the DVD case doesn't have the card so I don't know what i'm watching bar HHH Vs. Booker-T

- August 26th, 2007, East Rutherford, New Jersey.
- Buys - 537,000 (off wikipedia so god knows, but I couldn't find it anywhere else)
- Attendance - 17,441

Kane Vs. Finlay
 Kanes ribs are taped. Kane dominates from the off with punches and kicks but Finlay turns the tide by targeting Kanes ribs. Sideslam gets Kane 2. Hornswoglle appears but Kane sits up and Hornswoggle runs away.  Kane goes for a chokeslam but cant do it due to his ribs so Finlay DDTs him. Ref grabs Finlays shilelagh, innuendo, so Hornswoggle gives Finlay another one and he hits Kane but only gets 2. Chokeslam finishes Finlay off. ** Nothing much happened beyond punch, kick. At least they had some psychology with the ribs.

Intercontinental Title - Umaga (c) Vs. Carlito Vs. Mr. Kennedy
- Never liked Kennedy, Carlito is good but underused by WWE and Umaga was better following his Japan stint. Hang about is this 3 heels?
 Umaga dominates until Carlito dropkicks him to the outside and Kennedy kicks him against the steps. Nice springboard elbow gets Carlito a 2 count. Kennedy pulls Carlito away from a Umaga splash then hits Umaga with a TV monitor. The two challengers work over Umaga and go for a double suplex but he suplexes them. Umaga again dominates but he gets lowbridged over the top, but soon finishesKennedy with a Samoan Spike. **1/2 Formulaic 3 way in that one rests while two wrestle, Umaga never really looked like losing also booking 3 heels doesn't help as the crowd cant get behind somebody like they would a face.

Rey Mysterio Vs. Chavo Guerrero
- Reys first match since No Mercy 2006, when Chavo injured his knee in an I Quit match. I'm not 100% but this feud probably was about Eddie.
 Rey has grey attire and grey makeup or whatever on so he looks like a stone (see right). Nice start where they counter each others monkey flips. Chavo does the logical thing and works over Reys knee. Rey then does a role reversal and targets Chavos knee, he later continues the knee assault by placing Chavo in a tree of woe which is a call back to how Chavo originally injured Rey. Seated senton then a kick to the bonce gets Rey 2. Chavo ducks a cross body and gets a Gory Bomb but only manages to get a 2 count. Chavo ducks 619 and does the 3 amigos, more shameless pandering to the crowd and still is trying to get a cheappop off the memory of his Uncle Eddie, but his knee gives out on the amigos, nice selling as it means Reys earlier knee work wasn't for nothing. Rey hits 619 and it's over. ** 1/2 Ok match never reached 2nd gear though, the psychology was good tho Chavo going for Reys knee and Chavo not being able to do 3 amigos.

Diva Battle Royal
- winner is #1 contener to Candice Michelles womens title.
 Beth Phoenix wins it. Don't rate battle royals.

- In Ring Promo - MVP challenges Matt Hardy to a beer drinking contest, they had a feud and would go one-on-one in basketball etc. Matt says he has a substitute like MVP did in a boxing challenge. Stone Cold comes out stunner to MVP. Nice of Stone Cold to take time out of his schedule to make the US Champion look like a chump, he didn't put people over when he wrestled so why start now I guess.

- Backstage segment where Cryme Tyme, Teddy Long and Coach dance around Vince McMahon. Normally I dont mention these but then William Regal joins the dancing and it actually made me laugh, Ron Simmons says DAMN! Was Cleveland from Family Guy based on him?

ECW Title - John Morrison (c) Vs. CM Punk
- ECW matches usually detract from a PPV but this could make SummerSlam better.
 Punk in control to start until Morrison neck breakers him through the middle rope. John lays down punches from a UFC style mount position (Maybe this is wear Punk got the idea for his 2014 announcement?). John slingshots Punk but he lands on the middle rope and hits a crossbody. Punk hits a moonsault for 2, that's the first moonsault I can remember Punk doing off the top of my head. The ending seems botched as Punk goes for a top rope hurricanrana but just hits the mat, the announcers say John held onto the top rope but that could be just to cover it, then John seems to hesitate climbs down and pins Punk with his feet on the ropes. *** Good match nothing more to say. (I usually dock points for botches and that ending sounds botched will re-watch sometime for a new rating)
The Game returns, he was injured Vs. Orton/Edge so faces .... Booker-T
HHH Vs. Booker-T
- HHHs first match since tearing his quad in January, its's not a case of will HHH win it's more will Booker be buried more than he was at WrestleMania 19.
 HHH clotheslines Booker over the top. Back in and they miscommunicate on something as Booker and HHH stare at each other then HHH clotheslines him over again, I think HHH expected Booker to rebound off the ropes again but he didn't. Facebuster gets HHH 2. Smart move as Booker targets HHHs quad, Booker works over HHH for abit until he gets thrown to outside and HHH regains control. Spinebuster by HHH. Booker misses a Scissors Kick but does connect on a Booked for a near fall. Booker misses a front flip leg drop of all things (I believe was called Harlem Hangover in WCW) and a pedigree ends it, HHH wins. *1/2 Wasn't very good. Booker never looked like winning, wasn't a proper Squash more a squeeze, but hey at least HHH didn't wait 22 seconds to pin him this time.

World HeavyWeight Championship - The Great Khali (c) Vs. Batista
- I thought SummerSlam could only get better then I found out this match was on.
 Khali dominates with punches, clotheslines etc. bearing in mind he can barely move. Batista runs into a brain chop. The dreaded nerve pinch by Khali. Khali Bomb, Coles call, gets 2, then Khali uses a chair for the DQ ending. 1/2 A DQ ending?!! while it does make sense - Batista doesn't lose clean so can have a re-match, couldn't they just do a title switch here it is the 2nd/3rd biggest show of the year. (Rare that a match gets under * but there we are)

WWE Title - John Cena (c) Vs. Randy Orton
- This may be the 1st one-on-one on PPV between these two.

Chinlock Of Doom!!

 Both do headlocks whilst the majority of the crowd is behind Orton, then Cena gets an early 2 off a bulldog. Chinlock Of Doom!! by Orton for about 2 minutes. Orton stomps various parts of Cenas body. He then gets his own 2 of a snap powerslam but goes back to the Chinlock Of Doom!! Cena tries to suplex out of a headlock but Orton keeps it locked on, Cena mounts a comeback but Orton stops it by hitting his backbreaker variation. Draping DDT gets 2 but Cena avoids an RKO and hits a neckbreaker to stop Ortons dominance. They go up top but Cena knocks Orton off and hits his top rope leg drop, kind of looked silly when Orton had to get in position to take it. Orton misses the Punt Kick and gets put in the STFU but Orton gets a ropebreak. RKO out of nowhere gets a nearfall. FU/AA ends it. ***1/2 Ortons chinlock exhibition which lasted seemingly half the match got tedious. Ok match, the crowd being into helped for me as I hate dead crowds.

16 / 35 - Very poor SummerSlam here. It pains me to say it but i wouldn't recommend this SummerSlam. WWE I want my £4 back. (I say very poor yet there's a *** and ***1/2 on here so maybe the very isn't deserving, still not thumbs upable though)

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