Tuesday 30 October 2012

Armageddon 2005

December PPVs range from meh to poor, will this break the mold?
- December 18th,  Providence, Rhode Island
- Buyrate - 0.73
- Attendance - 8,000

JBL Vs. Matt Hardy
 Matt sneak attacks JBL but is thrown over the top and does the hangman spot, JBL gets free shots in on Matt who is in the ropes. Back in the ring now and JBL is dominating but Matt does eventually hit a DDT but JBL is soon in control again. Moonsault gets Matt 2 but is soon whipped into an exposed turnbuckle and a Clothesline From Hell finishes it. * An extended squash basically, too short to be any good. (I've since heard that this stiff squash was due to Matt being meant to be beaten up by Deadman at Survivor Series and instead leaving the ring)

MNM Vs. Mexicools
- Psicosis in his face looks about 50 and Super Crazy looks like the guy from Grease that isn't Travolta, the blonde one or Doody.
 Even start until Psicosis corkscrews over the top onto MNM, Super Crazy wants to do the same but the ref wont let him, so he jumps over the ref. Melina knocks Psicosis off the top and MNM start to take control. Psicosis at one point does manage to fight out of MNMs corner but they take control again. Enziguri to Mercury, hot tag to Super Crazy who dominates MNM, moonsault to Mercury but Nitro breaks the pin. Snap Shot to Crazy and the fat lady just sang. ** Formulaic tag match, but wasn't bad dont get me wrong.

US Title - Best Of 7 - Booker-T Vs. Chris Benoit
- Booker is 3-0 up.
 Booker stalls to start. Waist lock takedown by Booker but Benoit transitions it into his own and has Bookers back. Booker escapes an early Crossface attempt. Leg drag by Benoit but he cant get the Sharpshooter locked in. Booker lays knees into Benoit in the corner and starts to take control, he hits a sloppy suplex. Big german by Benoit gets 2. They exchange chops on the outside until Booker throws Benoit into the turnbuckle. Release belly-to-belly then the 3 Amigos by Benoit, he then hits 3 Germans and heads up top but Sharmel distracts him with a broom, which allows Booker to go up top and Benoit tries to go behind Booker or something but falls off the top and lands awkwardly. Scissor Kick to Benoit gets 2 a Bookend is countered into the Crossface but Booker gets to the ropes. More germans by Benoit and this time he hits the Diving Headbutt for a nearfall. Ref Bump!! Benoit locks in the Sharpshooter but Sharmel hits him with the broom to break it up. Crossface is applied and Booker taps. *** I didn't like it at the start the second part of the match was good but there were some sloppy looking spots. I can't help but feel the winner was obvious with Booker 3-0 up. (Booker wound up injured and I think Randy Orton took the final loss for him)

Bobby Lashley Vs. William Regal & Paul Burchill
 Lashley dominates until Regal gets a cheap shot in. Regal and Burchill target Lashley's back and use quick tags to stay fresh. Lashley wins via Dominator to Burchill. * WWE sacrifice a team to Lashley, in hindsight he didn't get over like WWE wanted, he is now in MMA I think but not UFC, the match here was a squash. (Under my new rules this probably wouldn't be rated due to short time but for now i'll let it stand)

Segment from The Friendly Tap, which is a pub, where Tim White seemingly kills himself off screen .... Merry christmas from WWE. When we go back to the arena Cole and Tazz brush it off more or less Cole: 'and none the less back to Providence'.

Cruiserweight Title - Juventud Guerrera (c) Vs. Kid Kash
 Juvi attacks before the bell. Juvi is dominant but it hits a sloppy hurricanrana. Armbar by Kash. Nice springboard moonsault by Kash but Juvi gets his knees up. Top rope hurricanrana by Juvi then an enziguri gets 2. Kash kicks out of the Juvi Driver at 2 then gets the win and the title with the Dead Level, a brainbuster. ** Solid match but the fans were less interested than I would be at a Cleveland Cavaliers game.

WWE Tag Team Champions - Batista/Rey Vs. World Tag Champions - Big Show/Kane
- Batista is also World Heavyweight Champion, now I wonder was Batista hurt here, cause I heard he was going to drop the title to Eddie or Orton in November but Eddie sadly passed away, RIP. I know he got hurt eventually but was he already hurt and that's why he's in a tag match here, so he doesn't have to do all the work?
 Show pushes Batista down then Batista tries to knock Show down but gets tossed in the corner but responds with a shoulder block knocking Show down. Suplex to Kane gets 2. Mysterio and Kane do what Show, Batista did earlier with the can't knock him down, gets chucked in the corner then does get him down but Kane escapes before 619 connects. Rey dropkicks Kane again but this time Show stops the 619. Rey gets dominated by Show/Kane but does manage to bulldog out of a Chokeslam. Batista dominates the World Tag Champions but he isn't the legal man. 619 to Kane but Rey gets chokeslammed and it's over. ** At least the crowd were into it, I didn't like it, if the crowd were dead it may of been a * star affair, at least there was a clean win and no No Contest BS to protect both champions.

Hell In A Cell - Undertaker Vs. Randy Orton
- In the two previous 1-on-1 PPV encounters they are tied 1-1, 'Taker won at 'Mania 21 and Orton, not clean, won at SummerSlam. There was a 2-on-1 Casket Match at No Mercy but that wasn't 1-on-1, the Ortons won that one.
 Orton avoids Taker to start. Orton gets a back body drop but then gets booted. Undertaker dominates the match, chairshot to Orton and he's cut, then another shot as Bob Orton looks on. Taker chokes orton with a chain, but soon after Orton gets Taker down with punches, I see a Hells Angels jacket in the crowd which reminds me to get Sons Of Anarchy season 3 on DVD. Orton RKOs Taker on to the top rope and follows it up with ring steps to the head and now Takers cut. Chair shot to Taker gets 2. Undertaker seems to do Hardy Boyz Poetry In Motion. Randy sets a table. Undertaker pulls Bob Orton into the cell wall and now he's cut, that's important later. Chokeslam gets 2. Orton splashes Taker through the table, he almost overshots himself. Ref Bump!! Orton hits an awkward looking RKO out of a chokeslam. A new ref enters cell and so does Bob Orton. Last Ride to Orton but Bob Orton hits the ref. Tombstone to Undertaker but Undertaker soon Tombstones both Orton's and gets the in. **1/2 Pretty boring cell for me and did Taker need to win here. I read that Bob Orton has Hepatitis or something and Taker was p'd off backstage when he found out as Orton had bled in the cell match.

13.5 / 35 - 2005 ends with a bang, that being Tim White. No match is memorable the cell wasn't as bad as Bossman V Taker but it was very meh. Thumbs down for Armageddon, bad end to 2005.  

This cat has the right idea regarding Armageddon, don't look.

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