Monday 28 October 2013

Hell In A Cell 2013

- A night of firsts here, my first live PPV review, first from a pub, first HIAC and first whilst drunk, unless I got really drunk and forgot I did one, would explain why two Canadian Stampedes are MIA. What's on tap you say, well there's Carling, Carls .... oh you mean from HIAC well Orton/Bryan finally get a definite winner, Cena returns, Rhodes Dynasty defend the Tag Titles and some other stuff.  Live from Miami, Florida, that's the PPV not me, it's HELL IN A CELL!

Opening video is people speaking about the Cell, Foley, HBK and Edge were definately there.

WWE Tag Titles - Rhodes Dynasty (c) Vs. The Usos Vs. The Shield
 Smart as this could be a hot opener. Cole says Biog Show is banned from the arena. Rey Mysterio is at the Spanish Announce Table, though it could be any kid under the mask. Goldust, Jimmy slap hands in a mutual face respect way. Shield (Rollins/Reigns) isolate Goldust near the start, DDT to Reigns stops the onslaught but he cant tag out as Shield take out Usos. Goldie is again isolated as Shield are going all Brainbusters tonight. Hot tag to Cody, moonsault on Rollins gets 2. An Uso flapjacks Rollins into a samoan drop for 2. Holy Shit Cody and Rollins are up top whilst everyone else is on outside and Cody superplexes Rollins onto the mon the outside that was immense. Reigns Spears an Uso the other Uso Superkicks Reigns. Cross Rhodes top Rollins gets 3, the Champions retain. **** - Great, hot opener here, smart booking/placement as the fans are now pumped up. Matches like this give me hope for the Tag Divison.   

HHH and HBK are talking backstage, in a bizarro version of Judgment Day 2000 (Though thankfully HHH isn't wearing HBKs JD 2000 shorts) and also Cena has a new app out which looks like Need For Speed.

Miz is in-ring he calls out Wyatts and here's Brays brothers/homies whatever but Kane returns to make the save, then as even Kane cant stand Miz he chokeslams him aswell. Imagine a Kane/Miz tag team in the mold of X-Pac/Kane. (Which was the Show-Miz team)

2K14 advert plays, this is the first I've heard of it.

Fandango/Summer Rae Vs. Khali/Natalya
 Barman asked who I thought will win this match, I gave a drunken nod towards Fandango and he seemed to think I was stupid, well ha! Fandango won. Khalis spped, well lack of, is immense he is the Bizarro Usain Bolt man. Match was basically nothing, mini pop from me when Natalya went all Kerry Von Erich with a discus punch. I missed the ending but via a replay I can tell you Summer got 3 off a roll up. *1/2 - Meh. My pub notes say - 'Women carried it, if don't agree blame the beer' well I don't agree and I blame the beer, schizo argument!

Josh Matthews, Dolph Ziggler, R-Truth and Kaitlyn or as I saw them - Robbie Savage, Booker-T, Ashley Tisdale and some annoying guy, talk about the PPV so far. It was like ESPN/Sportscenter.

US Title - Dean Ambrose (c) vs. Big E. Langston
 If this was the attitude era Langstons first name would be Will. Langston starts better and gets some quick 2s. Dean is getting a foot in the match now. Ambrose Recliner is applied but Big E. stands up and breaks it. E misses a Warrior style splash but gets 2 off a belly to belly, Big Es been cut. Dean walks off but E brings him back. Big E. spears Dean through the ropes ala Edge at 'Mania 22. Dean is counted out, booo. ** - Okay match, bad ending. I picture Big E. going on a title chase now, ending at TLC maybe.

There's a pop in the pub as the cell is lowered.

Hell In A Cell - CM Punk Vs. Ryback/Heyman
 Heyman enters on a cart, the driver may be drunk, Paul is lifted onto the Cell roof leaving Punk/Ryback one-on-one. Heyman is starting the match like Mankind but will his end the same way? 'Goldberg' chant, because that's not old. Punk is on top until he misses kendo shots and is rammed into the Cell. Punk is suplexed into the Cell three times as Ryback is on top. Ryback powerslams a springoarding Punk for 2, he goes for Shell Shocked but Punk avoids it. Kendo shots by Punk then an elbow from the top gets 2. At certain angles Ryback looks like Goldberg. Punk elbows Ryback through a table then a GTS gets 3. Post match Punk goes to the roof and batters Heyman with a kendo stick and GTSs him, that should draw a line under the feud. **1/2 - Match was meh, PPVs gone down since the opener. If the Punk/Heyman stuff continues then the post match stuff was pointless, but this being WWE i'm not sure what'll happen. What can Punk move onto from here? (He moved onto the unemployment line *cymbal clash* though fair dos for doing what he wants to do)

D-Bry is interviewed.

Los Matadores (w/ some bull) vs. Real Americans (w/ someone speaking bull)
 I heard 'Ole' and thought it was El Generico, I saw them and thought woah double Tito Santana then I saw the bull and thought Manatour! Real Americans, though one's European. Zeb does his usual right wing schtick. Matador 1 does Flair Flip, now he's being isolated. Cesaro rolls through a sunset flip and does 31 Giant Swings! Swagger Ankle Locks a Matador but it gets broken and when I next look up the match is over, Matadors win and it looked like a Double Team on Swagger. ** - Giant Swing alone earns it *. 

World Heavyweight Title - Alberto Del Rio (c) Vs. John Cena
 Cena had triceps surgery was meant to be out around 6 months but he's back within 2 and gets a Title Shot for nothing. They have a ready made story with the Cross Arm Breaker but it depends on Cena selling it, which is debatable (Really?). Champion out first irritates me. Slow start, bulldog gets Cena 2. STFU is avoided and a german gets Del Rio 2, I think he meant to bridge it but failed. Sandow is watching backstage. ADR comes off top but is dropkicked. Cena fights back with his usual offence but Del Rio avoids AA with a backcracker. Tornado DDT gets Cena 2. ADR gets 2 when he enziguris Cena up top. Cena rolls through a Cross Arm Breaker and applies STFU but Del Rio gets a rope break. Cross Arm Breaker is applied but of course Cena stands up and breaks it with a slam, AA gets 3. **1/2 - Loses a 1/2 due to Cena standing up in the CAB, I hated that. A bit better than I was thinking it'd be to be fair.

Survivor Series promo plays, it's the Wyatts.

Divas Title - AJ Lee (c) (w/ Tamina) Vs. Brie Bella (w/ Nikki)
 Annoying Bellas are face due to their relationships I guess. Nothing match really, it ends when Brie runs into Nikki and falls prey to the Black Widow, see what I did there albeit unintentionally. *1/2 - Match was a buffer really, as were quite a few I guess. Get fans calmed down for the main event.

PTP are playing a game called 2K14, no I've never heard of that one, Bob backlund dances with them, yes that happened and yes I loved it. Whacky Bob!

HHH and HBK are chatting again, who's conversations last for 2 hours in the same place?

Hell In A Cell - Special Ref - Shawn Michaels - Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton
 Will the Corporate Commissioner be reborn? Triple-H brings the belt out, D-Bry refuses HHHs hand shake. Early snap powerslam by Orton. D-Bry is knocked into the Cell then Orton follows up with ring steps shots. Back in Bryan hits kicks then dropkicks Orton to the outside and hits a suicide dive. Orton crotches Bryan around the ringpost then hits his Backbreaker variation. European uppercuts are traded in the ring, D-Bry is building momentum. Orton is hurricanraned off the top, divind headbutt gets 2. Orton gets a rope break to avoid a Yes Lock. Bryan tosses 10 chairs into the ring but it backfires as Orton superplexes him onto them for 2. HHH is here and exchanges wwords with HBK. Special Ref Bump! as Orton is pushed into HBK to avoid an RKO. HHH is in the Cell and checking on HHH when BOOM! Bryan hits a running knee but HBK Sweet Chin Musics Bryan and reluctantly counts 3 for Orton. Why Super Kick someone then not want to count them down? HBK isn;t with HHH/Orton though so no Corporate Commissioner role for HBK. ***1/2 - Match was pretty good, ending wasn't. Were they protecting Bryan or cutting his legs out from under him? There cant be much mileage in Orton/Bryan now so Bryan either needs to win or he's a babyface that failed in his quest. I suspect we'll get Bryan/HHH next. (We got fan outrage next and Bryan winning the straps at 'Mania)

19.5 / 40 - Bang on .500 and that seems right as one great match and one very good. Rest was meh to good but nothing was actively bad. Americans had to pay $60 or so I guess but in UK it was £15.00. Not a bad PPV but not a blow away one either call it a thumbs in the middle. (In retrospect I would say thumbs on their way down as nothing between opener and main were noteworthy and the ending at the time was groan inducing also I've knocked a point off so bang in the middle no longer makes sense however I do not delete my words of wisdom.)

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Armageddon 1999

- Vinnie Mac main events his 2nd PPV of '99, not counting Royal Rumble, as he faces HHH in a Divorce Vs. Title Shot Match,  Big Show defends the WWF Title against the Big Bossman, the casket surfing feud if you will, Rock and Sock attempt to win Tag Gold as Kane and X-Pac get it on in a cage ....

 December  1999, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

 Opening video is dissapointing by WWF standards, it's not that it's bad it's just meh, also this is the inaugral Armageddon PPV and we dont have the awesome 'The End Is Here' theme.

8 Team Battle Royal
 Winner gets a shot at the Tag Belts at Royal Rumble, if you've read my review of said Rumble PPV, or even just watched it then you'll know who wins here, hint it's not the fans, not that they deserve much it's a crap crowd, wake up Florida, this is a theme throughout the night. Teams involved were - Dudleyz, Edge/Christian, Hardyz, Acolytes, Headbangers, Too Cool, Henry/Godfather, Mean Street Posse. MSP were switching members when one was eliminated, that reminds me it's the 1 man gone = team eliminated rule. JR says Headbangers are multiple time champions but i'm pretty confidant in saying that's wrong, I believe they held them once. Anyway the Acolytes win, fun fact as they tried a 94 Rumble style both go over with Matt Hardy and Bradshaw but clearly Bradshaw hit first. Faarooq got the win by launching Jeff Hardy from Florida to Puerto Rico, two months later he'd nearly launch him into an early grave with a botched Dominator. Don't Rate Battle Royals i'm sorry but that's just the way I am

Kurt Angle Vs. Steve Blackman
 One year later Angle would be defending the WWF Title in a 6 man Hell In A Cell. Blackman runs down and hits some kicks, punches etc. he heads up top but misses a headbutt, Benoit was probably watching thinking give it 6 weeks and i'll show you how it's done, son. Angle misses a moonsault and is placed in a bow and arrow. Crowd is quiet until they start a 'boring' chant. Angle is fighting back as Steve has been in control mainly, hits a double underhook suplex but fans think 'Angle Sucks' Bridged German gets Kurt the 3 count *starts dancing and singing on a circle*. ** - Kurt was not yet 'Wrestling God Kurt'. Kind of went too long for what they had, technically proficient but boring, the same words I use when describing Bret Hart. Steve wouldn't hit his niche until he entered the Hardcore Division.

Womens Title - Evening Gown Bath Match - Miss Kitty Vs. B.B Vs. Jacqueline vs. Ivory (c)
 Some people say WWF was degrading to women and watching this I see where they're coming from, obviously the ladies weren't forced into doing this stuff though of dressing in their bra and panties. This is remembered for one thing only as Kitty removed her top willingly revealing her boobs to the PPV audience, blurred out on DVD. Apparently she thought she was facing away from camera. Kitty won by the way.

 Kevin Kelly interviews Rikishi, what he says isn't important nor interesting, however lest me forget that a month earlier Kish attempted vehicular homicide when he ran down Austin. How can he carry on his dancing etc. knowing that Austin was going to find him a year or so later. #KayfabePat

Hollys Vs. Rikishi/Viscera
 I've always believed Rikishi ran down Austin as he knew teaming with Viscera was on the horizon, it'd make me attempt vehicular homicide. Nothing much happens highlights, if you can call them that, were Viscera legdropping Crash after backdropping Hardcore, 'Kish hitting a flapjack/Diamond Cutter combo on Crash then Rikishi Drivering him, I think that was Bam Bams 'Greeting From Asbury Park'. Viscera hits Rikishi with a spinning heel kick by accident and the Hollys get 3. * - Match and Crowd both sucked so they deserve each other.

European Title - Bulldog (c) Vs. Val Venis Vs. D-Lo Brown
 JR says D-Lo is only man to hold Euro-IC belts simultaneously, what's that someone's shouting 'Ain't I great?'. Wow just 2 months earlier Val beat Mankind at No Mercy now he's doing this. My question going in is -Will we get a Tower Of Doom spot. Tweet 'Yes' or 'No' to D-Lo topes onto his opponents. At one point D-Lo and Bulldog form a coalition which I dub 'Churchill' after that annoying nodding dog. D-Lo goes for a springboard but slips on the ropes. Another botch as Val, D-Lo go to hip toss Bulldog but he lands on his neck, now did they not elevate him enough or did he time his jump wrong? D-Lo powerbombed Val but Bulldog pulled the ref out and blamed a fan. Sky High and Lo Down to Bulldog but Val Money Shots D-Lo and pins Bulldog instead for the European Belt. *1/2 - All I remember is the botches and my shock at no Tower Of Doom Spot.

 X-Pac says he can win by escape/pin whilst Kane can only win by pinfall. Escape rule annoys me in Cages as they should be a match where you just pulverise your opponent instead of simply climbing away.

Steel Cage - X-Pac Vs. Kane (w/ Tori)
 Kane/X-Pac were a team, from May at least cause they had a match at Over The Edge, until X-Pac turned on Kane in October/November, against the Dudleyz I believe, to rejoin DX. X-Pac mouths off with Tori so Kane climbs out of the cage and they fight around ringside. JR says Penis as Lawler is shocked. Speed Vs. Power basically as X-Pac ducks, punches and hits kicks and Kane does power moves like tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Outlaws cut the cage door open with bolt cutters and Billy slams it into Kane's head. Kane is X-Factored onto a chair then handcuffed to the Cage allowing X-Pac some free chair shots. Tori comes in but X-Pac spits at her and does the X-Factor, this infuriates Kane so he breaks the handcuffs. X-Pac heads up so Kane strolls ringside and puts X-Pac in the electric chair so his feet don't touch the floor and places him back in the ring. High point of the match, and PPV, as Kane hits a Clothesline off the top of the cage, a Tombstone is academic. **1/2 - Lacked intensity for a rivalry in a cage. It was okay but still easily the best match so far tonight.

IC Title - Chris Jericho Vs. Chyna (c) (w/ Miss Kitty)
 Jericho signed from WCW to much fan fare but was soon stuck in this feud, I've heard some complained about his style. I think he had an awkward style for WWF and didn't really click until a certain Canadian came over but you cant deny his popularity. Chyna does her usual silly looking forearms at least until she is front suplexed on the announce table. Back in Jericho jumps off the top into a low blow then Chyna goes all Great Muta and Andre on y'all by doing Handspring Elbow then being tied in the ropes, we get thumb psychology as Jericho dropkicks it, he'd hit it with a hammer on RAW is WAR. Chyna hits a slow hurricanrana to counter a powerbomb. jericho responds with a vertical suplex and a 2 count from a 'C'mon Baby!'. Bulldog, scoop slam and a gyration leads to a LionSault but Chyna gets her knees up. Jericho counters a Pedigree attempt into a backslide for 2. They do a 'Mind Games' as Chyna counters a back suplex to a crossbody, If you haven't' seen HBK/Mankind from IYH X: Mind Games then check it out. Jericho rolls through a roll up and applies the Walls for the submission victory. **1/2 - It was okay so earns **1/2, yes Chyna wasn't very good in the ring but at least she didn't phone it in. I hate wrestlers who do that when people have paid to see them wrestle. The Chyna/Y2J stuff didn't end here as soon they pinned each other on SMACKDOWN! and became co-champions.

WWF Tag Titles - New Age Outlaws (c) Vs. Rock 'n' Sock Connection
 Crowd wake up for Rocky so much so that The Fink is drowned out. You know Randy Orton went through that 2 year phase of essentially doing nothing well Rock had that in late 99 as post King Of The Ring he had a Billy Gunn and a Bulldog feud then the Rock 'n' Sock stuff and also was on the verge of an Al Snow feud it's almost as if someone wanted to keep him from the top of the card. Rock attacks as Gunn is taking his shirt off now Gunn, Rock are fighting in crowd as Mankind blocks Road Doggs punches with a Mandible claw. Diamond Cutter gets Gunn 2. Outlaws have been on top of The Rock for abit, I like how he'd sell for people in fact him Vs. Rikishi was the only thing worth watching at Survivor Series 2000 for this very reason. Road Dogg goes for his Pump Handle Slam however Rock avoids but soon Outlaws are on top again, float over DDT by Rock and Mankind is in and beats on Outlaws, i'd hate to have to take his running corner knee as i'd be worried of just getting smacked and that would kill. Ref Bump! as Mankind accidentally punches him, piledriver to Road Dogg but there's no ref. Mandible Claw is applied but here's Al Snow and he clocks Foley with Head. Rock chases Al and beats him up at the entrance way. Ringbell shot and a piledriver both get 2 on Mankind. Hot tag to Rock who cleans house but Al Snow returns and hits him for the blatant DQ. ** - Match started to drag as it lasted longer than it needed to, maybe Als initial interference should've been the end, also I dont like long matches that end on DQs. I'd guess this was leading to Al doing something with Rock but that didn't transpire.

WWF Title - Big Show (c) Vs. Bossman
 Big Show was tricked into thinking has dad had died, he had cancer, but Bossman had just hired someone to say it. Anyway his dad did die and at the funeral Bossman drove away the casket and Big Show went 'Casket Surfing' that whole thing was hilarious. Was the WWF Title put in a bad feud so people's limelight wouldn't be stolen, kind of like Rocks feuds. This ended in 3 minutes as Show Chokeslammed Albert through S.A.T battered Bossman and chokeslammed him for 3. * 1/2 - Extra 1/2 as it was booked right, in that it was short. Feud was funny though to be fair.

No Holds Barred - Triple-H Vs. Vince McMahon
 Vince counted the 3 at Survivor Series when HHH lost his WWF Title but the best known part is HHH interrupting Test/Stephanies wedding to reveal he married Steph already, without her knowing. This should be Test Vs. HHH really but there you go. If Vince wins then the HHH/Steph marriage is over but if HHH wins he gets a WWF Title Shot. Steph is sat in the front row. Vince throws powder in HHHs eyes then throws some, probably stiff punches. They follow the 98/99 rules and fight in the crowd. Mankind comes out and brings some weapons for Vince to use. HHH punches Vince with a chain the bounces him off various things in the entrance way. Sick bit as HHH spins a turret hard into Vince's head. They fight backstage where HHH tries to run over Vince, Rumble 2000 would stop the attempted vehicular homicide count at 2 PPVs. Back in the arena now and they climb a structure, at the top HHH bangs Vinces head off it and he falls backwards, Vince falls exactly the same as Shane does at SummerSlam 2000 must be a McMahon thing. Vince is busted. HHH retrieves a mic and trashtalks Steph then drags a bloodied Vince over to her, Vince would do that to Ric Flair at Rumble 2002. Hunter gets his Sledgehammer but Vince lowblows him and corners HHH with the sledgehammer, Steph jumps into the ring as she wants to hit Hunter but she stalls and he grabs the Sledgehammer, two shots to Vince later and HHH gets 3. Post match Steph checks on Vince then smiles and hugs HHH, as much as Steph irritates me this was a great heel turn. *** - Pretty good effort considering it's Vince. Hunter would win the WWF Title on January 3rd off of Big Show.

16 / 40 - Nothing was really bad it's just some was uninteresting/boring (Angle/Blackman) or too short to mean anything (Big Show/Bossman). Thumbs in the middle as it's okay for an evening watch but when you break it down it's meh. Don't seek it out but don't ignore it either. (Editors Note - What sort of advice did I give there?)

Monday 15 July 2013

WWF Capital Carnage

- December 6th, 1998. London, England.
- Attendance: 10,441.

- This was a UK only PPV, also took place 2 days after my 9th birthday.

Gangrel Vs. Al Snow
 Wristlocks and wristlocks by the pair, wahey almost a carbon copy of my fave botch as Snow is almost lowblowed on a leapfrog, Windham, Dr. Death being the original. Gangrel backdrops Snow onto the apron and he nearly slips, sloppy start here. Northern lights gets Snow a 2 count. Mo0onsault misses allowing Gangrel to get a 2 count from a double underhook suplex. Snow hits an unsmooth DDT but is missile dropkicked by Edge allowing Gangrel to pick up the win at 5:50. *1/2 - Short and sloppy kind of like Gangrel himself then, Har, Har, Har!!

Mankind talks about the Fatal 4 Way mainevent.

LOD (Animal and Droz) Vs. Headbangers
 Hawk attempted to kill himself or something by coming off the titantron so Droz is in with Animal tonight. Leapfrog exhibition by Droz. Leapfrog buttsplash by the 'Bangers. Animal's in with a double clothesline to the 'Bangers. Droz pushes Animal out of the ring when he's down but is himself rolled up for 3 at 3:18. Animal and Droz fight postmatch. *1/2 - Not much happened in the limited time they had, you can tell this is a UK only PPV, why are we always screwed?

Michael Cole interviews Undertaker, part of me hoped he'd put on a cockney accent, probably be better than Dick Van Dykes.

Val Venis Vs. Goldust
 Val made a 'movie' with Goldusts wife. Val attacks as Goldust takes his robe off. Rinside Val is bounced off the steps, back in Goldie hits a slingshot back suplex as he goes almost Tully Blanchard on us. Val does his midsection knees, side russian legsweep bit, then he busts out the grind. Bulldog gets Goldust a 2 count but Val then gets a couple of 2s off a spinebuster then a Fishermans Suplex. Shattered Dreams is set up but Val puts the ref in the way and rolls up Goldust for 3 at 5:30ish. Postmatch Goldust does hit Shattered Dreams, fans liked that move. **1/2 - Perfectly acceptable midcard match, I wouldn't of minded them having more time.

We see Vince giving a talk at Oxford, is that where he said they were thinking of giving Undertaker a wife? Then back live The Stooges, Shane and Vince cut a long promo. Patterson says HHH will face Jarrett not Rock as X-Pac is getting a WWF Title match. Shane says Vinnie jones may be a 'hard man' as he's Geroge Michaels boyfriend possibly. Vince says us Brits wish we were American, well I certainly do Vincent.

Edge Vs. Tiger Ali Singh
 This's Tigers 1st PPV appearance, (No, no I think he may of appeared at One Night Only in September 1997) I've seen most of the next few years PPVs and the only appearance I remember is in a segment on Survivor Series 2000 where he and Lo Down were refused entry. Edge basically dominates the match, the only offence I remember of Singhs prior to the ending is a thumb to the eye, JR more or less say Tigers dad was good but he sucks, Tiger powerslams Edge and gets a rope assisted 3 at 2:50. * - Edge was on top for 2:46 of that match, why did Tiger win?

Michael Cole chats in-ring with Vinnie Jones, haven't him and Stone Cold done a film together.

Christian/Sable vs. Marc Mero/Jacqueline
 Meros last WWF match but it's better known for another reason. This took place at SummerSlam with Edge not Christian. For me Christian was the oddjob member of The Brood. Mero tags out after he's dropkicked. Christian pulls Meros shorts down allowing Sable to get some shots in. Jackie refuses to tag in. SableBomb to Mero, now Sable's beating on Jackie, TKO gets 3 at 4:49. Postmatch - Jacqueline is on Tim Whites shoulders and Sable pulls her top off leaving Jackie fully exposed and topless for real as Lawler almost faints. ** - Short but what they did wasn't bad per se.

IC Title - Ken Shamrock (c) (w/ Bossman) Vs. Steve Blackman
 Just in his face Blackman reminds me of Saturn. Ken is in control but his offence is boring and I normally like Ken. Steve starts fighting back until he is heelkicked. A front facelock by Ken seemingly lasts 10 minutes. Spinebuster into a jacknife cover by Blackman for 2. Steve attacks the Bossman who responds by hitting his ankle with a nightstick, Ankle Lock gets the Submission victory for Ken at 6:49. *1/2 - I  found it boring to be honest, Blackman wouldn't find his niche until 2000 when he entered the Hardcore Division. 

Michael Cole chats to The Corporate Champion who does Hogan, Austin, Flair and Bret Hart lines.

Jeff Jarrett (w/ Debra) Vs. Triple-H (w/ Chyna)
 Hunters first match since his SummerSlam encounter with Rock. Crowd like HHH. Shoulderblock, side headlock takedown by HHH and a spinebuster gets 2. Jeff is in control of the match now, Chyna goes over to stop Debra interfering. Harley Race knee as HHH is fighting back, Jeff avoids a Pedigree Facebuster, clothesline over the top by Hunter then he tells Debra to suck it and finishes Jeff with a Pedigree at 6:54ish. *1/2 - Maybe HHH had ringrust but either way they didn't have chemistry these two, Jeffs offence wasn't exactly edge of your seat stuff.

Austin talks to Cole then we see D-Lo in London.

WWF Tag Titles - NAO (c) Vs. D-Lo/Mark Henry
 Dogg shake, rattle 'n' rolls D-Lo so he bails, he bails again after Gunn presslams him. Henry calls for a test of strength but Gunn kicks him, now Henry has him in a bearhug. Double dropkick and hiptoss by the Outlaws. Road Dogg is Sky Highed then legdropped and spalshed by Henry so Gunn drags him to the corner so he can tag in. Henry powerslams Gunn as the former Nation members are on top, as I wrote that D-Lo got Fameassered. Piledriver gets 3 on D-Lo as Henry just looks on at 10:00. ** - What they did wasn't bad but was a bit boring but as I say not bad from a sloppy perspective ala the opener.

WWF Title - The Rock (c) Vs. X-Pac
 Rock won the WWF Title at Survivor Series after secretly working with the McMahons all along screwing Mankind in the final. X-Pac is European Champion, I always wanted that NFL style DX jersey. X-Pac almost beat Rock 2 weeks earlier until HBK became the 'Corporate' Commissioner. JR gets a shot in at WCW using older guys. X-Pac hits multiple kicks and tells Rock to suck it so he bails and goes to leave but HHH and Chyna scare him back to the ring. Bronco buster misses allowing Rock to get some kicks in. X-Pac is bounced off the announce table as they fight ringside, chinlock by Rock but it makes sense given Pacs neck history. Blatant lowblow by Rock as ref is distracted. A sign in the cowd just says 'Mo Chatra' he's a contributer to Powerslam. Corporate Elbow, complete with DX mocking suck its, hits on Pac. Rock blocks an X-Factor, tries for a Rock Bottom but gets lowblowed by Chyna. Ref Bump! as Earl is sandwiched by X-Pac. HHH hits Rock with the European Belt which gets X-Pac a 2 count. The fans are believing in X-Pac. Rock pushes Chyna at ringside so HHH attacks him drawing a lame DQ, crappy ending at 12:30ish. ***1/2 - I enjoyed it and I've boosted it aswell as they drew the fans in making them think X-Pac could've become the WWF Champion.

No DQ - Stone Cold Vs. Mankind Vs. Undertaker Vs. Kane
 Shane McMahon is guest ring announcer, Briscoe is special ref, Patterson is keeping time and Vince McMahon is special commentator. Bossman was set to be enforcer but Vinnie Jones comes down and pushes him out of the ring earning a red card from Gerry. Mankind and Kane fight before the other two enter. Taker Chokeslams Mankind, throws Kane out and goes for Austin in the aisle as Taker is attacking all 3 opponents. Paul Bearer hits Austin with his shoe. Mankind is now being choked by Undertaker with a cord but Kane chokes Taker and Austin chokes him, a choking conga. Old School is stopped by Kane who is now ping ponged between Mankind and Austin after which Mankind offers Steve a handshake but is flipped off instead. Brothers Of Destruction stomp as Austin as Socko makes his UK debut. Mankind stops Kane Tombstoning Austin on a chair leading to Kane being Stunnered but Briscoe asks Patterson if there's time left in the match so Austin drops him. Taker Chokeslams Austin then Kane. The finish comes when Stone Cold avoids a Tombstone and Stunners Kane as Earl Hebner counts the 3 at 16:09. Bossman gets Stunnered so Earl Hebner kicks him and drinks beers with Vinnie and Austin, talk about biased officiating, sheesh. *** - A pretty enjoyable fun Fatal 4 Way, I wanted more weapons or whatever as it was No DQ.

20 / 50 - Undercard was bad, hell 3 matches were *1/2 and one was *, mainly due to wrestlers not clicking or the matches simply being boring. Last 2 matches were pretty good. Watching it as a standalone show I kind of enjoyed it but that's probably nostalgia speaking. For a UK show it did feel important as you had DX Vs. Corporation which was the next thing for them after Nation feud. Thumbs down if you're not nostalgic for this PPV.

Saturday 13 July 2013

Armageddon 2000

- December 10th, 2000. Birmingham, Alabama.
- Attendance: 14,920.
- Buyrate: 1.15

- My first VHS review as I've 'borrowed' my sisters TV/Video combo whilst she's in school. Had to use a make shift stand though consisting of Comics, Star Wars Monopoly and a guitar. Not seen this PPV in awhile so cant remember the undercard quality though as 5 big names are in the main event then the undercard may be a little meh tonight.

We see Foley on HeAt saying that if anyone is seriously injured tonight then he'll resign.

Hardyz/Lita Vs. Eddy Guerrero/Perry Saturn/Dean Malenko
 Dean won a date with Lita by beating her but when they moved to the bedroom the Hardyz attacked, are they the faces? Elimination rules here folks and continuing the Survivor Series trend my match times will be out maybe by a second or 4 as I've broken my screen. Hardyz doubleteam Perry then Eddy. Crowd dont like Eduardo it must be said, then again this is Birmingham. Speaking of Eddy he's back suplexed by Matt then Swanton Bombed by Jeff for 3, (3-2). Poetry in motion to Dean but Perry blocks one on him and Death Valley Drivers Jeff out of the match (2-2). Terri grabs Matts foot allowing him to get Superkicked but a Twist Of Fate eliminatesSaturn (2-1). Lita spears Terri but Dean rolls up Matt for 3 (1-1). Tilt-a-whirl headscissors by Lita is followed by a moonsault for 2 but she is soon caught up top and superplexed, Dean gets the W with Texas Cloverleaf at 8:07ish. ** - Rushed but the crowd were into it and it wasn't necessarily a bad match to be fair.

Kurt Angle says he's beaten Bulgarians, Czechaslavakians and Turks so he's not worried about an eyebrow, a nose, a badass, a fatass and a redneck. Took him about a half hour to get to that.

European Title - William Regal (c) Vs. Hardcore Holly
 Willie Regal actually dropped the Euro Title to Hardcores cousin Crash 8 days earlier at Rebellion but won it back on RAW. Heel pre match promo is interrupted by Holly who gets a homestate pop. Holly gets 2 off a back suplex and Regal gets a 2 off a superplex. Lawler 'What's Alabamas slogan, 4 million people and 15 last names?'. Type of double underhook suplex, a dropkick then a top rope legdrop gets Holly another 2 count. Forearm shot by Holly, he has a metal plate in it but here's Raven and he DDTs Holly allowing Regal 3 at 4:59. *1/2 - Only 5 mins long and was inoffensive.

Chyna Vs. Val Venis (w/ Ivory)
 Gimmick pornography star Vs. real one here folks. Fighting in the aisle where Val is thrown into the ring steps. In ring Chyna does a corner beatdown then a DDT. Val fires back with his knees to the midsection leading to a russian leg sweep spot. Ivory gets cheapshots in at ringside, double underhook suplex gets Val 2. Chyna's fighting back with forearms, a clotheslien gets 2. Chyna runs into a powerslam but Val misses the Money Shot, but he gets 3 with a Fisherman Suplex after Ivory tripped Chyna at 5:00ish. *1/2 - Same as Regal/Holly to short to mean anything but was inoffensive.

Clips play of cactus setting the 2-by-4 on fire at No Way Out 2000.

We see Kevin Kelly earlier interviewing Deadman inside the Cell, this is intersepted with clips of Shawn Michaels and Maninds HIACs with Deadman. One mistake though as Taker gets the order of Foleys bumps mixed up.

Vinnie and the Stooges come out to waste more time, in the intro I mentioned how the undercard may suffer due to a 6 man main event well I was right as they're using more time on segments than matches, here he tells the fans to help him stop the Cell match happening tonight.

main image
Kane was hugging people years before he met Bryan.
Last Man Standing - Chris Jericho Vs. Kane
 Kane won at Survivor Series so the coffee feud rolls on, is that as bad or worse than Edge/Bookers shampoo feud of '02? Match starts in the aisle then they go backstage but there's no camera guy following them so we only see the crowd. When we do rejoin the action we see a truck, wonder if we'll ever see that again? hey there's Mideon, can he claim for a PPV bonus based on that 2 second appearance. Back ringside where Jericho is powerslammed on the outside but is up at 5. Kane's been in control for a while but his offence isn't exactly aweinspiring, Jericho is compared to HBK by JR thus angering me. Jericho is hit with a top rope clothesline but is up at 6. Jesus that was a forceful one armed Chokeslam by Kane, maybe the absudity of the angle has just reached him, Jericho is up at 9 though I think the ref simply stopped counting so the match wouldn't end. Chairshots by Kane he attempts a Tombstone but is lowblowed. Missile dropkick, bulldog and a chair assisted Lionsault has Kane down for a 8 count. They're fighting down the entrance set where Jericho pushes some barrels onto Knae trapping him for the 10 count at 16:40ish. ** - Better than their Survivor Series match but that's not saying much at all really. These guys just didn't click together.

Coach talks to Commish Foley who says the match will go ahead, well I wish it'd hurry up as i'm sick of segments tonight.

Shawn Michaels gets an entrance at WWF New York, JR chats to him about Hell In A Cell, then another highlight is played as Mankind is Chokeslammed onto thumbtacks.

WWF Tag Titles - RTC (c) Vs. Dudleyz Vs. Edge & Christian Vs. RoadDogg/K-Kwik
 You know in sitcoms when they change an actor who plays a character and it's obvious it's another person but people in the show act as if nothings happened well that's how I feel about Billy Gunn and K-Kwik. RTC beat down D-Von. Dudleyz may of just used Total Elimination but I cant tell due to the camera angle. Road Dogg and Bubba Ray do dancing punched to Edge & Christian then punch each other. Thinking of a name for Road Dogg and K-Kwik, I thought of K-Dawg, isn't that Konnans nickname well that's funny as them 3 formed 3 Live Kru in TNA. Big 'we want tables' chant. K-Kwik has been beaten on by multiple people, is that a conspiracy or what? they've been working over his shoulder. Bubba's in and he cleans E&Cs clock but soon everybody's fighting. RTC, Kwik/Dogg are down at ringside. Doomsday Device to Edge, 3-Ds to RTC and Waaaaaaasup Drop to Christian as Dudleyz are on Fiy-ah until D-Von is DDTd by Stevie Richards on the outside and Bubba is Unprettiered for 3 by Christian at 10:00. *** - Fans have bumped the score for me, finally RTCs reign of lame is over, Woo-Hoo!

Hunter tells Steph that he will be WWF Champion, even if he did supposedly get crushed a few weeks earlier at Survivor Series. HHH is Wolverine!!

Intercontinental Title - 'The One' Billy Gunn (c) vs. Chris Benoit
 Armdrags by Gunn but soon he's in trouble as benoit is targeting his knee. JR, King keep going on about Billy Gunns earrings, will we see ear ring psychology by Benoit? The knee work is continued by Benoit leading to a Figure Four. Gunn goes for a corner splash, while he was limping so at least he's selling it, but he misses and is hit with rolling germans. Presslam, 'jackhammer', and FameAsser I guess the leg is healed then. Benoit gets the crossface but we have a ropebreak. Tilt-a-whirl goes wrong as JR tries to cover it with Gunns knee being hurt. Back suplex gets Benoit 2 but the Crossface does get the job done at 10:01. **1/2 - Almost a Flawless Victory to use MK talk. More enjoyable than you'd think given it's a Billy Gunn match, the obvious botch hurt the rating.

JR is shown speaking to Austin earlier in the day because this PPV needs more non in-ring stuff.

Womens Title - Ivory (c) Vs. Molly Holly Vs. Trish Stratus
 Ivory lets Molly beat down Trish. Double dropkick by Molly but her opponents respond with a double suplex. Sitout powerbomb by Molly but Ivory throws her out and pins Trish at 2:10ish. * - Meh, but I must say it's amazing how much Trish would improve over the next few years.

We're shown Mankind being thrown off the Cell then Kevin Kelly interviews Rocky.

How can a Cell hold these six?

WWF Title - Hell In A Cell - Angle (c) Vs. Rock Vs. HHH Vs. 'Taker Vs. Austin Vs. Rikishi
 Rikishi and HHH ran down Austin at Survivor Series 99 so at Survivor Series 2000 Austin dropped Hunter 3oft in a car, just a month ago yet HHH's here, Rikishi blamed Rock and Taker lost to Angle at the Survivor Series last month, did you keep up with that? Rikishi is the Paul Roma of this match, as he doesn't fit in here like Paul didn't fit Horsemen. Angle refuses to enter the Cell, Austin is out last, of course and fakes going in then grabs Kurt. They pair off as HHH/Austin, Rock/'Kishi and Taker/Angle then take turns fighting in the ring whilst the other 4 fight ringide. JR says 'Lloyds Of London are pretty stupid at times' Is that a shot at them insuring a certain wrestler? HHH is grated into the Cell cutting him then Austin drags him around all 4 walls. AngleSlam to Rock, Stunner to Angle and Chokeslam to Steve. Vince and The Stooges come to ringside with a truck thus stopping the match really for about 10 minutes as cameras focus on them and not in-ringstuff. The Cell door is pulled off but then Foley comes down attacks Stooges and scares away Vince. Everyone fights in and around the entrance set, which is primarily a load of cars but it's not really interesting, Austin is cut by going through a window and Rock is cut by a Pediggree on a car. HHH and Austin are the first up top, as Taker is cut by a Angle chair shot. Most of them are up top now, timekeeper throws a chair to Taker but the important part is when Taker throws/pushes Rikishi off the top onto the truck Vince brought out, seemingly this also deplteted Takers health bar as he doesn't appear again now. Rock, Austin start fighting in ring as a glimpse of Austin/Rock II at 'Mania. Rockbottom to Angle for 2, then Rock is Stunnered but HHH stops Austin pinning him allowing Angle to take the cheap win at 32:10ish. ***1/2 - The Vince stuff really broke he flow and to be honest it wasn't great anyway. It was appealing as you had 5 big names in there, but the Champion looked weakest as I cant rememeber him doing anything really. Not as good as some say but going by the recent Cell matches this is a good one. Lacked that certain something that made HBK/Taker great, sometimes Less Is More.

17 / 40 - Big hit ratingswise was Womens, European and Chyna/Val which was only cause they were short they weren't necessarily bad matches, that is the one flaw to my ratings plan and can be misleading. This PPV lives or dies by the Cell and i'd say it's a worth a look. Thumbs in the middle for this PPV as nothing is really bad but nothing is really, really good either.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Survivor Series 2000

- November 19th, 2000. Tampa Florida
- Attendance - 18,602
- Buyrate - 1.0
- First review in my new house, I'm surrounded by peanut M&Ms, me 2 cats and some cheap cola.

Test, Albert, Trish Vs. Steve Blackman, Crash Holly, Molly Holly
 JR says the last 6 Survivor PPVs have ended with a new champion, interesting stat, of course 1997 also gets a mention. Even start until Blackman sweeps the future Tensai. Trish accidentally lowblows Albert. Crash hurricanranas Test but he responds with a Big boot. Teddy Long is the ref and I guess Survivor Series with all the tags is his favorite PPV. You know it's amazing how much Trish iproved over the years. Men are fighting outside as Trish bulldogs Molly for 2 but Molly gets 3 with a sunset flip at 5:00ish, Stop Watch issues in that I cant see the whole time as phone is f'cked. ** - Feel generous as at least there was something always happening no rest holds.

 Angle plans a post PPV celebration with Edge & Christian though they look skeptical about his chances opposite Mark Callaway.

Road Dogg, K-Kwik, Chyna, Billy Gunn Vs. Radicalz
 A kind of  DX reunion and also a glimpse into the future as some of 3 Live Kru from TNA is here, Billy Gunn may of even joined that actually when I think about it. I remember around this time hearing on HeAt that Gunn had won IC strap and I was happy as I was an NAO fan. If you didn't know then K-Kwik is now R-Truth. Gunn and Chyna suplex Perry Saturn, then a powerslam gets Chyna 2. Everyone is fighting so Eddie sneaks in and hits Chyna with the IC Belt for 3 at 2:20ish (3-4). Dogg starts his punch sequence until Eddie dropkicks his knee. Billy Gunn's in now but is soon being beaten in the heel corner at least until he fights them off, a neckbreaker type move eliminates Eddie at 6:00ish (3-3). Something isn't right there as Dean Malenko took a bump different to what K-Kwik was doing. Kwik does some fancy stuff but is dumped at 7:10ish via a bridged german (2-3). Bridged belly to belly by Saturn eliminated Road Dogg at the 8:40(ish) mark (1-3). Stuff going on but it's largely uninteresting. Fameasser dumps Dean at around 10:50 (1-2). Benoits Diving Headbutt on Gunn gets 2, Gunn suplexes Benoit but Saturn holds his feet and Benoit gets 3 at 12:40. ** - Average, uninteresting for the most part. Never understood how holding someones foot stops them moving a shoulder and kicking out.

Kane Vs. Chris Jericho
 This is the coffee angle feud. Mismatch syle wise as we have a slow monster Vs. a monster(ly) overrated guy. I keep getting this PPV mixed with Armageddon as I thought this was the Last Man Standing match earlier I expected the Hardyz/Lita Vs. Radicalz from A'ddon. Duck and punches by Jericho to start, Kane is dropkicked outside but when Jericho planchas over his foot gets stuck in the ropes, he could've landed on his head there. Springboard dropkick is followed by dropkicking the steps into Kane. Powerslam by Kane after he blocks a crossbody. Some people are chanting 'boring'. Kane's been in control for a while now as he undoes a turnbuckle. There's not a lot of point to Kanes offence if you know what I mean, I appreciate psychology which is why I liked Lex  Vs. Flair from Starrcade '88. Missile dropkick gets Jericho 2. Kane is hit into the exposed turnbuckle allowing Jericho to get 2. Walls is applied but Kane gets a ropebreak. Bulldog but the Lionsault is countered as Kane grabs him and Chokeslams him for 3 at 12:33(ish). *1/2 - Didn't click, felt like it lasted an hour.

European Title - William Regal (c) Vs. Hardcore Holly
 Regals promo is about elections. JR' What does he know about elections?' How does JR think us Brits pick a PrimeMinister, even if we do pick the wrong one at times. Holly is recently back from a broken arm at the hands of Angle. Hollys arm is bounced off the ringpost, kicks, knees to the arm soon follow as does a cross armbreaker. Regals hair is like action mans. Crossbody gets Holly 2. Hooly's wincing with his arm which is good what isn't good however is the ending as Holly hits Regal with the belt for a DQ at 5:40ish. Did Holly refuse to job? ** - You know what I appreciate psychology so I'll go **.

The Rock Vs. Rikishi
 The 'Kish ran down Austin a year ago, wouldn't you if you teamed with Viscera around that time, but he blamed Rock when HHH was his accompliss so now we have this. Kish hit Rock with a sledgehammer on the RAW prior. Rock sprints to the ring, at least the crowd are awake now Rocky's here. Tim White stops Rock using a chair allowing 'Kish to hit a superkick. Shots to the sternum by Kish, Rock does fight back until he is sideslammed. They go ringside where Kish is still in control. The ref is knocked White out, *cymbal clash*. Rock Bottom to avoid a sledgehammer shot but it only gets 2. Rock starts hsi punch sequence but is headbutted. Samoan drop then Kish sits on Rock for 2. Running corner butt bump leads to the stinkface. Kish is knocked about 1080' by a clothesline. Rock ducks a superkick and hits a spinebuster and Peoples Elbow for 3 at 11:18(ish). Post match Kish attacks Rock and does some Banzai Drops. *** - Fair dos to Rock as he sold like a trooper. First good match of the night here, maybe 'Kish could've done with going over though.

Foley tells HHH his match with Austin is No DQ, but he's all no biggie.

Womens Title - Ivory (c) Vs. Lita
 Ivory is in RTC. Ivory busts Lita harway with a punch and she's busted by her eye. Jesus Lita does a headscissors and lands Ivory on her bonce. It ends when Ivory puts the belt up as Lita does a moonsault at 4:50ish. * - Meh.


WWF Title - Kurt Angle (c) Vs. Undertaker
 Will this be better than there Fully Loaded match/squash (*)? Kurt won the belt a month earlier from Rock. 10 years since Deadman debuted, 9 since he won WWF Title and a year since Angle debuted. Judging by the sudden change in camera i'm guessing something is cut just before Angle talks. What the hell is Undertaker wearing? was he going through a midlife crisis? Angle refuses to enter so Taker tosses him a chair which Angle does use pre-bell. They trade punches leading to Taker getting a legdrop for 2. 'Old School' shouts Taker and it connects. Kurt hits a german after ducking a punch. Taker misses a boot in the corner so Kurt attacks the knee. Armbar is applied by Taker and Angle does tap but Edge & Christian have the ref distracted. I think Edge is shouting I'll see you in about 8 years Mark but i'm not sure. Taker beats on E&C then Chokeslams Angle for 2. Kurt attacks the knee some more and Figure Four is applied. Powerslam gets Taker 2. Kurt decides he's had enough and crawls under the ring but Tker brings 'himh' back out and Last Ride gets 2 as Earl Hebner stops counting TAMPA SCREWJOB!!!! oh no wait it's not Kurt that's why he stopped counting then the real Kurt Angle appears and rolls up Taker for 3 at 16:00(ish). *1/2 - Better than Fully Loaded but I've docked some for the ending, also needing E&C to distract the ref made Angle look weak. For a much better Angle/Taker outing watch No Way Out 2006.

Edge/Christian/RTC Vs. Dudleyz/Hardyz
 RTC have the Tag Belts (Goodfather, Bull Buchanan). Much respect to Buh Buh for getting himself in shape these days. 'We Want Tables' chants, Buchanan boots D-Von and tags Goodfather but D-Von hits a Curtain Call. Matt Hardy in now and he beats on E&C until he is hotshotted and Edge-a-Maticed out of the match (4-3). Christian blind tags in but D-Von cltheslines him and Edge. Unprettier eliminates D-Von (4-2). Bull presslams Jeff but misses a splash allowing Buh Buh to tag in, he cleans house then Edge accidentally Spears Bull eliminating him (3-2). Edge is Buh Buh Bombed, accidentally splashed by Christian then elbowed by Buh Buh for 3 (2-2). Goodfather, eventually, Pimp Drops Buh Buh for 3 (2-1), did he still call it Pimp Drop in RTC days. Swanton eliminates Christian making it sudden death. Ho Train misses then Val collides with Goodfather on the apron and Jeff gets 3. Post match Val and Steven Richards is tableised, ** - Rushed match and the offence wasn't particularly interesting though but nothing was offensivly bad.

No DQ - Stone Cold V s. Triple-H
 A year ago Austin was mowed down then we found out it was Rikishi under orders from HHH. Austin starts better with multiple shots to Hunters lower back. Facebuster by HHH but Austin fires off a Thesz Press. Fighting down the aisle now where Austin gets suplexed. They're back ringside as HHH is whipped into the steps and stomped by the timekeepers area, a TV monitor to the bonce bust him open. Some beer violence follows. HHH neckbreakers out of a Stunner, not sure i've seen that counter before. Spinebuster but Austin misses the elbowdrop. HHH goes for a Pedigree, or piledriver if you're JR, on the steps but is backdropped through the announce table. Back in Austin hits a Stunner but doesn't go for the pin instead he places a chair around Hunters neck but he manages to roll to safety. Punches are traded as they go to the back where The Radicalz attack Steve as HHH goes to the parking lot and enters a car. HHH, Benoit have a convo as Austin has disappeared, then Hunters car is grabbed by a crane thing and hoisted in the air, we see Austin is driving it then he drops 30feet or whatever as HHH shouts Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit and Benoit sings the Eastenders theme. Is HHH dead you ask? Well he was in the following months Main Event, only in wrestling folks. No ending as Austin just walks off. **1/2 - Okay brawl, typical Austin post 1997. Docked marks for the ending though.

17.5 / 45 - Very average PPV, wouldn't say it was bad but certainly average. Rock/Kishi was the high point but it wasn't exactly a must see.  Thumbs in the middle as it's okay but definately dont go out of your way to find it.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

No Mercy 1999

File:No mercy 1999.jpg* Ladder match review is weird as the computer ballsed up.
- October 15th, 1999.  Cleveland, Ohio
- Ateendance: 18,742
- Buyrate: 0.80.

- Opening video is all about HHH being a bad mamma-jamma.

Godfather Vs. Mideon (w/ Viscera)
 Godfather beat Mideon on SMACKDOWN! and now fans have to pay to watch the rematch. Powerslam by Godfather who starts the match better. He halts the Ho Train as Viscera is with the hos. Cheapshot by the future Big Daddy V alloes Mideon to take control, well a sleeper and a clothesline. Crowd are dead but so would I be if I was in Cleveland, Pat 1 - Ohio 0. Viscera gets more cheapshots, about 10 people boo Viscera, his biggest heat. Godfather's fighting back scoopslam and legdrop gets 2. Mideon blocks a VaderBomb. Ho Train wakes the crowd up and a roll up gets 3 at 7:30. Tim White is dancing with the Hos. * - Boring, sat through that for a roll up. On Ohio scale i'd call this The Browns.

We see a HHH interview from Heat and it's a 99 special. Long and uhhh ramblin uhhhh.

Womens Title - Fabulous Moolah (w/ Mae Young) Vs. Ivory (c)
 People moan about todays matches well look at this. Dropkick by Ivory. Moolah gets 2 off a snapmare then misses a middlerope splash. Ivory decks Mae Young then hits a suicide dive on Moolah. Title shot to Mae Young then Moolah rolls Ivory up for 3 at 2:54. * - I very rarely give 1/2 out but at least it was short so i'll give it *. Ohio scale = Cavaliers. (Done during James Miami sojourn and not since Cavs/GSW made it the Now Boring Association)  

We see Vince on Heat making HHH/Stone Cold a No DQ match.

New Age Outlaws Vs. Hollys
 Pretty stupid here as Hollys made Outlaws lose the Tag Titles to Rock 'n' Sock on SMACKDOWN! yet they would've had a Tag Title match here (Hardore IS from Alabama so you know). Fans are pumped for Outlaws (hardyz and co. had not yet made them old hat but it wasn't far off). Fighting before the bell rings. Billy elbows Crash for 2, now Dogg does his dancing punches and knee drop. Hardcore's in and gets 2 off a delayed vertical. Hollys are using quick tags to keep Dogg isolated, a sound strategy. Crash hits Billy so he cant tag in as the Road Dogg beatdown continues. Shoulderblock by Dogg but he's then dropkicked. Hollys beat Dogg behind the refs back. Superplex by Road Dogg, hot tag to Billy, jackhammer to Crash, it's Gunnberg!!! Hardcore slides a chair in as Billy FameAssers Crash onto it and Hollys get the DQ victory at 10:11. **1/2 - Hollys used tag strategy not seen since The Brainbusters. Good tag match these 2 worked well together here. This would be Indians on Ohio scale as they have a winning record so far, not as good as Detroit though.

Good Housekeeping Match - IC Title - Jeff Jarrett (w/ Miss Kitty) Vs. Chyna.
 This match is part of the reason TNA exists as Jeffs WWF contract was up and he was on his way to Dubya-Cee-Dubya, so he demanded a pay off for this match. Jeff was going through a sexist phase here attacking women, so why he's facing Chyna I dont know. Will Jeff drop his belt before he leaves unlike a certain Canadian. Clothesline, atomic drop, suplex and trash can shots by Chyna. Jeff gets sausaged! Banana and cream soon follows as does a trash can lid shot. Chyna sets a table, Jeff should've applauded that, but she misses an elbow and goes through it allowing Jeff some shots. Jeff and Kitty start making an omlette but Chyna dumps it on Kittys head. Tongs to Jeffs nuts, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Pies to the head, she's hit him with everything but the kitch.... no there's the kitchen sink. Ref Bump! Jeff hits Chyna with the IC Belt for 3 but a belt isn't a household item and the match is restarted, Chyna hits Jeff with a guitar for 3 at 9:55. Les Dennis - Name a household item, Contestant:..... Guitar? Uh-Uh. ** Meh, like playing the old N64 or PS1 games with the big STOP signs etc. Chyna is first woman, allegedly, to win non-womans belt.

British Bulldog Vs. The Rock
 Had Rock insulted someone backstage, as this is on the back of a Billy Gunn feud. Bulldog flips the bird like a true brit. Cleveland digs Rock, he's 1/2 of the Tag Team Champions but doesn't have his belt. Rock wins a punch off. Chairshot by Bulldog, amazing refereeing there. Bulldog does a kind of Flair Corner Flip, I say kind of as he almost bounces back on his head. Vertical gets Bulldog 2 then a chinlock is applied. Jesus, I think Rock was going for a samoan drop but Bulldog took a backk body drop bump, this match is U-G-L-Y and it aint got no alibi. DDT gets Rock 2 as does a Powerslam for Bulldog. Rock avoids another Powerslam and a Rock Bottom, People's Elbow ends it at 6:20. *1/2 - Basically a squash. Surprised Bulldog left in one piece. Soon after this he'd have Mean Street Posse as lackeys. (Ohio Bobcats level)

Ladder Match - Hardyz (W/ Gangrel) Vs. Edge/Christian
 Hardyz were the New Brood. This is the final of the Terri Invitational Tournament, you see it's T.I.T oh how we laughed. I've always thought Terri was useless and well she was. $100,000 hanging above the ring for the winner. When did Edge/Christian downgrade from brothers to best friends. Gangrel gets a ladder but is sent to the back. Matt clotheslines Edge on the outside but Christian wipes him out. Edge misses a spalsh and hits a ladder. Jeff heads up a ladder but is  reverse DDTd down, Matt suplexes Christian off a ladder, Edge powerbombs Matt down then Jeff dropkicks him. Jeff debuts the leapfrog legdrop over a ladder spot, which gets a pop. Edge almost has the money until Matt throws a ladder. Retaliation time as Edge/Christian ram a ladder in Matts nuts then dropkick it, Matt doesn't have kids does he well that's why. Twist Of Fate has Christian down. Edge gets Jeff off a ladder with a downward spiral, I believe that used to be his finisher. Matt neckbreakers Edge off a ladder. Jeff seesaws a ladder into Matt and Christian, that's the move that ballsed up Joey Mercurys face 7 years later. All 4 fall off ladders then Edge, Matt are fighting on one then Jeff comes on ti after Matt is kocked off, he drops Edge and grabs the money at 16:27. Standing ovation from the crowd.  ****1/2 - Good spotfest, really is the definition of one. The extra 1/2 is due to historical significance as this is the precursor to TLC, as is the Tables match from Rumble 2000 (reviewed elsewhere on the blog), also this was a name making match. On RAW both team beat down Gangrel.

The Rock comes out to challenge the WWF Champion at Survivor Series, HHH attacks him with a Sledgehammer as he's leaving. This may have gone longer than Rocks match.

Mankind Vs. Val Venis
 I remember Val burning Foleys book and also putting Rocko down his pants but not sure if that was a feud starter or just a part of it. Part of Micks elevate Snow and Venis plans (The Radicalz would come in and take them mid card places in early 2000). Before he comes out Foley is checking on Rock, Mankind brings his Tag Team Title with him. Fighting pre-bell. Val avoids Micks running corner knee. Mick is wearing his Cactus top underneath, I always wanted that. He tries to get Rocko from Vals trunks. Ringside Val suplexes Mankind on a chair, are the referees blind here, is it still the Unforgiven scab refs? Val breaks the Mandible Claw by ramming Mankiind into the ringpost. Teddy Long gets a chair off Val, bad continuity. Val avoids a Double Arm DDT, psychology now as he targets the back of Micks head which he bounced off the ringpost. Clothesline and bulldog has Mankind down but Money Shot misses. Double Arm DDT gets Mick 2. Socko's here as Val gets out Rocko, Mandible Claw by Mankind as Val does the testicular claw and gets 3 when Mankind falls down at 9:29. *** - Surprisingly good match, no disrespect meant there but Mankind was broken up. Crowd was  quiet at times but you could attribute that to the Ladder match prior.

Faarooq Vs. Bradshaw Vs. X-Pac Vs. Kane
 Elimination rules also it's 4 corners rules so not tornado. I never cared for Acolytes but I liked X-Pac/Kane, I bought a twin pack from Woolworths once. Kane enziguris Faarooq. X-Pac and Kane are in together but soon it's Faarooq and Bradshaw who are in. APA explode!! Shouldeerblock by Faarooq who then tags X-Pac in. Bradshaw goes for a fallaway slam on Pax but Kane boots him. Now my interest is waning as Faarooq applies a chinlock. X-Pac has been beaten on by both Acolytes but gets a breather after he hits a tornado DDT ala Chavo Guerrero. Kane tags himself in and beats on Acolytes, Chokeslam eliminates Bradshaw at 8:28 then about 10 seconds later Kane is gone via a spinning heel kick. Faarooq Vs. X-Pac now and a Spinebuster stops Bronco Buster. The finish looks ridiculous as Faarooq casually falls from the 2nd rope into an X-Factor, at least make it look like your jumping to do a move and he also landed knees first, at 10:16. ** - Average which equals ** in my book. A regular fatal four way would've been better or at least Kane Vs. X-Pac as the final 2, though I suppose they were saving that.

WWF Title - No DQ - Triple-H (c) Vs. Stone Cold
 HHH took Austin out at SummerSlam, where Austin decided he didn;t want to job to HHH, now Austin's back for some in-ring action. Surprised HHH was allowed to come out last, he has a sledgehammer with him but Vince removes it. Fighting at the entrance way to start, this lasts a while. Bin to HHHs noggin. Fighting through crowd, crutch to HHH, I was at a BWP show on May 26th and a one of the Blackpool Blondes used a fans shoe as a weapon. The main security guy looks like an inflated Buff Bagwell. Suplex and clothesline in the aisle by Austin. Not sure HHH has had any offence yet in the opening 5. HHH counters a piledriver with a backdrop but he is soon slingshotted and takes Mike Chioda out over the barricade. 7:29 and they've finally entered the ring. Stunner but the ref is out, he appears on the apron but is knocked into the barricade. Earl/Dave Hebner counts 2 on a Pedigree. Thesz press then an elbow gets 2 for Stone Cold. HHH is cut as they fight at announce table. Ring bell shot by HHH then he preceeds to suplex Austin onto the table. Some psychology now as HHH attacks the knee, he injured it at SummerSlam. We had an Austin type match with the brawling now it's changing into a HHH style match. HHH is caught up top and superplexed, imagine if Stone Cold had busted out a top rope hurricanrana, then he knocks HHH from Cleveland to Phoenix with  a chair shot and hits him some more ala 'Manai 17. Hey, hey Rock's here with a sledgehammer but he misses HHH and cracks Austin. HHH gets 3 at 21:53. ***1/2 - Was good but also lacking that certain something that made Dude Love/Austin from OTE very good. I preferred the 2nd half when they were in the ring too the entrance brawling that got us started. May of been Austins last match for a year, cant remember if he had a match on RAW or SMACKDOWN! before Survivor Series but I doubt he did.

21 / 45 - Just under .500. If the first two matches were cut it'd of been 19 / 35.  I normally bad mouth 1999 PPVs and October PPVs in general (May, December aswell) but this PPV was pretty good. First post Russo I believe. Slightly recommended but fast foward the 1st half hour or so.

Saturday 20 April 2013

SummerSlam 2011

- August 14th, LA, California.
- Attendance: 17,404
- Buyrate: 301,000 (127,000 domestic and 174,000 international)

- WWEs last great angle at time of writing (6th March 2013), though not business wise, the way Summer Of Punk (2, if you're a ROH follower), was handled but the concept was good, I may rant on the way it was handled later on a positive note SummerSlam is my favorite PPV.

Adam Jones from Tool, yeah me neither, plays the US national anthem, reminds me of when Macho Man had that rockier Pomp & Circumstance in WCW.

Miz/R-Truth/Del Rio Vs. Kofi Kingston/John Morrison/Rey Mysterio
 This was during R-Truths no music phase and conspiracy angle. The heel team features one of the most boring wrestlers, one of the worst WWE Champions and K-Kwik. ADR has Money In The Bank, wait where's Hugo Savinovich? Miz goes for a hiptoss but Kofi monkey flips him. Does Booker know what he's on about half of the time. JoMo has been isolated from his team. Kofi in with chops and dropkicks, Boom Drop hits but Trouble In Paradise and Mizs Skull Crushing Finale are both avoided. SOS by Kofi. A type of stunner gets Miz 2. Del Rio in for the first time, he taunts Kofi who is playing face in peril. Double chest stomp by Kofi, in comes Rey a kick to Truths bonce gets 2. Del Rio stops 619, JoMo and Kofi jump onto Del Rio and Miz respectivly as Rey splashes Truth for 3 at 9:34. **1/2 - Good little opener, made sense in a way for Rey to get the W as he had a WWE Championship match on RAW the next day.

Sheamus Vs. Mark Henry
 Clubbing blows by Sheamus, but he is soon dumped ringside. 'Sexual Chocolate' chant. Henry has taken control, Henry jumps on Sheamus as he's draped over the middle rope, it left a skid mark according to Booker. Sheamus breaks out of a type of Torture Rack but Henry's soon on top again. Hammer shots by Sheamus get Henry down, diving shoulderblock gets Sheamus 2, he tries to follow with a Brogue Kick but it misses, another one about a minute later does connect though sending henry ringside but whilst they're there Henry slams Sheamus through the barricade, he crawls to the ring but is counted out at 9:21 *1/2 - I dont like power matches or countouts, Henry should've gone over via pinfall as he won the WHC a month later, at least he won though.

Josh Matthews talks with Christian

Cee Lo Green sings a song or two, I fast fowarded, whilst wearing a bin bag, he was not me I wear shopping bags.

WWE Diva Title - Kelly Kelly (c) Vs. Beth Phoenix
 This'll pick things up, actually I liked Beth so i'll roll back the sarcasm. Kelly takes it to Beth early with punches then knocks her ringside. Press Slam by Beth goes wrong as Kelly didn't share her weight by placing herself right. Beth rubs Kellys face in her buttocks. Neckbreaker by kelly after Beth had her on her shoulder. Booker says someone has been working with Kelly on her technical skills, then they should be fired. Sideslam by Beth but a Glam Slam is countered to a roll up at 6:31 for 3. * 1/2 - I was always hoping Beth would just squash Beth, even in a shoot, but it wasn't to be.

R-Truth accuses Jimmy Hart of being Little Jimmy then we see Ron Artest, if this was WCW he'd be there to wrestle in the main event and given Arquette he may of been booked to win and Kobe would possibly go to TNA and become their champion which would lead to a unification match, probably be better than Jericho/Austin and TNA would be the remaining company.

Wade Barrett Vs. Daniel Bryan
 Bryan is SMACKDOWN! MITB, which he won by kicking Wade off the ladder. Wristlock by Wade which Bryan dropkicks out of. Booker 'check this out I dont know what he's doing'. Leg whip then a dropkick in the corner gets Bryan 2. D-Bry flips over Wade but runs into a Bossman Slam, slingshot backreaker by Wade, not sure i've ever seen that. Uppercuts by Bryan but he gets elbowed down. D-Bry is now sat in the ropes then is booted to the outside, back up and now they trade punches on the apron whcih leads to Wade attempting Wasteland to the outside. Bryan dropkicks Wade off the apron and hits a flying knee. Bryan avoids a pumphandle slam and targets Wades leg with kicks then kicks him in the head which sends Wade back to SummerSlam 2010 I think. Bryan counters Wasteland to a Yes Lock. Bryan is crotched on the top rope so Wade clotheslines him down and finishes at 11:45 with Wasteland. ***1/2 - I enjoyed this match, it was even which I liked. Nice little midcard match, cant ask for mucch more than that.

WHC - No Holds Barred - Christian (c) Vs. Randy Orton
 This was my feud of 2011 and possibly the last great feud WWE had. Christian won the gold at Extreme Rules but dropped, to most peoples dismay, to Orton 2 days later, well 5 in WWE canon, he won it back via DQ in a special stip match at MITB and voila here we are. Christian has an insurance policy which is his brother .... best friend .... uncle.... whatever WWE say now .... Edge but he leaves christian hangin' as the kids say, calling him boring in the process which I disagree with. Orton stomps various parts of Christian but a Draping DDT is avoided as Christian backdrops him over the top. 3 mins in and already they're at the announce table but Christian avoids an RKO and they fight in the crowd. Back in Orton gets a 16 corner punch but misses a follow up charge, Christian gets a kendo stick and targets the midsection and back of Orton. Double A spinebuster gets Orton 2, he goes for a kendo shot off the top but Orton dropkicks him, the comeback is on, a jacknife cover gets 2. Christian attempts Kill Switch out of a Draping DDT but Orton hits his backbreaker variation. Randy gets a table or two, he places one into the ring, unset up, and superplexes Christian onto it., Orton sets it up in the corner now but Christian hits a reverse DDT, he tries for a Spear but Orton leapfrogs it. TV monitor to Ortons bonce, they're on the spanish announce table as Orton plays possum, RKO through the table, maybe the first table that's broke for Orton. 'This Is Awesome' chant. Killswitch connects for 2, good nearfall. Conchairto misses after he spits on Orton who has now snapped, he knocks Christian off the apron through a table, snap powerslam through the corner table is followed by kendo shots, Draping DDT on a garbage can, I think Orton's cut his hand, Christian springboards into an RKO on the ringsteps for 3 at 23:40. ****1/2 - That is how you end a feud! Fantastic match, Orton hurt his head on the match winning RKO I think. I gave their match at Over The Limit 4 *s, this is Ortons best rivalry for me and probably Christians.
HHH looks like Tony Sopranos mother.
WWE Title - Special Ref/ HHH - CM Punk (real c) Vs. John Cena (phony c)
 Punk won the WWE Title then left ..... for 8 days. The build at MITB was Vince didn't want Punk to leave with the belt yet when he did he simply created a new one, the one Cena has here, so why was he bothered in the first place? Punk should of stayed away for longer, also due to his Cena was meant to be fired yet he won the belt, you keeping up with me? So now we have an Undisputed Title match even though Punks WWE Title is the real one also HHH is now Chief Operating Officer (COO) of WWE, he fired Vince and he's special ref tonight. 'Lets Go Cena' ' Cena Sucks' chants. Headlock takedown by Cena, 3 mins in and they've stalled about 10 times not sure if it's to give it a big match feel or piss me off but either way it's the latter. Heel kick then a chinlock with body scissors by Punk. Now Cena has a chinlock applied, elbow drop then another chinlock. Multiple midsection knees by Punk, then some headbutts, a second rope dropkick ala Jericho sends Cena ringside. Type of Bossman Slam now by Cena, 10 minutes in and it's been poor so far. Punk misses a corner knee so Cena hits multiple shoulderblocks but Punk counters the slam part and hits his corner knee but Cena avoids the bulldog, I like that as it stands out when the usual spots miss. Anaconda Vice is countered to a kind of STF, the leg isn't hooked, I wish Cena would make the STF look real but he always leaves a massive gap between his hand and their face. Punk hits a sicide dive now as Cena's ringside but instead of counting to 10 HHH throws them both back in. We get the 'yay' 'boo' punch sequence, 5 Knuckle Shuffle but Punk rolls through the AA for 2. GTS is avoided and Cena gets 2 off a powerslam. Cena heads up top but Punk flies at him with a knee but Punk soon springboards into an STFU but he does manage a ropebreak. AA, GTS are avoided but then AA is hit for 2. Cena misses his legdrop allowing Punk to hit GTS but that only gets 2 as does his Macho Man Elbow leading to a 'Randy Savage' chant. High knee then GTS gets Punk 3 at 24:15ish but Cenas foot was on the rope, remember he only losses clean to part timers also the GTS looked bad as it clearly hit his elbow if anything. Punk celebrates then kevin nash, who I hate, comes through the crowd and Jacknifes Punk which leads to Del Rio cashing in his MITB and becoming the new WWE Champion. *** - Meh, to be fair it did pick up in the second half but the first 10 mins were poor for me. The Undisputed Champion angle ends with neither as champion.

16.5 / 30 - The 6 man was filler but good, Punk/Cena was okay but slightly disappointing comapred to expectations, Orton/Christian was very, very good and Wade/Bryan was good aswell. This PPV is recommended as 4 of the 6 matches were good. If you want to keep both strong simply dont book it on PPV and the Divas was the usual. Thumbs up though for SummerSlam 2011.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Cyber Sunday 2008

- October 26th, Phoenix, Arizona
Attendance: 7,981
Buyrate: 0.255 (102,000 buys - It was shown free in UK though)

- CM Punk's on the DVD but not the card, go figure.

No Holds Barred - Rey Mysterio Vs. Kane
 Todd Grisham is announcing the vote results. Falls count anywhere and 2 out of 3 falls were the other options. Lawler, on commentary with Cole, says the stips help Kane but surely they help Rey as he can use weapons now. Rey lowbridges Kane over then hits his knee with a kendo stick. Kane uses a cable to bend Rey around the post, he is using his power advantage to now control the match., Kane uppercuts Reys head from Phoenix to Texas, baby. Poke in the eye and now Rey is getting a foot in the match bulldog, enziguri but he is clotheslined going for the 619. 7 mins in and Kane gets a chair from ringside. Rey avoids a Chokeslam and drop toe holds Kane into ring steps, which are now in the ring, seated senton gets 2, multiple chairshots follow but Kane avoids 619 however Rey does hit his 3rd attempted one then a apringboard splash gets 3 at 10:21. ** - Wish they'd used the No Holds Barred stips more, felt like a TV match.

Jericho tries to get Legacy to attack Batista like they did CM Punk at Unforgiven.

ECW Title - Matt Hardy (c) Vs. Evan Bourne
 Teddy Long comes out busting his wedding dance moves. Oh jesus Grisham and Striker are on comentary. Finlay and Mark Henry were the other challengers options. Matt gets a couple of shoulderblocks but is then dropkicked. Legsweep, standing moonsault by Bourne, nice, nice. Evan heads up top so Matt goes ringside where he manages to take control, back in he gets a couple of scoopslams followed by an elbow for 2. Matts main target has been Evans ribs. Razors Edge is countered to a hurricanrana by Evan but a Side Effect gets Matt 2, then another connects but gets the same result. Evan heel kicks Matt out of the air but cant capitalise due to his ribs. The momentum is with Evan but when he goes up top Matt meets him, Matt's knocked off but Evans Shooting Star Press misses, Twist Of Fate countered to a backslide for 2 but Boom Twist Of Fate does connect for 3 at 11:04. *** - Good match, the fans got into the match as it progressed and Evan looked good even in defeat.

Miz/Morrison Vs. Cryme Tyme  
 Other tag match options were Punk/Kofi Vs. Legacy or Mickie James/Jamie Noble Vs. Layla/William Regal. These teams were feuding on or something via The Dirt Sheet and Word Up. Crowd chants 'Money, money, Yeah, Yeah' JTG gets the better of Morrison and then Miz. Shad inverted Alabama Slams JTG onto Miz, then soon presses JTG over onto Miz/JoMo. Shad gets caught in the heel corner as Miz works over his knee, JoMo applies a single leg boston crab. JTG in, he hits a nice sort of neckbreaker on Miz. Double gutbuster to Miz who is isolated now. Match has slowed down now. Shad in and he cleans house, JoMo tries to get a roll up with  his feet on the ropes but JTG stops it. JoMo pins Shad at 10:22 with something Cole called the Midnight Ride, it was like Cross Rhodes. **1/2 - Good match, formulaic but sometimes less is more. The crowd digged Cryme Tyme, why weren't they given a title run?

Jericho tries to coerce Khali into helping him.

Santino Marella Vs. Honky Tonk Man
 Goldust, Roddy Piper were the options to face Santino. Not sure if IC belt is on the line but it doesn't matter as it ends at 1:05 as Beth Phoenix trips Honky for the DQ. Best bit is postmatch when Honky slips on Goldust wig earning this a *.

Last Man Standing - Undertaker Vs. Big Show
 Taker was KOd by Show at Unforgiven, maybe 'cause of that ridiculous desert promo in August '99, hell I wanted to Ko him for it. Other stips available were KO match or I Quit. JR, Tazz on commentary. Show looks confident. Taker uses Shows head as a punch bag early, couple of corner splashes by Deadman but when he runs the ropes he is clotheslined, Show gets a 7 count of a leg drop. Taker puts a chair to Shows throat and rams him to the post, guillitine leg drop follows as do punches which Show stops via a clothesline to regain control. Big DDT by Deadman but Show's up at 9. Show removes a turnbuckle pad. Taker misees a charging boot in the corner and falls ringside., TV moitor to the noggin. Show gets a chair but Taker punches it into his face. Chokeslam through the announce table but Deadman's up at 9 via the barricade, Show rolls him into the ring where they trade punches, DDT by Deadman but Old School is countered with a ChokeSlam which gets another 9 count, but Taker gets straight up into a KO Punch, he sits up but a chairshot knocks him down again, playing possum as Boom Hells Gate is locked in, Show looks like he's out and Taker stands up for the W at 19:22. **** - Really enjoyable. I liked the ending, as it progressed I was wondering what Deadman would have to do to keep Show down, I never thought about choking him out. I thought Show had won with the KO Punch and chairshot, fantastic match that I enjoyed much more than I thought I would.

Throughout the PPV we've seen the divas in halloween costumes asking to be voted the winner. Tazz reveals Mickie, as Tomb Raider, has won and this sparks a brawl.

WWE Title - Jeff Hardy Vs. HHH (c)
 Vs. Kozlov or a triple threat were the other options. Was there any doubt Jeff would win the vote, not that I mind though. Jeff almost won the gold at No Mercy. They trade counters, quick start here. Twist Of Fate and Pedigree are both attempted early. Jeff is pushed off the top when he goes up. Back in HHH throws Jeff into the ringpost twice. Front suplex gets Jeff a 2 count, HHH gets his own 2 off a spinebuster out of the corner. Crossface is applied near the middle of the ring but Jeff counters to a pinning prediciment for 2. Whisper In The Wind, twice, gets Jeff a 2 count, he gets another 2 when he counters Pedigree to a jacknife pin. Twist Of F ate connects but again he only gets 2, Swanton connects, he goes for another but HHH gets his knees up. Pedigree is countered again. Jeff goes up top but HHH hits him then pulls him down into a Pedigree for 3 at 15:38. ***1/2 - A good match, if I remember rightly their No Mercy match may of been slightly better, part of me thinks Jeff should've been permitted to kick out of Pedigree but still it was a good match.

World HeavyWeight Title - Special Ref/ Stone Cold - Chris Jericho (c) Vs. Batista
 I've never thought Jericho was a good World Champion, in 08 I did like his persona where he would kind of talk down to people, I really liked his feud with HBK through 2008 but their good work was undone post No Mercy. Challenger and Referee come out after the Champion, I hate that but we have to bow down for Stone Cold dont we. HBK and orton were the other options to be Special Referee, HBK I understand but why were Orton and Austin other options? Jericho argues with Austin, slaps Batista then bails but Austin says if he is counted out or DQd he will lose the belt. Batista is all over Jericho, a suplex gets 2. Jericho tries his second rope dropkick but is slapped down but Batistas leg is soon twisted in the ropes allowing Jericho to get some shots in, he targets the left knee. Batista Bomb countered to a roll up for 2. Powerslam by Batista then a Baista Bomb is again countered, this time to the Walls Of Jericho. Bossman Slam gets Batista 2. Jericho uses the rope to avoid a Batista Bomb but when he heads up top he is clotheslined, he does avoid a spear though sending Batista into the turnbuckle. Top rope shoulderblock by Batista, is that his first top rope move? Ref Bump! Codebreaker but there's no ref, Austin's selling something!!!!!!!! HBK runs down but does a s....l......o.....w count, pump fake SCM allows Jericho to get Speared but JBL pulls HBK out. Orton runs down and hits Austin. Title shot to Batista gets 2. Stunner to Orton, Jericho is Spinebustered, Batista Bomb gets 3 at 17:05. ** - It was **1/2 at6 best but all the over booking near the end knocks 1/2 off, also I just wasn't feeling the match.

18 / 35 - Probably the best Taboo Tuesday/ Cyber Sunday PPV but that's not saying much, it's akin to claiming to be the best ever Charlotte Bobcat. I would recommend this PPV overall, Taker/Show was much better than I anticipated, HHH/Jeff was good as was Evan/Matt.

Friday 5 April 2013

TLC 2009

- December 13th, San Antonio, Texas.
Attendance: 15,226
Buys: 228,000

ECW Title - Ladder Match - Shelton Benjamin Vs. Christian (c)
 The inaugral TLC PPV kicks off with ECW meaning Strikers on commentary, yay for us. Benjamin avoids Unprettier with a nice neckbreaker. Benjamin, kind of, lands on his feet from a monkeyflip then heads up a ladder. Match stops as a doctor checks on Christian who's been cut, booooo. Benjamin bridges a ladder between apron and announce table then slides under it when he's irish whipped. Nice heel kick by the Benj. Christian hits a reverse DDT, wasnt that his original finisher? off a ladder. Some nice athletecism by Benjamin with the ladder and ropes, then he powerslams Christian. They take turns hanging from the belt until Christian is powerbombed into a ladder. Sunsetflip powerbomb by Benjamin is countered to a hurricanrana, now Benjamin is lay out on the aforementioned bridged ladder and Christian splashes him through it which enables him to retain the gold at 18:07. ***1/2 - Very good, the doctor checking on Christian was annoying but not a detriment. I liked the splash at the end.

Intercontinental Title - Drew McIntyre Vs. John Morrison (c)
 Drews music is dire. Slingshot hurricanrana by JoMo as Drew soon bails ringside where he takes control of the champion. Suplex gets Drew 2. Drew does I believe his 4th rest hold so that's one every 75 seconds on average, that C I got in Maths finally coming in handy. JoMo DDTs out of a tilt-a-whirl, woah Drew was slaaaaaaaaamed *said in high pitched voice* on that. JoMos comeback is in full swing, missile dropkick gets 2. Inverted Alabama/Aberdeen Slam by Drew. JoMo soon, partly, hits StarShip Pain but Drew gets a ropebreak. Thumb to the eye and a Future Shock DDT gets 3 at 10:29. **1/2 - Acceptable match, nothing stood out but nothing was actively bad.

Womens Title - Mickie James Vs. Michelle McCool (c) (w/ Layla)
 I never liked McCool this was during the piggie James angle, Be A Star ... what's that? McCool goes ringside straight away, Striker says McCool is a shoe in for HOF, I know it's announcer talk, unless he's being serious but either way I hate him more now. Mickie gets some pin attempts early. There's nothing noteworthy happening and i'm not sure announcers have called anything in-ring. Mickie goes for a headscissors but is backbreakered. Hurricanrana on the outside by Mickie who is making a comeback, Michelle gets 3 via big boot at 7:31. * Moving On.

WWE Title - Tables Match - John Cena (c) Vs. Sheamus
 Champion can lose but not by pinfall or submission how conveniant. Sheamus was on ECW but went to RAW won a battle royal and voila. Cena fans were probably crying he's in the midcard. Lawler ' Cena doesn't lose any advantage these guys are on even terms' even though he has lost his championship advantage. Cena starts better but Sheamus stops the onslaught with a clothesline, Lawler ' I'd like Sheamus more if he was a corpse' so would HHH *comedy cymbal clash*. Powerslam by Sheamus after some knees then he avoids an AA. They're fighting on the ramp, not much has happened beyond punches and kicks. Fighting in the crowd back through to ringside, wahey there's someone dressed as Santa Claus, he's safe now Stone Cold's gone. Sheamus sets a table in the corner. Cena does his act dead then take a hyper potion for a full recovery, yes I played Pokemon recently, routine, AA connects. Cena sets a table as boos ringout, he tries for a toprope AA but Sheamus 'pushes' (Cena jumps back) Cena through a table for the shocking W at 16:21 15,000 people are like 'Say Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat'. **1/2 - Pretty boring but i'll bump it up as a) I sometimes likes surprising results and b) Sheamus was booked to win fair does WWE for breaking the norm and trying something different.

World HeavyWeight Title - Chairs Match - Undertaker (c) Vs. Batista
 Ah the chairs match, the oddbal kid that nobody wants to be net at school of the TLC show. Striker says a chairs match is the most violent that Deadmans been in and my hatred has risen again, i'm craaaaaaaaaaaaazy now. Anything other than a chair and you're DQd. Taker throws a chair in the ring almost KOing Charles Robinson. Chairshot by Batista then Deadman avoids one into the ringpost and mounts some offence, he then attempts Old School but Batista superplexes him for 2. Batista Bomb onto a chair is countered with a backdrop. Spinebuster gets Batista 2 but Deadman soon hits Old School, snake eyes but the boot is avoided with a spear, I like when the usual spots are avoided like that. Spinebuster as Deadmans head hits a chair, his mays may be rolling for real. Hells Gate is applied but Batista gets a rope break. ChokeSlam gets 2 now a Tombstone is signalled, lowblow by Dave followed by a chairshot gets 3 at 12:43 but teddy Long restarts the match due to the lowblow, why doesn't this happen for most matches then? *pauses for the agreeable murmours* Taker sits up and a chairshot then Tombstone gets 3 at 14:42. ** - Poor or maybe average, just seemed to be going through the motions. I dont like the Dusty finish, mainly cause  Idont like Dusty.

Kofi Kingston Vs. Randy Orton
 This is one of Kofis many pushes, this however is the closest he's got to the main event. We see Kofi doing kicks backstage, he reminds me of the guy in Mortal Kombat I think Liu Kang beats him, he has a stick and they're on sand. What the hay-ell is Kofis stance? Even start with counters but Orton soon has control, snap powerslam then the heel Orton speciality......chinlock. Kofi goes for a Boom Drop but Orton rolls ringside and in a nice spot he dropkicks a crossbodying Kofi. Multiple midsection stomps by Orton's been dominant since the dropkick. Kofi ducks a punch and hits SOS, did The Kof almost land on his neck? Suicide dive connects but Kofis ribs are hurt, he is mounting a comeback until Orton hits his backbreaker variation.  Boom (shake, shake the room) Drop connects, Trouble In Paradise almost gets 3 but Orton gets a ropebreak. Kofi is hit by Draping DDT but he avoids a Punt, a last ditch Trouble In Paradise misses and RKO gets 3 at 13:12. *** - Was alright in itself, I just have a problem with the booking, a Kofi win would've made this feud a big part of his career however Ortons W makes it more like a place holder in Ortons. Good match though.

WWE Unified Tag Titles - TLC - JeriShow (c) Vs. DX
 Lat tag main event I remember is No Way Out 2007 (, but tag title mainevent would be IYH 23: Fully Loaded ( DX have never been champions, though NAO did hold gold whilst in DX colours. Jericho beats on HBK as HHH gets a table. Flying forearm, kip up, scoopslam but Y2J gets his knees up to avoid the Big Elbow. I guess HHH/Show have gone for a cu of coffee or something, ah here they are, HHH is backdropped as champions are in control, they leave DX lying on the entrance way and head for the ring, i'm trying to remember a HHH ladder match between here and SummerSlam 98 but dont think I can. HBK touches the gold but Show pulls him down and cleans house. Heat for Jericho as he poses, HHH has been isolated as HBK is out at ringside, a ladder is placed in the corner which they hang HHH tree of woe style in and whip Michaels into him. Facebuster to Show as he misses a splash then they dump a ladder on Jericho ringside, who when back in the ring hits a codebreaker after ducking SCM. Show is climbing but HHH has a chair, BOOM KO Punch through the chair. HBK climbs but Y2J dumps him ringside onto Show, he climbs himself but HHH powerbombs him. Show breaks a ladder as he stomps it. As there's no ladder Y2J is on Shows shoulders but they get caught, Boom Sweet Chin Music to Show knocks Jericho off his shoulders and he bangs off a table at ringside, Show is clotheslined over and HHH holds the half a ladder up as HBK climbs for the gold at 22;31. ***1/2 - Enjoyable wasn't as car crash at the original TLCs but that's a good thing. re- JeriShow I enjoyed the dynamic of Jericho runs his mouth as Show is his guard.

18 / 35 - Nothing was actively bad but spme were average, basically the middle of the PPV. Booking wise Sheamus was surprising, in a good way and Kofi was dissappointing. The best matches bookended the show. I would recommend it as it was a good watch. TLC is my favorite of the gimmick PPVs. Historic aswell as Sheamus is 1st Irish Born WWE Champion and DXs 1st title reign.

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