Wednesday 16 January 2013

Cyber Sunday 2006

- Fans choose any match they want .... from the options WWE choose. Some people say this PPV failed at the box office due to people not knowing what was on the card they were buying.

- November 5th 2006, Cleveland Ohio.
- Buys - 228,000
- Attendance -7,000

 Umaga Vs. Kane
- Chris Benoit and Sandman were the other choices to face Umaga.
 They trade punches which Kane gets the better of. Kane sits up from a belly-to-belly so Umaga kicks him. Umaga does a mic-check, Andersons finisher in TNA. Umaga hits a pretty impressive diving headbutt as Kane was quite a bit away. Running butt bash by Umaga but then he Samoan Spikes the tturnbuckle Lots of punches in the corner by Kane, isn't that a DQ? Kane gets some offence but Umaga hits a samoan drop. Kane jumps off the top into a Samoan Spike and another on ends it. * A bit boring, Umaga remains undefeated. I think his first loss is at New Years Revolution 2006.

Cryme Tyme Vs. Viscera/Haas Vs. Highlanders Vs. Lance Cade/Trevor Murdoch
- It's a texas Tornado match. The other options were Turmoil or Fatal Four Way
 Cryme Tyme and Viscera/Haas fight in ring. Then everyone fights. Haas and JTG are left standing whilst everyone's down, they trade punches then Haas gets a german. Viscera Bossman Slams Shad but Highlanders double dropkick him down. Cade/Murdoch do a move like The Eliminators Total Elimination to ginger Highlander but Cryme Tyme get 3. * Clusterfunk, at least it was short. 2*s out of 10 so far, bad start to the PPV.

Shawn Michaels Sweet Chin Musics random people backstage to prove he's controversial.

Intercontinental Title - Jeff Hardy (c) Vs. Carlito
- Shelton Benjamin and Johnny Nitro were the other options, I think every IC match in 06 featured these four.
 They shake hands as both are faces. Quick 2 for Carlito off a backslide. Carlito botches a leapfrog, not as funny as the Barry Windham Vs. Steve Williams one where Barry heabutts him in the nuts which is my fave botch ever. Dropkick to the midsection by Jeff. On the outside Jeff runs the barricade but gets dropkicked by Carlito. Flapjack gets Carlito 2. Jeff elbows out of a sleeper and gets DDT, a front suplex gets Jeff 2. Carlito seems to miss most of a Lionsault which gets him 2. Whisper In The Wind gets Jeff 2. Carlito goes for top rope hurricanrana but Jeff blocks it and a Swanton ends it. **1/2 - Seemed a bit disjointed, it was okay but nothing special.

DX Vs. Rated RKO
- Special Referee is Eric Bischoff. Jonathan Coachman and Mr. McMahon were the other options. Rated RKO could have been good were they not essentially buried, also if anyone thinks this DX was better than the original or DX Army then you're wrong in my opinion.
 The vote was probably rigged, at least I hope so. HBK gets the better of Edge to start then HHH punches him and suplexes Orton. Edge-O-Matic on HHH gets 2, crowd is pretty quiet. HHH gets dominated until he DDTs Edge. Orton stops HBKs Sweet Chin Music on Edge. Now HBK is dominated, Orton hits his backbreaker variation. Special Ref Bump!!! as Edge spears Bischoff when HBK moves. Edge Spears HHH when he goes to Pedigree Orton. Bischoff pulls out the new ref when HBK Sweet Chin Musics Orton. Bischoff allows Edge to use a chair then Orton RKOs HHH on it for 3. **1/2 - Bit boring especially at the start. Rated RKO going over clean would've been more effective. They get buried at Survivor Series 3 weeks or so later.

Lumberjill - Lita Vs. Mickie James
- No DQ or submission match were the other options.
 Lawler makes a comment about Mickie already being used to the internet, if you know what he's referring to then you know it's not PG. Also the Divas coming out pre-match in no way gave away the stipulation. Nothing much happened bar 2 botches. Mickie botched a hurricanrana but luckily nobody was hurt and a Tornado DDT is botched, JR: 'What in the hell was that?'. Victoria trips Mickie and Lita gets 3 off a DDT. * - Lita retired at the next PPV, Survivor Series, which also was a bad PPV.

World Tag Titles - Spirit Squad (c) Vs. Ric Flair/Roddy Piper
- Dusty Rhodes, Sgt. Slaughter were the other options for Flairs partner. Kenny and Mikey represent the SS. Kenny gets 2 off a dropkick. Piper bites Mikey and punches all Spirit Squad. Piper gets dominated until Mikey misses a splash and Flair tags in, Wooooo. Figure Four but Kenny breaks it up with a leg drop. Flair puts it on Mikey again and he taps, Woooooo. * What did you expect. I was going to say Flairs 1st tag title but forgot about his reign with Batista.

World Championship - Booker-T (c) Vs. Jon Cena Vs. Big Show
- Fans decided whos World title was on the line and they chose Booker. At the time the problem I had was that surely whoevers title is defended would win cause WWE dont do interesting bookings like have the 2 World titles on 1 man.
 Show dominates Cena to start as Booker stands outside. Show leans over the top so Booker Scissor Kicks him but Show is soon in control. Booker and Cena beat on Show then clothesline him over the top. Bookend gets 2 on Cena as does a thrust kick. Booker misses a Scissors Kick but DDTs out of an FU. Shows been resting for seemingly a half hour now. Show reappears and puts Cena in the electric chair so Booker dropkicks him. Chokeslam to Booker and a spear to Cena. FU to Bookers wife Sharmell then Booker is put in the STFU but Kevin Federline appears, tumbleweed blew past and I had to go Twitter to ask who he was, hits Cena with the World Title and Booker hits him with it and gets 3. *1/2 - * GHod that sucked. I had to watch that just for a Z-List "celebrity" to interfere, who according apparently is britney spears ex which makes me hate him more being connected to her as I cant stand her. Cyber Sunday 2006 be gone from my Xbox 360.

10.5 / 35 - Dreadful PPV. If anyone wants to know the definition of clusterfunk watch the tag match. In retrospect a way to make it work was to announce the PPV card a week before the show so people knew what they were going to be watching. This PPV was bad but maybe due to the uunpredictabilityof the matches were as Judgment Day 2003, KOTR 99 were just dreadful but booked pre-PPV, you dig? 

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