Friday 25 January 2013

SummerSlam 1993

PPV poster
- August 30th, Auburn Hills, Michigan.
- Buyrate - 1.30
- Attendance - 23,954

Ted DiBiase Vs. Razor Ramon
Vince McMahon, Bobby Heenan on ccommentary I think it's the 2nd SummerSlam in a row that Ted's been a curtain jerker. Ted attacks Razor from behind but Ramon reverses a whip and backdrops Ted followed by a Fallaway Slam. Ted is now in control but it's nothing noteworthy. 'Razor' chant. Neckbreaker, suplex then Ted calls for Million Dollar Dream but Razor elbows him. Ted exposes a turnbuckle but it backfires as he is bounced off it, Razors Edge finishes it. ** Match was meh but crowd but fans seemed to be in to it so i've bumped it up a little. (I think this was Teds last WWF match)

WWF Tag Titles - Heavenly Bodies (w/ Jim Cornette) Vs. Steiner Brothers (c)
 Steiners sister calls Rick 'Rob' in a pre match interview which is right but not his screen name, Kayfabe is Shattered!!!! The Heavenly Bodies are Tom Pritchard and Jimmy Del Ray. Bodies attack straight away, double suplex to Rick and a double back body drop. Scott monkey flips JDR and belly-to-bellys TP. Steiners are loved as Jim Cornette has a tantrum. Pritchard bulldos Scott then Del Ray busts out the Floatover DDT. Superkick to Scott who's playing face in peril. Scott counters a DDT to a T-Bone Suplex, then double underhook powerbombs Pritchard. Hot tag to Rick who dominates, bulldog from the top but Pritchard breaks the pin. Powerslam to a leapfrogging Del Ray. Frankensteiner gets the win. ***1/2 - Damn good match, Steiners were unsurprisingly over.

Joe Fowler interviews HBK as Diesel stands in background. (so Diesel was useful for something)

Intercontinental Title - Shawn Michaels (c) Vs. Curt Henning
 Snapmare by Perfect. They do something resembling a double clothesline spot. A bit of counter wrestling which no one gets the better of, these two aren't clicking. Perfect misses a corner splash then armdrags HBK when he jumps off the top. Michaels is sling shotted over the top. Sweet Chin Music then a double axe handle off the apron as HBK targets Perfects back. Dropkick, backbody drop and atomic drop gets Perfect 2. PerfectPlex connects but Diesel breaks the count, he throws Perfect into the ringpost and he is counted out. *1/2 - Bad ending to a bad match, compared to what was expected. Very disappointing

Joe Fowler interviews 1-2-3 Kid who sounds like X-Pac but looks nothing like him.

1-2-3 Kid Vs. IRS
 Heel kick gets 1. Kid is flapjacked about 15ft high then a 2nd is countered with a dropkick. Abdominal stretch with the ropes by IRS. X-Pac style kicks by Kid, moonsault then enziguri gets 2. Clothesline gets 23 out of nowhere for IRS. * - IRS dominated the offence which tells you all you need to know.

Owen Hart and Bruce Hart are interviewed ringside, whenever a 3rd Hart was needed it always seemed to be Bruce.

Bret Hart Vs. Jerry Lawler
 Lawler comes out on crutches saying he was in a traffic accident he announces Doink The Clown as his replacement. Doink throws water over Bruce. Doink gets shots in but Bret headbutts him down and goes for Lawler. Double axe handle by Doink who then works Brets knee, weird submission by Doink. Bret mounts a comeback, elbow drop then he locks in SharpShooter but Lawler hits him with a crutch giving Bret a DQ win. **1/2 Okay for what it was which was to set up Hart/Lawler which due to Jack Tunney happens now
Bret Hart Vs. Jerry Lawler
 Bret attacks Lawler when he's in the aisle. Bucket to the head then Bret bites him. Hart is dominant until Jerry hits him with a crutch, then chokes him with it, more crutch shots by Jerry. Bret pulls his strap down like King and starts a comeback backbreaker gets 2. Piledriver then elbow drop by Bret, he locks in the SharpShooter and King quits but Bret doesn't release the hold and is DQd. **Not much happened beyond crutch shots but the whole shebang from Doink/Bret to Lawler being stretchered out was entertaining, what the hell were them boots Owen had on??

Ludvig Borga walks through Detroit bad mouthing America.

Ludvig Borga Vs. Marty Jannetty
 I think this'll be an orange. Ludvigs music is what Nikolai Volkof came out to at WrestleMania 17. Shots to midsection by Borga then a clothesline, flapjack. Shots by Jannetty are no sold. Marty goes for a scoop slam but his back gives out and he is clotheslined about 1080' Borgas Torture Rack ends it. * Extended Squash.

RIP Match - Undertaker Vs. Giant Gonzalez (w/ Harvey Whippleman)
 RIP Match means No DQ or countouts. Taker has his common theme but it sounds more organy. Harvey Whippleman has Takers urn. Deadman no sells until he is knocked down then sits up. Chairshots by Gonzalez. Undertaker goes for the urn. A gong strikes and Paul Bearer is here, he clotheslines Harvey and gets the urn thus resurecting Undertaker who hits multiple clotheslines then one off the top gets 3. * - What did you expect?

Jim Cornette rants for about 5 mins without taking a breath.

Smoking Guns/Tatanka Vs. Headshrinkers/Bam Bam Bigelow
 Rikishi is one of the Headshrinkers. Heels clear the ring.Shoulder charge, dropkick gets Bigelow down then he and Tatanka do a double crossbody spot. Fatu (Rikishi) superkicks Billy Gunn. Armdrag by Bart Gunn but he is elbowed down by Samu. Fatu gets 2 off a powerslam. Heels are tagging frequently, strategy. Headshrinkers shout something to Bigelow and i'm sure he shouts 'What does that mean?' Bart's been dominated for a while. Bigelow misses a splash, Hot tag to Tatanka crossbody gets 2. Tatanka starts Tatankaring up until he is enziguried. Everyone's brawlng. Triple headbutt but why aren't they DQd. Triple diving headbutt misses, i've never seen that before. Gunns clear the ring as Tatanka rolls up Samu for 3. ***1/2 - Surprisingly good energetic 6 man. I am pleasently surprised wish it had ended better than a roll up. Never seen a triple diving headbutt.

WWF Championship - Lex Luger Vs. Yokozuna (c) (w/ Mr. Fuji, Jim Cornette)
 The japanese naional anthem is sang to heat then Macho Man comes down and Aaron Neville sings US anthem. If Lex loses he doesn't get a title shot again, didnt he get one at WM X. Yoko misses a leg drop. Lex targets the leg, my god Lex is making sense!! Yoko misses an elbow drop, 'USA' Chant. Fuji tries ti throw powder at Lex but it misses, thrust kick to Lex then Yoko squashes Lex into ringpost, chairshot misses. Back in and multiple axe handles and a forearm gets 2. Belly to be;;y gets Yoko 2. Vulcan death grip applied. Bonzai drop misses, scoop slam to Yoko and a forearm sends him ringside where he is counted out. ** - Stupid ending, they neglet to mention at first that Lex hasn't won title but also has lost any future title shots. I gave it ** as Lex seemed to be trying. The faces celebrate with Lex as confetti falls. This was WWFs best chance to have Lex destroy Yoko and win gold, it could've been big.

20 / 50 - That seems low but Undertaker/Gonzalez was bad,. Borga/Jannetty was a squash as was 123/IRS so wasn't going to get much rating, HBK/Perfect was very disappointing. The 6 man was very good though compared to what I expected and the whole Bret/Lawler thing was entertaining.
Mild recommendation.

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