Tuesday 15 January 2013

Survivor Series 2007

Hey does WWEs promotional poster spoil anything?
- My DVD has no card so dont what I'm letting myself in for, but I do remember the PPV advert ruining a return.

- NNovember18th, Miami Florida.
- Buys - 341,000
- Attendance - 12,500
ECW Championship - CM Punk (c) Vs. The Miz Vs. John Morrison
 Miz and Morrison were WWE tag champions here. They beat on Punk but he manages to throw both out then hits a suicide dive. The champions are soon beating on Punk again but when Morrison goes for a springboard Miz pushes him to ringside. Skull Crushing Finale gets 2, it may not of been his finisher yet. Starship Pain on Miz but Punk breaks the count. Nice spot where Punk hurricanranas Morrison off the top into a Miz powerbomb. High knee and bulldog gets 2 on Miz then a GTS ends it. *** Was good. Had they had say 5 minutes longer the rating may of been higher.

Mickie, Maria , Torrie, Michelle, Kelly Vs. Beth, Jillian, Melina, Victoria, Layla.
 Melina botches her splits entrance. Wait?! Torrie was still with WWE in 07? Victoria does a funk move to Torrie for 2. Kelly dropkicks Jillian when she goes for a handspring elbow, Great Muta reference by JR, for people who dont know him he was called Great Muta i'm not saying it was a Great reference. Mickie beats on Melina. Mickie kisses Melina, is it 2004 again? and finishes her with a heel type kick. * Clusterf--k and not an entertaining one.

World Tag Titles - Hardcore Holly/Cody Rhodes Vs. Lance Cade/Trevor Murdoch
 Dropkick by Cody to Cade. Backbreaker by Cade but Holly soon knocks him over the top. Holly gets 2 off a roll up but is then beaten on for a while as the champions use frequent tags. Lukewarm tag to Cody who beats on the champions. Trevor hits a flipping Piledriver for 3. * Crowd were deader than me at a Jay-Z concert/ A Cleveland Cavaliers game/ a Dr. Who convention, you get the point. Basic formulaic tag and whilst sometimes they're ok this one wasn't.

Kennedy/Finlay/Big Daddy V/MVP/Umaga Vs. HHH/Jeff/Rey/Kane
 Heels have man advantage from the off as Matt Hardy was out injured. Mat wrestling by Kennedy and Rey but the later is soon in control, Jeff and Rey do poetry in motion. BDV belly-to-bellys Kane for 2. Finlay runs in gets Chokeslammed which allows BDV to samoan drop then elbow drop Kane out of the match (5-3) Umaga belly-to-bellys HHH but misses a splash. Umaga stomps Rey like a bug but Rey, kind of, hurricanranas Umaga then hits 619 for 2. Umaga just annihilates Rey with a move like Abyss' Black Hole Slam then a Samoan Spike ends it for Rey (5-2). MVP misses a kick to the head, I think he called it Drive-By and Jeff Twist Of Fates him for 3. (4-2). HHH beats on Kennedy and a spinebuster gets 3 after BDV accidentally lowblowed him as well. (3-2) BDV powerwalks into the corner and a double DDT ends him (2-2). Jeff gets some shots on Finlay until Umaga boots him. Tag to HHH a Pedigree to Finlay soon follows (1-2). Pedigree and Swanton to Umaga ends the match. *** Was good but nothing pushed it to great territory. This was the usual faces beat the odds match, the heels were kind of meh. Good heels make a match or feud. 

Hey Shane O'Mac's here, I always liked Shaneo. He introduces Vince. Shane brings out Hornswoggle McMahon, this next match must be the biggest size difference ever.

Hornswoggle Vs. The Great Khali
 'We Want Shaq' chant, i'd pop for Shaq interference. Little league slide to Ranjin Singh then Green Mist, by god he's a mini Muta. Finlay runs down with a shilleleigh causing a DQ and saving Hornswoggle, but not us the viewing public. * If Shaq had of got involved it could be a 5*er brother.

WWE Title - Randy Orton (c) Vs. Shawn Michaels
- Orton's a good wrestler but god he bores me to tears. If orton is DQd he loses the title and if HBK cant use Sweet Chin Music.
 HBK has a headlock type move on Orton for about 5 minutes, Orton fights out but HBK then does another. Springboard moonsault by Michaels then a Sharp Shooter, regarding Survivor Series 97 i'm on WWFs side, I havent seen HBK/Hart DVD and probably never will. Orton targets the head then hits draping DDT followed by Chinlock Of Annihilation!! which is a chinlock with a body scissors. Forearm and kip up by HBK but he's then dropkicked. Elbow drop by Michaels he then pump fakes a SCM and gets 2 off a small package. Crossface by HBK. Orton does his backbreaker variation then goes for a punt but HBK counters it to a grapevined Ankle Lock. HBK ininstinctivelyoes for SCM but hesitates and is RKOd. ***1/2 Good but I don't wanna say it was boring but I wasn't feeling it, you know. HBK using other finishers was good and I liked how his instinct cost him.

World Heavyweight Title - Hell In A Cell - Batista (c) Vs. Undertaker
 Snake eyes, big boot by Deadman, who then gets a chair but Batista spears him. Deadman dominates on the outside and hits his apron legdrop, he drives a chair into Batistas throat and is dominant until he gets spinebustered. Powerslam gets Batista 2. Not much happening beyond punch, punch. Deadman throws Batista into the cell then hits him with a chair. Dave's cut bad but does manage a superplex. Triangle choke by Undertaker then a casual dive through the ropes. Ring steps are knocked into Takers head a few times. They do the spot where Taker counters corner punches into a Last Ride. Chokeslam gets 2. Spinebuster then Batista powerbombs Taker through a table for 2. Tombstone gets 2, so taker turns it up a notch with a Tombstone on the ring steps but Edge pulls the ref out then hits Deadman with a camera then a conchairto, Batista gets 3. *** Edge was disguised as a cameraman. Was okay but being in the Cell did not make a difference, maybe it was just used to help sell the PPV. Did pick up near the end with the near falls but before that it was only average. 

15.5 / 35 - Very low rating but that's cause what was bad was pretty bad. Divas/Hornswoggle/Holly tag really dragged it down. But what was good was just ok, a PPV of two halfs really - bad and average. Thumbs more down than up though as nothing is great.

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