Thursday 13 December 2012

Survivor Series 2004

- November 14th, Cleveland, Ohio
- Buys - 325,000
- Attendance - 7,500

Cruiserweight Title - Spike Dudley (c) Vs. Rey Mysterio Vs. Billy Kidman Vs. Chavo Guerrero
 Rey/Spike and Billy/Chavo pair off fighting to start. Spike, Billy work together until Billy dropkicks him. Hurricanrana to Chavo then an armdrag by Rey. Rey hurricanrans Kidman off the apron, nice, nice. Spike jumps over the top but Rey and Chavo just move aside so Spike hits the floor. Tower Of Doom spot as Chavo superplexes Spike whilst Kidman electric chairs Chavo. 619 to Spike but Kidman stops the springboard part, then Chavo Gory Bombs Spike but Kidman breaks the pin with a springboard legdrop and Spike pins Chavo. **1/2 - Nothing much of note happened at first really but it did pick up nearer the end, more style over substance as they squeezed a long match into a short one.

Intercontinental Title - Christian (w/ Tomko) Vs. Shelton Benjamin (c)
 Waistlock takedown by Benjamin. Christian calls for a lock up but instead kicks Benjamin, he knocks him down but Benjamin kips up. Christian slaps Benjamin so he slams Christians head against the mat, take that bi-yatch. Monkey flip but Benjamin lands on his feet. Tomko distracts Benjamin so Christian can sneak attack him but it fails. Christian now has the advantage, Benjamin does get a crossbody but Christian is back in contol straight after. Tomko cheapshots Benjamin, then Christian gets 2 off a tornado DDT. Benjamin starts a comeback and gets 2 off a russian leg sweep then a Tully Blanchard-esque slingshot suplex gets another 2 but he misses a splash and gets DDTd. Tomko sneaks in but his boot only gets 2. Benjamin counters Unprettier and a T-Bone ends it. ***1/2 - Fun match. Benjamins athleticism is out of this world and Christians a great veteran for Benjamin tio work with.

Kurt Angle/Carlito/ Luther Reigns/Mark JIndrak Vs. Big Show/John Cena/RVD/Eddie

Spoiler but who cares.
 Cena beats on Jesus, Carlitos homie, and goes after Carlito backstage and Carlito jacks a car and drives away, is that the first ever pre-match elimination. Show throws Jindrak in the ring and the bell sounds. Weird psychology start as the faces are up 4-3. Rolling thunder to Jindrak gets 2. Eddie does a headscissors and armdrag combo to Reigns and Jindrak. The heels beat on Eddie. Angle belly-to-bellys Eddie who has been singled out for a while now but Jindrak, Reigns offence is a bit boring. Eddie hurricanranas Jindrak and tags RVD who beats on Angle but Angle sneaks a roll up on RVD and eliminates him (3-3). Straight after RVD goes Eddie pins Jindrak (2-3). Chokeslam and it's goodnight Reigns (1-3). Angle counters a chokeslam to an Anklelock. Angle tries to leave but RVD cuts him off. FU and FrogSplash spell Au Revouir for Angle. (0-3). **1/2 - I think the eliminations came to quick for my liking, Jindrak, Reigns offence was boring aswell. 

Heidenreich Vs. Undertaker
- At No Mercy ( ether and driving a car into a hearse didn't put away 'Taker as Heidenreich is just someone else for 'Taker to bury as he had nothing else to do.
 Staredown to start then 'Taker fires off punches. 'Taker tries to go old school but Heidenreich low blows him as heyman distracts the ref.  'Reich gets some punches in outside the ring but 'Taker throws him into the ringsteps and is back in control then hits his apron legdrop spot. This time Taker hits oldschool but he misses a boot in the corner and 'Reich gets some offence, my god Heidenreich has some sustained offence then he misses an elbow. Snake eyes, big boot by Deadman. Bossman Slam gets Heidenreich 2. Taker hits a Last Ride as 'Reich does some corner punches but a rope break stops the pin. Chokeslam, Tombstone however ends it. Post Match Undertaker stares at 'Reich as if shocked at the fight he put up that's also probably the most Undertaker was willing to put him over. *1/2 Long, boring, dragging. The feud continued as they had a casket match at Royal Rumble 2005, yes that's right another speciality match where 'Taker can avoid jobbing.

Womens Title - Trish Stratus (c) Vs. Lita
 Lita walks up to Trish and just punches her, oh it's on. Lita punches and kicks Trish then drop toe holds her into a chair and hits her with it causing a DQ. URA - Cant rate a match that lasted a minute or so, but heel trish would get 5 *s, bro.

WWE Title - JBL (c) Vs. Booker-T
- JBL was a comic book heel so I wouldn't be surprised if there was a slight racism feel to the build up for cheap heat also this is the PPVs main title match as the WHC isn't on the line later.
 Even start but Booker soon gets the advantage. JBL gets a foot in the match by attacking Booka as he enters the ring, crowd is dead bar say 4 people chanting for Booker. Orlando Jordan sneak atatcks Booker which allows JBL to take control. JBL heads up top but Booker stops him and hits a superplex. Booker beats on Jordan then Bookends JBL on the outside. Missile dropkick gets Booker 2. Orlando Jordan stops Bookers Scissor Kick Ref Bump! Orlando gets a chair but Josh Matthews makes the save. Scissor Kick connects but Orlando pulls the 2nd ref out. JBL hits Booker with the title and gets 3. ** - I thought it was boring, better than JBLs series with Undertaker but that's not saying much. Booker wouldn't win a major title until his King Booker gimmick in 2006.

Orton/Benoit/Jericho/Maven Vs. HHH/Batista/Snitsky/Edge (w/ Flair)
- Winners get control of RAW, for 1 week each. HHH is WHC also Maven was taken out earlier by Snitsky.
 Benoit gets the better of Edge to start. Orton beats on HHH until he hits the high knee. Powerlsma by Batista gets 2. Benoit beats on the heels, multiple germans to HHH, he suplexes Edge on HHH then hits a double diving headbutt. Pedigree to Benoit ends his night (2-4). HHH/Snitsky argue over who tagged in. Flair stops Jericho hitting the Lionsault and is ejected. Spinebuster by Batista to Jericho but Orton hits
him with the WHC and an enziguri finishes him (2-3). Edge, HHH beat on Orton outside the ring. Maven appears making it 3-3 and beats on Snitsky, HHH and Edge until Snitsky cracks Maven with a chair for a DQ (3-2) before he goes he attacks Jericho and Orton, reminded me of Judgment Day 2000 when HHH sacrificed a fall via DQ to weaken Rock, HHH pins Maven (2-2). Jericho backdrops put of a Pedigree but is Speared for 3. (1-2), seemed mis-timed as Edge ran the ropes twice. Edge, HHH have the numbers advantage and beat on Orton, Edge gets some slaps in and a HHH DDT gets 2. Orton manages to weather the storm by powerslamming Edge, he gets 2 off a roll up but HHH spinebusters him. Heel miscommunication as Edge Spears HHH and gets RKOd for 3. (1-1). HHH lowblows out of an RKO of his own but Orton RKOs out of a Pedigree and gets 3. **** - I like multi man tag matches and this was no exception, even though the crowd weren't into it, was better when there was less people left.

16 / 30 - Didn't rate Lita/Trish. An okay Survivor Series due to RAW as the main event and Benjamin/Christian were the best things here. Taker/'Reich turned out as expected which isn't good. Thumbs in the middle for this show as where RAW side of things were good SMACKDOWN! things dragged it down.  

Friday 30 November 2012

No Mercy 2004

- October, December and May PPVs generally suck so far 95% of the PPVs my sisters chosen for me to review have been from these months, will this be a good one?

- October 3rd, East Rutherford, New Jersey
- Buys - 183,000
- Attendance - 10,000

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Luther Reigns (w/ Mark Jindrak)
-Reigns and Jindrak are Kurt Angles lackeys
 Clothesline by Reigns and Eddie responds with a thumb to the eye. Gorilla Press Slam gets Reigns 2. Eddie gets a side headlock but Reigns suplexes out of it. Backbreaker into a submission by Reigns then a hard powerslam gets 2. Nice bit where Reigns has Eddie in a reverse DDT position so Eddie climbs the ropes to flip out of it, now Eddie starts a comeback. Eddie steals a baton from a officer/security and hides it in his boot. Eddie misses a Fogsplash then hits Reigns with the baton, Frogsplash ends it. *1/2 Long and boring, Eddie stealing the baton was good and i'm glad Eddie won.

Cruiserweight Title - Spike Dudley (c) (w/ Dudleyz) Vs. Nunzio
 They roll on the mat. Couple of hiptosses by Nunzio, Spike gets a hammerlock but Nunzio uses momentum to throw him to outside which he follows up with a dive over the top. Full nelson by Spike but Nunzio fights out. Mid air dropkick gets Spike 2. Sicilian Slice by Nunzio but Spikes foot is on the rope. Bubba sneak attacks Nunzio and Spike wins. *1/2 A whole lot of nothing, crowd were deader than me at a dr.who convention.

Billy Kidman Vs. Paul London
- Kidman, I think legitimately, injured Chavo Guerrero with a SSP (Shooting Star Press) so he stopped doing it. London/Kidman were tag champions but they lost the belts and one week Kidman cracked London with a chair.
 Billy comes to the ring in a ridiculous jacket, he's heel. Quick start to he match. London gets 2 off a heel kick. Kidman's on the outside so London spingboards to the second rope and moonsaults over the top, that was good. Billy throws him ribs first into the turnbuckle and starts to work the mid-section. Gutbuster gets 2 then he goes back to working the ribs. London mounts a comeback and gets 2 off an enziguri, Paul goes for a powerbomb but Kidman counters to a BK Bomb, Tazzs call. London gets another 2 off a hurricanrana. Billy gets a dropkick when London runs the ropes he then goes up for a SSP but stops himself. London's all i'll show you how and does one himself but Kidman gets his knees up, which enables Kidman to finally hit his own SSP. Post Match - London is bleeding out of the mouth so when he's strapped onto a backboard and defenceless Kidman hits another SSP. ***1/2 I enjoyed the match, not much more to say really, Kidman was a good heel here Vs. London.

WWE Tag Titles - Rene Dupree/Kenzo Suzuki (c) Vs. Rey/RVD
 Pre-Match Kenzo "sings" Born In The USA. RVD, Rene trade counters to start. Rey gets 2 on Rene off a dropkick. RVD, Rey do stereo somersault planchas onto the champions. RVD is worked over by the champions until he manages to get a kick on Kenzo and tags Rey who beats on the aforementioned Kenzo but Rene stops Rey hitting 619. Rolling Thunder by RVD. Rey hits 619 but when he goes for the springboard Rene pushes him off and Kenzo gets the 3 by using the ropes. ** - Was okay, they had a better match two months later at Armageddon.

Kurt Angle Vs. Big Show
- Angle shot Show with a tranquilizer then shaved him bald and if that doesn't make you angry nothing will.
 Show overpowers Angle who escapes to ringside. Suplex by Show then a gorilla press slam, Angle leaves through the crowd and lets the ref count him out but Theodore Long restarts the match telling Angle that if he doesn't wrestle he is fired, Angle trips on his way to the ring to add suspence, what a pro. Headbutt by Show followed by slaps to Angles chest, Angle gets a chair but Show punches it in his face. Angle counters Chokeslam into an Ankle Lock with a grapevine. REF BUMP!! as Show kicks Angle off him, chair shot to Shows knee, leg lock by Angle who then uses a type of spinning toe hold to continue working over Shows knee/lrg. Angleslam gets 2, Kurt gets the tranquilizer gun but Show snaps it. Facefirst powerbomb by Show and a Chokeslam with Angle on the top rope ends it. *** Enjoyable for a Big Show match, better than I thought it'd be. May of been more effective had Show squashed Angle ala Backlash 2000, not a complaint an observation.

Best Of 5 - US Title - Booker-T (C) Vs. John Cena
-The score is 2-2 so this is a decider. Cena brown noses by wearing old school Nets jersey, this is when Cena was a tolerable midcarder.
 Drop toe hold by Booker but Cena responds with a clothesline over the top rope. Spinebuster gets the Bookman 2, as does a trhust kick and a suplex. Fisherman-esque suplex by Cena but Booker responds with a flapjack. Cena starts a comeback, 5 Knuckle Shuffle then he pumps his reeboks but gets Bookendede. FU and the fat lady just sang on Bookers title reign. *1/2 I found it boring. Cena signs the jersey and thropws in the crowd.

Dudleyz/Dawn Marie Vs. Charlie Haas/Rico/Miss Jackie
- Wow Haas career went down after Team Angle.
 D'von sneak attacks Haas who then gets two armdrags and a dropkick. Jackie beats on Dawn. Rico kisses Bubba so he leaves but comes back to crotch Rico. DDT by Rico. Haas beats on Dudleyz, Rico blind tags in and gets a crossbody to D'von for 2. Dudleyz goes for Waasssup but Rico acts like he wants it so D'von refuses to do it. Moonsault by Rico ends it. ** That's a * better than I thought it'd be.

WWE Title - Last Ride Match - JBL (c) Vs. Undertaker
- An ambulance, casket match with a hearse. This is a re-match from SummerSlam, I can't remember it but I doubt 'Taker put JBL over so it was either a stipulation match or a DQ ending, note that this is a stip match.
 Taker beats on JBL, he beats on him some more then goes Old School. JBL gets a shot in but it's no sold and Taker continues the beatdown. My god JBL gets some offence but then is Chokeslammed. Apron leg drop by Taker and Cole says the crowd is stunned, commentator talk to cover a dead crowd. Hold the phone, JBL is getting continued offence in. Shoulderblock off the top by JBL, Taker locks in a triangle choke. JBL is backdropped on the outside. Tombstone on the step and JBL is cut. Chairshot to Undertaker but JBL is again Chokeslammed, this time through a table. Heidenreich comes out the hearse and uses ether on Undertaker but he sits up in the hearse but a Clothesline From Hell finishes him off. Post match - Heidenreich drives a car into the hearse an we get a TV movie type explosion.* The beating JBL took was almost on bar with one a babyface would take before a big comeback. Taker can't even lose clean when he doesn't even need to be pinned, very boring, crowd were dead. Cowboy + Poetry Reading Nutjob beats Zombie. Post match Heidenreich drives a car into the hearse an we get a TV movie type explosion.

16.5 / 40 - Kidman/London and Angle/Show were good but two good matches don't make a PPV thumbsupable. Poor/Average PPV, yet again.

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Armageddon 2005

December PPVs range from meh to poor, will this break the mold?
- December 18th,  Providence, Rhode Island
- Buyrate - 0.73
- Attendance - 8,000

JBL Vs. Matt Hardy
 Matt sneak attacks JBL but is thrown over the top and does the hangman spot, JBL gets free shots in on Matt who is in the ropes. Back in the ring now and JBL is dominating but Matt does eventually hit a DDT but JBL is soon in control again. Moonsault gets Matt 2 but is soon whipped into an exposed turnbuckle and a Clothesline From Hell finishes it. * An extended squash basically, too short to be any good. (I've since heard that this stiff squash was due to Matt being meant to be beaten up by Deadman at Survivor Series and instead leaving the ring)

MNM Vs. Mexicools
- Psicosis in his face looks about 50 and Super Crazy looks like the guy from Grease that isn't Travolta, the blonde one or Doody.
 Even start until Psicosis corkscrews over the top onto MNM, Super Crazy wants to do the same but the ref wont let him, so he jumps over the ref. Melina knocks Psicosis off the top and MNM start to take control. Psicosis at one point does manage to fight out of MNMs corner but they take control again. Enziguri to Mercury, hot tag to Super Crazy who dominates MNM, moonsault to Mercury but Nitro breaks the pin. Snap Shot to Crazy and the fat lady just sang. ** Formulaic tag match, but wasn't bad dont get me wrong.

US Title - Best Of 7 - Booker-T Vs. Chris Benoit
- Booker is 3-0 up.
 Booker stalls to start. Waist lock takedown by Booker but Benoit transitions it into his own and has Bookers back. Booker escapes an early Crossface attempt. Leg drag by Benoit but he cant get the Sharpshooter locked in. Booker lays knees into Benoit in the corner and starts to take control, he hits a sloppy suplex. Big german by Benoit gets 2. They exchange chops on the outside until Booker throws Benoit into the turnbuckle. Release belly-to-belly then the 3 Amigos by Benoit, he then hits 3 Germans and heads up top but Sharmel distracts him with a broom, which allows Booker to go up top and Benoit tries to go behind Booker or something but falls off the top and lands awkwardly. Scissor Kick to Benoit gets 2 a Bookend is countered into the Crossface but Booker gets to the ropes. More germans by Benoit and this time he hits the Diving Headbutt for a nearfall. Ref Bump!! Benoit locks in the Sharpshooter but Sharmel hits him with the broom to break it up. Crossface is applied and Booker taps. *** I didn't like it at the start the second part of the match was good but there were some sloppy looking spots. I can't help but feel the winner was obvious with Booker 3-0 up. (Booker wound up injured and I think Randy Orton took the final loss for him)

Bobby Lashley Vs. William Regal & Paul Burchill
 Lashley dominates until Regal gets a cheap shot in. Regal and Burchill target Lashley's back and use quick tags to stay fresh. Lashley wins via Dominator to Burchill. * WWE sacrifice a team to Lashley, in hindsight he didn't get over like WWE wanted, he is now in MMA I think but not UFC, the match here was a squash. (Under my new rules this probably wouldn't be rated due to short time but for now i'll let it stand)

Segment from The Friendly Tap, which is a pub, where Tim White seemingly kills himself off screen .... Merry christmas from WWE. When we go back to the arena Cole and Tazz brush it off more or less Cole: 'and none the less back to Providence'.

Cruiserweight Title - Juventud Guerrera (c) Vs. Kid Kash
 Juvi attacks before the bell. Juvi is dominant but it hits a sloppy hurricanrana. Armbar by Kash. Nice springboard moonsault by Kash but Juvi gets his knees up. Top rope hurricanrana by Juvi then an enziguri gets 2. Kash kicks out of the Juvi Driver at 2 then gets the win and the title with the Dead Level, a brainbuster. ** Solid match but the fans were less interested than I would be at a Cleveland Cavaliers game.

WWE Tag Team Champions - Batista/Rey Vs. World Tag Champions - Big Show/Kane
- Batista is also World Heavyweight Champion, now I wonder was Batista hurt here, cause I heard he was going to drop the title to Eddie or Orton in November but Eddie sadly passed away, RIP. I know he got hurt eventually but was he already hurt and that's why he's in a tag match here, so he doesn't have to do all the work?
 Show pushes Batista down then Batista tries to knock Show down but gets tossed in the corner but responds with a shoulder block knocking Show down. Suplex to Kane gets 2. Mysterio and Kane do what Show, Batista did earlier with the can't knock him down, gets chucked in the corner then does get him down but Kane escapes before 619 connects. Rey dropkicks Kane again but this time Show stops the 619. Rey gets dominated by Show/Kane but does manage to bulldog out of a Chokeslam. Batista dominates the World Tag Champions but he isn't the legal man. 619 to Kane but Rey gets chokeslammed and it's over. ** At least the crowd were into it, I didn't like it, if the crowd were dead it may of been a * star affair, at least there was a clean win and no No Contest BS to protect both champions.

Hell In A Cell - Undertaker Vs. Randy Orton
- In the two previous 1-on-1 PPV encounters they are tied 1-1, 'Taker won at 'Mania 21 and Orton, not clean, won at SummerSlam. There was a 2-on-1 Casket Match at No Mercy but that wasn't 1-on-1, the Ortons won that one.
 Orton avoids Taker to start. Orton gets a back body drop but then gets booted. Undertaker dominates the match, chairshot to Orton and he's cut, then another shot as Bob Orton looks on. Taker chokes orton with a chain, but soon after Orton gets Taker down with punches, I see a Hells Angels jacket in the crowd which reminds me to get Sons Of Anarchy season 3 on DVD. Orton RKOs Taker on to the top rope and follows it up with ring steps to the head and now Takers cut. Chair shot to Taker gets 2. Undertaker seems to do Hardy Boyz Poetry In Motion. Randy sets a table. Undertaker pulls Bob Orton into the cell wall and now he's cut, that's important later. Chokeslam gets 2. Orton splashes Taker through the table, he almost overshots himself. Ref Bump!! Orton hits an awkward looking RKO out of a chokeslam. A new ref enters cell and so does Bob Orton. Last Ride to Orton but Bob Orton hits the ref. Tombstone to Undertaker but Undertaker soon Tombstones both Orton's and gets the in. **1/2 Pretty boring cell for me and did Taker need to win here. I read that Bob Orton has Hepatitis or something and Taker was p'd off backstage when he found out as Orton had bled in the cell match.

13.5 / 35 - 2005 ends with a bang, that being Tim White. No match is memorable the cell wasn't as bad as Bossman V Taker but it was very meh. Thumbs down for Armageddon, bad end to 2005.  

This cat has the right idea regarding Armageddon, don't look.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Armageddon 2008

The last review I did Armageddon 2004 ( continued the trend of poor December PPVs will '08 fair any better?
- Decmeber 14th, 2008, Buffalo, New York
- Buys - 193,000
- Attendance - 12,500

Matt Hardy Vs. Vladimir Kozlov
- Hardy is ECW Champion but this is non-title, does that telegraph the outcome?
 Pretty boring match as Kozlovs offence while sound from a psychology standpoint was also quite boring when he worked over Matt's arm, Matt didn't get much offence and it ended when Matt cracked his head on the ringpost and Kozlov hit the battering ram followed by a sort of chokeslam. *1/2 Extended squash to a n extent, Matt is ECW Champion so if Kozlov just moves straight on after this then WWE have buried the ECW championship aswell, not that it meant anything anyway but booking like that wouldn't help.

Intercontinental Title, no.1 Contendership  Rey Mysterio Vs. CM Punk 
- This could be good.
 Some mat wrestling by the pair during an even start. They exchange near falls then Punk avoids 619 but Rey manages to avoid GTS. Punk gets 2 off a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker but Rey responds with a 2 of his own off a moonsault. They trade submission attempts, Rey gets 2 off a crossbody and Punk does from his Corner Knee/Bulldog combo. Nice sequence where Rey hurricanranas out of a GTS hits 619 but Punk avoids Springboard splash. Rey springboards onto Punks shoulders but Punk turns it into a GTS, looks like he busted Reys nose that must've hurt, for 3.  ***1/2 Good match, did seem to me almost as if they were slightly holding a little back (Holding something back and still got ***1/2 that doesn't seem right looking back)

- JBL and HBK in ring promo, I wont recap what was said as it was nothing of consequence but I shall recap the angle. HBK was broke due to stock market crash so worked for JBL. In a way it's like a modern day Ted Dibiase and Virgil but without the slight possible racism undertones.

Belfast Brawl - Finlay Vs. Mark Henry (w/ Tony Atlas)
 Nothing much of note happens beyond strikes. Tony Atlas hits Finlay with a trash can lid and he's all Piss Off and kicks Atlas in the head, Henry gets in control via a trash can lid shot. Kendo shots followed with a DDT by Henry. Finlay grabs a Shillelagh but Henry boots him and snaps it, then he snaps a Kendo stick. Hornswoggle gives Finlay a Shillelagh he cracks Henry without and it's goodnight Irene. ** Okay match when you consider Henrys in it. Hardcore rules possibly helped as they didn't need to wrestle and could just cover with weapons. (The old smoke and mirrors method)

Randy Orton (w/ Manu & Cody Rhodes) Vs. Batista
 They do a few lockups to start, Manu and Coody get ejected. Orton starts working over Batistas arm. Clotheslines and a powerslam by Batista but he fails to get the Batista Bmob as Orton neckbreakers him. Orton is tossed to outside but manages to get 2 off a draping DDT on the way back in he then stomps various parts of Batista. Chinlock Of Doom!! and now Chinlock From Hell!!, a chinlock with a bodyscissors. Superplex by Orton gets 2, Batista gets 2 of his own off a spinebuster. Bossman Slam by Batista, Orton gets 2 off his backbreaker variation. Batista Bomb ends it. *** 3 *s as it did pick up near the end with the nearfalls and Ortons chinlocks seemed minimilized compared to usual thank god.

Mickie James/Kelly Kelly/McCool/Maria Vs. Victoria/Jillian/Natalya/Maryse
 Wasn't paying attention as on my pen and paper i've put Maurice. Michelle won with the Styles Clash, all 6 announcers worked the match and they were more entertaining. Afterwards Khali does his kiss cam and kisses Mae Young. * For the match.

World HeavyWeight Championship - John Cena Vs. Chris Jericho

 Jericho targets Cenas surgically repaired neck early, then Cena throws ridiculous looking punches. Y2J DDTs out of an FU. In a spot I don't think i've seen before Cena gets bulldogged off the apron into the ring steps. FU countered into the Walls Of Jericho but Cena gets out. They trade 2 counts Jericho's off  aLionsault and Cenas off top rope leg drop. FU but Y2J lands on his feet, hits the Codebreaker but only gets 2 and Y2J cant believe it. FU gets 2. Jericho locks in the walls but obviously SuperCena doesn't tap, STFU gets locked in and Y2J taps straight away. **1/2 Some people did but I didn't really care much for it. Cena perhaps could've sold his neck a bit also he recovered to quick from some moves, it was okay towards the end.

WWE Championship - Edge (c) Vs. HHH Vs. Jeff Hardy
- Edge - heel, Jeff - face, HHH - ?, it was HHH v Kozlov v Jeff at Survivor Series but Jeff was assaulted Edge took his place and won the title.
 Jeff beats on HHH and Edge at the start. HHH knocks Jeff down outside the ring to get a foothold in the match. In ring know as HHH goes to Pedigree Edge but Jeff hits Whisper In The Wind. Edge is on HHHs shoulders and Jeff hits Whisper In The Wind, so a Doomsday Device variation. Twist Of Fate and Swanton to HHH but Edge pulls the ref out before he can count 3. On the announce table know as Jeff goes to put HHH through one but he gets off the table and out of the way as Edge Spears Jeff through another announce table, so it's 1-on-1 for a bit. Edge gets pedigreed but Kozlov pulls HHH out of the ring and attacks him, Jeff goes up top for a Swanton but Kozlov pushes him off, Matt Hardy runs down to take care of Kozlov. Edge brings a chair in but Jeff cracks him with it,  Pedigree to Edge but Jeff Swantons them both and pins Edge for the win and his 1st WWE Title. ***1/2 I might've give it more had Kozlov not interfered. In ring wise it was ok, not a complaint but an observation but why didn't they just give Jeff the title at Survivor Series a supposed big 4 event.

17 / 35 - Seems low but considering Hardy/Kozlov, Belfast Brawl and Divas brought it down, the other matches were good. It was a nice easy watch overall like Survivor Series 2009 was. For Jeff Hardy fans this is a must buy. (So thumbs in the middle I guess for non Jeff Hardy fans)

Monday 22 October 2012

Armageddon 2004

December PPVs generally are bad, will this be any different?

- December 12th, 2004, Atlanta, Georgia
-Buys - 230,000
- Attendance - 5,000

WWE Tag Team Titles - RVD/Rey Vs. Rene Dupree/Kenzo Suzuki
 Double legdrop to Kenzo. 'USA!' chant when Rene's in the ring. Headscissors to Rene but Kenzo stops Rey hitting 619. Van Dam kicks Kenzo off the apron into a Rey powerbomb, RVD then hits his guradrail leg drop spot. Back in the ring and RVD monkeyflips Rene then Rey dropkicks him in the face. Rene returns the favor by dropkicking RVD in the face. Nice double team where Rene catches Rey and Kenzo hotshots him then Rene just throws him across the ring, Rey's been workd over for abit now but Rene stops RVD tagging in by cheapshotting him. Rene does some dance as Tazz sings 'i'm a French tickler'. Hot tag to RVD who cleans house. Rolling Thunder as Rey does a slingshot legdrop to Rene, a 619 and 5 Star Frogsplash end it. *** Good opener, enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I dont remember RVD/Rey as tag champions though.

- Kurt Angle beats on Santa Claus

Daniel Puder Vs. Mike Mizanin
- 3, 1 minute rounds of boxing. I believe this is shoot and not predetermined.
 Not reviewing it as it's not a wrestling match but I will say that I think Mike Mizanin earned peoples respect by surviving the fight as people expected Puder to annihilate him. Not sure where Puder is now but Mizanin would later become The Miz.

- Eddie, booker talk backstage about teaming up in the Fatal 4 Way tonight when Undertaker appears.

Basham Brothers Vs. Hardcore Holly/Charlie Haas
- Cole says this a bonus match, I thought bonuses where meant to be good things??
 Hardcore gets 2 off a rollup. Armdrags into an armbar by Doug. Mutliple elbows by The Bashams to Haas. T-Bone suplex by Haas, lukewarm tag to Hardcore, standing dropkick to a Basham. Hardcore boots a Basham in the nuts but they switch and other Basham gets a small package for 3. * Not a very good bonus WWE.

US Title - Falls Count Anywhere - John Cena (c) Vs. Jesus (w/ Carlito)
- The main feud here is Cena Vs. Carlito, Carlito has his arm in a sling. Jesus is pronounced Hey Zeus.
 Cena beats on Jesus. Kendo shot to Cenas kidney is no sold then Cena kendos Jesus. Jesus gets busted by punches to the bonce. They fight through the crowd. Sign is dented over Jesus head and an FU ends it.
*1/2 Extended squash, Carlito tries to steal Cenas chain but gets KOd.

Spinning US Title Belt .... even worse than WWE one from 2005 onwards.
Special Ref/ Charlie Hass - Dawn Marie Vs. Miss Jackie  Both roll over Haas. Dawn Marie pulls the tights and gets the 3. * Haas who was engaged to Jackie but having an affair with Dawn leaves both women post match.

Big Show Vs. Kurt Angle/Luther Reigns and Mark Jindrak
 Show slams down Jindrak, he dominates Jindrak then overpowers Angle. Jindrak/Reigns double team Show to get him down. Double suplex gets 2 on Show. Powerbomb/Flapjack to Jindrak, Angle Angleslams Show but Big Show wins it by F-5ing Jindrak. * All i'll say is I was surprised when Show did the F-5.

Cruiserweight Championship - Spike Dudley (c) Vs. Funaki
 Mat wrestling to start as Funaki gets 3 quick nearfalls. Dropkick to Spikes face gets another 2. Funaki is thrown off the top to the outside, kind of like a front suplex. Gutbuster gets Spike 2. Abdominal stretch by Spike, last time that forced a submission was about 1965. Spike is placed in the tree of woe and Funaki hits a double chest stomp which pops the crowd, think I even heard a round of applause. Funaki counters Spikes pin attempt into his own for the 3, the Title and a pop ** Okay match considering Funakis in it, crowd didn't care tho at least until the double chest stomp.

WWE Championship - JBL (c) Vs. Undertaker Vs Eddie Guerrero Vs. Booker-T
Did Eddies Frog Splash do the job?
 JBL gets pinballed between his 3 opponents. Eddie and Booker beat on Taker with Eddie targeting Takers knee, then they work over JBL. Taker starts to dominate, he backdrops out of a JBL powerbomb on the outside, back in the ring he sends Eddie up high on a back body drop for 2. Taker chokes Eddie in the ropes, how is that not a rope break? Taker then goes old schol on Booker. Eddie is chucked over the top, a DQ in early 1990s WCW. JBL reappears from nowhere and clotheslines Taker. Booker heel kicks all 3 opponents and a Scissor Kick to Eddie gets a nearfall. JBL goes to powerbomb Booker through announcers table but it doesn't break so he elbow drops him through, I think Booker gets tangled in wire during the p'bomb so doesn't have enough force to break the table. JBL gets last rided through a table. Chokeslam to Eddie. Taker goes for Last Ride but Eddie clocks him with the WWE title and then a cracking near fall when Taker kicks out of two Frogsplashes. Frogsplash off a ladder but JBL pulls the ref out. Scissor Kick to JBL but Taker breaks the fall. Heidenreich attacks Taker and a Clothesline From Hell finishes Booker. *** The ending with Heidenreich agitated me, but the 2nd half of the match I enjoyed.

11.5 / 35 - December has bad PPVs generally and this was no different, wouldn't reccomend it at all. Best matches are the Tag Title and WWE title but that's not saying much. WWE 'Arma-Gedd-On My Money Back'

Saturday 20 October 2012

SummerSlam 2007

- Recently got the DVD for £4 this is a first time viewing also the DVD case doesn't have the card so I don't know what i'm watching bar HHH Vs. Booker-T

- August 26th, 2007, East Rutherford, New Jersey.
- Buys - 537,000 (off wikipedia so god knows, but I couldn't find it anywhere else)
- Attendance - 17,441

Kane Vs. Finlay
 Kanes ribs are taped. Kane dominates from the off with punches and kicks but Finlay turns the tide by targeting Kanes ribs. Sideslam gets Kane 2. Hornswoglle appears but Kane sits up and Hornswoggle runs away.  Kane goes for a chokeslam but cant do it due to his ribs so Finlay DDTs him. Ref grabs Finlays shilelagh, innuendo, so Hornswoggle gives Finlay another one and he hits Kane but only gets 2. Chokeslam finishes Finlay off. ** Nothing much happened beyond punch, kick. At least they had some psychology with the ribs.

Intercontinental Title - Umaga (c) Vs. Carlito Vs. Mr. Kennedy
- Never liked Kennedy, Carlito is good but underused by WWE and Umaga was better following his Japan stint. Hang about is this 3 heels?
 Umaga dominates until Carlito dropkicks him to the outside and Kennedy kicks him against the steps. Nice springboard elbow gets Carlito a 2 count. Kennedy pulls Carlito away from a Umaga splash then hits Umaga with a TV monitor. The two challengers work over Umaga and go for a double suplex but he suplexes them. Umaga again dominates but he gets lowbridged over the top, but soon finishesKennedy with a Samoan Spike. **1/2 Formulaic 3 way in that one rests while two wrestle, Umaga never really looked like losing also booking 3 heels doesn't help as the crowd cant get behind somebody like they would a face.

Rey Mysterio Vs. Chavo Guerrero
- Reys first match since No Mercy 2006, when Chavo injured his knee in an I Quit match. I'm not 100% but this feud probably was about Eddie.
 Rey has grey attire and grey makeup or whatever on so he looks like a stone (see right). Nice start where they counter each others monkey flips. Chavo does the logical thing and works over Reys knee. Rey then does a role reversal and targets Chavos knee, he later continues the knee assault by placing Chavo in a tree of woe which is a call back to how Chavo originally injured Rey. Seated senton then a kick to the bonce gets Rey 2. Chavo ducks a cross body and gets a Gory Bomb but only manages to get a 2 count. Chavo ducks 619 and does the 3 amigos, more shameless pandering to the crowd and still is trying to get a cheappop off the memory of his Uncle Eddie, but his knee gives out on the amigos, nice selling as it means Reys earlier knee work wasn't for nothing. Rey hits 619 and it's over. ** 1/2 Ok match never reached 2nd gear though, the psychology was good tho Chavo going for Reys knee and Chavo not being able to do 3 amigos.

Diva Battle Royal
- winner is #1 contener to Candice Michelles womens title.
 Beth Phoenix wins it. Don't rate battle royals.

- In Ring Promo - MVP challenges Matt Hardy to a beer drinking contest, they had a feud and would go one-on-one in basketball etc. Matt says he has a substitute like MVP did in a boxing challenge. Stone Cold comes out stunner to MVP. Nice of Stone Cold to take time out of his schedule to make the US Champion look like a chump, he didn't put people over when he wrestled so why start now I guess.

- Backstage segment where Cryme Tyme, Teddy Long and Coach dance around Vince McMahon. Normally I dont mention these but then William Regal joins the dancing and it actually made me laugh, Ron Simmons says DAMN! Was Cleveland from Family Guy based on him?

ECW Title - John Morrison (c) Vs. CM Punk
- ECW matches usually detract from a PPV but this could make SummerSlam better.
 Punk in control to start until Morrison neck breakers him through the middle rope. John lays down punches from a UFC style mount position (Maybe this is wear Punk got the idea for his 2014 announcement?). John slingshots Punk but he lands on the middle rope and hits a crossbody. Punk hits a moonsault for 2, that's the first moonsault I can remember Punk doing off the top of my head. The ending seems botched as Punk goes for a top rope hurricanrana but just hits the mat, the announcers say John held onto the top rope but that could be just to cover it, then John seems to hesitate climbs down and pins Punk with his feet on the ropes. *** Good match nothing more to say. (I usually dock points for botches and that ending sounds botched will re-watch sometime for a new rating)
The Game returns, he was injured Vs. Orton/Edge so faces .... Booker-T
HHH Vs. Booker-T
- HHHs first match since tearing his quad in January, its's not a case of will HHH win it's more will Booker be buried more than he was at WrestleMania 19.
 HHH clotheslines Booker over the top. Back in and they miscommunicate on something as Booker and HHH stare at each other then HHH clotheslines him over again, I think HHH expected Booker to rebound off the ropes again but he didn't. Facebuster gets HHH 2. Smart move as Booker targets HHHs quad, Booker works over HHH for abit until he gets thrown to outside and HHH regains control. Spinebuster by HHH. Booker misses a Scissors Kick but does connect on a Booked for a near fall. Booker misses a front flip leg drop of all things (I believe was called Harlem Hangover in WCW) and a pedigree ends it, HHH wins. *1/2 Wasn't very good. Booker never looked like winning, wasn't a proper Squash more a squeeze, but hey at least HHH didn't wait 22 seconds to pin him this time.

World HeavyWeight Championship - The Great Khali (c) Vs. Batista
- I thought SummerSlam could only get better then I found out this match was on.
 Khali dominates with punches, clotheslines etc. bearing in mind he can barely move. Batista runs into a brain chop. The dreaded nerve pinch by Khali. Khali Bomb, Coles call, gets 2, then Khali uses a chair for the DQ ending. 1/2 A DQ ending?!! while it does make sense - Batista doesn't lose clean so can have a re-match, couldn't they just do a title switch here it is the 2nd/3rd biggest show of the year. (Rare that a match gets under * but there we are)

WWE Title - John Cena (c) Vs. Randy Orton
- This may be the 1st one-on-one on PPV between these two.

Chinlock Of Doom!!

 Both do headlocks whilst the majority of the crowd is behind Orton, then Cena gets an early 2 off a bulldog. Chinlock Of Doom!! by Orton for about 2 minutes. Orton stomps various parts of Cenas body. He then gets his own 2 of a snap powerslam but goes back to the Chinlock Of Doom!! Cena tries to suplex out of a headlock but Orton keeps it locked on, Cena mounts a comeback but Orton stops it by hitting his backbreaker variation. Draping DDT gets 2 but Cena avoids an RKO and hits a neckbreaker to stop Ortons dominance. They go up top but Cena knocks Orton off and hits his top rope leg drop, kind of looked silly when Orton had to get in position to take it. Orton misses the Punt Kick and gets put in the STFU but Orton gets a ropebreak. RKO out of nowhere gets a nearfall. FU/AA ends it. ***1/2 Ortons chinlock exhibition which lasted seemingly half the match got tedious. Ok match, the crowd being into helped for me as I hate dead crowds.

16 / 35 - Very poor SummerSlam here. It pains me to say it but i wouldn't recommend this SummerSlam. WWE I want my £4 back. (I say very poor yet there's a *** and ***1/2 on here so maybe the very isn't deserving, still not thumbs upable though)