Monday 18 May 2015

Break Down: IYH

- The 24th IYH event.

- September 27th, 1998 from Hamilton, Ontario
- Attendance: 17,405
- Buyrate/Buys: 0.86 (315,256 buys)

- Opening video is about Austin/Vince.

Edge Vs. Owen Hart
 Calgary Vs. Toronto. Wrist locks are traded then Edge lands on his feet from a monkey flip and dropkicks Owen. Edge on top until he jumps into a powerslam. Owen gets 2 off a belly-to-belly. Victory roll and counter gets both guys a 2 count. Owen is caught up top allowing Edge to hit an inverted electric chair. Edge avoids the Sharpshooter but is distracted by a guy at ringside, he who would be known as Christian, and Owen pins Edge at 9:15ish. *** - Enjoyable solid opener which was a boost for Edge as despite the loss he was given a fair amount of offence despite being a WWF 'Rookie'.

Too Much Vs. Al Snow/Too Cold Scorpio
 ''Head' chant, as you may know Too Much are better known as Too Cool. Fallaway Pump Handle Slam by Scott(y) as JR drops his first King/Brian hint. Al does his underhook headbutts. Al does a chair assisted poetry in motion to Too Much then TCS goes to but slips in doing so and barely makes contact. Brian takes out TCS with a suplex on the outside and TCS is now playing face-in-peril. Al hits Too Much and TCS with Head and the ref seems to forget who's legal. Al beats Scott with the Snow Plow at 9ish. ** 

Undertaker says he and Kane have come to an understanding.

Marc Mero (w/ Jacqueline) Vs. Droz
 Mero bails ringside after Droz turns the tables. Quick but nothing of note really happening. Powerslam by Droz but Jacqueline puts Mero's foot on the ropes. Jacqueline gets her nose in again hitting Droz with a heel allowing Mero to hit Marvelocity for the 3 at 5:17ish. ** The quick pace was appreciated as I hate matches which have multiple chin locks to waste time.

Vader Vs. Bradshaw
 Anything goes, Vaders last WWF PPV appearance. Bradshaw is mainly on top for the first part, he punches the ring post at one point allowing Vader to fight back.  Match is mainly stiff punches and clotheslines. Vader Bomb gets a 2 count. Bradshaw wins with a neckbreaker. ** - Vader was a monster in Japan, WCW and at one time a headliner in the Federation so this should've been a stature enhancer for Bradshaw but it wasn't, Vader didn't seem to care about the match. The fact one of these guys went on to hold the WWE Title for nearly a year and it isn't Vader is amazing.

D-Lo Brown Vs. Gangrel
 D-Lo lost the Euro gold on the RAW prior to X-Pac. Double underhook suplex followed by a couple of elbows gets Gangrel a 2 count. D-Lo busts out the head bobble. Running powerbomb gets D-Lo a 2 count, do people do that move anymore? Trash talk by Mr. Brown, recently caught Reservoir Dogs for the first time and I think it's cracked My Top 7,  and Gangrel fights back. JR mentions Capital Carnage here's my review ( Gangrel goes to hotshot D-Lo but he doesn't hit the ropes right. Lawler points out a fan in a Hulkamania shirt and says its proof how far behind the times Canada is, I respect that burn. Mark Henry interferes and D-Lo finishes it with Sky High, 8:05. *1/2

We see Undertaker and Kane attacking Ken Shamrock, The Rock and Mankind on RAW is WAR.

Steel (Blue) Cage - No. 1 Contendership - The Rock Vs. Ken Shamrock Vs. Mankind
 All three cut promos pre-match, Mankind's being the best, he buries the People's Elbow. Rock gets a pop. Mankind tries to sneak out as Rock and Ken fight. The match does a two fight one sells deal. Double abdominal stretch. We almost get Rock 'n' Sock a year early but Rock turns on Mankind. Ken almost gets out the door but he is beaten down to cheers and again it ends when Rock turns on Mankind. Rock is beaten down by Mankind and Ken to boos. Crowd pop wild for a move I don't think i've seen since a Double Peoples Elbow, Hamilton loves Rocky. Rock Bottom on Mankind for 2, I was hoping for a double Rock bottom, Mankind breaks am Ankle Lock on Rock. Mankind heads to the top of the cage but misses his elbow drop as Rock moves. Mankind hits Ken with a chair then goes to climb out but Rock takes the smart route and simply pins Ken as Mankind climbs down, Rock wins. ***1/2 - Crowd loved Rock. Constant movement in an enjoyable match, two months later Rock would win the WWF Title though not with fan approval.

Val Venis Vs. Dustin Runnels
 Dustin was doing a preacher gimmick, Val was a X-Rated movie star and one of his movies starred Dustins wife Terri. Spinebuster by Val but Dustin fires back with a facebuster and powerbomb. Val does his knees into a russian legsweep bit. Dustin eventually stops Vals onslaught hitting a DDT for 2. Both are up top and Val dumps Dustin to ringside. Val ends up getting the win via The Money Shot. ** - Match was just okay but unfortunately the crowd didn't rise to the occasion. The Goldust gimmick would be brought back soon after.

Jeff Jarrett/Southern Justice Vs. X-Pac/NAO
 NAO are Tag Champions and X-Pac holds the European Title. Faces clear the ring. Road Dogg as he did in NAO tags plays face-in-peril. X-Pac in and he does well until he is slammed down by Mark Canterbury. Dennis Knight aka Mideon gets 2 on X-Pac as Mr. Pac is now face-in-peril. Jarrett applies a sleeper but X-Pacs arm doesn't fall on the third ref check. Billy Gunn in and he cleans house, X-Pac Broncos Jarrett who responds by hitting X-Pac with a guitar. Fame Asser to Knight ends it. ** - Had what I like in terms of tag psychology but wasn't particularly engaging. Adequate if forgettable filler. 

WWF Title - Stone Cold (c) Vs. Undertaker Vs. Kane
 Taker and Kane are not aloud to pin or submit the other, basically this is a handicap match thinly disguised as a three way. Austin attacks with a chair during Takers entrance. Kane is taken out early with a Stunner giving us Taker/Austin for a bit. Austin has used divide and conquer strategy so far. The Stooges, with Slaughter, come out and watch as the Brother's are in control. Nothing much beyond punches but things do finally get interesting when Kane stops UT pinning Austin after a chair shot then they do it the other way around. Austin and Kane attack Deadman, these two would have an alliance if you can call it that later in the year as well when they dumped Bearer down a manhole. Match ends when UT and Kane both Chokeslam Austin then do a double pin and the belt is vacant. Vince is driven away whilst taunting Austin with the belt. * - The match really dragged due to it being boring and to add insult to injury there's no clear winner, no clear winner the next month either ( only at Survivor Series ( did we get a WWF Champion. 

19 / 45  - Most of the undercard was average but by 1998 standards that's pretty good. The two best matches were Owen/Edge and the Cage 3-Way though the main does end the show on a sour note. Fans were loving Rocky tonight.  Thumbs in the Middle.

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