Friday 8 May 2015

IYH 25: Judgment Day

- Rosemont, Illinois. October 18th 1998
- Attendance: 18,151
- Buyrate: 0.80 (Found online could be wrong)

 This review is off YouTube as it is one of the 1998 PPVs I don't have on DVD. At Breakdown Vince finally got the WWF Title off Austin as Taker and Kane both pinned him at the same time thus we have a vacant title but tonight Undertaker faces Kane for it with Austin as special ref, if he doesn't count a fall he will be fired. Also it's not a typo as yes the first Judgment Day was an October PPV.

Al Snow (w/ Head) vs. Marc Mero (w/ Jacqueline)
 These two also wrestled at IYH 13:Final Four, if I remember right that got **1/2. Fans dig Al or at least Head. Jeff Jarrett comes out and wants a piece of Al but then he leaves rendering that moot. Mero starts better then recoils when he's near head, Al gets 2 off a clothesline. Mero hits some boxing punches as Deadman looks on in the back making notes. Snow does some dodging then hits a DDT and a moonsault. Jacqueline distracts Al so Mero low blows him and gets 2 off a DDT. Al fires some moves off - underhook headbutts, enziguri and a sit out powerbomb but misses a moonsault. Meros hit his own offence since Snow missed the moonsault, speaking of missing he misses Marvelocity (Shooting Star Press) then Snow avoids TKO and hits Snow Plow for 3. **1/2 - Solid but unspectacular, I've always thought Snow was underrated as a wrestler.

We see Austin arriving on HeAT but The Stooges make him change in the refs locker room.

DOA/ Paul Ellering Vs. LOD 2000 (Animal/Hawk/Droz)
 Boring power match, Road Warriors never changed from 80s version really so didn't fit into the 90s WWF. It ends when one of DOA, there identical twins, is hit with Doomsday Device and Droz sneaks in for the pin annoying Hawk. *1/2

Light Heavyweight Title - Christian Vs. TAKA (c)
 Love Broods music. Trying to think of a Light Heavyweight Title Match on PPV between this and Backlash 2000 but I don't think there was one, actually I don't think this title was around much in '99. Quick start, TAKA lands on his feet from a german and heel kicks Christian, springboard crossbody to outside follows. Christian gets Superkicked but is all 'no biggie' and hits a reverse DDT. Chrstian fires off three suplexes, the 3 Goths? Nice springboard Asai moonsault by TAKA. Shoutout for Seinfeld's 'Puffy Shirt'. TAKA shouts 'Thats It' and he's right as Christian rolls through a Michinoku Driver for 3 and the Title. *** - Good little match, unlike the majority of WWF matches at this time so it stands out. Gillberg was next LH Champion I think. 

Val Venis (w/ Terri) Vs. Goldust
 Cant stand Terri. Dustin Runnels was almost like a prototype RTC, which funnily enough Val was a member, as he became preachy and dropped the Goldust gimmick, he wrestled the previous month as Dustin Runnels. Due to his 2013 return i'm fairly sure Goldust has the record for WWE returns. Goldust interrupts Vals 'Hello Ladies' schtick. Quick start with Val on top until he is dropped face first on the ring steps. Back in a hard irish whip then a clothesline gets Goldust a 2 count. Goldust misses a corner charge and falls ringside where Val resumes control, he is using shoulder based offence and I dig it. Val ends a mini Goldust fight back then targets the shoulder again. Russian legsweep by Val and i'm in shock as he didn't set it up with knees to the mid-section. Val gets caught up top and superplexed for 2. Terri's on the ropes after Goldust hits a bulldog so Goldie kicks Val square in the nuts for 3, i'd be down for 300 from that. *** - Good match, i'm enjoying this PPV as unlike early 98 cards we're getting a good midcard here.

Ken Shamrock, HHH brawl on HeAT in which HHH reinjured his knee.

European Title - -Pac (w/ Chyna) Vs. D'Lo Brown (c)
 D'Lo is billed from Milan, Italy. and is still rocking the chest protector. JR plugs Capital Carnage so I shall plug my review - D'Lo gains the upper hand after an even start. X-Pac's Bronco Buster is blocked with a good old boot to the nuts. Chinlock is applied and given X-Pac's neck history it's a rare time where chinlock is acceptable. Heel kick gets D'Lo a 2 count as does a running powerbomb. X-Pac almost comes through the camera when he misses a corner charge. Brown goes for a submission win with a texas cloverleaf. 'D'Lo sucks chant' Ref Bump! as D'Lo knocks Chioda out of the ring, here's .... Mark Henry. X-Pac kicks out of a belt shot to a pop. D'Lo comes off the top right into a X-Factor for the 3 count as X-Pac wins the gold. ***1/2 - A good fun match here between these two who had some good matches in '98. I am a fan of both.

Headbangers have words for Outlaws as Mosh says the're doing the J-O-B on the PPV.

WWF Tag Titles - NAO (c) Vs. Headbangers
 Headbangers attack as Road Dogg does his spiel. Road Dogg was hit by a boombox so JR plugs JVC. Headbangers isolate Road Dogg. A suplex on Thrasher stops the onslaught. Gunn tags in and cleans house. Billy is low bridged by Thrasher then bounced off the steps. Get a re-run now as Gunn is isolated ala Dogg from earlier, this match is getting more time than I agree with, Road Dogg hits Mosh with a boom box for the blatant DQ, which is my tactic when losing on WWE 13. *1/2 - Good strategy, I appreciate tag psychology, but boring execution. Went too long for my liking.

Michael Cole says Bearer has been in the locker rooms of both Kane and Undertaker but here's Mankind who cuts a promo as Mankind and Socko, to add to the insanity Cole holds the mic to Socko, who started the interview doing Shamrocks sayings in a high-pitched voice. SummerSlam, Breakdown and now this Mick was on a roll for PPV promos in 98.

IC Title - Ken Shamrock (c) Vs. Mankind
 Ken won the IC Title in a tourney after HHH was injured. Couple of Pat Patterson jokes from JR and King. Shamrock works the ankle early but now Mankind is fighting back. Ken of the late 90s would fit in well today with his MMA offence. Frankensteiner by Ken but soon he's in the Mandible Claw. Ken gets in punches from the mount. Chioda stops Mankind using a chair so Ken boots it in Foleys face then cracks him with it, no DQ then I guess. Ken does the HBK strategy and attacks the hand, why more didn't do that Vs. Foley is beyond me. Double Arm DDT but Mankind can't capitalize and then he rips his hair out. Mankind channels Cactus with the Cactus clothesline and Elbow but at ringside he is powerslammed and hits his leg on the steps. Finish is inventive and funny to me as Ken applies the Ankle Lock but rather than tap Mankind KOs himself with a Mandible Claw. ken's unhappy his Ankle Lock didn't get the win so he attacks the ref. *** - Finish was enjoyable to me and the match itself was okay.

Michael Cole tries to get a word with Vince but Bossman puts the kibosh on that.

The Rock Vs. Mark Henry 
 Henry reads a poem for Chyna pre-match, Pop for Rocky. Rock's on top from the get go including a suplex for 2. Henry takes control and gets 2 off an elbow drop. Leg drop gets another 2 as the match has really slowed. Rock fights back and a DDT gets a 2 count. People's Elbow brings D'Lo Brown out but he gets dropped. Henry splashes Rock for the 3 count, D'Lo was holding his feet. ** - Not much to it but i'm feeling generous.

WWF Title - S/ref is Stone Cold - Undertaker Vs. Kane 
 If Austin doesn't give us a new Champion he's fired. Takers theme is awesome. Deadman and Kane shake hands. Austin comes out last as he's the one that matters. Austin refuses to count when Deadman goes for a pin then fast counts when Kane does, speaking of Kane he is beaten around ringside until Taker misses a chairshot. I like their gimmicks but god these two bore me in matches together bar maybe Mani 14s. Taker was working the leg with kicks but Kane seemingly forgets or just plain ignores it now. Some boring chants as Taker resumes the leg work, I do like psychology but god it can be boring at times. They beat up Stone Cold. Chokeslam to Undertaker but here's Paul Bearer who hits Kane with the chair but he no sells so Undertaker hits Kane with it but Austin wont count the pin and instead Stunners Taker then hits him with the chair and counts both guys shoulders down and declares himself the winner. Post match Austin goes looking for Vince who appears above the entrance way and tells Austin he's fired. Think the next night had the 'Vince just pissed his pants' stuff. *1/2 Sheesh that sucked, fell to pre-96 Taker levels, and the PPV ends with no champion so people who ordered this 17 years ago wasted there money basically.

21.5 / 45 - I actually enjoyed the undercard quite a bit it's just the main and NAO/Headbangers that really anchor this one down in terms of the score. Doesn't reach the lofty heights of Canadian Stampede but this is certainly one of the better IYH PPVs. THumbs up.

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