Friday 15 May 2015

Survivor Series 1992

- November 25th, 1992 from Richmond Township, Ohio
Buyrate: 1.4

Slick rambles on about something.

High Energy Vs. Headshrinkers (w/ Afa)
 Vince McMahon and Bobby Heenan on commentary. High Energy are Owen Hart and Koko B. Ware whilst Fatu and Samu are the others, Fatu is better known as Rikishi. Koko stomps Fatus bare feet but the tide turns when Afa gets a cheapshot in. Owen tries to get a 'Koko' chant going I respond by shouting pops, my non-Brit brethren may not get that reference as I am unsure if Coco Pops are a worldwide brand. Vulcan Death Grip to Koko. Face-In-Peril is tonight being played by Mr. Koko B. Ware as he is hit with a thrust kick and a headbutt. Owen gets the tag but also takes the loss from a Fatu top rope splash. - ** Had the tag psychology which I always approve of, fun little opener but nothing more.

Bossman cuts a promo, Nailz responds, if you haven't seen Nailz he resembles the brother from My Name Is Earl and I think his head may explode during his promo then Bossman responds to Nails promo.

Nightstick On A Pole Match - Bossman Vs. Nailz
 I think Nailz is a criminal who Bossman put away. Nailz goes for the nightstick early but is stopped. Bossman is thrown off the top a la Flair when he goes for the stick. Chinlock applied but Bossman fights out then misses a splash. Bossman gets the stick to a pop and lamps Nailz but 10 seconds later he's okay and has the nightstick but Bossman ducks one of the shots and hits Bossman Slam for the 3 count. *1/2

Interview block time as Tatanka tells Alfred Hayes that he will take back what's his from Rick Martel. Okerlund is with Naitch and Razor as we are shown Perfects face turn on Heenan and Flair, Warrior was meant to team with Randy but left so Perfect had to do a quick turn. I liked the Flair, Razor promo.

'The Model' Rick Martel Vs. Tatanka
 Name drop time I met Tatanka at Wales Comic Con 2014 also Foam Tomahawks for the win! Back body drop and two dropkicks sends Martel ringside. Tatanka is hot shotted and choked by Rick but soon suplexes out of a front facelock. Doink The Clown comes down the aisle making animal balloons. Neckbreaker gets Martel 2 then he applies another front facelock. He's Tatankaring up, hip toss countered to a backslide gets him 2. Brain chop, scoop slam, brain chop from the top then a samoan drop gets Tatanka the 3 count. *1/2 - At least it makes sense story wise in that the wronged face gets his revenge as Tatanka gets his eagle feather back. 

Sean Mooney is with Perfect and Savage.

Ric Flair/Razor Ramon Vs. Randy Savage/Mr. Perfect
 Perfects first PPV match since SummerSlam 1991. Henning's on top of the heels, Flair does Flair Flip where Randy then punches him. Savage is now being isolated as heels are wearing him down, we get the good old double team abdominal stretch and the good old classic heel no tag clap bit as Heenan claims if you're close enough you don't need to tag. Savage is bleeding. Heels have used about 100 heel tricks so far. Savage throws Naitch when he heads up top, will Naitch ever learn? Perfect tags in and ringside Flair hits Savage with a chair and Savage takes a slightly daft if funny bump from that, a lesser version of Halls Stunner bump from Mania 18. Perfect avoids the Razors Edge and gets 2 from Perfect-Plex. Ramon and Flair attack Perfect as ref calls for the bell and The Perfect Team gets the win via DQ. *** - Enjoyable and a good match however it falls into the same category as HBK/Perfect from SummerSlam '93 in that it doesn't reach my admittedly lofty expectations, though this is miles better than the SummerSlam '93 match.

Gene catches up with an angry Flair and Ramon.

Yokozuna Vs. Virgil 
 WWF equivalent of Goro Vs. Art Lean, Yoko would've been a great 80s fodder for Hulkamania. Just an orange match here, at one point Virgil goes to roll up Yoko who sits on him, that looked like it hurt. Bonzai Drop gets the 3 count. UNR as it's a SQUASH.

Sean Mooney is with Savage and Perfect.

Beverly Brothers/Money Inc. (w/ Jimmy Hart) Vs. Nasty Boys/Natural Disasters
 At the '91 Survivor Series the faces here were heel, Nastys teamed w/ Beverleys and Natural Disasters teamed w/ IRS, by the by in case you didn't know IRS is the dad of Bray Wyatt and Bo Dallas. First and only Survivor Series style match tonight and the all Tag format was phased out. Money Inc, are Tag Champions. IRS says the crowd don't pay their taxes this being Ohio they probably don't - Clough 579 - Ohio 0. Blake Beverly struts then Typhoon does it. The Disasters squash the Beverlys. Vince doesn't seem to know the name of Pump Handle Slam. Saggs plays face-in-peril and Blake Beverly gets 2 from a neckbreaker. Earthquake makes the tag and everyone starts fighting. Turns out we have the rule where when someone loses a fall their partner is gone too as Earthquake Splashes Blake for 3 (2-4) and Beau has to leave as well. I think IRS has only applied chinlock variations tonight. Typhoon, and thus Earthquake, is eliminated when Ted DiBiase trips Typhoon and IRS pins him (2-2) then as IRS celebrates Jerry Sags rolls him up for the 3 count as Nasty Boys are your survivors (0-2). *1/2 - Rather boring for my liking.

Alfred Hayes checks on Virgil who says he'll worn Bret about Yokozuna, foreshadowing WrestleMania are we? that last sentence in my head was spoken in Boyle's insinuating voice.

Casket Match - Undertaker (w/ Bearer) Vs. Kamala (w/ Wippleman and Kim Chee)
 We see Undertaker making a special casket for Kamala, the story is Kamala is afraid of caskets. UT no sells then does his rope walk, which for 1992 I believe should be known as new school or even pre-school. Kamala gets shots in which sends UT ringside. Back in Kamala hits three scoop slams but UT sits up after the first two then fails to on the last one and is splashed three times. Bearer is tripped on the apron and drops the urn but Kamala doesn't want it allowing Taker to hit him with it and pin him? After the 3 count Kamala is rolled into the casket then nails it shut, this is literally the final nail in the coffin of their feud. * The match was deadly .... deadly boring that is, uh recycling my own material, maybe I should retire. 

Shawn Michaels is with Sean Mooney and says that he beat Bulldog who had already beaten Bret at SummerSlam, says he'll beat Bret tonight.

Backstage Wippleman is shouting at Kim Chee then the casket is opened and Kamala is shaking.

WWF Title - Bret Hart (c) Vs. Shawn Michaels 
 We have Sherri's version of HBK's theme, HBK is IC Champion. Gene catches up with Bret pre-match. The champion is working the arm, Michaels applies a hammerlock but Bret uses momentum to send him ringside. Bret works the arm again after he gets 2 off a sunset flip, the psychology of Bret's matches, at least in WWF, were very good but he could be quite boring at times. Shawn registers a 2 count after Bret does his chest corner bump bit. There's been quite a few rest holds so far, Bret breaks out of a chinlock but runs into a dropkick. HBK applies another chinlock as I question weather I've put in WM 12 by mistake. Bret hits bulldog but misses an elbow/forearm and Shawn applies a front face lock. Side russian leg sweep and an elbow both get 2 counts as all we need for the Hitman checklist now is a backbreaker and Sharpshooter. Superplex gets the champion another 2 count. Ref is sandwiched in the corner. Sweet Chin Music, not yet what it would become, connects. HBK is tied in the ropes ala Andre but moves when Bret charges at him. Shawn jumps off the top but Bret blocks it and applies the Sharpshooter for the win. ***1/2 - The rest holds did annoy me as there was quite a few, did get better as it went on which I suppose all matches should do instead of getting a big pop early and a silent finish. Better than the 'Mania 12 match.

14 / 35 - The main event is good but the rest is pretty bad or boring or in the tag case disappointing. If the main was a *****er then yes have a ganders but can't recommend this PPV on one ***1/2 match. Thumbs down. 

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