Friday 8 May 2015

Survivor Series 1991

- November 27th, Detroit Michigan
- Attendance: 17,500

- Never seen this show which makes me exited to watch it, bought this and SS 92 in the Tagged Classics set.

We are shown the famous snake bite angle with Savage and Jake from Superstars. Then we see Jack Tunney booking the Savage/Jake match for 'This Tuesday In Texas', in fact T.T.I.T is mentioned throughout the show giving this Survivor Series almost a TV show feel as they push the next PPV.

Ted DiBiase/Mountie/Warlord/Flair (w/ Sherri) Vs. Bret Hart/Virgil/Roddy Piper/Bulldog
 Gorilla and Bobby Heenan handle announcing for the night. Heenan on Bulldog 'Million dollar body, 10 cents mind with Whoopi Goldberg hair'. Piper, who the fans are real hot for, kisses Sherri when she interferes and now Ted is taking a pasting from the faces. Bret misses a corner charge then trades near falls with Bret. Big heat for Naitch when he tags in but soon finds himself in trouble, Flair Flop. Bulldog has the heels down but then Flair attacks him after he slams Mountie and Bulldog is pinned (4-3). Piper applies Figure Four after Naitch misses a knee drop, Ted breaks it up as now Piper has been isolated. Virgil is in and attacked at ringside but Bret puts him back in so he doesn't get counted out. Warlord is eliminated via Bret Hart (3-3) after he comes off the top hitting him for the 3 count. We get a real lame ending, lame enough that I'm using the lame word that is lame, as they all start fighting and get DQd bar Flair who was outside the ring. 5 DQs in one go sheesh talk about a power trip. ***1/2 - The ending gives this match a ceiling it simply can not break and although I really enjoyed what we got and the crowd were hot I can't go over ***1/2 with that ending.

Bobby Heenan rings Mr. Perfect from the announce booth as we cut to Mean Gene who brings out Randy Savage to a pop and to try and pop the This Tuesday In Texas PPV, he says all he could hear was Liz crying and that's worse than anything Jake could do.

Col. Mustafa/Berzerker/Skinner/Hercules Vs. Duggan/Slaughter/Kerry Von Erich/Santana
 Tidbit time - I recently met Jim Duggan. Mustafa is Iron Shiek. 'USA' chant. Tito Santana hits a flying forearm sending Skinner ringside. Mustafa is clotheslined and pinned (3-4). 'USA' chant. Santana tags in despite the fact he's halfway down the apron and not in his corner. Fist drop kind of move eliminates Hercules (2-4) Tito is being isolated. Slaughter blind tags in and rolls up Skinner for 3 (1-4). Will the faces get the clean sweep? Of course as Duggan clothesline Berzerker for the clean sweep (0-4). *1/2 - Not very good but there was almost an innocent and enjoyable for kids feel to it which I guess fits the early 90s WWF, as a match based on my enjoyment though it didn't really do it for me as a kid though i'd of probably loved the characters.

Mean Gene talks to Jake who has the least threatening wooly jumper on i've ever seen, imagine Brock coming out these days in that! He says it's him not the snake people should be afraid of.
We see Flair and Taker attacking Hogan during the Funeral Parlour.

The Gravest Challenge - WWF Championship - Hulk Hogan (c) Vs. Undertaker (W/ Bearer)
 Pop for Hulk. Shoulder block by Deadman so Hulk bails ringside. If you've seen any Deadman match pre 1996 then you can probably guess how this is going. Hulk gets some shots in after Deadman misses an elbow, then he clotheslines him over the top but UT lands on his feet and is soon choking Hogan with a cord. Hulk fights back after UT had him in a chokehold for what felt like an eternity but UT hits his flying forearm. Tombstone is no sold, here's Naitch but Hulk hits him. Big Boot by Hulk but Bearer stops the leg drop. Flair places a chair in the ring and UT Tombstones Hulk on it for the 3 count and a 6 day title reign but the most interesting part is that UT got a pop for winning. *1/2 - Match was real basic as Hogan's schtick was getting old and Undertaker's matches were deadly .... deadly boring that is pre-Mick Foley. Their match was basically null and void at T.T.I.T as Hogan used ashes which led to the 92 Rumble where Flair won the vacant Championship.

Piper and Flair cut generally unintelligible promos then the six guys involved in the main event do as well.

Beverly Brothers/Nasty Boys Vs. Bushwhackers/Rockers
 Bobby on Rockers 'Laverne and Shirley'. Bushwhackers dominate the Beverleys and then the Nasties, it's BushwhackerMania! Marty joins in the Bushwhacker walk as heels regroup ringside. Knobbs eliminates Bushwhacker Luke with a top rope clothesline (4-3), everyone seems to of been eliminated with a top rope move tonight. Shawn gets a 2 off a crossbody on Saggs, T.T.I.T is pushed again it's almost as if Survivor Series was an irritation, a PPV they simply had to do to get to T.T.I.T. Marty plays face-in-peril then Super kicks a Beverly for 2. Butch is eliminated via a Spike Flapjack kind of move (4-2). Michaels is being worn down but eliminates a Beau of the Beverly Brothers via a a backslide (3-2). Sweet Chin Music, before it became the big move, to Knobbs at ringside. Marty plays face-in-peril again, Marty goes to slam Saggs but knocks him into Michaels who is then rolled up by Knobbs for the 3 count (3-1) and starts the dissention between the two as Michaels isn't happy with Jannetty. Marty is pinning Saggs but Knobbs turns it and Saggs pins Jannetty for the 3 count (3-0). ** - It was okay at best. We got the seeds for The Rockers split but the heat segments didn't always work in the match.

Typhoon/Earthquake/IRS Vs. Legion Of Doom/Big Bossman
 Forgot how great if slightly cheesy Bossman's theme was. Legion Of Doom get a pop as did Bossman, LOD are Tag Champions. Bobby on Detroit 'One thing I love most about Detroit, it has an airport and I get out of here in the morning'. Earthquake catches Animal and hits a backbreaker but misses a splash. Typhoon is pummelled in the corner. T.T.I.T is pushed again. IRS eliminates Bossman with a briefcase shot (3-2). Earthquake gets 2 off Animal from a belly-to-belly. Heel miscommunication as IRS hits Typhoon with the briefcase and Hawk pins him (2-2) then Earthquake leaves as he's annoyed with IRS. (1-2), there's a bit gone wrong as IRS and Hawk simply belly bounce each other. Hawk gets 3 from a top rope clothesline. *1/2 - Not a good end to a PPV fittingly that isn't very good as a whole. I get having an LOD win to send fans home happy but title match should've gone last as for the match itself it as stated wasn't very good, Hawk in particular seemed to be having an off night. 

Gene interviews Undertaker to end the show, I must say I laughed as Undertaker calls him Mr. Okerlund, nice to see this Deadman was raised with manners.

10 / 25 - Great opener bar the ending but the bottom falls out of this PPV from there, I actually though I was going to get my first single digiter here but it manages to avoid that milestone. The problem with reviewing PPVs is that I look at things from a workrate stand point predominantly which kind of takes away from matches which aren't very good but are enjoya based on characters involved. Thumbs down.

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